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My Little Farm Girl Page 22

He pulled me almost roughly onto his lap to straddle him. My short skirt that he’d chosen for me rode up to my hips. Our mouths came together ferociously like two starving beasts.

  I sucked his tongue as I rubbed my breasts against his chest. I could feel the heat of his hands through my underwear as they rested on my butt.

  Then his hand was right there where I needed it most, rubbing my secret place. “Oh yes, harder please sir, rub me harder.” He teased my clit and licked my face and that made me hotter than ever.

  The sound of my panties tearing was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard, until…

  “Reach down between us and release my cock.” I fought with his belt and zipper until he was finally in my hands. All that heat, that velvet steel throbbed in my palm and leaked his pre-cum.

  I stroked and petted it until it was longer, harder, thicker. I wanted to swallow it whole but when I looked into his eyes pleadingly he had other ideas. I whimpered in my throat, I could taste him on my tongue.

  “Now sit on it and ride.” That was good too. I was only too happy to do it, moving fast, I held him in one hand with my other on his shoulder for balance. I rubbed his tip over my slit before taking the first few inches inside my heat.

  “Ahhhh.” It was a sigh of deep satisfaction, at last I was getting what I wanted what I needed. The only thing that could put out the fire that had been raging in me since we’d parted this morning.

  I rocked back and forth as he pulled my shirt up under my neck and pulled my bra down under my breasts. He sucked hard and I felt the pull in my womb. I clamped down on him as I rode up and down.

  “Damn, your pussy’s so fucking tight, I’m gonna cum too quick, ease off baby. Fuck.” He picked me up by the waist and slammed me back down hard as he thrust his hips up to meet mine.

  My mouth opened in a silent scream as he rocked me back and forth on his twelve-inches of steel that was now doing its best to split me in two.

  “Please master may I cum?”

  “Together, we’ll cum together.” with that he reached between us and pinched my clit hard while biting down on my nipple. I’m pretty sure the whole of New York heard my screams that time.

  I slumped down against his chest a limp soggy mess. I felt myself being lifted and looked down at the string of cum that led from him to me.

  He placed me on the seat next to him and got down on his knees spreading my legs wide open over his shoulders before burying his head in me and cleaning our combined juices off of me.

  “Clean my cock Kitten.” I was only too happy to switch places with him and enjoy my new toy. I couldn’t help the hum that escaped my throat at the first taste of him. I didn’t mind my own taste when I licked it off of him before taking the head into my mouth and sucking.

  His hands in my hair, stroking, made me feel special, like the most precious girl in the world. “My good little girl.” I came again just from those words.



  For the next couple of weeks we set into a routine. Her training was still ongoing, I was still teaching her new things, breaking down her walls and freeing her from all the little hang-ups that she’d been carrying around.

  Her self-esteem was growing daily under my tutelage, as did the bond between us. I kept her well isolated from the goings on where the investigation was concerned.

  On a hunch I’d decided to put men on Marion just in case my suspicions proved to be true. I made sure Kitten called home at least once a week. I didn’t put it past the other woman to try to start trouble.

  I blamed myself for underestimating the lengths Marion would go to-to get what she wanted. I hadn’t been aware that she’d had so much invested in our short lived acquaintance, and still wasn’t sure if her actions were caused more by the fact that it had been Kitten that I chose, or if she would’ve done the same no matter who I’d chosen. In other words I really had no idea where her head was.

  What we’d shared hadn’t been all that spectacular and it certainly hadn’t lasted long enough for her to have formed that kind of attachment, so I was left with the feeling that it was a simple case of, ‘I can’t have him no one can’.

  When dealing with someone like her, someone I’d come to know better in the last few weeks after doing an extensive search, it paid not to let your guard down.

  So while Kitten was enjoying her newfound lust, driving me to distraction every chance she got, I was keeping an eye on things.

  As much as my little girl was breaking out of her shell, she still had trouble with what she called naughty words. When I asked her how she planned to be my naughty little girl if she couldn’t even bring herself to say the words, she clammed up.

  She would turn as red as a cherry when I touched her vagina and called it her pussy or her cunt, or when I told her my penis as she calls it is a cock. No amount of coaxing could get her to say the words out loud.

  As far as the rest went, I couldn’t have asked for a better submissive, she fell into the role as if fitted for it. She knelt at my feet without having to be told, she asked my permission before doing anything, and her manner though always reserved and shy as was her way, was even more so now.

  She looked to me for guidance and direction as it should be and I praised her every accomplishment. She fed off of my praise and I knew that as I was learning her, I was also learning the ways in which I could bring her immense pain if I so wish. That more than anything else made me cherish her all the more; that she had given herself to me so completely and without question.

  Our days were spent apart, each having obligations to fulfill but at night, I fucked her like I owned her.

  It had become a regular thing to start teasing her in the car on the way home, getting her nice and hot so that as soon as the door closed behind us in the apartment, I could bend her over the nearest hard surface and fuck her from behind.

  It was my favorite way to take her, though for some reason I haven’t let myself go completely yet. I didn’t think she was quite ready for that yet and I was quite satisfied with the way things were.

  Tonight we were going to a dinner party for the other models and the rest of the design team; sort of a wrapping up party.

  It would be our first real outing together as a couple since the restaurant weeks ago. I knew that she would be on display, so I wanted her to look her best.

  I had her taken to the salon to get her hair and nails done and a body buff, the whole works. She was a little pouty that I wasn’t accompanying her this time but I promised to make it up to her.

  I started by letting her suck my cock as long as she wanted to in the shower that evening before it was time to go.

  She has grown even fonder of the thing, always petting or stroking whenever it’s in close proximity, and granted of course I gave her my permission. Telling her no on rare occasions has led to her getting her ass spanked for pouting or sulking or once even mouthing off.

  Tonight she took her time and played with my balls while teasing my cock slit with her tongue. “I see you’ve been reading again.”

  “Uh-huh.” She swallowed my cock while holding my eyes with hers. She didn’t just suck my cock, she made love to it, licking sucking nibbling, while she fondles my balls until she sucked me in and relaxed her throat enough for my cock to slip right in.

  I’d been allowing her to go at her own pace until that point, but when she massaged my cock with her throat that was about all I could take, and grabbing the sides of her head I face fucked her until I was at the brink. “I’m cumming, fuck, unghh…”

  She pulled me out of her throat and taking my shaft in her hand jerked me off onto her tongue. “Don’t swallow.” She struggled to keep my seed in her mouth as I kept shooting load after load until I was spent.

  “Show me.” She opened her mouth to show me her mouth full of cum. “Good girl, go ahead.” She swallowed with a big grin on her face before getting to her feet for me to finish washing her.


  I had her clothe
s laid out for her when we left the shower. I’d chosen a cocktail length evening dress in cream silk that did amazing things to her skin. Her hair was up off her neck and I checked to make sure I hadn’t done too much damage when I’d grabbed her head earlier.

  As she leaned over to put on the diamond studs I’d bought her one day last week I noticed that my mark, or at least the visible one was already fading. Couldn’t have that, along with her collar, she wasn’t allowed to leave the house without wearing my mark.

  Moving over to stand behind her I ran my fingertips slowly up between her thighs. She sighed and pushed back against me rubbing herself in heat. “No Kitten.” She stopped and watched me in the mirror. I used both hands to tease her now, getting close to her pussy but not touching, making her squirm.

  When she was panting for her next breath I latched onto her neck with my teeth and sucked. I felt her pussy juice run down to my fingers. “Mine.” I covered her pussy with one hand as I growled the word in her ear. With one last lick of my tongue over her fresh mark I fixed her dress back into place and passed her my handkerchief to clean up.

  When she was done I folded it and put it back into my pocket. “It’s time to go beautiful. I want you to relax and have a good time tonight Kitten, you’ve worked very hard and you deserve to relax and unwind.”

  Id seen the rough shots of what they’d done so far and Paulette was right, she was a natural. The camera somehow picked up that sultry wholesomeness, that I was sure was going to have every hot-blooded male in the free world lusting after my woman, or at the very least, imagining she was theirs.

  “Did you call your parents today like I told you to?”

  “Yes sir.” She smiled at me in the dimly lit confines of the car as we drove through the darkened streets of the city to the upper west side where the event was taking place in one of the city’s most established hotels.

  I was making sure she kept up open communications with her family to off set any rumors or lies they may hear through the grapevine.

  I hadn’t really spoken to them other than to say hi when they called or she called, since she’d told them of her treatment at Marion’s hands and wasn’t too sure where they stood with that.

  From what I’d learned of them from her tales, they were fine loyal people who I was sure saw the good in everyone and would easily buy any excuse from an old friend, especially if what they’d been told went against what they though they knew of that person.

  Tonight wasn’t for worrying about such things though so I put it aside and looked forward to a night of dancing with my girl, something we hadn’t done outside of the apartment when we were playing around in the evenings.

  The place was already crowded when we arrived, and more than a few heads turned at our entrance. I saw a few people I knew and walked over to where Paulette stood with some investors.

  “There she is, the woman of the hour.” She made a show of introducing Kitten to a few of the men and women, who as I expected were checking her out. There were huge billboard size pictures of her face on the walls around the room. From her deep intake of breath, I gathered she hadn’t been expecting that and she tried to disappear under my arm.

  “O’Rourke you old dog.” I turned to the man addressing me, Stephen somebody or the other. We’d met a few times at functions such as this, but weren’t what you would call friends. I didn’t have to guess at why I had earned the moniker; his leer at her was answer enough.

  I felt my hackles rise but played it cool. Most of the men here were bound to find her attractive, that didn’t mean I had to break all their faces, besides her could leer all he wanted to as long as he didn’t touch.

  I found I didn’t want to let her go but that was the epitome of foolish, she was here to have a good time, to celebrate with the others who’d worked with her in the past few weeks. Some of the girls from the magazine were her as well including Robyn and I was sure she’d want to spend some time with them since she hadn’t seen them since that awful day.

  I encouraged her to mingle, while I caught up with some of the old man’s friends and acquaintances. People who still had an interest in the business and those who were here tonight to show their support.

  I had the place, or better yet her, under heavy security and was pleased to see the men milling about undetected in the crowd, always with her in their sights. For that reason I was able to relax and enjoy the evening.

  She kept making her way back to me, or checking the room for my location every so often and I will give her a smile or a chaste kiss on her lips each time. I knew when something was making her nervous because she had picked up the habit of playing with her collar whenever that happened.

  When I saw that I would make my way to her side and extricate her from whatever situation she was in that was making her uncomfortable.

  “Let’s dance.” I took her into a dark corner of the dance floor where I could hold her close out from under the watchful eye of the rest of the room’s occupants.

  “Are you having fun Kitten?” I held her close with my nose buried in her ear just swaying to the music. She felt perfect in my arms and of course my dick was pushing against my fly, he’d sniffed her scent and was ready to go. It had been hours since he’d gotten wet inside her and he was making his presence known.

  “Yes sir, though I had no idea it was going to be like this. I wish momma and daddy were here to see it. My face plastered all over the walls of the Plaza hotel, it’s almost like a dream. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, and we’ll be sure to send them pictures, maybe we’ll have them out for the weekend some time soon, if you think your dad will leave the farm.”

  “Oh really, could we?” she forgot herself for a moment and covered my face in kisses. “Oops sorry, forgot where we were.”

  “That’s okay Kitten, you may kiss me anytime you wish.” She hugged me closer and seemed a little more relaxed.

  We stayed there through two more songs before I was dragged away to talk shop and it was at that moment I noticed Marion off in another corner of the room.

  My first inclination was to have her thrown out, but then I realized as a past employee it was possible she had a legitimate reason for being here. Not too many people knew the circumstances surrounding her termination, so it was within reason that an invitation had been sent out.

  My next thought was to confront her but then what? What could I say, that I suspected her of having something to so with the cut cables, or the woman that had shown up at the museum, where was the proof? Still I decided to keep a closer watch on my babygirl.

  Marion followed me around the room with her eyes but I pretended not to notice. I barely heard the conversations that went on around me as I watched Kitten with her new friends laughing and having a good time. I don’t think she had seen her ex-benefactor as yet and as long as the two women stayed on opposite sides of the room I was fine.

  I felt her as soon as she slithered up to me. My eyes were trained on Kitten and as though she had a sixth sense she turned and looked at me at the same time Marion’s hand came down on my shoulder.

  I shrugged her off subtly not wishing to cause a scene and beckoned Kitten to come to me. She came to me a little tentatively at first but her step grew more confident the closer she got.

  Marion meanwhile, blissfully unaware that Kitten was on her way over, broke into what sounded like a well-rehearsed spiel.

  “Well Callan fancy seeing you here.” As lines went it was a stupid one, we both knew why I was here after all. “Don’t tell me you’re still mad at me because of that little slip in judgment.”

  She tried trailing her finger down my arm suggestively and my skin crawled. “Are you really this stupid? We have nothing to say to each other?”

  “Why because of that little…”

  “Careful, you’re about to tread on very dangerous ground and unless you want me to embarrass you want me to embarrass you her and now you’ll leave well enough alone. Hello baby.”

>   I reached my arm out for Kitten and pulled her in close as we both faced the other woman. As far as I knew this was also the first time they’d seen each other since Marion had struck her.

  We’d never spoken of her after that day so I wasn’t sure how Kitten was feeling, but I knew it couldn’t be easy for her. Her heart was rather soft yet and she had once thought of this woman as a friend if not more.

  Marion’s eyes were glued to the mark on Kitten’s neck and the collar that laid there bearing my name. Her suspicions were now confirmed, her accusations justified. She now knew without a doubt that I was fucking Kitten, and more than that, I had not only marked her but claimed her as mine.

  The look that came over her face told me that had I not been there she would’ve struck my woman again. “Hello aunt Marion.” I squeezed her waist gently; her voice had been so soft and uncertain as though she expected rejection.

  Marion had enough sense to pull herself together and plaster one of her fake smiles on her face. “Hello Gabriella it’s nice to see you, I never got the chance to apologize for that day, you know I didn’t mean any of that stuff I said, why you’re my best friend’s daughter I would never hurt you…”

  “Cut the shit Marion we’re not interested. Now if you’ll excuse us I want to dance with my woman.” I took Kitten away before the bitch could convince her that she was human.

  Not that I would ever allow her near the woman again in this lifetime, but like I said, that loyalty thing runs deep with her and her family so I wasn’t taking any chances on giving Marion an in.

  Chapter 26

  As if that encounter hadn’t put enough of a damper on the evening, I saw her friend Josh enter the ballroom. He scanned the room and I knew without a doubt who he was looking for. He pulled a face when he saw me but the look was quickly gone.

  I wasn’t about to feel threatened by the little fuck so I carried on to the dance floor taking my woman into my arms and holding her close. It was going to be a ling night and it had only just begun. I couldn’t very well drag her home like I wanted to, it was she night and she was basically the guest of honor.