Babysitter’s Club Noelle Page 8
In my dreams he did. In my visions words were not needed to explain the look in his eyes when he looks at me. And even now, the feel of his arms, these were not the arms of a man who would easily let me go.
It’s time! I’ve waited so long, another lifetime in fact. The wait was torture, as it always is. But this time I’d been patient, this time I’d used my head and hope that it was enough.
There’s so much I have to tell her. But now is not the time. I don’t want to scare her, don’t want any more darkness to touch her.
It was a gamble doing things this way this time around; this incarnation. I’m tempting fate I know, but it was the only way. Had I not changed the course of our path, things would just have turned out the same.
I couldn’t risk that again, didn’t want it. I wanted more time with her this time; a lifetime of love. It’s a different kind of hell to love the same woman for generations.
To know her on sight. Her touch, her scent, her smile. To know that that woman will be taken from you time and again before your love has had time to grow.
It was different this time around, I made sure of it. Tempting fate or not, it was the only way. Now the one who could harm her was gone…partly and there was only one last hurdle in our way.
It was an unforeseen development, one that had never shown up before. But it was also part of the reason why I believe my plan would work.
“Easy!” I eased my lips away from hers before she hurt herself. I know she loses control when we get close like this. I also know she has no idea why.
So it’s up to me to guide her along, though it’s killing me. I would’ve taken her that very first night had my mother not cautioned me not to rush things.
But as much as my mother knows, she can have no idea how it feels to be near my woman and not have her. It’s always that way between us.
No matter when we meet, what era, what world. The heat of our passion burns hot and bright from beginning to end.
Hers has not been awakened fully yet. But I know that once it is sparks will fly and that passion that has spanned two centuries would burn us up in flames.
Now as I placed soft nibbling kisses along her kiss swollen lips, my mind went over all the steps. Once I take her to my bed before the night is done, there will be no turning back. Events will unfold that will either save us or damn us once again.
“Noelle!” She was so caught up in our kiss that she didn’t hear me until I called her name again.
“Hmm?” I gave her what she wanted until she needed air before lifting my head again.
I kissed my way to her ear as I held her close. “I want you?” Her little body trembled just the way I knew it would. “Feel how much I want you.”
I was looking into her eyes when I led her hand between us to the hardening growth behind my zipper. Now I set about seducing her with words whispered softly in her ear.
She didn’t move her hand, didn’t pull away as I trailed my fingers over the warming flesh of her neck while stealing kisses from her lips. And I felt my cock grow even longer, harder beneath her hand.
In my mind I remembered all the other times that came before. All our firsts; I never forget, though they may torment me while I wait for her. It’s part of the curse, but one I readily accept.
I felt that other presence as it entered the garden and used my mind to keep it at bay as I lifted my love in my arms. She dared not come close this time, I’d taken steps to make sure that she didn’t.
I can’t protect my lover from it all, but I’d learned my lesson over time and knew what I could shield her from.
I will always stand between her and danger, something I hadn’t always been able to do. I lifted Noelle in my arms and headed back to the house, walking without haste so as not to alert her.
I saw the hated specter out the corner of my eye and with one swift turn of my head she disappeared behind a tree. My arms held her tighter as I lengthened my stride until I was climbing the steps.
Once inside I made my way to the stairs. I felt her body stiffen in my arms once we reached her door and relaxed again when we passed it on our way to mine.
I didn’t breathe easy until we reached inside and the door closed behind us. I put her down next to the bed and turned to place the monitor on the table next to my bed. I hope my daughter sleeps through the night.
I turned back to her, cupping her face between my hands and looked down into her eyes. In just a little while those eyes will be opened. Not fully but some. Enough that the worrying would start.
And in the coming days her life will take on new meaning. For now, I dropped my hands from her face and pushed the straps of her top from her shoulders.
I moved slowly, wanting to enjoy every second of this moment. I pushed the old memories aside to make way for new ones as she looked up at me in the moonlit room.
So trusting, and yet I knew she was afraid. She’s always been afraid of losing her virginity. It’s an old drawback from the first time we met. Back then girls were told horror stories to keep them chaste. But I knew that that was one of the things that followed us because it was meant to keep her from me.
This time though, unlike our last meeting and the others before, the world had changed. Young women weren’t held to the same frightening standards and the act of lovemaking was no longer taboo.
I looked down as her top slipped past her high firm breasts. I drew in my breath at the familiar sight, my finger reaching out to trace the mole that sat just beneath her cleavage.
I almost wept at the sight of it. Instead I drew her into my arms, too overcome with emotion to do much more. Words burned my tongue but I held them back.
Not now, not yet, they won’t mean anything to her anyway. She wouldn’t understand if I told her how much I’d missed her. How hard and long the days and nights had been while I waited, plotted, planned. But soon!
Pushing her back away from me I covered her lips once more as my hands reached for the waist of her tiny shorts. Always she’s so tiny, fragile, soft. Nothing ever changes. It’s how I always know her. That and this feeling between us that not even time and distance can erase.
I pushed the shorts down off her hips until they fell with a soft drop to the floor at her feet. Her panties were next, and I didn’t have to look to know that they would be a soft pastel color. That too never changes.
As I lifted her in my arms, the thing outside started up a loud wailing. I placed her on the bed and stood back to relieve myself of my own clothing until I too was naked.
Her eyes followed me and I saw the fear mixed with longing as the two struggled inside her. Coming down over her, I didn’t give her time to hear the sound that was getting ever closer. Instead I distracted her with a hand between her thighs, touching what’s mine for the first time in way too long.
Her soft heat was already wet, as she prepared to take me. I teased my fingers over the swollen lips of her sex back and forth until she moved against my hand.
“Give me your tongue.” She lifted her mouth to mine and gave me her tongue as I spread her legs open wider feeding her more of my finger.
“You’re so tight!” I said the words into her mouth and drove my finger in deeper, doing my best to widen her just a little so she could take me.
No matter what I do I already know she’s still going to have a hard time. This is one of the things I hate most. That I must cause her pain of any kind.
I wanted to rush, to get it over with, but I knew that’s not the way we dance together her and I. Some things cannot be changed. And those things between us, those precious moments, must never waver.
So I took my time, leading her with my kisses as I added another finger to her extremely wet pussy. Easing them in and out of her while teasing her lips with my tongue.
When her body arched and she poured out her juices in my palm, I left her lips and made my way down her body, paying close attention to that mole before licking a path down her middle.
I spread her le
gs open and inhaled her scent. No matter how long it’s been, her scent is always the same. Like sweet magnolias after a spring rain.
I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath as emotion threatened to overwhelm me. I prepared myself for that first taste of her, knowing what it always does to me. The hunger it awakens.
My fingers held her open to my eyes so that I could admire the beautiful petal soft pink of her inner pussy lips. I took the dewdrop of juice that escaped her on the tip of my finger and brought it to my lips.
“Ummm!” Just as I remembered. I buried my head between her thighs and dove in, no longer willing to wait. Outside the wind picked up as the first spattering of rain hit the rooftop.
Just beneath the sound of the fierce winds was a loud screeching wail. I’m not a usually vindictive man but the sound gave me pleasure. It drove me on to do more.
Lifting my love’s ass in my hands, I brought her sweetness to my lips and feasted. Her pussy was tight around my tongue as I licked her deep, lapping up her juices as fast as they flowed while my cock throbbed and ached against the bed.
Her soft mewling cries were like hot prods, each one going straight to my cock that I was already pressing into the mattress for relief. I pushed her legs wider apart with my shoulders and growled into her heat as she moved beneath my mouth.
I no longer heard what was going on outside, I no longer cared. And when she called out to me in her sweet voice I pulled my tongue from her body, kissed her inner thigh lovingly, before climbing up her body to rest between her thighs.
“Look at me Mon Cheri!” I waited for her eyes to light on mine. “I don’t want you to think of anything else, just us, here, now!”
I brushed her temple lightly and kissed her brow while between her thighs I led my cock to her. She tensed up like I knew she would and I soothed her with soft kisses against her lips and whispered words of adoration in her ear.
I eased just the head of my cock past the tightness of her heat and her pussy snapped around it like an elastic band.
I gritted my teeth against the pleasurable pain and held still, giving her time to adjust to being breeched. This part I remember well.
“Don’t cry!” I kissed the tears from her eyes as they fell and eased just another inch of my ten inch cock into her. Hating that I was hurting her no matter how much I didn’t want to.
I eased in and out gently, fighting the urge to fuck into her each time, until her body began to relax and the tension left her little by little.
I nuzzled her cheek until she opened the eyes she had tightly closed as if waiting for a blow. “Keep your eyes on mine.”
She nodded her head silently as I took both her hands beneath mine, locking our fingers together before planting them next to her head. But there was no disguising the fear in her eyes.
“I’m sorry love!” With our eyes locked I eased out until only the head of my cock remained and bracing myself against my natural instinct not to hurt her, surged forward with one powerful thrust.
I caught her scream in my lungs even as the wind picked up outside, beating against the house and the wailing screech became howls of rage. Bitch!
“Shh, it’s over now Mon Cheri!” My cock throbbed and spat inside her as her pussy flexed around me, getting use to the invading force inside her.
I felt every twinge and spasm as her body fought against mine. I pushed the last remaining inches home, rooting my cock in her depths so she couldn’t kick me out of her.
I took her lips now, taking her mind off the pain between her thighs, and wrapped her in my arms. And when her arms came up around me, holding me close, I knew she was ready.
The dance started out the same. Slow, shallow thrusts into her body that I knew so well. With my eyes closed I could feel all of her, feel the way she gripped me as if holding me hostage.
Her soft mewling cries rent the air when I lifted my mouth to let her breathe. “Wrap your legs around me.” I helped her get into position, pulling her legs higher around my hips until her pussy was tilted at the perfect angle to fuck.
I knew that once the pain lessened my wild girl will tear the flesh from my back, but it was up to me to get her there, to erase any remnants of the pain from her mind.
I didn’t rush though I wanted to, didn’t fuck too deep though it damn near killed me to hold back. I buried my face in her neck and loved her slowly, tenderly. Listening to her body for the first sign that the worst was over.
Her sweet honey coated my cock as she moved more forcefully beneath me. Her heels pounded into my ass when I sped up my movements, and when I took her lips again she was hungry, wild, uninhibited.
Her cries became wanton as she urged me with her body to fuck. I lifted her hands above her head and wrapped them around the thick bars of the headboard. “Hold on tight, don’t let go.”
That was all the warning I gave her before driving my cock into her hard over and over. The mattress creaked beneath the weight of my forceful thrusts and had not the two hundred year old bed been as solid as it is, it too would’ve knocked into the wall.
The loud rain and wind hid her cries and mine as we got lost in each other. I lowered my head and sucked her nipple hard until it pebbled on my tongue. I fucked into her with wild abandon, each stroke going deeper now.
I knew it was her blood I felt now, slowly dripping down my cock, mixed with her juices. In the past I would’ve pulled out of her body and taken care of her.
But I know now that that was the worse thing I could do. Because of her fear, if I didn’t bring her to complete pleasure, didn’t take her to heights unimagined, that fear would linger and it would be even harder next time to get her beneath me.
So I stayed locked inside her heat, fucking her the only way I knew how. Hard and deep so that she felt me. I couldn’t let my fear of hurting her keep me from doing what it was that I knew she needed. Our mating is always more like a claiming.
I always exert my dominance over her in this way, because it’s the only way I know how to stamp my claim on what’s mine. And I’ve learned over time that it’s the only thing that would satisfy her hungry need.
I sucked the soft flesh of her neck between my teeth and marked her. Her pussy clenched deep inside in answer and her juices flowed freely as she clutched at me, her hands coming away from the post where I’d left them.
I braced myself for what came next, but the pain of her nails digging into my flesh was still jarring. I’ll carry the scars for days I know, until they heal.
I looked down at her face, her eyes wide as the first wave of pleasure wracked her body. I was just in time to catch her screams before they escaped into the night.
I held on as her body shook and thrashed around even as her pussy tightened its hold around my cock. She scratched my back raw as she got lost in pleasure.
I thrust in and out of her once she released her stranglehold on my cock, but no matter how deep I went, it wasn’t enough. It’s never enough.
I needed to cum so badly, but I wasn’t ready to leave her yet. I never want to leave her again. Now it was I who had tears in my eyes as I looked down at her.
“I’ve missed you so much.” I wrapped my arms around her tight until there was no space between us, our hearts beating wildly together as one. As I felt her body coming down I started moving again.
“Go up for me again. I need to feel you cumming over and over again.” I didn’t give her time to question my earlier slip, but instead carried her away with my kiss as my body got reacquainted with hers.
I had a decision to make, now that I knew she was no longer afraid. Do I fuck her all night and into the early morning? Or should I let her rest? I already knew the answer even before I asked myself.
It’s always been hard for me to leave her. And even though I know she’s going to hurt like hell come morning, there’s no way I was going to leave her now.
Besides, she didn’t want me to. She was moving again, pulling at me with her arms and le
gs as her pussy did what it does best. Captivating me with its tight softness.
As lightning flashed across the sky I knew I had to cum soon. Everything had to be perfect, there could be no slip-ups.
I knew that when I cum in her this first time that in a few months her belly would swell with my sons. I know that I’d done all within my power this time to give her and the children a chance.
The thoughts in my head made my hips move faster and I pounded into her no longer worried about hurting her tight pussy. I knew no matter how sore she became she’d never turn me away.
The question is, would I have enough control to keep her off my dick so she didn’t hurt herself. Or will I give into her lustful pleas when the time comes?
Whatever the answer, I put it out of my head now as I felt my body begin to tingle as I slammed into her. I released her lips and let her cries ring out as I shoved my cock as deep inside her as it would go.
“Cum with me. I want to feel you.” I reached between us to find her clit and teased it with my thumb as my cock shot the first volley into her womb.
Her eyes rolled back in her head and her body stiffened as my cock blasted off inside her so hard my sight went dark for a split second. I was no longer in control, my body had taken over; doing what it was meant to. Breeding its mate.
Her pussy sucked and pulled until my balls were dry and I was drained of all strength. Even when I dropped my head on her shoulder, all energy gone, her pussy was still trying its best to get the last of my seed from my sac.
I should roll away from her and let her breathe, but even before I tried, I knew she wouldn’t let me. She wrapped me up tight with her arms and legs and I understood when I felt her warm tears against my flesh.
I laid there for the next ten minutes, until my cock went down enough for me to pull out without hurting her. I looked down between her thighs and the sight of the blood splattered there made me sick.
I hate that I hurt her, but there was nothing to be done. Each time we meet it’s my duty to take her maidenhead. I’m the only man to ever have her and no one else ever will. Not in this life or the next!