Starting Over (Sugar Creek Romance ) Page 17
“What is this?” She unfolded the papers I dropped on the bed next to her.
“One is the papers your…the kids…Robert the asshole signed giving up all rights to the kids.” I didn’t know what the fuck to call him. “The others are the adoption papers.” She looked up at me like she didn’t know what to say or think and then the tears started.
Dammit, there goes my pussy. Can’t very well mount her like a rutting beast if she’s crying and shit. I pulled her up and into my arms and let her blubber all over me. “Are you upset, happy, what? Help me out here.” She nodded her head like that shit made sense.
“Which one?”
“I’m so…I’m so happy.” Happy was one long drawn out word and the blubbering shit started again and I rolled my eyes like a distressed teenage girl. “You done?” She nodded against my chest as the sniffling tapered off.
I needn’t have worried about the pussy because after she was through with the tears, she damn near took me down.
There’s nothing like a reserved woman cutting loose. I don’t know what it was. Maybe it was the knowledge that the asshole was completely out of our lives, or the fact that I wanted to adopt the kids; but something unleashed the freak in her. Lucky me.
She had me stripped with my cock in her mouth while she knelt between my legs next to the bed, and I sat with my hands grabbing fistfuls of her hair. Even her throat was in the game because she didn’t gag not once while she was taking my shit down deep. “Fuck!” Her nose was buried in my groin and my cock was doing a happy dance in her neck.
When she almost sucked the skin off my rod with her greedy shit I pulled her off and threw her to her back on the bed with her legs in the air and dove headfirst into her pretty pussy. “You shaved.” Her pussy was smooth and pink. I ran my hand over the soft flesh, opening and closing her slit like a fish mouth while fucking with her clit until her juices started seeping out.
I licked her cream into my mouth and went back for more. She fucked herself on my tongue and tried to scalp my ass as she pulled me into her cunt by my hair. I drank from her well until I had my fill and my cock was getting ready to launch a revolt. I kissed her inner thigh and got to my knees spreading her legs wider to take me.
I slammed into her so hard I thought I’d hurt her, but the wild movements of her hips as she came on my cock told me she was fine. I fucked her through her climax and once she came down nuzzled her lips until she opened for my tongue. When she bit my lip I knew just what she needed. I was right there with her. The last couple nights of quiet sex because we had a houseful of people had left me hungry.
“I want you from behind get on your knees for me baby.” I pulled out and tapped her on the hip to get her moving. She hopped into position and I had her hair fisted and my cock balls deep before she had her hands planted in the bed. I fucked her for all the years I’d missed. All the years of mediocre when this was out there.
I put my hand on her tummy right where I was hoping my kid was already growing and drove into her over and over again. She got sneaky and screamed out ‘I love you’ when I was too far-gone but I heard that shit and answered. “I love you more.”
When I came this time it was with something more than raw lust. All the love that had been waiting inside for her poured out of my into her as I held her close with my chest to her back and my arms wrapped tightly around her.
I spent the rest of the night doing my best to breed her if I hadn’t already. That night I made a promise to her and myself that they would never know another moment’s worry. Not if I could help it.
She laid on my chest and told me all that was in her heart and had been since she was a young girl, and I promised to treasure her love and never give her reason to regret it. Damn, has it really only been a little more than a week since she moved in with me? It felt like a lifetime.
I gotta get outta this house before I lose my mind but I’m running out of excuses. I’ve fixed everything that needed fixing, the nursery was done to her specifications and the fridge was full of the nasty shit she can’t live without. She waddled by me in these new stretchy things that was all she lived in these days and this cute top that molds her round belly and my dick caught her scent.
I eyed her ass and cursed myself for being a sick fuck. She was ready to pop and all I could think was how fucking hot she looked in her last month of pregnancy. Fucking setup! I want her all the time, but I’m so afraid to hurt her that I dare not risk it.
Instead of my ardor cooling it only seems to get worse. She grows more beautiful everyday, which I would’ve never thought possible. I’ve seen pregnant women before and none of them ever made me lose my shit. I just get a whiff of her and I’m ready to hump her ass like a stray mutt.
She’s like, a walking miracle or some shit. She’s carrying my kids, taking care of our other two and still looks like she can take on the world. Then at night she rolls into bed smelling and feeling like the best of everything in my life. And I can’t have her. Fuck!
She bent over to put something in the garbage and those stretchy pants pulled tight across her fine ass and I slammed down my can of pop and stormed out the door. A few hundred laps should do me good. I headed for the pool stripping my shirt off over my head as I went. I kicked off my jeans when I reached the pool and dove in.
I pushed myself until my arms started to burn. When I pulled myself up on the side she was sitting there waiting for me. She held a towel out for me but I knew that’s not why she was out there. She had something on her mind.
Her tits were about to bust out her top and I put my head down and counted to five before climbing out the water. I wrapped the towel around my waist and looked everywhere but at her.
“What’s up baby, the kids kicking?” She leaned back on her hands and everything was on full display. Now I was fixated on the vee between her thighs. My cock was starting to tent the towel so I sat on the chair next to hers. “Julie I’m talking to you.” I’ve been on full alert since she started showing. I notice everything about her and am always trying to put out fires before they start.
I get the kids up in the morning for school, pick them up in the evening and I’ve even eased her out of working without her realizing it. She didn’t sneeze without me knowing and I’m right there with the tissues.
She rubbed her tummy and smiled but there was still something in her eyes that I didn’t like. I can’t stand to see even a hint of sadness in her; it tears me up inside. According to Sandy, I’m suffering from my wife’s pregnancy hormones. There’ve been a few murmurings down at the restaurant, but I mostly ignore that shit. So what if I’m not the first man to have a pregnant wife, she was my wife dammit and this shit was scaring the piss outta me.
I stay awake at night gritting my teeth and going through the route to the hospital over and over in my head. Once or twice I’ve made the dry run and had my boys timing that shit and giving me pointers for improvement. I now have my brother in law on speed dial because he’s my go-to guy for birthing questions. He was in the room with my sister with all of hers.
Her doctor and I are on a first name basis on account of all the late night calls every time she twitches. In short, I’ve lost my damn mind. Add the fact that every time I look at her I want to bury my cock in her so deep they’d have to pry me out of there with a crowbar and you’ve got quite the situation.
“No, they’re quiet right now, they’re just missing their daddy.” I reached my hand out to touch and swallowed when the hard smooth mound of her tummy moved beneath it. “See, they were waiting for your touch.” She covered my hand with hers and the love swelled so huge inside me I thought I would explode.
“What’s wrong, why have you been avoiding me?”
“Avoiding you?” I looked over at her sharply. If anything I would think she would be tired of me always hovering.
“Yes, you always run whenever we’re alone together. The only time you’re around is when the kids are
there or one of the others.”
“That’s because I don’t trust myself around you anymore.” There I said it. Now she’ll know her husband is a horny fuck who only thinks with his dick. She got up from her chair and came and parked her ass on my lap.
“What do you mean?” I kissed her because I couldn’t help myself and ran my hand up and down her back. “I mean that when I’m around you all I want to do is make love to you and…”
“And what, you don’t find me attractive anymore?” Is she fucking nuts?
“Are you bent?”
“Then why won’t you touch me anymore?” She sounded like she wanted to cry and I wanted to cut my dick off. “Baby, don’t cry. I don’t think I could take that right now. The reason I haven’t touched you is because I want you too much to hold back and I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.” She picked her head up and smiled at me and that sadness was gone from her eyes.
“But I’m fine. The doctor said everything’s coming along beautifully and things are as they should be.” I palmed her tummy and felt my babies kick against my hand. That was another problem, there was more than one of them and the asshole doctor said sometimes one hides whatever the fuck that means. Seeing that the little shits are mine they could be playing combat games in there.
Sometimes I think she can’t help but be pissed at me for doing this to her, but then she’s always glowing and happy and I’m left confused as fuck, because as much danger as I’ve faced in the zone, I couldn’t do this shit no way no how.
“Let’s go in I don’t want you to get sick out here.” There wasn’t a hint of cool in the air, we were having an early spring, but this is me everyday now. Even with the kids I’ve grown more overprotective. Once the adoption was final and they had my name and understood the asshole spermer was a nonentity we just went all in. I was trying to make it so they never remembered his ass or that there was ever a time they had another dad other then me.
So far my son and daughter are doing just that. Everyone goes above and beyond to make sure they know that they’re loved and wanted. We include them in everything especially when it comes to their siblings and now I’ve got Dylan as fucked up as I am when it comes to the pregnancy. He doesn’t let his mom lift a finger if he’s in the room. That’s my boy.
I hustled her back inside and somehow we ended up in the bedroom. I used the excuse of a shower to get the salt from the pool off of me and jetted. I stayed in there way too long thinking she’d be asleep by the time I came out, but she was leaning back against the mountain of pillows looking through a magazine, waiting me out.
Dammit! I slipped on pajama bottoms and headed for the door mumbling some shit about TV. That thing she had changed into only made her tummy and tits look hot as fuck, or maybe I was just being a horn dog. The magazine hit the wall over my head and stopped me in my tracks before I reached the door.
I stopped and looked at her with my mouth open. Did she just throw that shit at me? “Oh damn baby no, what’re you doing?” She was crying is what she was doing. I was at her side before the tears fell off her chin with my arms around her. “What is it?”
“You lied.”
“Lied? Lied about what?” Okay just hormones we’ve been here before.
She pounded my chest with her little fist and I grabbed it in mine before she hurt herself. “You said you still wanted me but you lied, you can’t even be in the same room.” Enough of this shit! I’m not gonna have her thinking that I don’t want her, that I don’t find her even more desirable now than at any other time.
“So everything I said to you outside went in one ear and out the other.”
“It doesn’t matter what you say, I have eyes.” I was slipping out of my pajama bottoms and simultaneously easing her legs open. My hands were trembling but my dick was hard and I told myself I could do this.
“Does this answer your question?” I slammed my cock into her pussy going balls deep in one stroke. “Fuck, why are you so hot, and tight and…fuck.” I couldn’t remember any more words in the English language so with each stroke I kept up a litany of fuck-fuck-fuck.
I covered her pregnant mound with my hand and stroked into her nice and deep. Her greedy horny ass just laid there and took it with this dreamy ass look on her face. I lifted one of her legs over my arm, opening the pussy wider so I could fuck even deeper.
Her pussy juiced like a ripe orange and sucked my shit in, massaging my dick with each thrust. “Babe shit, don’t move like that.” She did some sorta twist with her hips and her whole tummy shook. I was mesmerized.
“Faster Kevin, harder.” She dug her heels into my ass and pulled me into her heated pussy while squeezing down around me. “I won’t fuck you any harder so don’t ask.” But I wanted to. I wanted to pound her pussy so hard it became an obsession.
The brats in her stomach were doing somersaults or some shit and I could see them moving. That shit was keeping me in check. I ran my hand over them in awe as my dick spat pre-cum inside her and my balls drew up to my body in preparation.
I reached down and tweaked her nipples while hitting her pussy’s end and she howled and came. Warm gushing juice covered my dick but she was still hungry. I pulled out and put her on her side with pillows to support her and slid in behind her. I lifted her leg up and back and forked her thighs before slipping my over hard cock deep inside her.
She liked this position because she came hard as fuck and bore down. I held her tummy in my hand and threw my head back as I off loaded deep inside her, riding out the storm as she cried out.
Once I gave in there was no stopping her and pretty soon she was riding my cock with my hands going all over her sexy as fuck body as I threw my cock up to her. I was scared as fuck when she started slamming herself down hard on my meat but there was no reining her ass in. She was on a mission.
With hands on her hips to control her movements I let her cum as much as she wanted until she tired her greedy ass out and my dick was looking for somewhere to hide, out of the line of fire. I was beat to shit but this one had enough energy to light the house.
I peeped out at her with one eye and hoped she’d had enough, damn. Her skin glowed, her hair shone and that belly was some kinda trigger, shit kept my dick hard. I finally nailed her with a hard fuck in the doggie position and that seemed to do for her. Thank fuck.
The one night I was too tired to think straight she would choose to go into labor. I heard the groans and the ‘ouch’ somewhere between sleep and wake. My hand was resting on her tummy while she slept almost sitting up with her back against my chest.
I came fully awake when her body shook in pain and damn near flew off the bed. “Okay, time, is it time?” She nodded and tried getting off the bed. I helped her up and into the shower because for some fucked up reason she decided now was a good time for a shower.
I called the doc, my sister and nosy ass Ty because he claimed Godfather rights and decided he needed to be there. Whatever, he thinks I don’t know they had a bet going as to how long it would take me to level the hospital. Like I was some unreasonable asshole who couldn’t handle his woman going into labor.
I got her dressed cool as a cucumber even though I was drawn tight enough to break. I got her bag outside to the truck and got the kids up. It was a toss up as to who was the most excited on the way to the hospital. I played it off but I was scared as fuck.
I barked out orders as soon as we cleared the door to the hospital. Thank fuck the others had beaten me there and took over watch of my kids so I could concentrate on their mother.
The room was already set up and they hooked her up to some Star Trek looking shit that had bells and whistles going off. At least that’s what it sounded like to me.
She was holding it together pretty well which eased my fear a little but not much. I didn’t like the easygoing way the staff were acting, like this shit wasn’t serious. She kept apologizing to them for me whenever I’d snap at one of them when she cried out.
She’d gone behind my back
and told the hack that she didn’t want any drugs and had she not been a female I would’ve sent the doc out the fucking window each time she winced in pain. “I think we might have to go with that C-section after all.” I’d read about that shit and no fucking way.
“Is something wrong with my wife, something wrong with the baby?” She shook her head no and started to explain some shit that I could give a fuck about. “Then no you’re not cutting my wife so you can go play golf in an hour. Anything happens to any of them you’re fucked.”
She found that shit funny but I was dead ass. “Sorry but I’ve never found a liking for that particular sport. We talked about this Kevin. Sometimes it’s easier with multiples…”
“No, is there any danger?”
“No, that’s not the reason.”
“Then fuck no, just get on with it.” The conversation seemed surreal.
I was starting to sweat once the pushing shit started but I reminded myself that I’d been in combat before and I could do this. That shit didn’t help much she was the one going through it and it was fucking with my head. “Look at me baby.” She’d just had an excruciating contraction that had bent her almost double, and I almost told the doc to cut her, but I remembered her making me promise not to let them do that shit unless the babies were in danger.
She’d done everything right so there should be no problem, but now I was getting nervous. “Oh no here comes another one.” She dug her nails into my hand and I gritted my teeth and endured until the pain passed and the asshole doctor kept telling her to push.
The first little cry rent the air and I watched through tear filled eyes as they passed the baby to the nurse to clean up. “You’re doing good Julie, one more push for me come on.” The doc kept talking which was good because I’d lost the ability. My hand had gone numb but I didn’t care.
I heard their voices but nothing computed, their faces told me that everything was coming along fine. Even Julie was smiling and I wondered how the fuck she was doing that shit when she was pushing two human beings through that little hole that could barely take my cock. Good damn.