Heartless Page 4
There’s no feeling like pumping my seed into her clutching pussy until my balls dry out. Now I concentrated on fucking her face without blasting her tonsils with cock snot.
“Take more!” She did her breathing exercises just like I’d taught her and worked her lips down farther around my meat. I stopped when I hit her throat and pulled back when she started to gag.
She took me back in and swallowed around my cock making my toes curl, as she breathed through her gag reflex. “That’s my good girl.” I grabbed the back of her head and fucked into her neck until my balls were ready to spew.
I pulled out of her mouth and she whined. I had to clamp off my shit to keep from cumming all over her tits. “Fuck, turn around. I’m gonna fuck you hard and deep.”
Not that I’ve been fucking her any other way, but I like the way she hops to do my bidding when I say that shit to her. She’s a closet freak.
She hurried into position, ass in the air, pussy tilted just the way I like and hands gripping the arm of the chair. I ran my cock up and down her weeping slit, hitting her clit with each slide.
Her ass jumped and she yipped when I leaned over her back and bit into her neck just as I slid my cock into her. “So fucking good.”
She moaned deep, shifted her knees, and pushed her ass back hard, impaling her pussy on my cock. With one hand fisted in her hair and the other pressed into the small of her back, I fucked her like it was the first time.
I didn’t take it easy on her, I never do. Her tight little pussy takes a beating every day of the week, more on weekends.
“Damn baby, let go of my cock.”
“I can’t I’m not doing anything.” Like fuck. Her shit had me on lock. I wanted to pound, her tight
cunt kept me to a slow glide. I had to fuck around with her clit as I marked her to get her pussy to let up.
Her pussy relaxed its grip on my cockmeat and I went full hog, damn near breaking her in half against the chair arm. That was the first time she begged me to cum inside her. The first time she ever spoke while fucking.
It had the desired affect. I lost all control and slammed into her until my balls slapped against her warm flesh before they drew up and filled.
I think I came longer, harder and more than ever before in my life. And when she turned her mouth for a kiss while massaging my cock with her cunt muscles, I knew something had changed.
That night after we went to bed my mind refused to shut off. Since we’d been back I’ve had limited dealings with her dad, none with the sister and I better not see her asshole ex.
Though we never really discussed that shit, she didn’t seem to need to and I wasn’t in any hurry to revisit that shit because it would only piss me the fuck off and I was trying to be an upstanding citizen and shit.
But that night I finally accepted that I was beginning to feel something more for her than just lust. I don’t know what the fuck that something is, but it was there.
For the next few days I’d find myself watching her whenever she was in the same room. I’d miss her at odd times throughout the day. I even went so far as to sniff her damn pillow on occasion.
Most importantly, whenever I got twitchy, like I needed some excitement before I put one between my eyes, I’d think of her and that was enough to keep me happy with my lot.
So that’s why when I came back this morning from making a run for my pain in the ass father and heard that she’d been talking to the asshole ex, I’d lost my shit.
Dinner was almost over and he was still in hiding. I was beginning to think he’d done that shit on purpose. He’d waited until I was out of town to approach my woman. His ass is about to become a statistic.
“I’ll be right back.” I could tell she wanted to say something, but she’s a fast learner; she bit that shit back. Good girl!
I headed towards the back where he’d disappeared during the dessert course. “Where’s your manager?” I asked one of the servers who offered to go get him from where he was hiding in the kitchen.
His family owns the place, a second rate dump anywhere else but in this town. He was the ‘heir apparent’, big shot. Probably pulls down sixty grand a year total. I have suits that cost more than that.
He came through the swinging doors looking like he would bolt at the slightest provocation. I stepped forward and his eyes went wide.
“Let’s take a walk.” I didn’t wait for him to answer, just grabbed him around the wrist in a way that ensured he couldn’t escape and led him out the door.
I turned my back just to let him know how little I thought of him. The thing is, I realized a long time ago that I didn’t have an issue with him per se. Not for the reasons you might expect.
I didn’t care that he’d fucked that slag, but I cared that he once meant something to my wife. That shit’s not allowed.
It took all my control not to plant my fist in his face, but I knew she wouldn’t like that so I kept my cool. Lucky fuck. I already had ten burial sites picked out for his ass.
“I hear you ran into my wife last night. I’ll make this short. Stay the fuck away from her. You only get one warning!” I wanted to fuck his shit up so bad I could feel his bones cracking beneath my fists.
“She’s my friend.” His voice was one octave above scared shitless.
“No she’s not, she’s not allowed to be your friend.”
“Says who?” Oh you wanna be brave? I chose that moment to turn and look at him.
“Says me asshole.” He swallowed like he had a peanut butter allergy and had just inhaled a jar full of the shit, all while trying to disappear into the wall behind him. Then he started talking like he thought we were friends or some shit.
“Look, that thing with me and Tammy had nothing to do with you.”
“I could give a fuck about you two. What I do give a fuck about is the way you two handled that shit.”
“If you were any kind of a man you wouldn’t have hidden that shit and got innocent people involved.” Like my fucking wife.
“If you mean Carrie that’s the reason she and I never slept together because I never really wanted to deceive her.” He wants to die.
“I know she never slept with you, that’s the only reason you’re still allowed to breathe. Now get the fuck outta my face shit stain.” He started to slither away and I was imagining pulling the trigger. Fuckwit.
I went back in to get my girl and the whole place was basically staring at her as she sat alone at the table. Shit, I didn’t think about that. I reached her side and helped her up from the chair.
“Le’s get outta here baby.” I kept my arm around her as we left, so there was no doubt that we were straight. She kept her head down and her lips buttoned all the way home.
“Are you mad at me?” She asked me that shit when I helped her out of the truck.
“No!” I took her inside and showed her how not upset with her I was.
Chapter 10
After that night there was another shift in our relationship. She was more relaxed, more open and her smiles came easier these days. I didn’t ask, just went with it. As long as the pussy stayed on tap I was fine with whatever.
Friday morning I woke up with the ass crack of dawn and she was still in bed with me. That was rare since she likes getting up with the damn birds that were always singing outside our bedroom window.
“You okay?” I looked at the clock before turning to her, pulling her into me so she could feel my morning wood. She moaned and got closer, throwing her leg over mine.
I took that as an invitation and ran my hand between her thighs. She was soft and wet and my fingers slid into her pussy easily. “Get up here.” She moved like her ass was on fire, climbing over me.
I pulled her up my chest and held her ass in my hands with her pussy over my mouth. “Sit!” She sat on my tongue and grabbed onto the headboard.
I sucked that shit like a peach, juice running down the corners of my mouth and took her to her happy place.
My cock was stan
ding tall and proud when I pushed her back down my stomach and nailed her. She made an umph sound when my boy stuffed her to the hilt and it was on.
I like fucking her this way, I can control her hips. I pulled her on and off my cock hard and fast while she was still riding high from her tongue fuck orgasm, bringing her off again so I could get mine.
Sure as fuck I don’t last that long in the mornings anymore. I think it’s because I go too long without fucking her during the night, what with sleep and all.
This morning was no different. I pulled her down so I could tongue and lick her nipples and her pussy did aerobics on my dick.
She shook like she was being electrocuted when I ran my finger through the crack of her ass and gushed all over my shit. I knew what that meant so I dropped her tit and took her mouth just as the first volley of cock cream shot off inside her.
She was in some kinda mood this morning because she wouldn’t let me end the kiss, but whined in her throat when I tried.
I calmed her with a soothing hand up and down her back until she came down, and we laid there still connected until it was almost time for her to go.
I went down to make her breakfast while she grabbed a quick shower, something I was now in the habit of doing with my house trained ass. It was a part of our daily routine, breakfast together.
She wolfed down her food and ran out the door with her hair wet after a rushed kiss and a hurried goodbye.
I busied myself the rest of the morning, minding my own business. I wasn’t as bored as I had been when I first moved to Mayberry but there were still some things I liked to do to keep from losing my fucking mind.
Around noon there was some kinda static on the police scanner I keep around just for kicks. I usually ignore that shit because it’s always about a deer or some shit getting trapped on somebody’s property. Or some other benign bullshit that I didn’t even know existed outside of the movies. Think Deliverance.
Today though the shit was so constant I took notice and got the shock of my life. I only heard the name of her company and my heart went cold.
I picked up the phone and called her but it went to voicemail. I had her office number on speed dial and called that next. The person on the other line sounded distressed and my blood pressure went sky high.
“This is Carrie’s husband, where is my wife?”
“Sir, there’s been a situation.”
“What kind of situation, where is she?” Stay calm Tyler.
She gave me a quick rundown and I ran up the stairs to my safe. I grabbed my gun and headed down the stairs taking those shits three at a time.
I slammed out of the driveway going ninety and didn’t stop until I reached the address she’d given me on the phone.
The sheriff was there along with one of his deputies. That’s about the size of the police force here. Perfect relocation spot for someone like me.
“Sheriff?” I jumped out of my truck and approached him. He was standing outside his car looking lost as fuck. Not what I wanted to see given the situation.
“Oh, Tyler, uh Mr. MacGyver you’re here.”
“What’s the status?”
“We’re waiting for the state police.”
“Is he armed?”
“He says he is and the wife said he owns a couple firearms.”
“My wife is in there.”
“Yes sir I know that.”
“With a man with a gun.”
“The state troopers should be here soon.” He looked scared out of his fucking mind. One of the reasons this was the perfect place for me to move to, but…
“You have the blueprints to this place?” He looked at me like I was speaking Dutch. “Never mind.” I pulled out my phone and typed the address into Google.
Knowing my girl every room had been photographed and uploaded on the company website. Sure enough it was all there.
Google aerial map gave me what else I needed. I took the keys from my truck and headed out at a jog down the short driveway. I went to the corner and turned down the next street and back around.
There was nothing but woods backing the houses. Those shits look easy on a screen but they’re hell in real life.
I looked down at my sneakers wishing I’d chosen boots instead but it was too late for that. I didn’t let myself think about what she must be feeling, how scared she must be. My only thought was getting to her and getting her out of there.
Apparently the people who owned the house she was showing were in the middle of a divorce. The husband, not wanting to lose his home, had ambushed Carrie and the couple she was showing the place to and were now holding them at gunpoint. I tried, I really fucking did, but this is the limit.
It took me twenty minutes to jog through the woods to the back of the house. There was a backyard fence that I needed to go through to get to the house.
Keeping myself low I made a run for the property line and crawled the rest of the way until I hit the fence. A quick look showed that it was one of those homes with French doors all along the back.
Who the fuck does that shit? Why would you want the outside world in your shit like that? I had no idea where they were in the house but I know she was in there way too fucking long.
The troopers had yet to arrive, surprise-surprise. I made it inside the fence and came up on the kitchen. I didn’t dare raise my head to take a peek less that’s where they were.
Thinking fast I rung off a shot and heard running feet inside. Then raised voices. “Who’s shooting out there, stop shooting.” Asshole was probably looking out the windows in the front.
I gauged their position to be in the living room which was only one room away, but there was a little breakfast room off the kitchen with its own door.
It took me two seconds to jimmy the lock and I was in. I toed off my shoes and crept silently along the wall, controlling my breathing so that I didn’t make a sound.
I saw her sitting on the couch white as a sheet. I didn’t see the other couple, but I sensed the asshole walking back and forth in front of the windows. Amateur.
She saw me and her eyes went wide, then she started to shake. I put a finger to my lips and she looked down at her lap.
I moved into the room in one motion and pulled the trigger. He went down with a girlish scream, moaning about being shot. Asshole!
I picked her up from the couch, she was shaking like a leaf. “It’s okay now, you’re fine.” I went back out the way I came to grab my shoes, didn’t even look at the couple who’d been sitting across from her.
“Coming out!” The sheriff and Barney Fife were still standing out there with their thumbs up their ass. “You might want to get in there your boy’s been shot.”
“How…is he dead?”
“Shoulder wound, he’ll live.”
“You shot him? You can’t…”
“He held my wife at gunpoint, he’s lucky he’s still breathing. And before you ask, I have a permit to carry. You want to question me farther talk to my lawyer.”
I seated her in the truck and belted her in before walking around to the driver’s side and climbing in. She was still colorless but at least she had the shakes under control.
I took her hand and peeled out heading hard for home. There was a fuckload of vehicles in my driveway when I pulled up. Her father came rushing forward when I walked around to let her out.
“The fuck are you doing here?”
“I came to see about my daughter.”
“You’re not allowed around her I know what you are remember.” Sick fuck!
I ignored his ass and lifted her from the truck. Next the mother came running to meet us. I gave her a look but since she carried my girl for nine months I figured I could give her some time.
“You have two minutes.” Of course she asked fuck stupid questions as she followed us into the house.
“Are you okay? Were you hurt?” Yeah, she got shot in the head but I decided to bring her home instead of taking her t
o the hospital. The fuck!
I heard a car pull up and running feet. I put Carrie down on the couch and the mother went to the door. The sister was standing there and my hand went to my back where I’d put my gun.
“What the fuck is she doing here?”
“She came to see her sister. You can’t keep them apart, especially at a time like this.” This bitch is crazy.
“She can’t be here, both of you leave.”
“But her sister’s been hurt…
“Oh you’re looking for someone who gives a fuck? You made a wrong turn at the door.”
I pushed her out my damn house and locked the door. Next I went to the back and turned on the sprinklers on high. Get the fuck outta here.
Chapter 11
I went back to her thinking she was still freaked out but found her mad instead. I sat next to her on the couch and tried pulling her into my lap but she stiffened up her little body like a toddler having a tantrum.
“What’s that about?” She can’t be mad about me kicking her sister out because she knows better. But apparently I was wrong.
“I don’t see why you’re still so angry at Tammy.”
“Are you insane? What did you expect me to do, bake her cookies? Should I invite your ex while I’m at it?”
“I’ve made peace with the two of them long ago. He wasn’t in love with me and I wasn’t in love with him so it was easy. If you didn’t still love my sister so much it wouldn’t matter to you either.”
What the fuck did she just say? “You really think this is about your sister?”
“Well who is it about then?”
“You-you little idiot, it’s always been about you.”
She looked at me with those big doe eyes filled with tears. “I haven’t thought of your sister since our honeymoon and then it was only to think that I’d got the better part of the deal.”
“What did you think? That I was going to string you along for a little while and then throw you over for her? what the fuck do you take me for?”