My Little Farm Girl Page 11
She was like an open book, for all her quiet reserve. As soon as I got her talking, the information just flowed effortlessly.
I had made up my mind sometime in the predawn hours as I laid alone in bed with my cock hard and aching, that I wasn’t going to prolong her initiation.
The time that it would’ve taken to get her out of Marion’s home had been cut way down, and now there was really no reason to wait. Other than maybe to make sure I was reading her right.
I had a war with myself over that one. One side of me wanted to give her the time she might need to adjust to a life as my sub. The Dom in me said ‘I don’t give a fuck, she’s mine and I’m taking her’. What a bastard.
I had the contract all drawn up and ready for her to sign, just as soon as I’d started on her. It’s funny, but, for as ling as I’ve known what I was, I’d never been interested in such things. Contracts and playrooms and rules.
I knew about the lifestyle, had even tampered with it a bit to a lesser degree. For me, the idea of contracts and playrooms seemed a bit too contrived. Until I met her, now I fully understand the drive, the need behind such things.
At least my idea of what they meant. I have the burning need to own her completely, in every way imaginable.
What she wears, what she eats, where she goes! A marriage contract, which I plan to get around to eventually, though binding, doesn’t say much in this day and age I’m sorry to say. People break those left and right with less thought than they give to picking out a new home.
The contract I’d drawn up would see her locked to me for the rest of her natural life. It helped that she was a natural; that she so effortlessly gave over to me, though she didn’t even seem to realize it, and what her actions meant. It was all I could do not to fall on the poor girl like a starving wolf and feast.
The salon owner was there, waiting for us when we arrived and whisked us away to a private stall in the back, where I suppose they took care of special clientele.
She was already hands deep in my Kitten’s hair going on and on about the beauty of it. I sat in the proffered chair and watched the activities in silence after telling the woman what I wanted done to her hair. I had my own visions of what I wanted it to look like.
Every once in a while Gabriella would glance over at me to make sure I was still there, and each time I would give her a reassuring smile.
I took every opportunity between sessions to bend down to her ear to whisper questions as to her comfort and if there was anything she needed.
The salon of course offered refreshments and such, but for now, every morsel must come from my hand.
I made sure my lips touched her ear each time, or my hand rubbed her shoulder. She responded perfectly to my nearness each and every time.
It was a long tiring day, the hair styling and body waxing and all that was a complete makeover. At the end of it she was elated but tired and after forcing her to have a light dinner I took her home.
She was almost asleep on my chest in the car as I held her close, my nose stuck in her hair. I’d chosen the scent of shampoo that was to be used as well as the body creams that she was now the proud owner of. It was the scent I associated with her, honeysuckle.
“Tired?” I murmured the inane question when she stretched and lifted from my chest as we drew up to the curb.
I got a soft nod and a sleepy smile. My poor baby was tuckered out. I should probably let her sleep, but I’d been waiting all day to get her home alone.
Watching her body being buffed and shined, (and yes, I stayed close by when even the most intimate parts of her pampering were being carried out) I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her.
I’d been nursing a semi hard on off and on all day; not least of all because I knew she was mine now. I’d set the groundwork; all that was needed was the follow through.
We sat in the study, my favorite room in the house because of its masculine décor. I held her on my lap, and not going too far out of her comfort zone for now, played with her.
Nothing under her clothes of course, just light touches on her tummy that made her tremble, or nibbles to the corners of her mouth without kissing her.
I had to stop myself from marking her more than once and when my cock had had as much as he could stand without fucking, I took her to her bed and tucked her in.
The way she looked up at me so trusting as I kissed her brow more than made up for the cold shower I was going to have to take. “Goodnight baby, sleep well.” With one last brush of my fingers through her hair I turned and left.
Chapter 11
The next day I had to go to the office while she went off for yet more consultations. I’d spent the morning keeping her primed, little touches as we passed each other. My hand smoothing down her hair. I also kept calling her Kitten at every opportunity, getting her use to her new name.
“I’ve picked out your clothing for the day, they’re on your bed.” I imparted that news as we sat down to breakfast after our morning workout and baths.
I watched to see if there would be any objections forthcoming, but she just nodded her head and dug into her oatmeal.
It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be, walking her down to the car, sending her off on her own. I didn’t repeat the kiss of the morning before, but I did rub my finger under her chin after seating her in the back of the car. “Call me at exactly twelve thirty Kitten so I know that you’re doing okay.” That was her introduction to what would soon become part of her daily life.
She didn’t look too sure of herself and I whispered reassurance in her ear. “You’ll be fine pet, I’m just a phone call away if you need me.” I couldn’t quite resist the kiss to her forehead before I closed the door. I could feel her watching me as I walked away and it took everything in me not to turn back and go to her.
She called me at exactly twelve thirty, which pleased me immensely, though I didn’t like the out of breath way she spoke. “Why were you running Kitten?”
“Josh was teasing, I was trying to escape so he won’t pull my hair again.”
What the fuck? “Josh?” You can imagine what went through me at that moment as I sat there in my office, my mind full of nothing but her. Though I kept my tone level and disinterested.
“Yes, he’s one of the other models; he’s a bit of a rascal I think…” She squealed and reprimanded someone in the background for pulling her hair.
“I see, well; how has your day been aside from sporting around with Josh?” There was nothing in my voice to alert her to my displeasure or growing anger.
“It’s been fine, a lot of work; um, are you okay Callan?”
“Sure, why do you ask?”
“It’s just, you sound so…never mind.”
“I’m a bit distracted at the moment I’m playing catch up since I’ve had to take so much time away in the last few days.” What an ass, but I couldn’t help myself, she’d thrown a fucking curve ball.
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realize…”
“No worries, I guess I’ll see you later then.” My ass.
“Sure okay.” She wasn’t sounding so sure of herself now and the laughter was gone. I’ll just have to teach little Ms. Gabriella that it wasn’t polite to kiss one man and flirt with another.
I had no way of knowing whether that had transpired or not, but I knew I didn’t like any part of the conversation we’d just had.
“Liz, hold my calls for the rest of the afternoon will you?” I hung up before my assistant could give me an answer.
It’s fucked, but I had to get over there to see just what the fuck was going on. And just who the fuck this Josh was.
I’ve never run after a woman before in my life, usually it was the other way around. But the thought of some young buck sniffing around what’s mine did not sit well with me at all.
Maybe she’d missed the signals after all; nah, I doubt that, I’m not exactly subtle. And no matter how innocent a woman is, if a man holds you on his lap for
an hour and lick your neck while running his hands all over your ass, that’s pretty fucking universal for ‘I wanna fuck’.
I got to the studio where they were doing the rehearsal for the upcoming shoot. Today she was supposed to have had test shots taken.
There was a bevy of people running around once I got there. The production team had already set up and the lighting crew was doing their thing.
I didn’t see her right away and I got a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach, until I heard her laughter. I followed the sound around the corner and into what looked like a break room.
There was a group of young people there, possibly the other models and part of the production staff. I picked Josh out right away, a blonde muscle bound type with caps and an artificial tan.
I stood back against the wall taking in the action, gauging the situation. If she showed any interest in him whatsoever I will lock her away after tanning her ass.
The wayward thought entered my mind even as the jealousy threatened to choke me. An emotion I was neither familiar with nor appreciative of.
Such weakness was for lesser men, or so I’ve always told myself. The fact that I felt it now, nipping at my heels, was annoying to say the least, especially since he looked like a kid himself.
It wasn’t long before something tipped her off to my presence. I’d like to think it was her attuned sense of me, but at the moment I was too fucking pissed to care.
The smile of delight that crossed her face, just before she jumped up from her seat, where Josh had been sitting on the arm, helped soothe the wild beast, but barely.
“Callan, you came.” She stopped just short of throwing herself into my arms. I saw her check the impulse and pulled her into me, my lips moving down to cover hers before she had the chance to protest had she been inclined to.
I kissed her with my whole mouth, nothing at all like the other morning. That kiss, our first of many, had been a man’s first taste of his mate, a sudden impulse. This was a marking, for all to see and know that this was mine.
That had been tame compared to the way I ate at her lips now before drawing her tongue into my mouth to suckle. Her body melted into mine and her arms came up tentatively around my neck. I was very aware of the eyes that were on us. Take that you little shit.
When I lifted my head from hers I made sure my eyes connected with Josh’s across the way. The gauntlet had been thrown down; whether he’d known I was in the picture before he started his campaign or not, there should be no doubt now.
Pulling her hair, what was he twelve? I ought to break the fucks off at the shoulder and beat him with them. That’s control for ya.
He held my gaze for the barest of seconds before looking away sheepishly. The others had gone back to their conversations, but I could tell they were all still very interested in what was going on between her and I.
Kitten looked stupefied and flushed as she held on to my shirtfront with a tight grip.
“Have you had lunch yet pet?” I held her hip lightly, keeping contact not just for the asshole’s benefit, but for mine as well. I needed to stake my claim, but since I hadn’t quite shown her where this was going, I had to go easy.
I couldn’t take it for granted that she knew what was at play here, she’s so green my little farm girl, that nothing short of me fucking her will get the point across.
I meant to change that tonight, though I may not fuck her yet, since I didn’t think she was ready for that. But I would be damned if I’d leave my woman open to the advances of another man.
After tonight there will be no mistaking who she belonged to. After I set things in motion, her next screw up will cost her. Even green innocents know not to flirt with men other than the one they belong to.
“Um they let us take little breaks to get some water and juice, but we haven’t really had lunch-lunch. Would you like to meet everyone?” She seemed so excited, how could I turn her down?
“Sure Kitten.” With my hand in the small of her back guiding her, we walked the few steps to where her new friends were sitting.
As soon as she started the introductions, I sent my thumb on a foray along the small of her back. Rubbing little circles in that sensitive spot, before going up and down.
I was sure the more experienced members of the little group knew the reason for the hitch in her voice and the sudden flush to her skin.
Of course the fact that I was invading her space spoke volumes as well, but no one asked any questions.
Since only my first name was given, I had no idea if they knew who I was? but no one seemed to make the connection.
“Okay everyone break time’s over time to get back to…oh Mr. O…” The photographer’s assistant stopped short when she saw me and gave me a puzzled look when I cut her off with a finger to my lips just as she was about to announce my name.
None of the others seemed to have caught the slip and they headed back out to the set.
“Are you staying?” Kitten looked up at me hopefully and I couldn’t resist running my finger softly down her cheek.
“Do you want me to?”
She nodded her head and bit her lip, driving me insane. Lowering my head, I sucked her lip into my mouth, rescuing it from a mauling.
“Then I’ll stay.” One last brush of my fingers across her ass as she turned away and I moved out of the way.
I had some time to reflect on my behavior as they whisked her away to be dressed. The gnawing jealousy had eased a bit, but it left a bad taste in my mouth.
All the way here I’d thought only of punishing her for giving her laughter to another man.
The fact that she so obviously had no experience with the opposite sex, and most definitely not with one such as me, didn’t bear much weight with me. I’ve never been very good at sharing, and I wasn’t about to fucking start.
I stood discretely by in an out of the way corner taking in the shoot in between doing some business on my phone.
She’d been changed into an old fashioned English riding habit in a deep forest floor green, with a cream undershirt.
The fitted jacket hugged her curves, especially her amazing breasts, and as I stood there, I could imagine releasing every last one of the fifteen or so buttons that went from just below her waist to a little above her cleavage.’
Her hair had been bound up in some way and there was an almost masculine hat worn for the hunt sitting on her head.
She looked phenomenal, the long skirt almost dragging the floor, giving me ideas of defiling her in some hayloft somewhere.
They took a series of shots of her in that get-up, then they brought in a horse of all things.
That was fine, until they had Josh join the scene. For this part they were taking video as well as stills.
I listened as the photographer ordered them into more and more compromising poses. His voice so brisk and detached it might be easy to forget that they were two warm bodied young people who now had their hands roaming each other’s chest or back.
I gritted my teeth and kept my feet from moving forward by sheer will. Why did I come here? I knew these things could get a bit risqué, and rather suggestive, I’d dated enough models in my day to know how it worked.
Somehow it never bothered me before, it had just been a job. Now, standing there, watching her as she sat atop the horse with his hand on her ankle, her cheeks flushed from her natural shyness, I wanted to tear his fucking head off and spank her ass until she screamed.
Chapter 12
They were at it for hours, assuming different poses each one involving him having his hands on her in some way or another.
The last straw was when he sat on the horse behind her with his arms wrapped tightly around her middle just under her breast, and his face in her neck as if kissing her there.
Throughout she’d been sending me furtive glances, none of them bearing fear but a slight unease at me seeing her in these compromising positions. Again it was just her natural inhibitions at p
But she should’ve been very afraid. It’s her job Callan. I warned myself even as they called a halt for the day; but nothing would assuage the deep fury that burned in my blood just beneath the surface.
“We’re in a bit of a rush can she bring this back tomorrow?” The photographer, knowing exactly who I was didn’t make any bones about me taking her out of there in the costume as I took her hand in mine and pulled her towards the exit.
She turned to wave at the others as they called out their goodbyes but I didn’t stop, instead I pulled her along even harder.
My face was a hard mask as we got into the back of the waiting car. She looked at me out the side of her eye as we drove the short distance through the streets to home, but I didn’t turn to her. I was afraid of what I would do if I did.
As soon as we cleared the door to the apartment I pulled her along to my room. She hadn’t been in there before and I’m sure she wondered at my taking her there now. “Did you have fun today little Kitten?”
I growled the question in her ear as I stood her in front of the floor-length dressing mirror.
Looking over her shoulder into the mirror, I started at the bottom and opened the first button. She stood stock still as my fingers worked to release them one after the other.
I was working out of sync here, this hadn’t been part of my plan, but I had to erase the memory of his hands all over her body from my mind, had to wipe it out of hers.
Her breasts were even more spectacular in the cream silk under the jacket, as it seemed they’d gone all the way and dressed her in a corset of the same period as the riding habit.
One of those hot numbers that cinched the waist and pushed her tits together to form a deep cleavage.
Pulling the tie at the top of her blouse, I pulled the folds back, revealing the skin of her neck and throat.
“Tell me; did you like having his hands on you?” the question came out a little forceful and a lot accusatory. If she’d had any doubts before she knew now that I was one pissed off male.