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Bad Boy

  Bad Boy


  Jordan Silver

  Copyright © 2013 Alison Jordan

  All Rights Reserved

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  Chapter 1


  I’ve had it with this shit. No more doormat, no more Ms. Goody Two Shoes. I picked up my phone from the mattress beside me. Only one person I know who will understand how I’m feeling without judging me. Without bringing up my past like a mallet to beat me over the head. One little slip in judgment when I was eighteen years old and I have to live like a nun forever. Well fuck that the habit’s coming off. I’m lonely, horny and pissed the fuck off. No almost twenty two year old is supposed to feel like this.

  I’m not a bad person. I mean I have done some fucked up things in my life but who haven’t? So why does that one little mishap get to rule the rest of my life? Meanwhile Jake Summers gets to go on with life as usual. So what I lost my cherry in the backseat of his mustang on the football field? Big deal. And so what if deputy Smalls caught us and made a big stink about it? So what if mommy and daddy had to hear about it along with half the town? Who then felt it necessary to spread it to the other half. That was four long years ago and I’ve decided that I’ve been punished enough.

  Didn’t I have to give up my scholarship and go to the local community college because momma and daddy forbid me to leave? Apparently getting your cherry popped by the town’s bad boy in the backseat of his souped up ride was a taint on your character for the rest of your life. Not only that it was the gateway to hell to hear them tell it. The only good thing about that whole deal was that I was able to finish my four-year degree in three. That’ll happen when you’ve been cut off from the rest of the free world for three damn years.

  Jake Summers. I still blush just thinking about him. He’d tried to contact me after that night but daddy had made threats, and since the sheriff was a good buddy of his, (more like daddy owned him) poor Jake had given up. But not without trying behind the scenes at least a couple more times. He had left town a few days later, hadn’t seen or heard from him in three years. His sister Mindy had kept in touch but we had to keep our friendship hidden. Daddy didn’t want any reminders of my shame as he calls it.

  Now Mindy has been badgering me about going out with her. She knows I’m not allowed but it doesn’t stop her from trying every so often. I like hanging out with Mindy, it makes me feel closer to her brother somehow though she never talks about him anymore. In the beginning she’d brought him up every other second but when she realized how much it hurt me she’d stopped. I miss hearing about him but it was just too painful.

  He was the only boy I’d ever loved. Well boy might be a bit of a stretch. He was twenty-three when I was eighteen. Rumor had it that he was smart but he was drawn to the dark side, fast cars and motorcycles. When we met he’d just been home from college. It was hard to believe he’d actually been, he just didn’t fit the profile. Leathers and tats did not spell alumnus if you know what I mean. But talking to him made me realize just how much you should never judge a book by its cover.

  Jake was insightful and knowledgeable about a lot of things. Too bad that wasn’t enough for daddy when the shit hit the fan. All he saw was a kid from the wrong side of the tracks who wasn’t even good enough to walk in his little girl’s shadow. He’d run him off, the only man I’d ever felt for and in the last three years proceeded to parade the sorriest bunch of assholes this side of the Mississippi before me every chance he got. I fixed him though, fixed him good. Every one of them went away knowing about my sin. I might embellish the truth a bit, saying that the incident had made the newspapers. And since most of them were mama’s boys out to please they ran like a scalded cat. Daddy had fits but what could he do? He finally took note and stopped bringing them around about six months ago.

  I don’t know what’s gotten into me. For all intents and purposes I’ve been cool with my lot. But now school was over. I can go out and make my own way. I’m no longer dependent on my parents to take care of me and by rights I’m a grown woman. I want out. I refuse to spend another night reliving the heat and passion of my one encounter. When my kitty gets wet the next time I want there to be something more than memories to get me through. I wish I knew where Jake was right now. Maybe I’ll ask Mindy, maybe he would still be single and have been pining away for me the same way I’ve been yearning for him.

  Yeah right. No one that looks like that can stay single for that long. Who am I kidding? My heart hurt just a little at the thought of it. But what did I expect? Jake had been a man when we met. A man who packed a punch even then, I could only imagine how much he'd improved with age, and experience. Thoughts of my Jake with anyone else could usually send me into a melancholic haze for days on end. Those are the days I hated daddy most. I've cried enough tears over Jake Summers to flood the Mississippi and I'm sure before my life is done I'd cry even more. Because if there's one thing I know, there'll never be another like him for me.

  I hadn’t known him when he lived in the area before and was the school quarterback. He was five years ahead of me in school after all, and besides I never got to hang with the cool kids. That summer when he’d been home for the last time I’d been tutoring his sister Mindy who is just a few months younger than I am. I’d taken one look at him that day when he came into her room where we’d been studying, and lost my heart.

  Daddy had no idea who it was I was tutoring of course, or where it was. He would’ve had ten fits if he’d ever known. For him the pride that his beloved daughter had been chosen as a tutor her senior year was enough. And I guess he thought the school held to the same ideals as him and put like with like as he calls it. In that token he would never have expected them to pair his unblemished lily-white angel with someone of a lesser pedigree. As I’ve grown and matured I’ve come to realize that daddy is a heel.

  I watched the lone mosquito flit around above my head and I tried to drum up the courage to make the call. If I did this there was no going back. I have never in my life defied daddy in anything. There’s no doubt that he would hear about it if I went out on the town with the sister of the man he blames for my fall from grace. There was a war going on inside me. I could taste freedom on the tip of my tongue, but fear held me back. I don’t have the first clue about being on my own. I’ve never had to fend for myself before. As the only child and daughter of Gary and Sandy Willoughby I have been pampered all my life. Daddy expects me to toe the line until the grave, which means following his every dictation.

  Something I’ve done with the exception of that one night. That one fateful night that was the beginning and the end. He’d been so gentle, so kind. Nothing at all like the bad boy who spoke rough and gave me looks hot enough to destroy my panties in ten seconds flat. I must admit looking back I’d followed him around like a puppy all summer.

  That first night watching him with his sister, the playful way they interacted with each other. Something sweet had unfurled inside me. I’d wanted that with him, wanted the attention. Only when he’d turned his attention to me the intense heat in his gaze had been anything but brotherly. And
when he smiled at me for the first time and his dimples were on full display, I knew he was going to be the father of my babies. My ovaries had spoken.

  “Who’s your friend Mindy?” His voice had been rough and smooth at the same time, which made no sense. All I know is that his sweet timber had sent shivers down my spine and since he’d said it while still staring at me like he wanted to eat me in the good way I was all but vibrating. Mindy had been giggling as he tickled her, school work forgotten at the sight of her big brother who’d come home for the summer.

  “Oh sorry Jake this is Jacqueline we call her Jackie for short. Jackie this is my big brother Jake.” I’d blushed bright pink and stuttered like a ninny, wishing the floor would open up and swallow me whole. It was the first time I’d realized the affect my parents’ strict upbringing had had on my existence. I had no social graces outside of eating with dignitaries at state dinners. In short I hadn’t the first clue how to react in the social setting of boy meet girl. And this should not have been my first foray. He was way too much man for my little heart to take. I wanted.

  “Hello Jacqueline.” Was that my name? Was that the name my mother had given me? Why had it never sounded so sweet before? Why had I never had the urge to strip naked and present myself on a platter at the mere sound of it? My soft reply was barely audible but it was all I could get pass the lump that was forming in my throat. I stood in that room near tears because even then I knew. He would never be mine. Whatever my heart was feeling at this moment it would be torn before the night was done. I had no doubt that I would cry out that pain against my pillow. Daddy would never let me have him. That’s even if he was interested which there wasn’t a snowball’s chance in hell of that happening. I’m green but I’m not that dense.

  I have a fairly good understanding of how these things work and though I’m not blind to my own attributes, I do know that I’m nowhere near his caliber. Beautiful people usually leaned towards others of the same ilk. Not brunettes with brown eyes and hips that are just a little too wide. I tried shaping them down but they have a mind of their own and though I’m a size eight there’s no getting away from my ass and hips. No someone like him will end up with some super model type with long blonde hair and a perfect size two body. Someone whose daddy didn’t run her life like a drill sergeant.

  Chapter 2


  "You seen my girl lately?"

  "We talk."

  "You tell her I’m coming back to that rinky dink town to get her and no one, not even her fuck of an old man is gonna stand in my way this time."

  "Jake you can't just..."

  "She's mine...tell her to get ready because I'm coming and when I leave she's on the back of my fucking bike." I hung up the phone and put it back in my pocket.

  "Hector we done here? I've got shit to do."

  "Cool it esse just a minute, I have to test the merchandise." The asshole snorted a line of the grade A powder in front of him while three armed men stood back from their boss who was watching from his place at the head of the table. The old warehouse was musty and damp and I was over this shit already. I had everything I needed, all that’s left was for me to tie this shit up and get on the road. I’d put in for three months leave, another smart move on my part. No vacation time in the past three years, and no sick leave. I’d wracked up my days for just this occasion. I knew when I finally got my hands on her again it was going to take at least that long for me to feel like I’d put my stamp on her. I just needed these fucks to finish up this deal so I could burn their asses and be done with it.

  There had been an influx of new crank coming into the US from Europe of all places. This shit made everything that came before it look like child's play. It was supposedly laced with some chemical that some twisted fuck in Russia concocted in a lab and was geared strictly towards the US. Talk about chemical warfare. Whatever the shit was it was spreading throughout the Midwest like wildfire, it was cheap, highly effective and in great supply. There was only one draw back; the shit was lethal. After one hit you're hooked and within the week of over indulging your new high you ended up assed out in a rat hole somewhere. It also makes you crazy as fuck coming onto the end with the sweet little side bennie of a taste for human flesh. I wanted this shit off my streets yesterday.

  "It's good Mikhail, excellent shit." Hector smiled at the Russian mob boss who in all the times we'd met had spoken maybe ten words. It had taken my task force months to set up this relationship. To foster it and nurture it until it was what it was today. These criminal types aren't the most trusting fuckers in the world so gaining their trust takes some doing. It meant moving out of my nice comfortable condo and into a seedier side of town. It meant a whole new identity which was nothing new, I've done this shit too many times in the last three years to count, but this time my shit had to be tight. This was no low level runt we were dealing with here, these ex KGB fucks are as crazy as they come and they know their shit. On our first meeting the fucker knew the whole history of my made up family. Dumb fuck. He might be good but I'm better. That's why the force had given me my own division when I signed up. It didn't hurt that the Feds and the fucking kooks had come knocking, so when I chose to go with the city's PD instead they'd been only too happy to have me. I had the brainpower and they had the trainers to hone me into a fucking super killer. Now I felt ready. Ready to go take back what the fuck was mine.

  Chapter 3


  I’m going to do it, no more stalling. Lately Mindy’s been a lot more persistent than usual as if she were on a mission of some sort. She knew better than anyone else what my life was like. She also knew that there was only one thing that would fix what ailed me. Tonight I’m going to ask her, tonight I’ll find the courage to bring up his name and see what happens? With any luck she won’t tell me that he’s married and happy somewhere with some other woman. I rubbed my tummy where the dull ache begun, it was always that way whenever I thought of Jake with another girl, loving her the way he did me. “I can’t go on like this this is nuts.” Jumping off my bed I headed for the door to assess the lay of the land. All was quiet out there but you never know where daddy might be lurking, he’s weird like that. I tiptoed down the hallway to my parents’ door and placed my ear against it. Please don’t let them be doing anything but sleeping or in the middle of one of daddy’s lectures. It seemed quiet in there so I headed back to my room.

  Taking a deep breath I dialed Mindy who seemed to be waiting by the phone because she snatched it up on the first ring. “Please tell me you can break out of solitary girlfriend.” I had to laugh at her description of my life, she wasn’t too far off the mark. Ever since I’d put the brakes on daddy’s matchmaking attempts he’s been holding me prisoner almost. That was his way of bending me to his will I guess. Little did he know that the only reason I’d been playing it safe for the past three and a half years was so I could one day be completely free of him and his tyrannical rules. After I drag every bit of information out of Mindy about Jake I’m going to find him, that’s my big plan. What happens after that is anybody’s guess but at lease I would know that I’d tried for my happiness. “I’ll meet you on the outskirts of town maybe we can go to that place you’re always talking about.”

  “Are you serious? This is great, I have something to tell you but I don’t want to do it over the phone…” She started rambling but I cut her off before she got too far, there’s only one thing I wanted to know right now, the one thing that would decide the course of my actions. “Just answer me this one thing Mindy…is Jacob married?”

  “No he isn’t that’s what I need to talk to you about.” My whole body relaxed with her admission, I hadn’t even been aware that I’d been that tense. As long as he was still free I could work with that, I just hope he even remembered me, or even wanted me still. I had my first niggling of fearful doubt. What if he didn’t want me anymore? What if all those things he’d whispered to me while he’d been thrusting himself into my body were just empty w
ords? Things said to a naïve girl in the heat of the moment? No Jackie don’t give up now, you’ve been waiting for this for far too long to give up now.

  “We’ll talk when I get there let me get dressed and I’ll be out of here in half an hour. And Mindy I have something to tell you too.” I’d never told her how I still felt about her brother and if I was going to pull this off I was going to need her help. I dug out the low rider jeans and black halter-top I’d buried at the bottom of my closet, and the three inch heeled snakeskin boots. Daddy wouldn’t approve but I just had to have them. I’d actually had Jake in mind when I bought them earlier in the year on one of my rare solo shopping trips. Mom usually took me shopping and then it was sundresses and skirts. Jeans apparently were for the lower classes; somebody forgot to tell daddy that he wasn’t the king of Siam.

  I checked myself out in the mirror. Not bad although my ass looked like it was trying to escape. The heels added a little height and lifted things rather nicely if I do say so myself. I wasn’t sure about the cleavage I’ve never shown that much skin before, very daring. I felt my blood spike as I imagined Jake seeing me in something like this. When we’d been sneaking around three years ago all he’d ever seen me in were the little girl dresses mom insisted I wear. It was a wonder he’d even noticed me back then. But he had, boy had he ever.

  Chapter 4


  Three and a half years ago she was too young. I couldn't ask her to walk away from her family and everything she knew, it wouldn't have been fair. I know her asshole sperm donor thinks that he and his friends had scared me off but nothing could be farther from the truth. I'd already made up in my mind by then what I was going to do. How I was going to bide my time until she was considered an adult in every sense of the word. I have everything all planned out, been planning since the first day she looked at me like I hung the fucking moon. I'm not stupid, I knew there was no way her old man would go for it but I also knew that what I saw in her eyes back then, and what I had begun to feel in my heart could overcome anything in time.