My Little Farm Girl Page 13
“Do you have any questions about what we discussed earlier baby?” I took her hand in mine and rested them between us on the seat. She bit her lip and looked up at me with the slight tinge of a blush on her cheek.
“Um, just, I don’t know…this all seems to be happening so fast I guess. One thing I wanted to know,” she broke off as if unsure of her next words. A soft squeeze to her captured fingers brought her attention back.
“How long?” The question was whisper soft and I had to bend to hear her.
“How long what Kitten?”
“How long would you want me?”
Ah yes, I could see she didn’t quite understand after all. Turning her face to mine with my free hand I stared into her eyes, eyes that were now wide with apprehension.
I could give her a straight- forward answer, the only answer; but maybe I could get some truth of my own from her very leading question.
“How long would you like to belong to me?” the deep inhalation and her hand jumping in mine was answer enough I guess, but I wanted the words.
“I, you’ll think I’m being foolish or naive.”
“I promise you I won’t.”
“But we just met, it doesn’t make sense. And you live here in this city with all these beautiful women; you can have anyone you wanted. And I’m just…”
“You’re just what Kitten?” She looked down at her lap and shrugged.
“Do you think I offer all the women I meet a contract? Do you even understand the significance of one?
The one you signed for work, it’s binding is it not? It says that you have an obligation to fulfill the terms of it or face retribution.
So does the one I gave you. When you finally do read it yourself I think you’ll find the answer to your question there.
I was thinking more of if you had questions about what I expect from you, from us.
“You mean sex?”
“Among other things yes. Sex will be a big part of our lives but it won’t be all there is to it. There’s an obligation if you will, from me to you and you to me.
The sex part is the easiest believe it or not. It’s the discipline and obedience I will expect from you at all times, forever.”
I guess I did answer her question after all.
“For…you mean…”
“Yes, I mean that when I take you for the first time I will be sealing a bond that will never be broken. That’s why I’ve given you time to look over the contract...”
“I don’t need time.” She interrupted me before her face lit up in a fiery blush.
“My sweet Kitten.” I couldn’t help drawing her to me, and covering her lips with mine. The kiss, was meant to show appreciation, instead it became a mauling.
I sank my tongue deep within her mouth as I drew her flush against me. I positioned her so that her legs straddled mine and the hard rise of my cock prodded into the soft curls of her pussy through the silk of her underwear.
I pressed down harder on her ass so that she could get the full affect of me rubbing against her as I fed her my tongue, before pulling hers into my mouth. So fucking sweet and hot for it. “I can’t wait to taste you on my tongue.”
Her body shook and she moaned into my mouth when I retook hers.
When we were both out of breath and gasping for air I held her head against my chest. “What if I’m no good at it, what if…”
“I’ll teach you all you need to know have no fear. I had planned to give you more time but I find that that no longer works for me.”
Especially not with assholes on your scent, no way, and now that I know you want me too, there’s no stopping me.
The car came to a stop outside the posh address on the Upper West side where the fashionable and the moneyed of the city went to see and be seen. It was the perfect entrée into society for the woman that will be mine. A statement if you will.
I wish I hadn’t thought of dinner out tonight, but I wanted to show her off. Marion had started making the rounds; though she didn’t know that word had gotten back to me. I had warned her, but I should’ve known that wouldn’t be enough.
I aimed to stifle the whispers before they got started. No one in my circle would dare affront me I’m sure, but I know the cattiness of some women and I didn’t want her hurt in the future.
Women of a certain age bracket tend to rally around each other when word that a much younger model was in their midst and apparently on the prowl, as Marion was rumored to have intimated about Gabriella.
I wasn’t going to share any of this with her of course, why would I? it was my job to protect her and protect her I will.
Anyone who saw us here tonight will know some of what she means to me. In a few weeks there will be no question, but this will have to do for now.
All eyes were on us as we were led to our prime table in an ideal spot that made us visible to most of the room. I’m not usually an exhibitionist, but the situation called for it.
After I’d been given the heads-up about the rumor mill I’d done some homework.
I knew that Drusilla Peters, who was the gossip rag maven, was dining here tonight. The woman has been on my ass for an exclusive ever since I moved back to the city.
I didn’t plan on giving her one, but I knew everything I did here tonight would be in the paper tomorrow, not to mention making the rounds at whatever galas and soirees were on the agenda for the coming season.
It was too bad that the situation with Josh had cropped up in the middle of all that mess, yet another distraction.
I wasn’t too worried about him though, or about Marion come to think of it. I had what I wanted Marion could go fuck herself. But it was what she could do to Gabriella that bothered me; the damage of a few well placed lies.
I removed the mink stole that I had thrown over her shoulders just before we left the house, and seated her instead of letting the maître d’ do it.
Making sure to run my fingers sensually across her shoulders before taking my own seat next to instead of across from her.
I ordered a bottle of the best white they had on offer and smiled when she told me she’d never had any before. “It’s okay love, a glass or two with dinner won’t hurt.” And I was sure they wouldn’t dare card her as long as she was with me.
“You look very grown up and very beautiful tonight.” Again the blush came out and I was happy to see the light shining in her eyes.
I’m sure the day and the evening must be a bit confusing to her. First I all but dragged her out of the shoot, then introduced her to things I’m sure she’d never experienced, and now here we were having dinner together in this place.
And my anger had been assuaged completely, so I was more at ease.
I guess the fact that I was now sure she hadn’t been flirting with the other man went a long way to easing whatever anger I’d had working there. And her response to having my hands on her did the rest.
I ordered for the both of us, which seemed to please her immensely and I delighted once again in the fact that she was a natural.
I fawned all over her as the evening drew on and we enjoyed a nice light conversation about some of the capers her and her siblings had gotten up to, to break up the monotony of farm life.
It was in the midst of one of these tales while we were both laughing at the picture she’d drawn with her words that Drusilla finally came over.
I’d been wondering how long it was going to take her. I knew her curiosity would overcome any sense of propriety sooner or later.
“Well good evening dear Callan, fancy seeing you here this evening.” Her words were for me, but her eyes were directed at Gabriella. My sarcastic smile hid much and revealed little.
“Hello Drusilla, always a pleasure. Kitten this is Drusilla Peters, Drusilla, Gabriella; she’s mine.”
The look of surprise that fell across the older woman’s face was priceless, but although I could see the questions in her eyes she kept them behind her teeth.
Because I’d taken
Kitten’s hand at the other woman’s approach I felt the jolt of surprise that went through her as well, though I chose to ignore it for now.
We had plenty of time for her to come to terms with her new role in life. After she’d read the contract I’d had drawn up for her there would be no questions and no doubts as to what she meant to me and what I expected from her.
“Well don’t let me keep you, I just wanted to say hi; it was a pleasure to meet you Gabriella.” The smile was genuine if a little questioning.
There, the first seed of doubt planted. Kitten’s natural charm and sweetness had shone through in the sparse three minutes Drusilla had been at our table.
Now Drusilla must reconcile this sweet young girl with the vile bitch she’d no doubt heard about thanks to Marion and her shit.
My job was done and I was ready to go, I planned on to draw her out more tonight, testing her responses to some of my seedier desires. “Come Kitten I want to be alone with you.
There was so much I could do as part of her training besides taking her down somewhere and fucking the shit out of her the way I kept envisioning.
Back in the car again I kept it light, just holding her hand this time with no repeat of the shared kiss. She peeked at me from the corner of her eye as I felt the pulse racing in her wrist.
On the way up to the penthouse I let my fingers play along her palm causing her to shiver as if from cold.
“Are you cold love?” I fixed the mink stole more securely around her neck. She shook her head as she looked longingly up at me.
I knew she wanted my mouth it’s why I was keeping it away from her. I might’ve skipped ahead a bit this evening because of my incessant temper, but her grooming will start tonight and there will be no rush, even if it killed me.
Instead I ran a gentle finger down her cheek to her chin before nibbling on her air and pulling her in close. “I had a wonderful evening with you tonight Kitten, I don’t remember when I’ve had so much fun with anyone else before.”
It was the truth, but it was also part of my campaign to take her over and under. By the time I was finished my little kitten would look to me for everything, whether words of praise or other. I want her eating out of my hands, succumbing to my will even at the expense of her own. I will have it no other way.
She followed me on wobbly knees as I held her hand and led her inside our home. “Let me see your little feet Kitten, I know you’re not accustomed to such high heels and you’ve been on your feet all day besides.”
I sat her on an upright chair and lifted her foot to my knees as I sat in front of her.
Removing the shoe, I rubbed her arch in a sensual massage, digging in to all the pertinent places that I knew were sending shock waves right to her tight little pussy.
The soft moans that she couldn’t quite control were followed quickly by her squirming in her seat. When that leg was limp I moved on to the next, treating it to more of the same.
When I was through molesting her feet, I kissed both arches making my way up to her ankles with my teeth and tongue before pulling back.
Her erratic breathing was the only sound to be heard in the still, silent room. I teased my fingers up and down her inner thighs, never taking my eyes from hers.
She bit her lip and arched her back when the backs of my fingers brushed against her pussy lips.
For the next hour I played her body like a fiddle, bringing her close but not letting her go over.
“Do you ever touch yourself Kitten, when you’re alone in bed?” She shook her head shyly. “Good, from now on you will only touch yourself when I order you to, do you understand?” She nodded and pushed against my hand.
“Pull down the top of your dress, I want to see your tits.” In a daze she did as I ordered, baring her succulent tit meat to my hungry eyes.
Leaning over I sucked a nipple into my mouth while my letting fingers trace the edge of her panty leg. She was wet and the heat from her pussy singed my fingers as I rubbed them against her clit.
“Ohhh…” she laid back against the chair in a wanton sprawl while I feasted on her tits and fucked just the inside of her cunt with my fingers. I brought her to the brink once again and pulled back. She must learn that her orgasms were now mine to give.
“Come, it’s time for your bed, you have another long day tomorrow, I don’t want you tiring yourself out.”
I walked her to her door, and once again instead of the kiss I knew she so badly craved, I placed a gentle butterfly like one to her forehead before bidding her goodnight and walking away.
My dreams that night were sinful, that’s the only word for it. The one that stood out most was of us back home on the farm. I don’t know how we got there or what we were doing there, but Callan was chasing me through a field. There was laughter and joy, even in the dream I could feel them both and they seemed so real.
I egged him on as I ran faster and faster but he caught up with me and took me down beneath him for one long heated kiss. Only in my dream he didn’t stop at kisses. I awakened in the morning with a burning need.
The place between my thighs was achy and wet and I felt at turns feverish and out of sorts.
What was wrong with me? I hopped out of the bed when I remembered the leather folder he’d given me the night before. It was early yet and I still had a little time before I needed to be up.
My heart raced as I flipped it open, somehow I knew that what was written there would change my life forever.
I got distracted by the richness of the paper first, then the embossed seal imprinted there, so official looking.
The first words that jumped out at me were ‘binding and contract,’ and then our names. Then I started reading and my heart took flight.
It was beautiful and frightening all at once. Some of it I understood clearly, some I will have to work up the nerve to ask him to explain, but I think I got the general idea. He wanted to own me, completely.
My fingers itched to find the nearest pen and sign; if this was the only way I could have him, then… but common sense prevailed.
Callan had said we would discuss it together first and there were those terms I didn’t understand that needed seeing to.
I moved onto the packet with the homework assignments next. There were booklets with the words BDSM and Dom/ Sub relationships. Things I’d never even heard of.
By the time it was time for me to get a move on, I was a little bit wiser and all I can say is, I hope my face goes back to normal soon. I was sure I was as red as the horizon at sunset.
Did people really do these things? and why did it make my heart race with excitement instead of fear?
Is that why Callan had chosen me, had he seen something in me? there were a lot of questions running around in my head by the time I met him in the kitchen.
I was even more shy than usual when he turned away from the stove and smiled at me. “Good morning my love.”
‘Good morning.” I bit my lip and kept my head down so he couldn’t see what was in my eyes.
Just one look and I was sure he would read me like an open book. Between the dream and the literature I was a riot of feelings, all of them new.
Obviously I have felt desire before, I’ve even been attracted to boys in the past; but nothing prepared me for this, nothing even came close.
My silly high school crushes were child’s play and seemed so silly now in this new light of day when faced with the insurmountable feelings that were growing inside me for this man, a man I’d only just met.
“Sit and have your juice Kitten.” There was something in his voice that tipped me off to the fact that he had to know some of what was going on with me as I stood there feeling so gauche.
I took the seat he pulled out for me and sucked in the kiss he placed at the top of my head like a drowning man with air. The memory of my dreams made everything seem heightened this morning and I was more aware of him now than ever.
br /> “What will you be doing today do you know?” He sat down across from me after placing the bowl of fruit and the slice of multi-grain toast down in front of me.
“I think we’re going over more of what we did yesterday and then we’re moving onto a seascape theme I think.”
Was he not coming today then? How was I going to get through the day without him there? And what has gotten into you Gabriella, since when are you this, clingy?
“Sounds lovely, I’ll be holed up in meetings all day so I won’t be able to get you until later. The car will be at your disposal of course in case you’re through before I am, and I’ve got you a set of keys.”
“You’re not coming?” I guess I held it in as long as I could. He reached over and ran his finger over the pout that I hadn’t even known I was wearing.
“Don’t pout love, I would be there if I could but I’ve been putting off the board for a while now and they’re beginning to get antsy. I promise we’ll spend a nice quiet evening at home just the two of us. Okay?”
“I guess.” I can’t believe that that was me sounding so forlorn, what had gotten into me anyway? This wasn’t like me at all.
“Now hurry up and get dressed, you don’t have much time before it’s time to go.”
“We’re not going to exercise?”
“Not today love, I’m surprised your body isn’t a bit sore after the last two days. I guess that comes from all that work you did on the farm, it’s kept you in excellent shape.”
He smiled at me and my heart all but melted in my chest. Still, I was going to miss the closeness of the last two mornings, I was looking forward to that.
Another surprise was when it came time to leave. He wasn’t dressed as yet so that meant I would be riding in the car by myself.
“Don’t forget to call me at twelve-thirty on the dot Kitten.” He kissed me then. A long slow deep kiss that made my toes curl, before handing me the bag with the costume from yesterday’s shoot and ushering me out the door.