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My Little Farm Girl Page 10

  I headed for the chin-up bar myself to get myself started as she did the stretches I’d shown her.

  She had no idea that I could see her in the mirror across from her, so was unaware that I knew she watched my every move as I pulled myself up by the arms. Her mouth hung open by the time I reached twenty-five and she’d forgotten to do her stretches.

  I released the bar and casually looked over at her and she fumbled back into position with a beet red face. I hid my smile in the towel I used to wipe the sweat from my brow.

  “Okay time for your sit-ups.” I walked over to the mat and helped her lie down flat and showed her how to bend her knees the right way.

  Her breathing was a little more erratic as I bent in front of her and held her feet down. “I’m going to hold your legs down while you pull yourself up until you get the hang of it. Keep your eyes on mine, that way you’ll know you’ve done them correctly.” She blushed her way through fifty sit-ups before I stopped her and took her to the elliptical machine to work on her legs.

  I never stopped touching her as I showed her how to fit her legs and arms in the stirrups that would pull her legs up and down as she laid on her back. All this was part of her training, the way she let me lead her, never questioning anything I said or did, was very telling.

  “I’ll be right over here.” Once again I set myself up where she could have an unobstructed view of me as I got on the weight bench. Again her eyes followed my every move as I worked my arms and legs together.


  We were there for an hour before I felt she’d had enough for one day, but of course I had to put my hands on her to show her how to stretch to work out all the kinks.

  Her skin was hot to the touch and the fine hairs on her arms stood up as I ran my hands down the outside of her arms, giving them a light massage.

  She had her eyes closed as I looked down at her from my place behind her, her mouth slightly opened as she tried to control her breathing. Her breasts pushed together as I worked her arms and from my vantage point I could see the deep cleavage that formed between them.

  Her skin had a scent to it that I hadn’t noticed before; it was almost spicy and went straight to my head and my dick. When I bent her almost double in front of me to stretch her back, her ass brushed my cock for the barest of seconds and I almost shot off right then and there.

  “Why don’t you hop in the shower Kitten and we’ll get going?” I whispered in her ear, making sure my lips grazed it, sending shivers down her spine. She shook herself as if coming out of a daze as I watched her walk on unsteady legs towards the stairs.

  Fuck that was close; I took another minute or two to calm myself before following her upstairs. In my own shower I turned on the cold water and dunked my head, trying to calm down my libido.

  I found my hand on my cock and caught myself after the third stroke. ‘No Callan.’ I removed my hand and soaped up the rest of my body vigorously as I willed my cock to go down, gritting my teeth each time the memory of her hot body or the hungry look in her eyes as she’d watched me intruded.

  I was dressed and ready by the time she came out of her room. She was a little more composed but I didn’t mean for that to last too long.


  Her first appointment was with a beauty consultant. The woman seemed to know her stuff except when it came to Kitten’s hair. “No.”


  “I said no, you’re not cutting her hair.”

  “But it will work better for what we’re looking for if we just took a few inches off…”

  My glare was all that was needed to change her mind. I hovered over everything like a concerned dad as she went from one place to the next.

  I never knew there was so much involved in this side of things. She had to have her skin studied for some fucked up reason, which someone tried explaining to me, had to do with make-up tones whatever the fuck that is.

  Her body had to be measured and weighed and her nails, hands, feet, everything came under scrutiny. By hour three she was holding my hand like it was the most natural thing in the world.

  By then the consultants were turning to me for answers instead of her, as they realized that each time they asked her something, she deferred to me. I couldn’t have planned it better if I’d tried.

  We broke for lunch and I made sure our table had a booth so that we could sit close together. There wasn’t a time that I wasn’t touching her in some way, all casually of course.

  I saw the light of excitement in her as the dark cloud from the day before receded. She was a lot more animated as she prattled on to me about all the exciting things she’d learned that day and all that laid ahead.

  Tomorrow is when the real work started, when they would start implementing the things they’d discussed today. “Come. Don’t forget your packet.”

  “Oh yes sorry.” She grabbed the folder they’d sent her home with. They’d told her what colors worked best with her hair and skin tone and I think there was a nutrition list in there as well that we’d go over later. Right now I wanted her all to myself though, and riding on her high, I knew just the thing I wanted to do.

  Knowing her I knew that she wouldn’t have accepted me taking her shopping. I’m sure I could’ve worn her down, but I wanted her to enjoy the experience as much as I planned to.

  With her mind full of dreams of what was to come, I was sure she would probably just see it as an extension of the day. “First we have to replace your phone.” I squeezed her hand when I felt her slight hesitation at my mention of the day before.

  I didn’t make a big production of it just bought her the same exact one as the one that had been destroyed, before dragging her off to the next store.

  Like any woman, especially one so young, she was enthralled as soon as we entered the chic boutique. Her eyes widened as she looked around. The sales assistant whom I’d called ahead of time during one of Gabriella’s fittings was there at the ready.

  “Mr. O’Rourke so nice to see you again, why don’t you and the young lady follow me.”

  We followed her to the back of the room where there was an area set up with lounges for wary husbands I suppose, who had to spend hours waiting for their wives to choose clothes.

  “I went ahead and pulled some things after your call, your description was spot on sir if I do say so myself.” Kitten was looking back and forth between us at sea. But the good little girl that she is, she said nothing. I smiled and teased her fingertips as Gloria walked off to get started.

  “What’s going on Callan?”

  “We’re shopping pet, nothing to worry about.” She looked around at the row upon row of designer clothing, everything from casual wear to evening gowns.

  “But isn’t this stuff going to be really expensive, I don’t think I made that much…”

  So fucking sweet. I wasn’t sure who was more surprised by the kiss I planted on her lips, her or I. “My treat Kitten, just relax and enjoy.”

  “But…” she looked at me with that lip of hers caught between her teeth. She was green yes, I had no doubt, but she wasn’t too inexperienced to realize what was going on here. I wasn’t ready to spell things out for her, not just yet; that will come later, after I’d wormed my way into her every thought.

  It wasn’t very well done of me to use her weakness against her, but I had to be sure, there was too much at stake here. I’ve always played the odds, taken the risks, but in this, there were no do overs, no second chances.

  My heart said it was right, that she was right, and my cock, well, he’d spoken loud and clear; but I still needed to think with my head.

  Chapter 10

  In the end I got my way of course, and she was soon the new owner of a complete wardrobe, sans lingerie; that, I had already taken care of.

  I sat in the chair with my flute of champagne as she tried on a few of the selections that I had discussed with Gloria on my earlier call, never once letting on what her body in the form fitting gowns, or the way she looked
to me for approval was doing to me.

  By the time we made it back to the apartment she was more relaxed and the handholding had become natural. “Thank you so much for today Callan, I don’t know when I’ve had this much fun.”

  “My pleasure sweetheart.” I ran my hand smoothly down her hair, my eyes telling her how much I liked it.

  “I have some work to do in the office, why don’t you go look over the stuff you got in your orientation?” She nodded and walked away, stopping once to look over her shoulder at me as I stood in the doorway watching her.

  I didn’t want to overwhelm her, so much had happened in such a short space of time, which suited my purposes perfectly, but I wanted her to take it all in. To savor each experience, after all, this was going to be her life from now on if I had anything to say about it.

  Me always making the decisions in every aspect of her life! It’s what I needed from the one who will fill that place in my life.

  I made myself sit at my desk and go over some papers even though I wanted to be with her every second. I had planned on a nice quiet evening at home, where we could get to know each other a little better.

  I’d learned a lot from her today without her realizing that I was fishing. I asked her leading questions and she effortlessly supplied the answers, not once realizing I was committing each word to memory.

  I knew now that she liked horseback riding, she was partial to strawberries and she’d never been to a movie theatre. I also learned that her shyness was an innate part of her, but I sensed an inner strength beneath it.


  That night we ate a quiet dinner before I took her up to the mini theatre on the second floor. She was like a kid in a candy store when I explained to her that one of the companies in my conglomeration was a movie studio and that sometimes I got to preview a movie before its release.

  She wanted to know any and everything, which of course I answered but she had no idea that I had no intentions on her ever setting foot on a movie set, unless it was to visit of course.

  I’m not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, but the thought of someone else having their hands on her, whether it was pretend or otherwise, just wasn’t high on my list of approval.

  She’d already let it be known that her only interest in the movie business was as a means of escape from her former life. She didn’t seem to bear any real love for the idea, and I’m thinking being the new face for the clothing line should take care of what she wanted nicely.

  I’ve already been working out schedules and such from the paperwork Paulette had left with me, so I knew how to orchestrate my moves.

  It was very calculating yes, but it’s what was needed for this phase of our relationship. Everything must be done just right, so that by the time I got her under me, she would be on board for whatever I chose.


  I spent another restless night with her just down the hall, probably wearing one of the new pajama sets we’d bought that day.

  I’d chosen more conservative lounge pajamas for her to wear in bed alone, there will be time enough for me to see her body in the sinful concoctions I’d purchased for my viewing pleasure.

  Still, the thought of her wrapped in white satin made my cock ache and I promised myself that when she came down to breakfast the next day, I would find a way to cop a feel of her skin beneath them.

  I woke with a swollen cock and made my way into the bathroom for another cold shower. Hopefully I wouldn’t have to take too many more of these in the future, I’m not a fan.

  I realized that yesterday I shouldn’t have fed her before her exercise, but I couldn’t wait to see her in her workout clothes and better yet, get to touch her as I showed her what to do. Today I was thinking more clearly.

  I knocked on her door as I passed by. “Wake up sleepy head.” She came to the door all flushed and sleep tousled and I bit the inside of my lip as I caught sight of the rumpled bed over her shoulder.

  Her face was still soft from sleep and she looked so fuckable in that moment as she looked up at me that I was barely hanging on by a thread. My control was being sorely tested and she’d only been here one day.

  “I’m up.” She stretched and her pajama top pulled across her chest where I could see the pointy tips of her nipples. She wasn’t wearing a bra.

  “Fuck this!” Her eyes widened at my expletive as I drew her in close. I didn’t give her time to protest as I lowered my head and licked across her lips. Her body just melted into mine as her arms came up around my neck tentatively.

  I’d only meant to get a taste, just something to stop me from going out of my fucking mind, but her response made my cock weep and jump in my shorts and I couldn’t help myself.

  I kissed her softly at first; she was a novice. The realization made my cock even harder as I explored the soft contours of her mouth with the tip of my tongue.

  “Like this Kitten.” I showed her how to open her mouth under mine and how to take my tongue and suck on it, before taking hers into my mouth.

  I made fucking motions with my tongue into her mouth as I pushed one of my thick thighs between her legs and pressed her ass down.

  She moaned into my mouth and I ground my cock into her middle even as I told myself to stop. When I finally lifted my head her eyes were dazed and her cheeks were hot and flushed.

  Her hands gripped the front of my shirt as she steadied herself and I couldn’t resist taking one last peck of her lips.

  “Get dressed and come down to the exercise room baby.” I walked away leaving her standing there bemused, but I knew if I stayed a second longer I’d do more than I was ready to; or than she was ready for.


  I fucked with her senses for the next forty-five minutes. Every chance I got, at every opportunity, I was touching her in some way.

  My hands must’ve brushed against the sides of her breasts at least five times. I kept her in a constant state of arousal. I liked the way her nipples pebbled beneath the nylon sports bra when I did or the way her breathing hitched whenever I came near.

  When I wasn’t touching her, I was teasing her with my body, showing off my manly physique in its best light as I did my weight training or crunches.

  She’d stop doing her routine to watch me before she caught herself and with a blush went back to it.

  I didn’t try to hide the semi hardness of my cock as it moved around beneath my shorts unharnessed. When her breath started to get choppy from more than the exercise, I called a halt to it.

  “You may go take a shower now Gabriella. She raced upstairs to her room and I smiled. I hadn’t missed the way her legs were shaking as she stood. I ignored my stiff cock as I headed for the kitchen to make our breakfast before taking my own shower.

  She wouldn’t look me in the eye at breakfast, but I kept up a steady flow of conversation forcing her to. “So are you ready for your big day?”

  “Yes, I’m so excited, do you really think they’re going to like me?” She asked for the second time.

  “Of course why wouldn’t they? You heard Paulette, you’re a natural.”

  “What should I wear? I have no idea what to wear for something like this.”

  “Why don’t you let me choose something? You’re just having your beautification day today; I don’t think you actually start shooting for a few days yet. They have to do test shots and get the right lighting set up and all that stuff I believe, before they get down to it.”

  “If it’s not too much trouble I’d love for you to pick out something.” Why should such a simple thing make me hard? It was her natural instinct to let me take the lead, the way she deferred to me. Soon she will defer to me in all things. The thought made my cock jump in my shorts.

  I chose a pair of linen fawn colored slacks that I’d bought under duress, and an ivory top in silk with buttons up the front and a nice bow that fell to about mid-chest.

  Her shoes were the same fawn color as her pants, flats this time, since she’d be doing a lot of w
alking around today.

  I left her long enough to take my own shower and get ready before going back to her.

  “What should I do with my hair?” she turned those big wide-open, innocent eyes up to me and I had to restrain myself. Running my fingers through the long length of her hair I held it up to my nose out of her sight.

  She purred like a kitten when I played with it, dragging my fingers from her scalp to the tips of it.

  “Leave it down, I like looking at it.” She smiled and ran the brush through it for a few strokes before replacing it and turning to me. “There, done, I’m ready.”

  I took her hand and led her out of the room and the apartment. It was a warm day for late September but there was still a bit of cool in the air. I used that as an excuse to draw her under my arm as we walked to the car.

  Already I could sense the proprietary way in which I walked next to her, with my body shielding hers, my larger girth between her and the other pedestrians on the sidewalk.

  Shaking my head at the driver, I sat her myself before heading around to the other side. “Nervous?” I looked over at her as I took her hand in mine, moving them both to my thigh.

  She squeezed my hand as she looked out the window, feigning interest in the passing scenery, but I could tell that she was very aware of me, of my touch. The racing pulse in her throat was a dead giveaway.

  “A little, but you’ll be there won’t you?”

  “Of course.” I looked into her eyes for a little longer than was necessary when I gave her my answer.

  For the few minutes we were trapped in the car I continued my quest to find out all that I can about her.

  I learned of her insecurities, her hang-ups, and saw her innocence shining through loud and clear. It was like waving a red flag before a bull, that sweet innocence. I wanted to possess every ounce of it.