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My Little Farm Girl Page 23

  For some fucked up reason everyone wanted my attention that night, from the state senator and the mayor to some of the old men and women who’d known my grandpa for years.

  Everyone wanted to either congratulate me or commiserate about the old man. I dragged her around the room with me until Robyn and some of the others came and asked her to join them. “May I go?” She looked up at me with those soft innocent eyes and I realized it was the first time we’d really been in the situation. The first time she’d had to seek permission from her master in a public setting.

  “You may, but don’t leave this room.” She kissed my cheek shyly and whispered in my ear, “yes Master”, before heading off. My cock chose that moment to make himself known and it was all I could do to focus on what was being discussed.

  In between listening, I kept an eye on Marion’s whereabouts and on Kitten. I noticed Josh getting closer and closer to her, though he tried to camouflage his moves. I watched with growing anger as he bent down and whispered something in her ear.

  She shook her head and stepped back a little her eyes flying across the room to me. I almost broke the stem of the wine glass in my hand when I noticed her face getting red. What the fuck was he saying to her?

  She left him standing there and made her way back to my side. I made my excuses rather rudely in the middle of whatever the mayor was saying and pulled her along behind me.

  I found the restrooms and pulled her in behind me to the annoyance no doubt, of the attendant sitting there.

  Caging her in against the wall I let her see my anger. “What did he say to you?”

  “I…it was nothing he didn’t say anything.”

  “Are you fucking lying to me Kitten are you insane?” Her eyes widened in fright as I slammed my fist into the wall beside her head.

  “What the fuck did he say to you?”

  “Please you’re scaring me.”

  “You’re scared? You haven’t seen scared yet, you have ten seconds to tell me what the fuck he said. You’re already in deep shit for lying to me so I would think really long and hard about my next move if I were you, now what the fuck did he say?”

  “He asked me if I wanted to get out of here and go somewhere. He said he’d scored some good drugs or something…Please he didn’t meant anything by it…I’m sorry.” She flinched back at the look on my face when she spewed that bullshit.

  I pulled her in close by the gold linked collar around her neck that bore my name and my seal of ownership. “Tell me Kitten did he see this?” my hand fumbled with my zipper and belt and I released my cock.

  Lifting her leg over my hip I surged into her not checking if she was ready to take me or not. “I’m sorry sir, please…”

  “Wrap your legs around me. NOW.” She lifted her other leg around me but I had to help her up. My cock was as hard as it’s ever been as I thrust into her.

  The door was right next to us, and anyone could walk in at any moment but right now I didn’t give a fuck. It was an easy thing for me to reach over and hold it close if the need arose but she didn’t know that and I could see it was an issue for her as her eyes kept straying to it.

  I held her face roughly in my hand and forced her to look at me. Her pussy was soaking wet by my third or fourth thrust. “You like being fucked in a public restroom do you Kitten, huh? Should I call your little friend in here to show him who the fuck you belong to?”

  “No, sir, please, I belong to you only you.” Her eyes looked almost drugged as she fucked my cock wildly. She was getting off on my rough treatment of her, only she wasn’t aware of the danger she was in; not quite yet.

  “Everything that you are belongs to me, I’ll kill you if you ever betray me.” I slammed my cock into her hard, pinning her to the wall. Her pussy spasmed around my cock as she grabbed my head, pulling my mouth down hard onto hers; sucking my tongue like a starving wolf. “Don’t you fucking cum.” I pulled her head back roughly making a mess of her hair.

  I ground my cock into her hard as she cried out and begged me to let her cum. “No.” I whispered the word in her ear as I emptied my balls in her. “Clean me up.” She dropped to her knees and cleaned her pussy juice off my cock with her tongue. I stopped her before she could get too much pleasure out of the experience.

  Pulling her dress back into place I took her hair down and pulled her out of the bathroom with a cunt full of my cream. Just a little reminder as she moved around the room the rest of the night, my scent was stronger than the perfume she wore. That’ll teach her to let strange men whisper in her fucking ear.

  By the time dinner was called I was fucking pissed. You’d think fucking her would get it out of my system but it hadn’t, not even a little bit. Two known enemies were in my midst and this predator could never be happy with that. I knew that there was very little keeping me from lashing out; but my self-control kept me level headed. No one there would know that underneath I was a boiling cauldron.

  She was still a little shaky as we sat down to dinner. Her skin was still flushed and I’m sure everyone noticed that her hair was different. Thankfully, we weren’t made to sit at a table with others but were accorded our own booth in a perfect corner, out of the way of traffic.


  “Leave it alone until we get home.” I know she can’t stand me being mad at her, it off balances her, throws her off kilter. Right now I couldn’t give her the reassurance she needed. Though I kept my voice level so she wouldn’t be too hurt.

  This was the second time this boy had crossed the line, and therein lay the problem, he had crossed the line, she had handled it quite admirably, shutting him down and then coming to me.

  Still, what the fuck had gone on at that set to make him think his suggestion might be accepted? I should break his fucking face after all but I won’t give him the satisfaction, if he had touched her well, then that would’ve been a different matter.

  I wanted to hurt her for this raging anger inside of me. Not the usual, (well usual for me anyway), hurt from a dom to his sub; I wanted to tie her ass up and whip the shit out of her until she understood that she must never ever be in such a position again. She’s mine dammit no one else has the right to even look at her much less proposition her.

  “Have you any idea of the danger you’re in right now?” She jumped at the softly spoken words. I could see the tears forming in her eyes, and even in my anger they pierced me. “Don’t.” She hung her head and tried to compose herself.

  How did I get her to understand the difference between jealousy and the inappropriateness of the other man’s behavior? I was by no means jealous of the little shit; I was affronted that he or anyone would have the balls to approach what’s mine. Maybe I do need to pay him a visit.

  “Come here.” I moved around in the leather seat of the booth making room next to me. She sidled over and I wrapped my arm around her and placed my lips close to her ear, while my other hand moved over her thigh under the table.

  The waiter was approaching the table and her breathing became ragged. “Open.” She’d tried closing her legs on my hand at his approach but she will learn here and now, she was mine to do with as I pleased, anytime, anywhere and anyhow I so choose.

  I turned to face him just as my fingers dipped into her pussy, where my cum was at her entrance. I gave him our orders while my fingers played in her sweet snatch and she bit her lip and buried her face in my neck.

  As he walked away, I pulled my fingers out of her and fed her my cum from her body. She licked them clean and sat back with a contented sigh. I nuzzled her neck before nipping her. “My naughty little bitch.” I was feeling better.


  Thankfully, there were no more theatrics for the night though there was a lot of buzz surrounding Gabriella and I. I’m sure speculation was running rampant as to how long this one would last. Though anyone who knew about such things would understand the meaning of the collar around her neck and know to back the fuck off.

  I fielded my share of inter
ested looks from the opposite sex, but each time my hand in the small of my woman’s back sent the message, ‘taken’.

  She had started to relax by the time dinner was over and the real partying had started but she had enough sense to stay close to me the rest of the night. She too was having a hard time dealing with the looks and come hither smiles I was receiving.

  Now it was my turn to soothe her, though she fought hard to curtail her jealousy. I was overly attentive to her, reassuring her of her place in my heart and my life. It was amazing to see how she blossomed under my attentions, she was positively radiant by the time we said our goodbyes, long before the party was over.

  “These things can go on forever, I don’t want you out this late you won’t get your eight hours of rest. Besides I want to take you home and violate you and that’s going to take some time.” She shuddered under my arm and I led her out of there under the watchful gaze of two very unhappy people.

  I kept teasing her in the car on the way home, tickling her pussy with my fingertips, grazing my fingers over her hard nipples. I didn’t forget that I hadn’t allowed her to climax when I’d fucked her earlier, so I knew she was hot for it. I wasn’t planning on letting her cum anytime soon however. My little farm girl was in for a long fucking night.

  “Go straight to the playroom and remove your clothing. I’ll be right there.” I pulled her in close and stuck my tongue in her mouth after giving her the order. As soon as she moaned and started to rub her body against mine I pulled away. “Go.”

  I followed her a few minutes later and found her standing in the middle if the room naked, and squirming from one foot to the next.

  “Undress me.” She came over and assumed the position, first removing my shoes and socks before kissing my feet and moving on to my pants. Last was my jacket shirt and tie, and by then she was panting, her hands trembling with need.

  She went back to kneeling as she awaited my next order. “Come Kitten.” I walked over to the highest of the spanking benches and stood waiting for her. She swallowed deeply but did not object.

  “Hands behind your back please.” I walked over the drawer where I kept the silk binders, and then over to the chest where I housed my other goodies. She folded her hands in the small of her back and I walked back over to her turning her to face forward, bending her over the bench and locking her in place.

  Her juice mixed with traces of my cum from earlier ran down her thighs.

  I tied her hands behind her back with the black silk tie. My movements were slow and precise there was no anger involved. I saw her eyes widen in the mirror when I brought out the clamps. I attached one end of the clamps to her nipples then moved down to her pussy. “Open.” She obeyed and I held her pussy lips open and back and attached the other end of the clamps before bending her over the spanking bench.

  “Remember, this is not a punishment, it’s a reminder. You handled yourself well tonight you rebuffed him before things got out of hand; still, I was insulted, my manhood impinged if you will. Now your master has to reclaim what was lost in the few moments that he was near you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes Master.” I chose the thick leather strap because yes I wanted to inflict pain, not severely, but I needed to mark her, to leave a lasting impression, something that she would remember. “You do not have to count this time.”

  I brought the strap down across her ass, alternating between watching her face in the mirror and her reddening ass cheeks. She mewled and yelped around the gag, but that didn’t stop the force of the next ten lashes that I inflicted on her.

  I switched the whip from one hand to the other and felt between her legs. She was dripping wet. “My naughty little farm girl likes to be whipped I see.” I thrust my fingers in and out of her body until she climbed up on her toes.

  I knew she was on the edge after I hadn’t let her cum at the hotel, but I had no intentions on letting her find relief anytime soon. Until I got the picture of another man whispering intimately in her ear out of my head she was in trouble.

  When her ass was red and hot to the touch I released my cock and slammed into her. She screamed around the gag and her cunt contracted around my cock. “If you cum, I am going to be very pissed. Do. Not. Cum.”

  Her eyes widened in fear and I saw pleading there. “I told you to stay away from him did I not Gabriella?” One hard pound into her pussy. “Well?”

  “Master, I did, I tried, I…”

  “Not hard enough it seems. Do you want me to forbid you to see him, is that it. Should I cancel his contract with my company since he can’t seem to stay away from what’s mine?” I reached my hands around and pinched her nipples hard as I ground my cock into her pussy, my hips slamming into her abused ass.

  “Please I want to cum, please let me cum master please.”

  “No, do not ask again; you’ll cum when I say and not before. Now answer me. Should I destroy his career do you think? I will you know, three strikes, he’s got one more and he’s done.” The funny thing is I knew he was going to fail. For whatever reason, he wanted her and he wasn’t afraid of my wrath, stupid boy.



  Oh fudge! He is royally pissed; he’s hiding it well but I can feel…something, it’s like a live thing under his skin and in the air. I can feel the tension though looking at him you’d never tell.

  After he’d bent me over the bench and spanked me then slammed himself into me like a madman I thought for sure he was done. I’d felt his seed burst into my belly, a hot river of that thick cream that I had come to love, come to crave. He hadn’t let me cum though and I was afraid I’d go crazy.

  “I want to fuck your ass tonight, get it ready for me.” He untied me and left me in the bathroom shaking like an addict needing a fix. I got the enema ready with not a little embarrassment, knowing that he was on the other side of the door knowing exactly what I was doing.

  I followed the instructions and cleaned myself up afterwards before leaving the room. He was laying on the bed waiting for me. His rod hard and sticking up in the air.

  I swallowed as my eyes fastened on that object of pleasure and I wondered not for the first time how something that huge had ever fit inside me. It just didn’t seem possible when seen from a distance, but the things it did to me once he got it inside.

  “Come here to me.” I guess I’d got caught up in my lustful reverie and had stopped walking. His outstretched hand was like an offering of peace and I moved forward to take it. Now he was calmer, sweeter as he pulled me down on top of him and nibbled at my lips.

  I couldn’t help rubbing myself against him. “Tonight, I will break down all your barriers, after tonight there will be no more second chances, no more fuck ups. You fuck up I punish you plain and simple. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Now, take my cock into your cunt and ride it until I tell you to stop. You are still not allowed to cum on my cock, in fact I may not let you cum all night.”

  I’ll die if that happens. I just know it. I’m already on the brink, have been since he went crazy in the hotel bathroom and took me like a rutting beast. That had been hot as hell, though I’d been terrified that someone might come in and see us, somehow the thought of it had turned me on eve more.

  Now reaching down between us I stroked his meat in my hand, enjoying the warm hardness in my hand before lifting slightly and rubbing it against my slit before sinking down on it.

  “Ummm.” Always that sigh; as soon as he enters me whether hard or soft that sigh is always there. It’s like the feeling of coming home. That’s what it feels like each time he enters my body for the first time, like something that was missing had been found.

  I moved my hips back and forth as I bit my lip, enjoying the feel of all that pressure in my womb but trying not to enjoy it too much. His fingers on my little clitty, wasn’t helping matters any, and I was afraid I was going to fail miserably.

  “Master, please.” I got a hard slap to my ass for askin
g again. Tears of frustration flowed down my cheeks; the emotions that roiled through me scared me with their intensity. I wanted to rail at him, to pound him with my fists; to kick and scream until he gave me what I wanted, sweet release.

  He controlled my movements with his hands on my hips never letting me move faster enough to get that needed friction. “Feed me you nipple Kitten.” Oh man, that was going to make me want to cum even more.

  I leaned over like a good girl and fed my master my tit. My secret place flexed and tightened around him as he sucked and I had a quick flash of his son nursing at my breasts. That was almost my undoing and I had to bite my lip really hard to keep myself from cumming.

  His hands on my ass as he pulled me on and off hos shaft burned where he’d spanked me. My grunts and moans were getting louder in the room as he thrust his hips hard up into me.

  “In five minutes I’m going to fuck you like I’ve not fucked you before. I’m going to take you places we haven’t been so far. You will take my cock and everything else I give you and you will not complain. Do you understand me?”

  His hands were holding both sides of my face as he looked into my eyes awaiting my answer. “Yes sir.” My heart sped up at the thought of him taking me even harder than he already was.

  How could I bear the pleasure and not cum? It will be a test of my endurance that’s for sure. One thing’s for certain, I’m staying the heck away from Josh in the future.

  I felt kind of bad giving him the brush off after having been so openly friendly when we first met, but Callan was right, I had told josh that I was involved with someone else and he still persisted.

  It was just my natural small town girl reticence, that ingrained good girl attitude that had kept me from putting him in his place I’m not very good at such things. But if it was going to make Callan this crazy maybe self-preservation should be the name of the game.