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My Little Farm Girl Page 25

“Fuck where are you?”

  “Home, I’m home please hurry.” I heard retching and then the toilet flushing and her loud moans that sounded like she was at death’s door before the phone cut off.

  What the fuck could’ve happened? In the five minutes it took me to get home I lost a couple years off my life. “Baby where are you?” I ran through the apartment with my heart in my throat when there was no answer. Finding her passed out on the bathroom floor wasn’t a great help either.

  “Kitten, baby, what the fuck?” I got down there with her and rolled her over into my arms, she was hot and clammy and her face was flush.

  There weren’t any obvious signs of damage and I didn’t know what I was supposed to do, not a good feeling for a guy like me. I tried to stand with her in my arms and that’s when the fun really begun.

  “Owwww, no don’t touch me, please just let me die, so hot…” She mumbled a few other things that made absolutely no sense but when she held her stomach and groaned I think I was starting to get the message.

  “Baby I have to lift you. I can’t leave you here on the floor. I’ll be careful, I promise. Just hold on, okay.” She didn’t answer me and I didn’t expect her to. I saw the blood when I lifted her up.

  “Shit! Baby do you have your stuff those tampon things?” she shook her head and tried to hide her face in my chest. Of course she doesn’t Callan when would she have had time?

  I changed direction and sat her on the toilet while I ran her a cool bath and stripped her. “Sit here for a little bit baby while I make a call.”

  Who the fuck was I supposed to call, her mother? No, as stupid as it sounds I wanted someone closer, I couldn’t call my assistant because she didn’t know Kitten. Robyn.

  “Mr. O’Rourke?”

  “Robyn, I need your help, uh, shit, fuck, it’s Kitten, Gabriella, she has her uh, and she doesn’t have any of those things and she’s in pain.”

  “Wait what, start from the beginning.”

  “I went through the same spiel and this time she seemed to get it because her next words to me were, ‘I’ll run to the pharmacy and be right there just tell the doorman to let me in.”

  “Thank you I owe you one.” I went back to her and she was asleep in the tub with her legs up and the water running. It was much warmer than I’d made it. I guess the heat was good for her cramps.

  She started groaning again and I wanted to snatch her up and head to the nearest emergency room. I had no experience with this shit. I wasn’t in the habit of entertaining women on their periods for fuck sake.

  “Baby?” She turned red bloodshot eyes to and she looked so sad in that moment I think I felt a tear in my heart. “Oh baby, come here.” I pulled her into my chest probably destroying my suit in the process but who cares?

  “Robyn’s on her way over with what you need. Baby why didn’t you call me when this first started?”

  “It wasn’t twelve thirty sir.”

  “It wasn’t…hey, look at me, you do not have to wait until twelve thirty to call me, especially not if you’re in pain and writhing around on the bathroom floor.”

  “I didn’t want to bother you, this always happens only this time it seems a little worst than usual.”

  Maybe because I’ve been fucking the shit out of you for the past week or so, probably knocked something off center or some shit. Later for that I had to deal with her new brand of fuckery.

  “Do you understand this relationship at all Gabriella?” Don’t get pissed at her now Callan that’s fucked. Yeah well she shouldn’t say stupid shit. She looked at me with the sad face and I almost caved.

  “What the fuck do you think I am? You think I brought you here just to fuck you, to have a plaything at my beck and call? That contract I had you sign did you not notice that it listed my part in this deal as well? Which part of that shit gave you the idea that you’d be bothering me if you were sick and needed me?”

  “I didn’t mean it like that I just meant…”

  “I’ll let you off the hook because I know your shit is all out of whack about now, but please don’t be stupid in the future. Now tell me what I need to do for you.”

  “Well momma usually gets me the hot water bottle for the first day and then sometimes if it’s really bad I might take some pills. Daddy always jokes he’s gonna give us horse tranquilizers because momma has the same problem and he says we get ornery and makes a man’s life miserable. But I won’t be any trouble I promise.”

  She tacked on that last bit in a hurry like she expected me to pack her off somewhere until she stopped bleeding. I just glared at her and ignored her while calling Robyn to grab a hot water bottle at the pharmacy.

  Half an hour later Robyn showed up and I was kicked out of my own bathroom. I hung around outside the door listening to what the fuck was going on to be sure she wasn’t keeping anything back from me, I’m gonna have to deal with her little ass about keeping shit from me.

  All in all it seemed she’d told me all there was to know. It seems with the new career and the monumental change of having a man in her life not to mention having sex for the firs time, the time had gotten away from her and her period wasn’t even on her mind.

  I sat in my study while the two of them went to her old bedroom and did whatever ritual women did around this time. I was a little disappointed when it finally sunk in that she wasn’t pregnant. We had plenty of time but I was really hoping, I’m greedy that way.

  When an hour went by and there was still no sign of movement from in there I decided to brave it. Robyn had kicked off her shoes and the two of them were curled up watching movies and eating what looked like a mountain of junk which I wouldn’t have let her have in a million years.

  “Kill the glare lights boss, I’m the one eating the junk she didn’t have any, just a piece of chocolate, though I have to tell you, this time of the month a girl needs her junk.”

  “Do you want to have that stuff Kitten?” She looked at the bags of crap that was spread out in the middle of the bed between them before shaking her head at me. She was lying out her ass but I decided not to call her on it.

  I walked around to her side of the bed and lifted her chin. Her color looked better and her eyes were clear. “How’re you feeling baby, anymore pain?”

  “Not really just a slight twinge but Robyn got me magic pills.”

  “Magic pills huh?” I picked up the little bottle from her side table. Motrin extra strength, maybe I’ll see about buying a whole crate of the shit.

  “What do you want for dinner baby?” I leaned over her and stole a kiss. “My poor baby’s sick.” I heard a throat clearing before Robyn was up and off the bed.

  “Okay that’s my cue I’ll see you guys. Call me if you need anything else.”

  “Hey Robyn, I didn’t mean to run you off stay for dinner at least.”

  “Thanks boss but I’ve got a hot one tonight I’ll see you two lovebirds around.”

  She was out the door before I could argue farther. I shrugged at Kitten when we heard the apartment door close behind her.

  “So what does the baby want for dinner?”

  “Callan, sir?”

  “Yes love. What is it?”

  “Can you just hold me for a little bit?”

  “Of course.” I climbed in being careful not to jostle the bed too much and pulled her back into my arms. “Babe can I ask you a question?”


  “Why aren’t you in our bed?”

  “Oh, I didn’t think you’d want me there you know…” she trailed off at the look I gave her.

  “We’re really going to have a talk about your opinion of me. Come on.” I picked her up and took her into our room and set her up with the remote. “I really don’t want you eating that stuff isn’t there something that can take its place?”

  “I didn’t eat it. I promise Robyn said she usually does when she has her you know, stuff, but I told her you didn’t like me eating that sort of thing only the chocolate was okay and
only a little bit.”

  “Damn now, I feel like an ogre. How about I make you your favorite shake and you can have that to sip on while I make dinner?”

  “Sounds good.”

  I stayed with her for a little bit before heading to the kitchen to take care of dinner. I was able to relax for the first time since that phone call. I wasn’t too pleased with myself anymore than I was with her. I hate feeling like I haven’t been taking care of her, what the fuck else had I overlooked?

  I’ve never lived with a woman before but that was no excuse. I was going to have to figure some things out. There was no sense in asking her because she had about as much experience as I did.

  I fed her dinner in bed before giving her more pills when she became achy again and she fell asleep in my arms. I slept fitfully afraid she’d wake up in the night needing me, but she slept through the night except once she had to use the bathroom but then she just crawled back into my waiting arms and was out again.

  The next day she convinced me to go into work. The only reason I gave in is because I knew we were going to be gone for a while soon and I wanted to get as much done before we left to free up my time.

  I called her every hour on the hour and she teased me about being a worrier. She didn’t see herself lying on that floor crying in pain and acting like death was imminent, it was going to be a while before I got that image out of my head.

  I had already started looking around for a method to combat that kind of pain. So far the only answer seemed to be some sort of invasive medical procedure, which I wasn’t sure was the way to go.

  That evening, she seemed much better, not a hundred percent but she wasn’t as flushed as before. I did notice that her tits looked bigger than normal. I’m a dog what can I say, but I wasn’t about to do anything not while she was in pain and besides I’m not into fucking around with a period, messy shit.

  For the next couple of days, I held her whenever I was home with her and made sure she was comfortable. By day seven I was about ready to fuck a hole in the desk or some shit but that evening she gave me the green light.

  The words were no sooner out of her mouth than I swept her up in my arms and headed for the nearest bed. I’m sorry to say there was no finesse involved, my cock was at breaking point and he just wanted in.

  I threw her across the bed, tore off the little skirt thing she was wearing, unzipped and fucked into her hard. “Fuck.” Her pussy felt like it had tightened up since it hadn’t been in use for those few days; velvet heat wrapped around my cock like a vise.

  I fucked poor little Kitten without mercy for the next five hours. I had her in every position imaginable to man and beast. We fell away from each other in the middle of the night, spent and just plain fucked out.

  I got up sometime later and dragged her into the shower with me before we both got dressed in robes and headed down to the kitchen for a bite since we’d fucked our way through dinner.

  “How do you feel baby, I wasn’t too rough was I?” I had to ask because now that the haze had cleared I was looking at her body or what I could see of it in the short silk robe and she looked like a wild animal had been at her.

  There was a bite mark on her inner thigh, a few on her neck and cleavage, and what looked like rug burn between her legs. I rubbed my face where my five o’clock shadow had come in.

  She blushed and bit into her sandwich. “I’m very good sir.” I trailed a finger down her cheek and went back to my food. Yeah, she was, and I had the scratches down my back to prove it.

  Something sure had changed in the last few days, now without any prompting from me she begged me to fuck her in that little innocent drawl of hers, what a fucking turn-on.

  We hadn’t been to the playroom in days for obvious reasons, and I had the strong urge to see her tied. Some may call it a sick need, but it’s something I can’t do without, it’s a part of me, who I am, who I need to be. Thank heavens she needs to be dominated as much as I need to dominate.



  I awakened to the sweetest sensation between my legs. I started grinding my hips before I came fully awake. I tried to move my arms and that’s when all sleep fled.

  I was in the playroom tied to the bed spread eagle, with a pillow under my ass. And master was between my thighs, his face buried in my pussy eating me nice and slow.

  “You’re awake.”

  “Yes master.” He licked my clit and I almost swooned I knew that when he was in this mood he would torment with slow licks in and around my pussy until I was begging him to fuck me. I had come a long way from that shy little girl afraid to let go and just be.

  For now he went back to nibbling my clit as he shoved two fingers inside my cunt. In and out slowly, torturously; my ass was pushing up trying to get his fingers to go deeper.

  He left my pussy and tickled the crease of my thigh with his tongue, licking up one side and then down the other until I was a writhing mess.

  He licked his way up to my nipples, which had been clamped. How had I missed that while sleeping? The sweet pain sang through my body as he removed the first clamp and sucked my hard nipple into his mouth, chewing and sucking. My pussy gushed and I rubbed myself against his stomach dying for his cock to fuck me.

  “Please master.”

  ‘Please what Kitten?” He did the same to the other breast. “Please fuck me now.” He reached down between us and took his big cock in his hand rubbing it back and forth across my clit and down to my pussy hole. I hunched my hips to get him inside but he pulled back.

  “Stop, or I won’t give you my cock.”

  I stopped all movement and subjected myself to his teasing. I was rewarded with the fat head of his cock breaching my pussy. Just the tip fucked back and forth in my pussy’s opening as I started to sob and plead for more cock. The little farm girl had become a wanton.

  There was another reason I’d given in, overcame my embarrassment at uttering what I once thought of as such filth. It pleased my master immensely, and what pleased him pleases me as well.

  The effect my words have on him, are plain to see. He loses all control when I look up at him with my wide innocent eyes and beg him to fuck me.

  “I love feeling your big cock inside me, stretching me open, fuck me harder master please.” His hips pounded into me wilder, my arms strained to be set free so I could hold him closer as he mauled my nipples and fucked me harder than still.

  “Do you want my cum inside your pussy is that what you’re after? Or should I pull out and cum down your neck? What about your ass would you like me in your ass next?”

  The visions his words produced made me hotter and wetter, and I understood the significance of words; my master is very smart. I barely held back a scream when he suddenly pulled out of me.

  But then his mouth was there and his tongue, oh that wicked tongue. He attacked my clit as I listened to the sounds he made. They made me push my pussy harder against his face.

  He ate at me as if he could consume my flesh his tongue sucking deep inside my walls. He put first one then two fingers in my ass and sent me crashing headfirst towards climax. I barely caught it in time.

  “Master may I cum?” I tasted blood on my lip as I bit into it to hold onto my control. He slammed into me without warning, “cum.” We both came loudly and beautifully. Me crying and arching beneath him seeking to take even more of him inside, him with his face buried in my neck growling as he sucked my flesh between his teeth.


  Chapter 28


  All too soon, it was time to go to L.A. I had overseen the removal of Marion from my property only the day before. She still didn’t know that I was onto her and I wanted to keep it that way for now. I still didn’t have enough to take to the authorities, but had no doubt the sick bitch would trip herself up soon.

  The pictures of her meeting with the mystery woman was enough for me to stay on her scent, but there was no law against two women meeting, even if they were
set on destroying lives, the thing was proving it.

  I might’ve wanted to let her stay so I could keep an eye on her, but she might’ve grown suspicious. Things between us had grown acrimonious in the last week or so since the party.

  She’d made one last ditch attempt to get into to see me but I’d cut her off completely making it so that she had no access to me whatsoever. I knew a move like that would push her over the edge and I was hoping it would cause her to do something stupid to show her hand.

  Kitten meanwhile was still blissfully unaware of all this as she continued to blossom. I was waiting for the right moment to pop the question to her about marking her in a whole other way, I was just letting her get used to her new station in life before springing the title of wife on her.

  I still wasn’t too keen on letting her out of the house on her own, but she had had a few lunch dates with Robyn and some of the girls from the magazine. Her friends from the photo shoot had either gone on to other jobs or they’d never become close enough to continue a relationship.

  Josh had not been seen or heard from since a day or two after the party, and good riddance.

  Tomorrow, we were on a plane to L.A. for two weeks if nothing went south. I had all her clothes picked out already, and everything that she could possibly need . If there was anything missing, we could always pick it up there.

  “Can I wear my new pant suit on the plane?”

  “I’ve already chosen something for the plane ride over, besides, L.A. might be a bit warm for that yet, remember I told you about the difference in weather?”

  She was a little disappointed but there was no pouting. She’s been outgrowing that, though I kinda miss it.

  I’d just bought her a new outfit fresh off the runway. I’d taken her with me to one of my seldom attended fashion shows, in fact I’d only gone because I knew she’d get a kick out of it.

  Anyway, the winter white suit was going to be all the rage for the season so I’d snatched it up for her and now it’s all she can think about, typical teenager.