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My Little Farm Girl Page 12

  “I…” Her eyes widened on mine in the mirror as she fumbled, her fingers coming up to her throat. I kept my eyes on hers as I let my hands fall to her thighs where the heavy material of her skirt covered her.

  Slowly, with unhurried movements I dragged the skirt up her thighs. I could feel her breath through my chest as it hitched and sped up. Her skin was taking on that pink hue of a blush and I felt the heat of it through my shirt.

  When I had the skirt pulled up to just below her hips, exposing the short boots and hosiery that stopped at the top her thighs, my cock jumped.

  “Hold it.” She didn’t question me as I pushed the gathered material into her hands, freeing mine to do as I pleased.

  I let my fingers play on the skin just above the old fashion woolen thigh high stockings, and when my thumb came in contact with the garter belt I drew in my breath.

  Pushing the skirt even higher so my eyes could feast, I took in her wanton image in the mirror. I used my hands to spread her legs wider as I stood behind her looking down.

  “ Open your eyes Kitten; watch us.” I forced her to keep her eyes opened, knowing that this was one of her hang-ups.

  She had shared with me on one of my fishing expeditions, that she was shy when it came to showing her body, for the hell she’d put me through today, this would be her first lesson.

  When I was sure I had her attention, I teasingly ran my fingers over her thighs, under the garters and back down to the tops of her stockings.

  I kept my eyes on hers as I let my hand glide up higher until I was touching the springy hair of her cunt through her panties.

  She moaned and her body sagged a little at the contact as she looked down at my hands. She trembled a little and bit her lip unsure as to what she should do, still her eyes stayed glued to what I was doing.

  “Eyes in the mirror. I want you to watch what I do to you.”

  I pressed down on her plump mound with the heel of my hand as I bit her ear lightly and she shook and cried out, throwing her head back against my shoulder.

  “Watch.” My voice was not too gentle as I ordered her and her eyes flew open going straight to mine in the mirror.

  “Cup your breasts for me.”

  “I…” Again she fumbled for words but I wasn’t about to let her shyness thwart me. After what I’d seen today there was no way I was leaving things up to chance.

  The time I’d planned on giving her, though short, was now being cut even shorter. Her little hands came up as I watched, and cupped her breasts still encased in their lacy cups.

  “Squeeze them.” Her eyes flew up to mine but I was too busy looking at her hands to notice. Very gently she added pressure to her tits, as I slid my hand across the silk of her panties, rubbing against her clit with the pad of my thumb for the first time.

  She jumped and mewled, trying to escape my touch, but I held her close with one hand around her middle drawing her back against me.

  I ground the hard length of my cock into her ass as I pressed her back forcefully, attacking her senses dually.

  My hand on her pussy was soon seeking entrance through the top of her panties. The soft hair covering her mound tickled my fingers as I went in search of her folds.

  Her clit was swollen and I could see in the mirror how it protruded against the wet silk of her panty’s crotch as I lifted my hand.

  My mouth watered at the thought of getting my lips and teeth on it; but not yet, there was still much to be done before I finally take her completely and I hoped I was up to the test.

  She shook in my arms, a little moaning sigh escaping her lips as she pressed against my hand, seeking that contact again.

  I lifted my eyes back to hers in the mirror and was almost brought to my knees.

  In my wildest dreams I never imagined that she would look like this. A wanton innocent; an oxymoron I know, but there you have it. This is what she’d look like after I’d ridden her hard.

  Her lower lip was caught between her teeth, as her eyes were half closed, her head leant back against my shoulder.

  Her legs were spread wide as if waiting to accept me, and the dark tan of my hand against her lighter skin was almost hypnotic.

  “Do you know what I’m doing to you Kitten and why? I didn’t give her a chance to answer.

  “Because you’re mine, all the way mine. This is now mine.” I cupped her pussy and she pushed into my hand, her body taking over.

  Her breath hitched and she stared at me wide-eyed in the mirror. Her pussy throbbed under my hand as I moved my fingers over her.

  “Does this mean that you’re my boyfriend now?”

  “There’s nothing boyish, or remotely friendly about what I want to do to you. Give me your mouth.” I held her head back and took her offering, teasing her mouth with mine before plundering.

  The kiss was hot and abandoned. Her skin was hot to the touch and I knew I was overwhelming her but didn’t care.

  Turning her in my arms I deepened the kiss as I ground my hard cock into her pussy. Let her feel what she did to me, what was going to be inside her before long.

  “Do you concede that you’re mine? Do you want to belong to me?” I nibbled at her lips and she tried to compose herself.

  “Yes.” The answer was breathy and shy. In all fairness I should’ve warned her what laid ahead before exacting that answer from her, but since I had no intentions on ever letting her go, it was a moot point.

  “Good, let’s go we need to talk.” I took her hand and led her out of the room. The bed was too much of a temptation and she needed to have a clear head for what I was about to tell her. Hopefully I didn’t scare her too much.

  Chapter 13


  He led me into the study on shaky legs. I was still a little in shock I think, at what had just happened between us.

  After yesterday’s kiss I knew things had changed between us, but this, this was beyond my imagination. What did it all mean?

  I had nothing with which to measure this against; first a dream job and now the most beautiful man in the universe wanted me. It was almost too good to be true.

  He sat me in one of the comfortable chairs in front of the desk before moving around behind it.

  I noticed that his face had changed and was now set in very serious lines and it made my tummy cramp a little.

  He took a key from his pocket and opened a drawer, removing a thick leather-bound folder and placing it on the desk in front of him. Only then did he look at me.

  When he brought his two forefingers together under his nose with the thumbs under his chin and just gazed at me, I knew I was in trouble; that brought me to the edge of my seat.

  “Do you know how close you came to danger today little Gabriella?” His voice, so smooth and cultured, held no danger but it was in his eyes.

  Somehow it made my heart beat faster. I could only shake my head as my eyes seemed transfixed on his.

  “What did you see happening in your life, your future?”

  “I don’t understand.” My hands begun to shake with nerves, why was he looking at me like that?

  “It’s a pretty simple question Gabriella what were your hopes and dreams for the future? Marriage perhaps, a family?”

  “Oh that, yes of course, after I’d made something of myself I guess. I’ve always wanted those things.”

  “Make something of yourself, what exactly does that mean?”

  “Well you know, I’ve told you before, I wanted to be more than a farmer’s daughter. That didn’t sound right, I love my life on the farm, I love my family and I’m proud of my dad. I just didn’t want to spend the rest of my life there. Is that bad?”

  I wrung my hands in confusion suddenly not so sure of myself. Had I made my parents feel less than, because of my dreams of getting out and away? I’d never thought of it before.

  “Why would it be bad?”

  “I don’t know, I just heard myself saying it and it sounded, almost ungrateful I guess; which isn’t true at all.

  I looked at him pleadingly because I didn’t want him to think that way about me.

  I sounded a little too much like aunt Marion, who seemed to want to distance herself from her past. I didn’t want that, I just wanted…more.

  “There’s nothing wrong with wanting more, we all want that. It depends on the more and how we get it.”

  “I guess.” Still, the way he watched me, those eyes piercing me, made me feel there was something coming.

  Wasn’t it strange that even now, with him watching me like a predatory animal about to bring down its prey that I still found him so irresistible?

  My body still hummed from the things he’d done to me in that room, and my secret places were wet and tingling.

  I wanted his hands and his mouth on me again, now. Instead I squirmed in my seat, and awaited whatever came next.

  He tapped his fingers on the folder and seemed to be thinking over something.

  “I’m about to change your life’s plan Gabriella, in a very big way. I’m told these things are usually handled in a very different way, but I’m not one to follow the crowd. I make my own way.”

  I had no idea what he was talking about but held my tongue so that he would go on.

  For some reason my breath hitched and my knees began to shake. I bit into my lip to help quell my nerves but it didn’t seem to be working.

  “Have you ever heard of a dominant Gabriella?”

  “No, what’s that? I mean I know what the word means but I don’t think I know what you mean.”

  Was he saying that he was bossy? I think I already knew that, I could tell by the way he spoke on the phone when he was conducting business. Not rude, just very forceful. I kinda liked that too.

  “A dominant is a man who has to possess his woman completely, at least this one does. You asked me before if I’m now your boyfriend, since that’s what you understand we’ll start there.

  I will be that and more to you. The only difference being that your freedom will be limited, very limited. Do you understand what I’m saying to you?”

  “I think so, maybe; do you mean that you want to control me?”


  My tummy jumped at the one word and my mouth went dry. There was a little bit of fear beating in my chest, but there was also something more; like something unfurling inside me, a blossom opening up in bloom.

  “What do I have to do?” I was lost here, I think I knew what he was getting at, but maybe I was wrong.

  I know nothing of these things. I have experience only with the relationships I’d witnessed as a child.

  Daddy made all the decisions at home, that’s for sure and momma usually went along.

  But somehow I got the sense that Callan was speaking of more than that. It was the way he said it, coupled with that look in his eyes.

  “Everything and nothing. As mine you will never have to worry another day in your life.

  I will see to all your needs as you will see to mine. We will fill a need in each other shall we say. But in order for us to work, I must have total control, no questions asked.”

  “This” he lifted the folder and held it up, “is a contract, a very binding one. I want you to read it over tonight and tomorrow.

  When you’ve done that we will sit down together and go over all the salient points until I’m sure you truly understand. Just know that the decision has already been made.” He gave me one of those looks that said he could see right through me, that he knew my every secret wish. I felt my body tingle.

  “There are some men like me, who give their women choices. I’m bastard enough to admit I’m not one of them, with me you’ll have none. I will make the decisions, every last one of them and you will follow or there will be hell to pay.”

  My hand shook as I reached for it, but I already knew whatever was written in there I would gladly sign. How did he know?

  Was I such an open book? He hadn’t even been here for most of the week, hadn’t spent that much time alone with me until now. Was there something in me that gave me away?

  “If I do this, does that mean that I’m weak? That I can’t think for myself?” He gave me one of his coveted smiles as his eyes roamed over me.

  “To the contrary little Kitten, I would say you’re very strong, you’re the strongest woman I know.”

  I was elated and scared at once. What he was offering, though I had no words for it, sounded so much like my fantasies.

  Those hidden dreams and thoughts I’d harbored for some time. I’d always felt they meant there was something wrong with me.

  When I’d imagine being taken, overpowered, seduced. I had nothing with which to compare those needs, I just knew they’d started when my body changed.

  Now here was someone else who knew, who understood. My mind was in a tailspin. I wanted to ask a million questions but thought it best to read what he’d given me first.


  Weak! How can a weak woman bring me to my knees? Make me want to give up my freedom for her, only her. I will show her in the days and weeks to come that there was no weakness in accepting what I was offering her. Myself.

  I didn’t kid myself, I knew that she had just as much power over me as I sought to exact over her.

  It was just manifested in different ways. Already she owned pieces of my heart if not all of it. No, she wasn’t weak, not when she had the power to hurt.

  “There is some homework in there for you.” I gave her the other packet I’d had hidden in the desk.

  “I have some literature for you to read that would help explain a little of what I’m talking about. Read it over and we’ll discuss any questions you may have. That’s all for now, go put that stuff away and grab a shower, we’re going out to dinner.”

  I watched her leave the room a little shaky yet, but none the worse for wear. Just as she reached the door I called out to her.

  “One more thing; Josh, no more hair pulling, no more sitting close.” Her eyes widened on mine and she nodded before escaping.

  I followed her into her room and walked over to her closet, which was now fully stocked with my choices.

  Selecting something for the evening I laid it out on the bed. Turning back I chose a mid-heel in matted suede to go with it, before heading to the safe in my rooms.

  My grandmother’s emeralds would do nicely I think. It was just dinner in an upscale eatery, so she wouldn’t need the full suite, maybe just the drop earrings and the bracelet.

  I would leave her neck bare for now. I felt a contented smile cross my face as I thought of her neck and what will soon be there.

  Just the thought of it made my cock jump again. Things were coming along nicely I think.

  This afternoon’s little blip might’ve thrown me a little but I think the recovery was more than satisfying.

  She’d come alive in my arms, just as I knew she would. All that fire just waiting to be quenched by me and only me!

  I thought of that fucker Josh and was tempted to run a check on him just in case.

  I couldn’t fault the other man for trying, but it was left to be seen what road he’d take now that he knew she was taken. That would determine whether or not I let him live with all his limbs intact.

  I hurried through my own shower before returning to her. I watched her secretly from the doorway before entering the room.

  “Beautiful.” She stood before the mirror smoothing the silk of the dark green dress I’d chosen for her.

  It was an off the shoulder number with the waist high under her breasts, and fell to her knees in a swirl.

  Walking over, I stood behind her, my hands on her shoulders as our eyes met in the mirror. I trailed my fingers along her shoulder to her neck, and just below her ear. “You look amazing Kitten.”

  She blushed prettily and looked down at herself before bringing her eyes back up to mine. “Thank you it’s a very pretty dress.”

  “The dress is nice yes, but it’s what you do for it that makes it amazing; he
re try these.”

  I slipped first one then the other earring into her pierced ears and watched her eyes widen before her hands came up to feel.

  I took the opportunity to take her left hand in mine, and clasp the matching bracelet in place. With a kiss to her shoulder I turned her face back to the mirror so she could check herself.

  “Callan it’s, they’re…” She played with the chandelier drop of emeralds and diamonds at her ears before meeting my eyes in the mirror.

  “Le’s go love we don’t want to be late, I hope you like seafood.”

  “I love it.” She placed her hand in mine when I held it out and let me take her from the room.

  Chapter 14

  I seated her in the back of the car before taking my place next to her. I was finding it hard not to bring up our earlier conversation, though I didn’t want to rush her.

  My problem was that a part of me felt I was being unfair in a sense. I’d already made up my mind and knew there was no way I was letting her go.

  I also knew that the only way I wanted her, could ever have her was if she conceded to all the demands I had written down in that contract. I needed to own her, plain and simple.

  If she balked at the idea I was more than ready to override her every objection and that’s where I battled my conscience.

  Being a very independent sort myself, a man who went his own way and adhered to no one’s dictates, I was now contemplating taking that freedom away from someone else.

  Fuck it it is what it is. So I’m being a selfish bastard where she’s concerned, I have no doubt that I can and will love her more and better than anyone else. I should leave her to the likes of that asshole Josh? Fuck that.

  No, she’s mine and she’ll stay mine if I have to tie her to my fucking bed. I had to calm my breathing when I realized my thoughts were making me crazy. Tonight, I’ll start on her tonight. This afternoon was just an appetizer.

  I’ll overwhelm her with my touch; give her a taste of what her life with me would be like. That ought to make it easier when she’s doing her homework. She’d know some of what the words meant.