My Little Farm Girl Page 14
“Did you remember to take the contract with you to read over in your spare time like I told you to.”
“Yes sir.” That too had come naturally and seemed to please him. I knew from the little I read that he wanted to be my master, though I wasn’t quite sure what it all meant.
I looked back as I walked to the private elevator to find him watching me. I gave him a smile trying my best to hide my disappointment.
The morning hadn’t been a total lost though, he’d picked out my clothes again, down to my underwear.
I don’t know why, but that made me tingle all over. It was like he enjoyed taking care of me; like I was really his baby the way he kept calling me.
I watched until the doors closed before I let my smile free. Poor little Kitten, she was out of sorts and trying hard not to show it.
I had no doubt that she would spend the rest of the day thinking about me, and the night before.
I busied myself before heading out to the office. It was true that I had a busy day ahead and there was no time really to spend on us. But things were progressing rather well and I was chomping at the bit to get started.
I promised myself that I would stay away from her for the rest of the day until evening, no matter how much I might want to go, keep an eye on her and make sure no one else was encroaching on my property.
I was soon bogged down in reports and figures, which kept me occupied until it was almost time for her to call.
There had better not be a repeat of yesterday, I couldn’t run out as I had then and I was hoping that my warning of the night before had been heeded.
“Hello Kitten, how is it going over there?” she’d called at exactly twelve-thirty on the dot. Good girl.
“It’s fine, we’re getting a lot done today, the photographer seems to be in a mood and there’s not much playing around on the set so things are moving faster.”
“That’s good, are you still having fun?”
‘Oh yes it’s amazing.” She ran through all the exciting things they’d had her doing this morning and I listened with an attentive ear. “Have you had time to look over your contract today?”
“Yes a little…Callan?”
“Yes Kitten?”
“Are you going to do all those things to me?”
“We’ll discuss it when you get home. Does any of that scare you?”
“A little.” Her voice went little girl soft.
“Like what?”
“Total power exchange. It means that you give over control of yourself to me completely, in all things.”
It was telling that she would choose that one thing out of the many others I’d listed. I was sure she wasn’t questioning it, more like affirming.
“Oh.” That’s all she said confirming my suspicions, yet I asked the question out loud to be sure there were no misunderstandings.
“No, I just, it all seems so surreal. Do people really live like this?” there was no accusation in her voice, no judgment, just curiosity.
“We will.”
“Oh okay then. Umm, they’re calling us back to set may I go?” Fuck, my cock sprang right the fuck up at that.
“Yes you may, I’ll be there to get you when you’re done love, have a good day.” I hung up and sat back in my seat with a smile. Of everything listed in the contract I’d given her, that was the hardest part for most.
It wasn’t as easy as it sounds to hand over control of oneself to another. The fact that she seemed to have no problem with it meant that I was free to move ahead with the rest. I hadn’t really doubted the outcome, but it was good to know.
I went back to work a whole lot lighter, anticipation of the night to come humming under my skin. I think tonight I’ll teach her the pleasures of cunnilingus and fellatio.
The thought of her sweet mouth wrapped around my cock as I throated her made me leak into my shorts. The next two weeks promised to be taxing on my libido.
It had been a while since I’d fucked. After meeting her, no one else will do. Not that I’d even tried, I’d been too caught up in her and thoughts of her beneath me for anything else.
That posed a problem all its own though, because now I was hot for my sweet little virgin and my control was no doubt going to be pushed to the limit.
Chapter 15
I went to get her at the end of the day hoping she was finished and we could just go. Though it was still light out, I found myself no longer willing to wait to be alone with her. Of course I wasn’t planning to take her home and just fall on her, but I’d missed her in the last few hours and was no longer willing to be apart from her any longer.
They were just finishing up it seemed and I was pleased at her response when she caught sight of me lounging in the doorway. I didn’t see the little fucker from the day before and I wasn’t about to admit not even to myself that it was the thought of him sniffing around her that had sent me from my office long before I was through to come here.
“Hello Kitten.” I took the liberty of running my finger down her cheek to her lip, as I smiled into her eyes. Her breathless ‘hello’ made me smile. “Go change love and let’s go home.” She hurried away to do my bidding as I waited.
We were on our way ten minutes later. In the back of the car we held hands like two teenagers on their first date, except this teenager was tracing ‘I wanna fuck you’ in her palm. I’m sure she had no idea of the message I was sending, but the sensation of my fingertips playing across her flesh was having an effect on her as was evident in her heavy breathing.
“You had a very long day sweetheart, are you tired?”
“No, not really. I was a little this afternoon but it soon passed, but my back and shoulders pull a little.”
“Hmm, maybe I should give you a massage to help relax you. It can’t be easy going nonstop all day like that.”
“I’ve never had one of those.”
“You’ll love it I promise.” And so will I.
“Why don’t you go get ready for your massage and meet me in the exercise room Kitten.” I watched her walk to her room before dropping my briefcase on the hall table and heading down to get everything ready. There was limited light down here which was perfect for what I had in mind.
I wasn’t exactly playing it by ear, but neither did I have a script to follow. I just knew that it was up to me to lead her where I wanted her to go. My feelings were set, there was no question in my mind that she was the woman for me. I just had to release her from her inhibitions so that she could enjoy the life I planned to introduce her to.
I decided to go with lounge pants and nothing else. I had the massage table set up and the oils laid out on the side table by the time I heard her footsteps on the stairs. One look told me she was nervous and I knew telling her not to be was pointless. I’ll just have to work at putting her at ease.
Yesterday, I’d introduced her to touch so she knew there was nothing to be afraid of, but I guess it was going to take a while for her to shed that shyness.
“Come on in Kitten.” She’d put on a robe and my cock rose at the thought that she was bare underneath. I walked over and took her hand when she seemed rooted to the spot. “There’s nothing to be afraid of love. I’ll never hurt you. You know that.”
A soft kiss to her forehead followed by one to her lips seemed to ease the tension a bit. “Why don’t you drop the robe and get on the table.
You can cover up with this.” I passed her the bath-sheet that was big enough to cover her from her neck to the tops of her thighs. I turned my back and finished lighting the candles I had scattered around the room, before turning on the surround sound stereo.
The strains of something soft and bluesy piped through the hidden speakers as I turned back to find her lying on the table stiff as a board.
“Lie on your stomach first Kitten. I want to work those knots out of your shoulders.” I had t
o take deep breaths before I begun. I could see the sides of her breasts as the pressed into the table beneath her.
Her skin still carried a slight tan no doubt from days spent out in the fields back home. She was smooth and without blemish except for a mole at the nape of her neck. It was the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.
I talked to her soothingly as I warmed up some oil in the palms of my hands before spreading it over her upper back, working my fingers into the muscles, digging deep before smoothing it out.
She was soon purring like the Kitten I’d named her for as I worked my way down her body, being sure to keep the contact non sexual. Lowering the towel, I worked on her back and lower back to the top of her ass.
I kept the conversation general to keep her mind off the fact that I was now kneading the flesh of her ass. She tensed for the first few seconds but soon relaxed when she realized I wasn’t about to maul her.
I didn’t stay too long on her ass though I wanted to, but instead worked my way down her thighs to her feet. I took my time moving slowly, enjoying every second that I had her under my hands.
“Roll over baby; so you’re having fun? The photographer isn’t being a prick?” She flipped over effortlessly caught up in the conversation we were having.
“No, Jean-Paul is very nice. I think he and the assistant are a couple.” She blushed when she said it.
“Oh? Why do you say that?” I started at her shoulders again, standing over her head as I worked her. My cock had been hard for the last half hour and was straining against the soft material of my pants.
“I don’t know. It’s just the way they act around each other I guess. Or the way they look at each other when they think no one else is looking.”
I worked her arms, adjusting the arms of the table so that they were above her head, stretching her out. I couldn’t resist lowering my head and kissing her lips softly. She returned the kiss shyly at first before I licked her lips and eased the tip of my tongue past them.
When she was getting into it, I pulled back and carried on with the massage. My fingers were now at her breasts; I used just the tips to play along the sides and beneath, not touching her nipples. Her breath got choppy and her words lagged as she watched my hands.
“I’m going to use a special balm now Kitten. It might make your skin very sensitive, don’t worry about it, okay.” She nodded her head as I dipped my fingers into the pot of cream rubbing it between the fingers of both hands before rubbing it into her nipples, pulling and plucking them.
Her body shifted and she pushed up into my hands as I fondled her tits, rubbing the cream into her flesh. When she was good and hot, I moved on, keeping her well primed but not giving her any more for now.
I moved onto her waist and was pleased to see the look of disappointment that crossed her face in the mirror across from us. I worked my way back up after five minutes and once again teased around her tits leaving her nipples straining for my attention.
Moving around her body, I started at the bottom of her feet where I had learned the night before she was very sensitive. Pressing my thumb into the arch of her foot, I lifted it into the air, dislodging the towel a bit.
I kept my eyes on hers as we talked even as my heart raced at what was to come. The fact that she had no idea what I had planned added to my excitement. Dipping my fingers into the cream again, I nonchalantly rubbed it into her pussy lips, then slid my finger into her up to the first knuckle rubbing some of the cream inside her wet pussy before moving on.
I don’t think she even noticed that the towel was long gone and her body was opened for my eyes to feast. Her wild bush of pussy hair glistened as I moved back to her thighs. She was biting into that lip pretty hard at this point and her body couldn’t seem to stay still.
I worked the muscles in her thigh, digging in deep before easing the pressure, then moving onto the other one. I opened the legs at the bottom of the table spreading her open.
Her whole body went red but she didn’t protest. I kneaded the flesh of her upper thighs, paying special attention to the creases where her thighs met her pussy.
Her scent reached my nose seconds before I saw the pebbles of moisture gathering at her cunt hole. “I’m going to shave you tonight but in the future, I want you to make sure you’re always kept shaved. That’s one of the rules in your contract did you see it?”
“Uh huh, I’ve never shaved before.” Her voice was dreamy as her eyes followed my fingers, which were getting closer and closer to her cunt.
“I’ll teach you; sometimes I will want to shave you myself. I’ll let you know, but generally your pussy must be bare and clean at all times. Do you know why?”
She shook her head and looked at me for the first time.
“It’s so I can fuck you whenever I want to without worrying about hygiene. When we fuck, I’m going to want to eat your pussy, it’s one of my favorite things to do. If you’re hairy I’ll get it in my teeth and that’s a nuisance. Now do you understand?”
My words, as I expected, were having an affect on her and her eyes fought to stay open, as her nipples became hard points standing up in the air.
Again, she nodded her head and I switched the conversation to something mundane, keeping her off balance. I teased the lips of her cunt as the cream started to do its job. There was a mixture of fear and curiosity in her eyes and I sought to reassure her.
“I’m not going to fuck you tonight so relax; though I am going to do other things to you, things that will make you feel good and give me great pleasure. Would you like that?” She started to nod again but I stopped this time.
“I need to hear you say it Kitten.”
“Yes.” The word was whisper soft but there was no hesitation. I spread her pink pussy lips with my thumbs and blew cool air into her cunt.
She arched off the table and squealed. Sticking my tongue out as far as it would go, I licked her pussy folds before pulling back. Control.
I moved my hands to her soft tummy and played my fingers gently over it, working my way to up beneath her breasts and back to the top of her mons.
Her legs opened wider with each stroke of my hands and my cock strained at the wanton sight she made. Leaving one hand pressing down lightly on her lower stomach, I sent the fingers of the other on an exploration.
Her hips were moving subtly back and forth in a fucking motion, which I doubt she was conscious of doing. Pulling the drawstring at my waist, I dropped my pants and my cock sprang free, bobbing twice before settling in an arced curve towards my navel.
The drops of pre-cum oozed and ran down the length of my shaft as I kept my hands moving on her. A quick look told me that she had her eyes closed. “Keep your eyes closed for me Kitten. I want you to relax now and feel.”
Of course she tensed up at that. “No baby don’t tense up, everything’s going to be okay I promise. You trust me?” She nodded without hesitation and I rewarded her with a pass of my fingers through her wet pussy slit.
“Good girl.” I teased around her pussy pressing down on both sides with my thumbs, opening up her pink gash before closing it again like butterfly’s wings. Next, I let the tip of my finger touch her clit ever so slightly, rubbing back and forth until it came out of its hood.
Adjusting the table, I stepped in closer to her until my cock was lined up with her pussy. She jumped at the first feel of my cock against her hot flesh. “Shh, keep them closed baby. I’m not going to penetrate you, just getting you used to the feel of me.”
Reaching up, I captured her tits in my hands, this time kneading them strongly as I rubbed the tip of my cock back and forth over her slit, butting against her clit with each upward stroke.
Her breathing was getting faster and harsher as I lowered one hand back to her pussy and inserted a finger inside her. The mixture of the cream and my teasing had her ready to go off and I knew it wouldn’t take much to send her over the edge.
Leaving her tits for now, I concentrated all my efforts on her cunt, teasing her fo
lds while strumming her clit. I could do anything to her now and she would let me she was so far-gone.
Her sweet scent wafted up to me, calling to me, teasing me until I had no choice but to lower my head and lick into her. She whimpered and moaned as her pussy clenched around my tongue, her juices flowing into my mouth.
“Sweet.” Deciding to circumnavigate the hair for now, I lifted her ass in my hands and brought her up to my mouth licking into her with my tongue until I reached her hymen.
The pulse in my cock throbbed and I growled into her pussy, using my teeth to torment her clit as I fucked her with my tongue. She screamed and moved against my mouth, no longer shy as she pulled on my hair to get me deeper into her.
I let her enjoy three more orgasms before pulling away. Moving to her head, I covered her lips with mine so she could taste herself. “Taste yourself.” I plunged my tongue into her mouth and she sucked hard, her hips still gyrating in heat.
This was going better than even I had anticipated. My Kitten had a wanton streak under all that shy farm girl charm it seemed. The way her body responded, I had no doubt I’d be fucking her before too long. And if that’s all I’d wanted, I’d probably climb up onto the table and mount her right here and now there was nothing stopping me. But I wanted much more than a quick fuck. I wanted forever, but my kind of forever was going to take getting used to, and that’s why I had to give her more time.
I broke off the kiss with soft nibbles around her lips while pulling on her nipples again. “Have you ever seen a man’s cock before Kitten?” Her face reddened and I wondered at the contrast between her body language and her reaction to the question.
“No, I saw my brothers when we were little but that’s all.”
“So you’ve never seen sex before.” She hedged at that question and I became intrigued.
“Not the way you mean, no.” Her voice was back to being shy and I could’ve sworn she squirmed. “How exactly did you see it then?” I kept massaging her tits as we spoke, running my hands down her middle to her pussy as I stood over her head.