Loving The Enemy Page 13
I never want to live through the last two hours again. Maybe I was being irrational, so sue me. I’ve never been in love before, never known this gut wrenching fear when the woman you love just dropped off the radar like that. I’d called her as soon as my first meeting was over, dying for the sound of her voice. At first when she didn’t answer I thought maybe she was in the shower, or catching up on her sleep since I hadn’t let her get much over the weekend.
I’d even smiled at the thought. But the third time I called and got no answer my imagination went wild and I imagined all manner of things happening to her. I’d fielded a few phone calls from reporters wanting a scoop on our new relationship. I’d forgotten about the damn auction but apparently it was all over the airwaves. My first thought was for her and whether she too was being hounded by the jackals.
I’d sent my secretary out to pick up one of those stupid rags to see what all the fuss was about and there we were. Me climbing the stage and dragging her off. I didn’t need the headlines to spell it out; the picture really did say a thousand words. It was there for all the world to see; again.
Then when I couldn’t find her I thought she’d been nabbed, I thought… Well fuck, is this going to be my life from now on? It’s no secret that the wives and children of wealthy men are in jeopardy each time they walk out the door. There’s always someone looking for an easy score.
When I thought that she’d been taken from me I went through seven levels of hell. I never want to go there again. “That’s it, you’re coming home with me. And where’s your mother? Why isn’t she answering the door?”
“Um, I talked her into going to the salon today. I didn’t know she’d listened though.” We both looked and noticed for the first time that the car was gone. I was too blind with fear before to notice I guess. Simone came around to join us and I knew from the innocent look she gave me that her little trick with the phone had been deliberate.
“I see you don’t take instruction well.” I gave her a look, which she ignored.
“Who me? Whatever are you accusing me of now?” Lucky for her she’s one of those people you just can’t stay mad at. I just shook my head at her and turned back to the house. “Go upstairs and pack a bag. You can call your mom on the way and tell her where you’re staying.”
“Don’t you have work?”
“What I have is a security door that you can’t get through without the key, now go.”
“Girl didn’t I tell you?” I have no idea what Simone meant by that comment but I ignored her as I hustled Emily’s little ass through the door. I ignored all her arguments as to why this wasn’t a good idea.
“Are you going to pack or do you need me to do it for you?”
“Oh this is so good.” Simone took a seat on the bottom stair and grinned at us. I could see I was going to have trouble with her, a lifetime’s worth. Unless of course I got her on my side. “Why don’t you come over and help her get settled in? I’m supposed to be in a meeting ten minutes ago.”
“Are you going to lock me in your ivory tower too?” She batted her damn lashes at me.
“Cute, I’ll be back by the time you’re ready to leave. It’s a big place I’m sure it’ll take you a while to snoop.”
“You know me so well already. Come on girl let’s go pack your stuff he’s not gonna leave.” She moved out of the way so Emily could head up and turned back to me.
“Remember, you hurt her I’ll have your balls.” I had no doubt that she meant every word. All easy going teasing was gone and I saw the daughter of the wealthiest man in the city standing before me. No air headed socialite this.
“Fair enough. But I’m pretty sure you knew when you were setting me up that I wouldn’t.”
“You got a point.” She turned and headed up after her friend and I breathed for what felt like the first time in two hours.
I stood looking out the window as I waited for them to return. I was treading in unfamiliar water here. There was no guide book as to how I was supposed to act in this new situation I find myself in. I’ve always dealt in logistics and numbers, but there didn’t seem to be anything logical about the riot of emotions she’d awakened in me in the last couple of days.
I stupidly believed that I could compartmentalize this ‘love’ thing, but it was obvious I was looking at the shit all wrong. I thought I could head off to the office, business as usual and leave her out of my thoughts until I logged off at end of day. The car hadn’t turned the corner this morning before I was already missing her.
At the office it took all my effort to concentrate on business, when only a few short days ago it’s all I lived and breathed. I’d hunted down those damn flowers for her when I should’ve been going over specs. Then she’d invaded my every thought until I gave in and called her. The panic I felt when she didn’t answer any of my calls will live with me for a long time. I’m not an alarmist, but I swear every negative thought possible went through my head in the space of five minutes.
Now as with everything else in my life, everything that I’d ever wanted and gone after, I was going full throttle. It makes sense that she lives with me now, she’s mine, where else would she live? But I have to think about her mother and what to do there. I had a bit of an idea what to do, but it would take more thought than I had to give the situation right now. Later I’ll think about it and discuss it with her.
I turned to look around the room that I’d hardly paid any attention to the last time I’d been here. This is what she was accustomed to. Not that my place was a dump, but it was a far difference between living in a luxury apartment where space was limited and your neighbors were right below you and a ten thousand square foot mansion with extensive grounds. At least I owned the whole top floor. Shit, my ass will probably be in a house before the year is out.
She came downstairs with a few pieces of luggage still looking a bit shell-shocked, while her friend brought up the rear with more of her stuff. I relaxed once I saw that she’d packed more than an overnight bag and moved to take the luggage from her hands. At least I won’t have to argue or threaten to get her to stay where I put her.
I had the driver drop them off because I really was late for my meeting, another first. Hopefully once we got settled in my life would go back to normal, though I doubted it when I found myself calling her as soon as the car pulled off. “Leave your phone on.” I hung up with a smile at her huff.
Shit, I’d forgotten to tell her about the article. It’s the reason I’d been in such a panic. I’ve had nosy ass people in my business before but not to this extent. I had no doubt that we’d be bombarded for the next few weeks at least because of whose daughter she was. I’ll just have to deal with it as it comes. I value my privacy too much to live my life in a fucking fishbowl so these fucks can sell their rags.
As to her protection, that was my job. I know for damn sure I wasn’t about to put up with her name being dragged through the mud the way it had been in the past. I’m guessing she knows that the wild parties and bullshit were at an end. And that thought brought me back to the biggest shock of all. Even more shocking than my hard and fast fall for her. A virgin. I didn’t know that I had such archaic ideals in me. But fuck if I wasn’t thinking marriage.
“Mom calm down, it’s not like this is the first time I’ve gone away. You’ll be fine. I’ve already spoken to Estelle, she’ll be there tomorrow.”
“Oh Estelle, but honey how are we going to pay her?” I hadn’t told her about my little online store. One, she would have that money spent in an hour flat and two, she might see it as beneath her daughter and I wasn’t in the mood for that argument, so I lied. “I had a little saved mom, I’ll figure something out.”
“And this guy, the one who bought the company, is he nice to you? You’re not doing this for… you know.” It was as close to motherly concern as I’d ever had from her; I was touched.
“No mom, I’m
not with him because I’m poor, it’s not like that.” Though it was obvious some were already thinking it.
I got her calmed down and promised to come see her in a few days before hanging up and going back to Simone who was actually snooping around his apartment. The housekeeper, Celeste was still here and I was trying to stay out of her way, but Simone never met a stranger. She’d already asked the poor woman a million and one questions.
I dragged her away and out to the balcony where we wouldn’t be overheard. “I’m not sure about this, doesn’t it seem too soon?”
“Girl we live in the age of the Internet, nothing’s too fast.” She made light of my question but I was truly nervous. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I was having second thoughts, but I was so far out of my depth there was more than a little discomfort.
“Look, I’ve never led you wrong have I? No? And I won’t start now. I see the way he looks at you. Did you see that picture in the paper last week? He looks at you like he’d like to eat you with a spoon. And the way he rushed the stage and grabbed you.” She made a swooning motion and my chest lightened a little.
“He is a caveman isn’t he?”
“Yeah but now he’s your caveman and you better hold on to his fine ass with both hands before one of these thirsty bitches get their hooks in him.”
“What do you mean?” She sat up and looked at me like I was stupid.
“Girl have you looked at him? And we both know he’s dated some of the hottest stars and models floating around out there. Don’t look like that, he chose you. And what’s more, he never asked any of them to live with him.”
“How do you know? I mean how do you know this isn’t his usual ammo?”
“Because I did my research, and better yet I asked daddy to look into him if you’d recall. He’s solid.”
“Why are you doing all this for me? I mean, we’re friends but I always just thought you were like the others.”
“You mean you thought my friendship was just fake and shallow. Nah. Do you remember all those times we’d be over and I’d leave the rest of you doing whatever crap you were into? I used to go hang with Estelle. I knew that if her opinion of you was true, then you couldn’t be the person you pretended to be. Plus I liked you. Can’t stand the rest of them though. If my dad wasn’t as rich as he is, they wouldn’t even spit on me. You were never like that.” I hugged her and fought back tears until she told me to suck it up because she had more snooping to do.
“Okay let’s put the rest of this stuff away first. I can’t believe I’m actually moving in with a man.”
“Well yeah. Next step marriage and a baby carriage. And when he asks, you better say yes.”
“Okay that I do not believe.”
“I’ll bet you your firstborn.”
“What? That’s crazy.”
“Well then I guess you’re not as sure as you think.” I decided to leave the conversation there for my sanity’s sake.
Of course I thought of nothing else for the rest of the day. Marriage. Why doesn’t the idea scare the crap out of me? And why was I even thinking about it. Sure Simone has been right about everything else so far, but this was a bit of a stretch. I know he feels something for me and I’m more than sure of what I feel for him, but does that spell marriage?
If I’m honest with myself I would admit that I would like nothing more. But I couldn’t stand the thought that everyone might think I was with him because of money. If my own mother had questions, why wouldn’t total strangers who knew nothing about me? Not the real me anyway.
The question plagued me as nothing else about the situation did. Does he think that as well? Does he question whether or not I’d be with him if my situation had not changed so drastically? I hope not.
“Would you stop worrying? Everything’s going to be just fine.”
“But what if people think I’m only with him for the money?”
“I’m guessing you haven’t seen the latest article. They’re already hinting at just that. What the fuck do you care what they think? You’re the one who has to live with the decisions you make. I know you’re in love with him. I knew it even before you went out together.”
“What? How did you know? I didn’t even know.” She had to be pulling my leg.
“I knew because every time you mentioned the guy, even when you were pissed and thought he was a thief, you always got this goofy ass look on your face.” I brushed that off for now once her other exclamation hit home.
“What article?” She pulled a well known gossip rag from her purse and held it out to me.
I saw the picture of him dragging me off the stage first and then I read the words written below and felt my stomach drop. “Oh… I wonder if he’s seen this.”
“I’m sure he has. He strikes me as the type to stay on top of things like this.” I slumped back in my chair and gazed off into space. It was my worst fear realized. The conjecture that I had found a new sugar daddy was bad enough, but this went even deeper. It cast me as nothing more than a money grubbing slut.
“How do you stay so poised, so confident all the time, even in the face of such bullshit?” I asked because she like the rest of us has had to deal with her life being picked apart in the news rags in the past. But I always remember her just brushing it off like nothing they said made a difference to her one way or another.
“The trick my friend, is not to care what anyone else thinks. Not just say you don’t care, but really deep down have no fucks to give. To do this, you must first know yourself. You must find the you that you like in here.” She pointed at my chest before going on.
“Once you find that person, no matter who she may be, you be her all day everyday. If you choose to be a boss bitch then that’s what you go with. If you want to be a wilting violet…” She broke off with a laugh at the sneer on my face.
“You get what I’m saying, you get the point. Now you find your happiness and hold onto it, and don’t let anyone take it from you. And I don’t mean screwing the delectable Mr. Storm, for fuck sake are you two rabbits?” We both fell out laughing at that. I’d maybe told her more than I should have about our weekend locked away in this apartment.
I can’t believe I’m this excited to open my own door. I hadn’t had time to call her because of back to back meetings that I couldn’t put off, not if I was going to take time off in the near future. I don’t recall the last time I took time off. Not since my first company was up and running.
But I feel the need to take her away somewhere. I can’t forget that she’d just suffered a loss and her life had been turned upside down. The last thing she needs is the asshole press constantly at her heels about us. It’s none of their damn business.
I listened for her voice when I opened the door and was pleasantly surprised when a little whirlwind came flying towards me down the hall, before I’d even cleared the doorway.
I snatched her up in my arms and twirled around with her, grinning like a simpleton. “Hey beautiful, you missed me?” I kissed her like she had the answer to life hidden away in her lungs.
I ignored Simone’s throat clearing behind us until I had my fill, before putting her down. “Hi.” Her eyes were bright and I wondered what the two of them had been up to.
Although I had resisted calling her, I’d called the house and spoken to Celeste who said the girls were in my room watching a movie. She’d of course been spoiling them rotten all day. She was in her element I know, and it showed when she walked towards us on her way out the door.
She should’ve been long gone but I’d asked her to stay and watch over my baby until I got home. Simone, smart girl that she is, said her goodbyes and left with Celeste, leaving me alone with her. It was a good thing too because I had a need for her that wouldn’t wait.
I was undressing in between stealing kisses as I walked her backward down the hall and into the bedroom. I made light work of the cute little shorts she wore and pulled her tank top over her head,
dropping it to the floor before lifting her in my arms.
She wrapped her legs around me and leaned in for another kiss. I was only too happy to oblige.
I laid her back against the bed and followed her down keeping our lips sealed together. Her body felt so familiar, like I knew every plain, every curve. I searched out with my fingers and found the little mole on her hip that I was fascinated with and had spent way too much time teasing with my tongue the first time I found it.
I released her lips and made my way down her body. She opened her legs to accept my mouth, but now that I had her right where I wanted her, I was in the mood to tease us both. I licked the mole and teased the flesh around it with my teeth while she tugged at my head and tried pulling me to her pussy.
I slapped her hip, “behave’, and went back to teasing her, making my way down the inner crease of her thigh with my tongue. I ran my nose over her Mons, taking her scent deep into my lungs.
My cock thumped against the mattress in need and I had to press it hard into the bed to gain some control while continuing to tease her.
“Jason please.” She lifted her legs and planted her feet on the bed on either side of my head while tugging more forcefully at my head. I gave in and made my way to her pussy which was already wet and ready for me.
Opening her folds I admired the pink beauty of her pussy again and my heart filled with the thought that no one else had ever had her, and never will. No other man will ever have this pleasure. I’m still amazed that I’d found her. That she’d been hiding in plain sight all these years, and I was the one lucky enough to find her, to have her.
A surge of love built up inside me so strong, so complete it was hard keeping the words inside. Later, I planned to have a very long conversation with her about our future before the night was done, but first I wanted to feel her moving beneath me. Needed that sweet heat around me more than my next breath.