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Bad Boy Page 8

  “Apologize to her.” Jake’s furious voice carried across the room, he was pissed.

  “Who’re you? Is that your brat? You people should know better than to…” He never got to finish whatever it was he was about to say because Jake picked him up by his throat. “Apologize and then you can leave.”

  “I have every right to be here this is a public place.”

  “So do they, they have just as much rights as you or anyone else in here, except your rights have just been revoked…by me. Since you wanna act like a subhuman asshole you can go eat elsewhere now apologize before I make you.”

  “Sorry.” He spat the words out before Jake flung him away like he weighed nothing. “Now get the fuck gone.” The man scurried out of the restaurant seconds before the place erupted in applause.

  Jake stopped by the table with the little boy and I don’t know what he said but the kid lifted his arms up and Jake picked him up from his special chair. He must’ve invited them to our table because the woman looked over at us, and then back at him as if to ask if he was sure. Joan nodded her head at her and she got up and followed Jake and her son to our table.

  “I’m so sorry and thank you for that. Andrew gets a little loud when he doesn’t get his way he’s autistic. He’s not usually like that it’s just he wanted Mac and cheese and they don’t serve anything off the kid’s menu after a certain time. I was late getting here and well…thanks. I’ll take him away if he gets to be too much he sometimes takes a while to calm down.”

  “He seems pretty calm to me, besides my sister acts that way all the time and they claim she’s normal.” Mindy threw her napkin at him before saying hi to little Andrew who seemed fascinated by everything that was going on around him.


  I should’ve broken that fuck’s neck, this being a cop shit comes with its own drawbacks but I would’ve taken the hit for assaulting the dumbass, they ought to be a law. What the fuck is wrong with people anyway? If that had been my kid I would’ve kicked his ass into Outer Mongolia then followed him there and pulled his lungs out his fucking ass. Asshole.

  The girls were all trying to involve Andrew in conversation. I was just trying to lighten the mood because his mom seemed a little frazzled. The last thing she needed was for some asshole to be hassling her like that. The waitress came over with some crayons and paper for him to play with and that’s the only time he let go of my neck. I sat him on the seat between me and Jacqueline so he could color and when the young lady came back to take our orders I ordered his Mac and cheese.

  “Sir we don’t serve that after four pm I already told his mom…”

  “Do you or do you not have Mac and cheese back there?”

  “Well no it’s made fresh every morning.

  “You’ve got macaroni salad on the dinner menu which means you’ve got noodles, you have cheeseburgers on there too there’s your cheese. Tell the chef to heat up some pasta and melt some cheese it can’t be that hard.”

  “But sir…

  “If you tell me about that four o’clock thing again I’m gonna lose my shit. That’s a human being, that’s a manmade device that keeps track of time. This kid has to go to bed hungry because that says so?”

  She thought it over and came to the right conclusion, which was good for her and all concerned because I was seriously contemplating going back there and doing the shit myself.

  “I’ll get him his Mac and cheese even if I have to do it myself. It might take a minute…”

  “We’ll wait.” Andrew was busy painting away, I guess he thought he was Picasso or some shit. He was handing out drawings to all the women the little shit, and flirting with my wife.

  Dinner turned out okay Andrew ate his dinner and seemed happy enough. There were no more outbursts because he’d got what the fuck he wanted. I don’t see what was the big fucking deal? I’m a grown man and sometimes I want to throw a howling fit. In fact if you asked my team they’d tell you I do that shit on occasion.

  “You know that thing I was worried about earlier?” Jacqueline leaned over Andrew’s head to whisper.


  “I’m not worried anymore.”

  “Good girl.”

  Chapter 18


  After dinner and it was time to go the women acted like they were long lost friends. Linda, the young mother spent a good five minutes trying to pay me back for her portion but I didn’t even acknowledge that shit. She finally gave up when my wife and mother told her it was a lost cause. As we left the restaurant Jacqueline was stuck to my side while mom and Mindy walked behind with Linda and Andrew who was talking a mile a minute.

  “Can you believe her husband left her because Andrew wasn’t born perfect?” I kissed her head softly because her voice was so sad. After living with asshole number one she still didn’t get it. “Babe everything with a dick ain’t a man. No man would leave his family no matter what. In the long run they’ll be better off without the fuck.” She wasn’t done yet because she was twitchier than a cat on a cross wire. Whatever it was I’ll put her mind at ease however I could before she worried herself to death. My woman sure likes to worry about shit.

  “But I feel so bad for them, she came all the way from New York and she has no family here, no one it’s just so unfair.”

  “You learned all that in the last hour and fifteen minutes?” What the fuck is up with women anyway? It’s like they meet each other and shit just starts spilling out.

  “Well yeah, what’s wrong with that? Anyway I think it’s awful that she has to go through this and she has no way of getting back to her family, she’s ashamed…”

  “Where does she live?” She rattled off an address here in town, it wasn’t the worst but it wasn’t the best either. “I know where that it we’ll follow them home.” She squeezed my arm and laid her head on my shoulder for which she got another kiss to her head just because.

  Linda once more tried to protest when I said we were going to follow behind and make sure they got home safe. The women had already exchanged numbers so I didn’t have to. I strapped Andrew into his car seat while he talked at me. I didn’t understand half of what he was saying but I found out at dinner that as long as I looked at him and answered every once in a while with a yes or ok he was fine. Right now he had a whole lot of shit to say so I listened. When he was done I kissed his head and stepped back so Linda could do her thing.

  Back in my jeep my girls were chattering away like magpies. Mom was planning a scarf and hat knitted set though the barometer was set to hell, I guess she was looking ahead to winter. Mindy with her teacher wanna be ass was trying to plan lessons or some shit, and Jacqueline was plotting something if the way she was going after her nail with her teeth was any indication. Me I just kept my mouth shut as we followed them home. I watched until she got inside the little house and turned on a light before waving to us out the window. My women had that place picked apart in five seconds flat.

  “I don’t like it, look at that place next door with all that old junk in the front yard.”

  “What about her yard it’s too small there’s no place for Andrew to run and play.”

  And on and on it went, I kept my damn mouth shut while the three of them rearranged that poor woman’s life like she’d asked them to. “Look whatever you three are gonna do you’d better do it soon because we leave in two days.” Shit the racket started then, apparently two days wasn’t long enough time for them to stick their noses in people’s shit and decide what’s best for them. I took my life in my hands and offered up a suggestion.

  “Why don’t the three of you wait until she asks for help? She’s an adult ladies and though I’d be the first one there with a moving van it’s her call. Don’t go overstepping boundaries.” They let that settle in for all of two seconds before they ripped into me. “Honey her whole conversation was a cry for help, didn’t you hear her?” My wife was giving me the pouty face. “No I was too busy trying to break Andrew’s code the little fu
ck thinks he’s slick.” Tonight was the first time I’d ever had any dealings with an autistic child, never had any reason to before. But I have lots of experience with observing and deciphering shit, that’s what I get paid hundreds of thousands a year to do. My brain is like some kind of machine or some shit.

  What I got from Andrew is that everything he says makes sense he’s just speaking in a different language. It’s like some cultures read from right to left. Personally I think for kids like Andrew it’s a choice, some people believer that we get to choose who we are before we come here. I don’t know why the fuck that shouldn’t apply to the autistic too. Maybe Andrew and his posse told the Big guy upstairs that they wanted as little to do with the rest of us humans as possible. Because from what I could see wasn’t shit wrong with that kid, he’s just a four year old with attitude.

  “She won’t come right out and ask for help son but we’re women, we know what to listen for and she needs help.” I went back to listening and keeping my mouth shut; whatever they needed me to do they’d let me know.

  By the time we reached the house I think they’d pretty much figured it out. I’d heard bits and pieces but my mind had wandered towards our trip. I was trying to plot out the routes and shit, Jacqueline wanted to play it by ear and just go, sounds good to me but I’m not sure she’s ready for that just yet. I’m willing to let her have her way for now though if it’ll make her happy. “So have we decided how we’re gonna disrupt this woman’s life?” The three of them smiled at me all sweet and shit which was a dead giveaway. “Why don’t we tackle that when we get back from our trips?” I guess mom was taking lead on this one, fine whatever.

  We said our goodnights and once again Mindy was staying over with mom. Jacqueline still seemed a bit down in the dumps, which was not on my agenda for her so I’d have to do something quick. My baby is a worrier, not that she likes to, she just does. As soon as the door closed behind us I was on her. I cupped her magnificent breasts from behind, testing their weight in my hands. She sighed and leaned back against my chest while I opened her top and pushed her bra aside.

  While sucking a hickey into her neck I pulled on one nipple while my other hand moved down beneath the waistband of her jeans heading for her pussy. I didn’t forget those black silk thongs she’d put on earlier. It took a little bit of work but I found her pussy with my fingers and finger fucked her right there in the living room. Her ass rubbed against my already hard cock and I knew we weren’t gonna make it into the bedroom. I lifted my mouth from her neck long enough to order her to take off her pants. While she did that I unzipped. She barely had enough time to get her jeans down her thighs and off before I was taking her down to the carpeted floor.

  “I want your ass high in the air babe, this is going to be deep.” She arched her ass high in the air for me while I rubbed my leaky cock head up and down her slit before pushing into her. “Ooomph…” I hit her end with one stroke and kept going. Sometimes, like now I just want to fuck the shit out of her, no finesse, no love taps. Just a balls deep pussy destroying fuck. I guess this would fall under the heading of staking my claim. Her loud cries only made me want to pound her pussy harder, so I did. Her knees skidded across the carpet and my dick followed, until I held her around her middle and fucked into her harder and harder. Her fingers had nowhere to grab so they scraped across the carpet with each pounding of my hips. The wet sounds of her pussy juice on my cock was sweet music to my ears as I watched it go in and out of her; and all the while she kept her ass nice and high for her man. “Fuck I’m cumming, cum for me baby.” A finger in her tight ass was all that was needed to get her off and she squeezed the fuck out of my dick as I poured my seed inside her.

  It didn’t take us long to cum, but the night was still young. I felt a marathon coming on. “That was just a teaser.”

  I had to pick her up and carry her to bed, no sense washing it off I since I planned to stay in her all night.

  Chapter 19


  The next day the women were buzzing around like worker bees getting ready for our trips. I ended up taking her shopping after all because I didn’t trust the whispers and sneaky looks between her and Mindy. It would be fucked to have our first argument right before we left for our honeymoon but I knew there would be war if she came home with any of that too short shit.

  “I like this one Jake.” She pointed out something that looked like strips of material held together by some kind of metal loop in the back and from the way it looked on the mannequin would only come to about six inches below her ass. I gave her a look but she wouldn’t back down. “You’re out your fucking mind.” She folded her arms and glared at my ass. “You’ve said no to the last three things I picked out, fine why don’t you just choose for me then?”

  “I thought that’s why I was here.”

  I ignored her and went through the racks looking for stuff that wouldn’t make my woman look like she was on the prowl or some fuck. “Jeans and tees.” Sounded fine to me, besides she was going to be on the back of my ride a lot she would need comfortable shit. “It’s hot in Arizona Jake can I just have some shorts?” She rolled her eyes which made me want to laugh. If she thought she was pissing me off with her sass she was sorely mistaken, that shit had the opposite effect. I loved the fact that she felt safe enough to speak her mind with me, unlike the way things were with the asshole. It meant she was slowly shedding those fears of hers which were the only flies in my ointment.

  “How short is short?” I got a growl and a stomp before she went about her business and left me to mine. In the end she got a few new pairs of jeans and some nice tops with a couple pairs of shorts that came to her knees and something the sales lady called capris. She seemed happy enough with her haul especially since I’d let her go into the lingerie shop on her own. She could go as skimpy as she liked in there since that shit was for my eyes only which is just what I told her.

  The next day you’d have thought these people weren’t going to see each other again in this lifetime as much crying and I’ll miss yous that were flying around. “Let’s go baby the cab’s here to take them to the airport.” I’d had to repack her shit because I don’t think she understood the concept of going cross-country on the back of a bike. Light was the name of the game but I guess she wouldn’t be a female if she didn’t try to take her whole closet with us.

  We hit highway sixty-four a couple hours later and it was a straight shoot ahead. My baby had been good so far. She’d only needed one stop to use the facilities and she hadn’t bugged me every hour on the hour about being hungry or sore, in fact she seemed to be enjoying herself. I had our helmets outfitted with speaking devices so we could talk to each other without having to shout over the wind and she yammered away at me all day. I loved it.

  By nightfall we were pulling into the hotel and she’d had enough. “You did good baby I’m proud of you.” She got a kiss and a pat on the ass for being such a good girl. She leaned on me while I checked us in and then we headed up to our room. “Room service tonight babe you’re beat.” She seemed to perk right up as she jumped on the bed and rolled around on it. “But I want to go look around.”

  “We can do that tomorrow, start fresh. You’re gonna be sore in a few minutes believe me.” I ignored her pouty face and went to run her a bath. “Come on sweetheart a nice hot bath and then room service.” I had to undress her because she turned stubborn and refused to do it herself. Suddenly she was too tired to do anything. I took her into the bathroom and climbed into the tub with her in my arms. Turning her back to me I sat her on my cock and picked up the soap to wash her. “You have to hold still the whole time we’re in here. If you’re a good girl I’ll reward you later.” She fidgeted for a minute trying to force my dick to move inside her without moving too much, slick. I pinched her nipple to get her to behave. “No cheating brat.” She whined and complained but held still.

  That shit lasted two minutes for me though because she started tightening her pussy walls aroun
d my cock and I couldn’t stick to my own rules. “Fuck you cheated.” I pulled on her tits while rocking my hips up driving my cock into her belly. She’d made me hard as fuck with that shit she’d done. “Play with your clit for me baby I don’t want to give up the tit.” She reached down and I could just make out her fingers frigging her clit between the bubbles that were being displaced by our movements. “Fuck hold on.” I stood with her on my cock and stepped out of the tub headed for the bed. I leaned her over the end of the bed and fucked her. Her ass was calling to me and I thought why the fuck not? Now was as good a time as any, shit where the fuck is my kit? I had to reach over her back to get my bag that was sitting on the other side of the mattress, which sent my dick deeper inside her.

  “Ow.” Shit I’d hurt her.

  “Shh baby it’s okay.” I pulled out a little to give her pussy time to adjust. “You okay now baby?” She started moving on my cock again so I guess she was. “Uh huh feels good just…shocked me that’s all.” If she thought that was a shock what I’m about to do would surprise the fuck out of her. “What’s that? It’s cold.” I’d come prepared with lube. I rubbed some into her ass getting it nice and oiled up for my cock which was growing harder and fuller with anticipation. I gave her no warning before pulling out and latching onto her pussy with my mouth. She’s gonna need to be hot as fuck for me to take her ass without causing her too much discomfort.

  “Umm I like your tongue.” She reached back and grabbed a fistful of my hair while I tongue fucked her. When she came with a scream I stood behind her, oiled up my cock and pressed into her entrance. She tensed up a little which was to be expected but I soothed her. “It’s okay baby I’ll take it easy just relax and let me have you here. Give me your tongue.” I had to bend almost double to take her tongue in my mouth. I shoved two fingers in her pussy while easing ever so gently into her ass. When I had about five inches in she relaxed a little pushing back against the cock in her ass while fucking herself on my fingers. I’d never been in anything so fucking tight in my life. Her ass had a death grip on my cock and when she reached beneath us and cupped my balls the growl that escaped me resounded around the room. I slammed all the way home I couldn’t help it. Her ass sucked me in as we started a push and pull motion. I was literally up on my toes as I tried to fuck her even deeper. Her screams were muffled in the sheets and I hoped like fuck they weren’t screams of pain because I couldn’t stop. The looser her ass became around my cock the harder I fucked, it was never ending, just one long stream of pleasure pain so fucking intense I wanted that shit to last forever. Her soft hands on my balls put paid to that and I was soon growling into her neck as she flooded my fingers and came. I pulled out before I was finished in her ass and sprayed her back with what was left of the fuck load of cum in my nuts. “Fuck I love you, as soon as I can feel my limbs again I’ll feed you.”