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Bad Boy Page 4

  “Jake?” My voice was barely above a whisper, it’s all I could muster right now, but somehow he heard me.

  “It’s me baby.” He grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my head back, staring down at me for the longest while. And then a smile broke out across his gorgeous face.

  Chapter 9


  He pulled me in close and hugged me so tight. My heart beat hard against my ribs and my knees turned to liquid. And though it felt like my bones were being crushed to powder, it was the sweetest, most precious hug in the world. No one had ever felt the way I did right now, they couldn’t. There’s no way another human being had ever felt this intense love, it was not to be borne. I buried my nose in his chest inhaling his scent. He was a wild mix of leather, his own natural scent and something spicy that all blended together to make the most potent ovary stimulating concoction. My Jake was here, he was really here; I returned his hug the best I could. The crowded room had ceased to exist the moment he pulled me into his arms, there was only the two of us and nothing else mattered, nothing. Above the thump, thump, thump, of my heart I felt his, and then it happened, that’s when I did it. The one thing I’d always promised myself I would never do if and when we met again. I cried like a newborn babe. Clutching at him I let the past three years of fear and frustration and loneliness pour forth. He hugged me around the shoulders with one arm while running the other up and down my back soothingly while whispering softly in my ear. “I’m taking her out of here Mindy, you good?” I lifted my head and looked back at the forgotten Mindy who had her hands clasped in front of her mouth as if in prayer as tears streamed down her face. She nodded yes to her brother just as Dylan appeared at her side and put his arms around her. “I’ve got her Jake you guys go on.”

  Jake released me long enough to grab my hand and pull us through the crowd. Who he didn’t push out of the way automatically parted to let us through. Did I forget to mention that Jake is a giant? Okay that’s a bit of an exaggeration but he is at least six four. I’m sure the leather jacket over the tank with the tattoos on his neck and some of the ones on his chest peeping through added to the visage of a badass. People just automatically got out of the way and pretty soon we were in the cool night air. His grip on my hand was tight and sure and gave me strength. I don’t know what was coming next but I knew this time I was going to fight. “Let’s go baby we’ll take my bike and come back for your car later.” He pulled me over to this monstrosity of black and chrome. I’m not an expert but I do believe it’s what people in the know might call a sweet ride.


  “Where’re we going?” I led her over to my bike and helped her put on the custom made helmet I’d brought for her. “You’ll see.” I helped her on behind me and we peeled out of the parking lot heading even farther away from our hometown. Ten minutes later we were checking into the only hotel this place had which I’d booked way in advance. No words were spoken as I led her up the stairs to the room on the second floor and flung the door open. “We have to be somewhere in an hour but I can’t wait to have you…fuck.” I pulled her to me again and attacked her sweet mouth. She tasted better than my fading memory recalled. It had been too long. I pushed her down on the bed and tackled the buckle of her belt before tearing at her jeans to get them off. I got them down but her boots thwarted me as her jeans got caught up. Calm down Jake shit. I had to take a deep breath before I could go on. Taking my time though it was killing me I lifted first one foot then the other so I could pull her boots off. With that done I pulled her pants off the rest of the way. I didn’t allow myself to look just yet. I went after the top next. I wanted to rip it off of her but she wouldn’t have anything to wear out of here if I did that. Tomorrow we’ll have a discussion as to why she wasn’t allowed to wear that shit ever again, too much of what’s mine on display there.

  “Hurry Jake…” She attacked my jacket, pushing it down off my shoulders before she latched onto my neck with her teeth. She remembered and so did my dick. I was trying to block him out because his impatient ass would only hurt her if I gave into his needs before making sure she was ready. I helped her shed the rest of my clothes after she was naked. “Jake what’s that?” I looked down at where she was pointing at my cock. “What my cock piercing?” I looked up in time to see the look of hurt and jealousy flash across her face. “No baby it’s not what you’re thinking. I got this when I was at a very low point, I figured the pain from having this done would save me from doing something very stupid.” She looked up at me with her innocent eyes and my heart turned over in my chest. “Something like what?” I took her cheek in my hand as our eyes held, so precious, so fucking unbelievably sweet. “Like fucking someone else. I didn’t want to do that, so when my need for you got to be too much and I was ready to climb the fucking walls I went and let some asshole do this to my dick. It worked too, shit took weeks to heal, by then I was used to it, I kinda like it, you will too I promise.” She knelt in the middle of the bed and reached for me trying to take me into her mouth. “Oh no baby if you suck on me right now I’ll go off like a shot, I haven’t even stroked my cock in three months in anticipation of this moment, no way I’m spilling in your mouth.” She pouted her sweet pout, which drew me to her mouth for another kiss before she pulled away.

  “So you didn’t…you know…with anyone else?” Cool, I guess we needed to have this little convo first though my dick was leaking pre cum like a son of a bitch. “Babe didn’t you hear anything I said to you that night?” She bit her lip and lowered her head. “I know Jake but that was a long time ago and…” I lifted her chin again so I could see into her eyes. “That’s just time baby, time doesn’t change love, love is forever.” She flew into my arms and wrapped her arms and legs around me. “I love you so much Jake.” She was back to crying and peppering my face with kisses. “Fuck baby I’ve waited so long to hear you say that, say it again.” She repeated it over and over as I laid her back on the bed and spread her open for my eyes to feast. “Stand up babe I want to see that ass.”


  I stood at the side of the bed as he inspected me, my body shaking in need. He slapped one cheek and bit the other making me squeal in surprise. “Jake what’re you doing?” I laughed down at him as he continued to cover my ass with little love nips. “Marking you.” His hand cupped my pussy and his fingers teased with feather light touches. There was a heat there and I wasn’t sure if it was from me, or him but it felt amazing. “Bend over baby.” He had me lean over the bed while he moved around behind me and…sweet mercy he was licking me from behind. I gripped the sheets as he held my hips steady for the onslaught of his tongue. “Oh…Jake feels so good.” He moved his head form side to side as he pushed his tongue deeper inside me. I couldn’t help it, I might smother the poor man with my need but I pushed back against his tongue begging for more. “I want to fuck you so bad from behind baby but not this time. This time I want you beneath me.”

  He laid me across the bed himself which was good because I’d lost all movement in my limbs, I was a limp mess. I noticed for the first time the diamond stud he now sported in his left ear. As if he needed to add anything more to his devastatingly handsome self. It was hot and sexy and made me want to do all manner of lascivious things to him. He ran the piercing in his cock over my tummy making me tremble before he and it went after my clit. Shock waves ran through my body at the feel of the cold metal against my warm flesh. Then he pressed down and in and I felt that remembered fullness. “Hold on sweetheart.” I had no time to contemplate his meaning before I was being torn in two. My loud screech could be heard I’m sure by the other guests it was that loud. The pleasure pain was unlike anything I’d ever known. There was a burning and a heat and yet a need that was too strong for me to comprehend.


  "Unghh." There was a touch of pain in her voice that brought me up short.

  "What? Am I hurting you?" I looked down at her body. Her legs were opened around my hips, her body laid
bare for my eyes, hands and mouth to feast on.

  "Just a little, I don't remember you being this...big." She blushed prettily as she tried to hide her face in the pillow beneath her head.

  "Babe when I took your cherry I only used about seven of my ten inches." I pulled back a little to ease her discomfort.

  "Oh..." She looked at me almost in wonder as I slid back in. I cautioned myself to go easy even though my cock was like a bull at the rodeo gate. One sniff of her and he was ready to break out, like me he knew her, knew who she was, and what she meant to us. “I’ll go easy baby just lift your leg a little. Good girl.” I kept her leg over my bent arm as I once again stroked in and out of her sweet pussy. That tight grip I remembered, that had been the cause of many a sleepless night was still there only better. I felt the most intense rush of possession as her body gave in to me. “Mine…” She arched her back and cried out at my loud growl, this time in pleasure. I felt her give way to me inside, felt her body stretch to accept my length and I let go.


  Something was forming inside of me. It was hard and sweet and hot and the pleasure pain of it was too much to put into words. I thought I would die from it as he pounded away inside me, nothing had ever felt this good. And then the most amazing thing happened. That ball had been forming unfurled and I felt a burst of lust and love so strong I lost sight for just that one moment in time. I clung to him biting into his neck the way I know he likes as I felt the thumping of his cock inside my tummy. From his loud growl and ‘fuck, fuck, fuck’ I knew he was cumming. It went on for a long time before his body finally fell onto mine.

  Chapter 10


  When I could finally feel my ass again I checked my watch. “We’ve got fifteen minutes to get cleaned up and be somewhere.” I eased my still semi hard cock out of her. I’d like nothing better than to stay here buried balls deep inside her for the rest of the night but this was too important to put off. “Where’re we going again?” She moved kind of gingerly as she crawled off the bed. I’m going to have to be more careful with her, kinda ease her into taking my whole length I guess. “There’s a judge waiting to marry us, I would ask if you were okay with that but you don’t have a choice.” She flew at me again and hugged the shit out of my neck. “Really Jake,

  really?” I hugged her and carried her to the bathroom for a quick cleanup. I’m sure this wasn’t her idea of the perfect wedding, to be dressed in jeans and me in leathers, but the deed was more important than the party. I figure somewhere in the next fifty or sixty years she could have the wedding of her dreams, right now I’m more interested in the marriage side of the deal. That piece of paper that said she belongs to me. As long as I have that under my belt I can take on all comers.

  I let her wash my cock since she seemed so fascinated by the barbell under the crown but when she tried to climb me to force me inside her I held her off. “I’m not fucking you with soap on my dick baby that can’t be good for your little pussy and besides we don’t have time.” She gave me her sweet pout again and I rinsed us both off and took her out of the shower while she kept running her hands all over me. That shit felt good. I helped her back into her clothes because she was too busy teasing my ass to distraction and then I got my shit back on, grabbed her hand and went down to checkout.

  We were at the judge’s place on time and it took us less than ten minutes for her to become solely and completely mine. Nothing in my life ever felt this fucking fulfilling, not when I graduated top of my class in college, not when I was given rule of my own division, nothing. This moment was the catalyst for what would be my most important undertaking on the earth. My woman, I was now responsible completely for her heart, her joys and her sorrows. Hopefully there won’t be too much of the latter. “Let’s go baby I have to take you to see mom.” I had to go introduce my wife to her new mother in law. My wife, fuck that felt good, almost as good as her arm around my waist as we walked back outside. The next few days were going to be a flurry of movement, I had no intentions on spending anymore time in this hellhole than was absolutely necessary.

  We got back on my bike and headed back the way we came. Mom didn’t even know I was here only Mindy knew, she’d been my partner in crime in this little scheme I had going. I’d put a lot on her over the years. In the beginning when she’d told me that my girl didn’t want to hear about me because it was too hard I’d wanted nothing more than to come back here and take her. But I’d bided my time and stuck to my long term plans hoping all the while that she could wait for me. Now she was finally mine and nothing was going to take her away from me ever again.

  We were two minutes into the town limits when I heard the sirens. Fuck what now? I pulled over and helped her off. “No matter what happens stay here, do not move.” The cruiser pulled in behind us and stopped and out stepped a deputy. He looked vaguely familiar but I couldn’t quite place him until he opened his mouth.

  “I guess you don’t learn so good do you boy? Come on Jackie get in the car.” Had he looked at her with lust in his eyes the last time we’d met? I can’t remember, I’d been too focused on her then but I saw it now. I remember the last time I’d seen him. It was the night he’d shone a flashlight into the backseat of my car. I remember he’d put his hands on her like he had every right. How he’d made her get into the front of his cruiser. She’d begged me not to fight that night and even though I’d wanted to, back then I’d been more about using my brain instead of brawn. I knew I wouldn’t gain anything by going up against them. I was fresh out of college and only a few months into my new career. Tonight though I didn’t give a fuck, I picked that fucker up and threw him across the street. Jacqueline called out to me but I stopped her with a raised hand. “Don’t move remember?” She’d started to walk towards me. I walked over to him and stood over his dazed form. He started mouthing off about what he was going to do to me but I had just the thing to shut him up. Even though this was a two-bit town in the middle of nowhere I’m sure they’d got the memo. I made sure of it.


  Oh no not again, I was too scared to even move, I’ve never seen anyone get thrown that far except on TV. I was sure this was not going to turn out good. Jake pulled something from under his shirt. I couldn’t see what it was because it was dark. I know it wasn’t a gun because it was hanging from a chain around his neck, but whatever it was it had Deputy Culver receding in fear.

  “You ever come near her again it’ll be that last fucking thing you ever do. Now get the fuck gone.” Deputy Culver jumped to his feet and ran to his car while Jake walked cool as a cucumber back to me. “You know he’s only going to run to daddy Jake.” And what do you expect him to do Jackie, kill him? Yes, yes I do. Kill the little sneak and bury his ass out here in the woods. Great now you want your new husband to commit murder. “Don’t worry about that I have to face him sometime.” And why did it seem like he was just chomping at the bit for that one?

  We reached mom’s house and I could see that she was still worrying when we got off the bike. “Baby you have nothing to worry about. That ring on your finger means that I fight all your battles from now on okay.” Damn I could look at her face all day she has this way of looking at me as though I’m the answer to her every prayer. Taking her hand I led her into the house. “Mom where are you?” I heard a scream and then she came running from her room in the back. She came up short when she saw Jacqueline’s hand clasped in mine but then she caught herself and came forward to hug me. “You bad boy why didn’t you let me know you were coming?” I pushed her shoulders back so I could look down at her. “I wanted it to be a surprise and so is this. Mom meet your new daughter in law.” She was shocked to say the least and looked back and forth between us. “You mean you two…” I lifted my wife’s hand with the ring and showed her. “Oh Jake.” She started wringing her hands and it pissed me the fuck off that even my own mother was still afraid of that sanctimonious asshole. “Don’t worry mom everything’s going to be fine.” I hugg
ed her again to reassure her and then led them both into the house. Jacqueline was a little shy and unsure of herself but I knew she would overcome that soon enough. I was going to have a hell of a time on my hands undoing all the shit her fuck of a sperm donor had done.

  Mindy showed up ten minutes later and the women got to yakking about the ring and the wedding and I had to hear a lecture from my mother about weddings and what they mean to young girls and shit. Not long after I heard the sound of the engine that I’d been expecting pulling up outside. They all got quiet and stared towards the door. I’m sure the events of three years ago were uppermost on all their minds. “I’ve got it.” I walked purposefully towards the door and opened it to a pissed off Gary Willoughby. “There something I can do for you?” Puffed up asshole was still trying to look down his nose at me even though I was a good six inches taller. “I understand that my daughter’s in there I’ve come to take her home.” I folded my arms and looked down at him blocking his way. “She’s not going anywhere with you, anything else?” He got huffy and stepped towards me, oh please do; just once throw the first punch. “Now see here, now apparently you didn’t hear me last time…”

  “I have no interest in anything you have to say now if that’s all I suggest you get the fuck gone.” I knew that wouldn’t work I was banking on it, that’s why I didn’t close the door when I turned and walked away. He followed me inside and started his shit right away. “Mom go into your room, close the door and turn the TV up as loud as it would go.” She was back to wringing her hands and looking close to tears. “Son I don’t…” I went to her and turned her around all the while making sure to keep my body between Jacqueline and the asshole. She left reluctantly but when I turned to Mindy she just outright told me she wasn’t budging. “I’m not going anywhere.” She put on her stubborn ass face and I decided to choose my battles. I waited until I heard the TV in mom’s room blaring before turning back to the scene unfolding behind me. The asshole was ripping into my wife and I was two minutes away from tearing him a new one, now with mom gone I could deal with his stupid ass.