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Bad Boy Page 3

  Everyday that I went to his house under the pretense of tutoring Mindy (who, as far as my parents now believed was a lost cause in the education department) was like an adventure. We worked out a scheme where he would actually help his sister before I even got there and then we’d spend the whole hour or two together. At first it was just getting to know you stuff. He seemed so attentive, like he really cared about my life. He wanted to know every little detail. The first day he passed his hand through my hair I had a very embarrassing moment, which he of course noticed. He seemed to notice everything about me, which just went straight to my head. But that day I’d wished he wasn’t so observant. With the touch of his fingers against my scalp my skin had heated, I’d become flushed and the seat of my panties was a whole lot wetter than they had been. I don’t think he would’ve noticed all of that though if I hadn’t moaned out loud and clenched my thighs together. Then again it had worked out for the best because that was the first time he’d kissed me.

  He’d looked right into my eyes then and stolen my heart with one touch of his lips against mine. I almost ate the poor man’s face off so green was I. It was the first time anyone had ever kissed me and boy was I not prepared. He did everything just right, from the way he held my head in his hands, the slow way he moved in while keeping eye contact and then that first tentative brush of lips. He’d nibbled on my bottom lip once, twice, three times, and then he’d taken my tongue into his mouth and suckled. After that my panties were pretty much useless.

  “Do you ever see yourself living anywhere else but here sweet Jacqueline?” I love it when he calls me that, love the way he touches me when he says it. We were in his family’s living room. The house was small but neat and full of little happy mementos. His mom made her own curtains of all things and crocheted little throw things for the chairs and stuff. Nothing at all like the professionally decorated mausoleum I’d grown up in. “I don’t know I’ve never really given it much thought before.” How was I supposed to spend the rest of my life with him if I couldn’t remember how to breathe in his presence? He had this intense way of looking into my eyes when we talked, as if all his attention was solely focused on me and me alone. When I’m with him I don’t feel like the social misfit or the plain Jane I’d always believed myself to be.

  “One day I’m going to steal you away from here.” He said it jokingly but all I could think was ‘yes please and thank you.’ “When?” Crap I hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Now he’ll think I’m a needy little girl too green to know when a boy was just sweet-talking her. “Soon I promise.” Those words had warmed my heart. I’d never doubted for one second that he’d meant them.

  We spent the whole summer kissing on that couch or sometimes when I was feeling brave enough, while lying across his bed in his old room. The first time he lifted my shirt I almost died. “No baby don’t tense up I’m not going to hurt you just let me look at you.” He’d studied me for the longest time and then his nostrils had flared and… “I’m sorry, I lied.” He growled those words just before he lowered his head and took my nipple into his mouth. My womb was no longer speaking, she was screeching at the top of her lungs for me to get on with it. I think this is what they mean by self-combusting, at least it should be. Every surface of my skin felt like it was on fire, my breathing was shot and I don’t think I remembered how to hold a thought. He chewed on my nipple and I’m almost ashamed to say I couldn’t hold back the unladylike sounds that escaped me. My hand of its own accord came up to hold his head in place and when he shifted his thigh between mine…well, lets just say I rode that horse for all he was worth.

  “Fuck we have to stop.” What why who says? Those were my confused rambling thoughts as I fought to hold onto my sanity. I tried to get his leg back to where it had been a minute ago but he held me off. “I can’t take you with my little sister in the other room babe. When I take you it might get loud…”

  “I don’t care Jake please…” I tried again, I don’t know quite what I was begging for but I knew I needed something. This ache he’d started inside of me wasn’t going away and he needed to put a stop to it right damn now. I’ve never felt that aggressive and almost violent before in my life, it was as though someone else had taken over my body. I ached so bad tears formed in my eyes. “Shh, shh, come ‘ere baby it’s okay.”

  “It hurts.” He looked down at me then and back at the door. “You’re killing me here you know that?” I didn’t answer, couldn’t. Just looked at him with what must’ve been the most pitiful sight he’d ever seen because he’d sat up on the side of the bed and removed his shirt. Then he’d started on me and oh my.

  My panties were stripped down my thighs and my legs spread over his shoulders. He’d looked at me down there until I turned red and then he’d done what I at first thought was the oddest thing but then learned was the most amazing thing on earth. He licked me. Right there on my kitty, his tongue felt like nothing I’d ever felt before, rough and hard and smooth and shit I couldn’t tell. It just felt too good to describe. I tried picking up my head to look down at him but the bones in my neck were no longer working and when he lifted me into his mouth and sunk his tongue deep inside me I came in his mouth…hard. So much for being quiet; “Shh baby.” He lifted his hand to cover my mouth and I thought biting him sounded like the best idea, so I did. And he thrust that tongue harder and faster and my body moved in ways I never taught it to. He pulled his tongue out and I came close to killing another human being for the first time in my life. But then he did something wonderful with that tongue, he licked my clit, and two long hard fingers sunk into my kitty and she yowled. “Jake what’s happening?” Leave it to me to die just when I’d found paradise because that’s what it felt like, like I was going to draw my last breath any minute now. “Just go with it baby.” Easy for him to say; he kept up that licking and fingering and growling into my flesh. When I came again he climbed up my body and covered it with his and I tasted myself on his tongue for the first time while he pressed his hardness between my thighs. That was the beginning of the best summer of my life. After that I was like a bee drawn to honey, every moment we were alone together I wanted more and that’s how we’d ended up in the backseat of his car that night.

  We’d gone out of town for the first time ever that night, I was too afraid to be seen anywhere in our town with him because I knew daddy would put an end to us and I couldn’t have that. Jake seemed to understand and didn’t argue about it. He’d taken me to a movie and dinner. We’d sat next to each other in a secluded booth and held hands and stole kisses while we shared our food. It was the most freeing experience of my life. By then we had been making out almost everyday for two whole months and I thought I was pretty worldly. He’d taught me things about myself that I could never forget. I could never go back to being that girl that I’d been before and I wished more than anything that I could have him for always. Though he’d never pressured me I knew it couldn’t be easy for him to hold back all this time. He’d taught me how to take him into my mouth and please him, that was my new favorite thing and I loved it when he teased me about it. As soon as we were alone together my knees hit the floor. I loved that best until he taught me how to suck his cock while he ate my pussy. Jake said little girls had kitties and women had pussies, and even though the word made me blush I was getting use to saying it and hearing him he tell me how sweet mine was.

  I can’t take all the blame for that night because Jake had started it. During dessert he’d worked his hand up under my dress and fingered me right there in the restaurant while the waiter went back and forth. It was a test to see if I could be quiet. I damn near bit a whole in my lip trying to keep my animalistic grunts and groans at bay. When we’d left I’d moaned and groaned until he took me out to the football field. I thought it would be safe there, school was out and no one ever really hung around out there as far as I knew. It was a chance for us to be alone together. I didn’t dare suggest a hotel room because that would’ve been far too brazen so thi
s was the next best thing. “I don’t think this is such a good idea baby.” He turned to me after parking the car. The night was warm and bright and the stars blanketed the sky, it was a perfect night for lovers, just like all those romance novels I used to sneak and read.

  “And why not?” He looked at me and then back at the seat behind us. “Because I have a hard enough time keeping my cock out of you when there’re people around that’s why.” He has such a way with words my Jake does. “Don’t be silly we’ll be fine, I trust you.” My ass, I’ve been reading, and I know more than enough to know just what it was I wanted. Pretty soon he’d be leaving again, we’d talked about it. His idea was that we wait until I finished school, hah later for that. I wanted to know what it felt like to have more than his tongue or his fingers inside me. And though the feel of his hardness in my mouth was a bit intimidating I couldn’t wait to feel it plunging in and out of me. He was playing it safe for my sake I guess but I knew just how to get him where I needed.

  I played the coy virgin, which in all essence I was, but he had no idea what I had in store for him. I started off by nibbling on his neck while running my hand across his chest. He likes it when I tease his ears with my tongue so that was next on my agenda. “Sweetheart you better stop.” Yeah right. I turned up the heat by letting my hand drop innocently into his lap and teasing his cock (another new word that now trips off my tongue with ease). I knew I had him when his hands fisted in my hair and he took my mouth hungrily. Before I knew it we were in the backseat and my dress was up around my waist. His mouth was on my pussy while his fingers dug into the flesh of my ass and I was cumming again. I pulled his head harder into me as he sucked on me like I was his last meal.


  Shit she played me. My sweet innocent girl had used my body against me and she used everything I’d taught her to do it. I never wanted this for her; I wanted her first time to be special. Maybe on our wedding night even, but she had decided and I was coming to learn that there was nothing I would deny her. She was so fucking sweet, and shy. But all that shyness melted away when we were together like this. I never get enough of her taste in my mouth, the more I ate her sweet pussy the more I wanted. My cock was hard and hurting but that was nothing new, every time she left me feeling like this. I’ve fucked her mouth more than I’ve pissed the whole summer and still it wasn’t enough. Still I’d been willing to wait, to do things right. She pulled on my hair and begged me to take her. “Please Jake don’t make me beg.”

  “Baby…” I tried one last time for propriety’s sake. It wasn’t right to fuck the future mother of my children in the backseat of a second hand car. “If you don’t do it Jake Summers then someone else will.” That shit made me see red. I had my hand around her throat and the other covering her pussy before she drew her next breath. “Don’t ever say that shit to me again, you ever even think of fucking someone else I’ll kill you.” She smiled up at me the little sneak and wiggled her ass pressing her hot cunt into me. “Well then…get on with it.” I groaned in defeat even as I undid my pants. I’d had my fingers and tongue inside her enough to know that she was small. There was no way she was going to be able to take all of me especially not in the cramped space we were in.

  I took my time after my cock was free, rubbing the head back and forth over her clit and down to her opening. She mewled in that sweet way that makes my cock weep. “Look at me.” She looked into my eyes as I eased part of my length into her. I tested her body little by little until I felt the barrier. Pulling back almost all the way I plunged forward hard and fast covering her mouth with mine to catch the scream I knew was coming.

  When her body had adjusted and my head no longer felt like it would explode I started moving inside her. Short easy strokes at first until she gripped me with her hot cunt and I couldn’t help but move faster. I wanted to consume her; the need for her was so strong it was almost frightening. I pulled my strokes not willing to hurt her even as my body begged me to fuck. She raised her legs and dug her nails into my ass trying to get more of me inside her, so I gave her another inch or so but still not all. Whether she knew it or not that would hurt her and I wanted this night to be remembered only for its pleasure.

  “Fuck baby your pussy’s so tight.” She was moving as best she could in the confined space, rubbing her clit against me for added relief. I could see her reaching for orgasm so I used my thumb to tease her clit while deep stroking her pussy. I was close, so fucking close and we’d only just started, months of pent up lust was in play. All those times I’d eaten her pussy and nothing else were coming back to bite me in the ass, I needed to flood her with my cum but I needed even more to make her scream. “Cum for me sweet Jacqueline.” I teased the entrance to her ass with my finger without going in. I hadn’t introduced her to anal play as yet, that wasn’t big on my list but the added stimulation could only bring her off faster. That coupled with whispered words of love did the trick. She tightened around my cock and bit my tongue as she flooded my cock with pussy juice. I went off like a shot until I remembered almost too late to pull out. I sprayed her lower stomach and pussy hair with cum as I stroked the last bit of my seed out of the end of my cock.

  Chapter 8


  Mindy was at the designated spot waiting for me. I pulled up next her car and rolled down my windows. “Just follow me Jackie, this is gonna be so much fun.” She was way too excited about this if you ask me. Here I was not sure what my life would hold come morning, because yes the last ten minutes alone in my car I’ve had time to think about this and…freaking shit I was a goner. I hadn’t thought of how I was getting back into the house without detection, hadn’t thought of anything at all except escaping. I followed her cute little roadster that I’m sure her brother had bought for her when she turned twenty-one a few months after me. I had been green with envy and hurt at the time but I understood. He couldn’t contact me in anyway because daddy had threatened his family. It made me wonder how Mindy was so brave to thwart his position and try to be my friend anyway. Some days I was so mad at Jake for not coming back, especially the night of my twenty first birthday. I’d been so sure he’d be there to get me but no. Instead I’d spent it with daddy and mom at a quiet dinner in a stuffy restaurant. I couldn’t even mourn his absence in peace because as soon as daddy saw me looking anything but upbeat he went on the warpath. That night has been used as an anvil over my head for three damn years.

  We pulled into the packed parking lot of the club Mindy has been raving about since she became old enough to drink. She’d let it slip once that Jake had laid down the law about her drinking and partying before she was old enough, and she’d held true to her promise not to. Those two were so close it was amazing to me that he hadn’t returned at least to see her and his mom. Though I knew they’d gone to visit him more than once but because of my stupid rule not to talk about him I hadn’t heard any of the details.

  I wasn’t sure about this place, I’ve never stepped foot inside of one and this one looked a bit crowded if the number of cars and trucks were anything to go by.

  “Come on don’t chicken out on me now. You’re not going to believe it, let’s go inside and get you your first cocktail and then we’ll talk.” She was jumpier than a bullfrog in a marsh. “What’s with you anyway? You and Dylan getting hitched or something?” She grinned and hugged my arm closer to her as she dragged me towards mayhem.

  Inside it was loud and crowded and dark. There were people everywhere and I don’t know how anyone could see where they were going because there was no space. The music thumped so hard I felt it in my chest, and we had to press through bodies to get to the bar. As the seconds went by I felt…free. I actually felt alive in this place for the first time since Jake had left me. There was a sense of excitement in the air, maybe Mindy’s was rubbing off on me. She had to yell our orders at the blonde giant behind the bar who looked like he ate small children and assorted animals for breakfast. I tried to avoid the leering looks from some of t
he patrons as they checked out my ass. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. I have no idea what to do if one of them asked me to dance.

  “What did you get me?” She gave me something that looked like coffee with milk in a glass with ice. I sniffed it to make sure and the scent of alcohol hit my nose. “A screaming orgasm.” My mouth almost hit the floor even as my cheeks reddened. I can’t believe she’d ordered such a thing. “Is that really the name of a

  drink?” She rolled her eyes and nodded as she took a sip if her matching beverage. “It’s so good you should taste yours.” I took a tentative sip and she was right, it was good. Sweet and yummy, my first taste of the forbidden juice. She was back to dragging me off again and looking around as if searching for someone. There was enough energy jumping off of her to light up the skyline. Probably Dylan, she always acts like that when he’s around. We found a corner that was less crowded and stood back to watch the revelers.

  “So what did you want to tell me?” I had to shout to be heard above the music. She was still busy looking around and I wondered how she expected to find anyone in this. “In a minute.” She got to her toes and started looking over shoulders. I decided to ignore her crazy and enjoy my drink. I could get used to this. She suddenly screamed like someone was killing her and grabbed onto me while jumping up and down. I heard a voice say, ‘there she is’ one second before I was crushed up against a hard chest and lips covered mine. I know that mouth, sweet merciful heavens…everything inside me went south and I held on tight after dropping my forgotten drink on the floor. It was a while before my lips were freed and I looked up into the most beautiful face I’d ever seen.