Heartless Page 5
“But you never said…”
“Do you think I’d give you my seed if I was planning to pull a runner? I haven’t cum inside a woman since I was sixteen and then the girl was on something.”
“What do you mean? Are you talking about a baby?
“Yes I’m talking about a baby.”
“So, you don’t… you don’t love Tammy anymore?”
“I never loved that…I was never in love with your sister.”
“But you’ve been so mad at her, at them. I thought.”
“I was mad at her because no one likes being played for a fool. And I hate your asshole ex because you were in love with him.”
“I wasn’t…” Her face turned red and she bit into her lip. Too late, she’d already given that shit away. She got quiet and played with her fingers.
“What about me?” She said that shit damn near under her breath but I heard it all the same. I knew what she was after, but I’m not big on that sharing my feelings shit. You’d think by now she’d know. “Come ‘ere.”
I pulled her towards me and sat her on my lap facing me with her legs straddling my hips. “Why don’t I just show you?” That shooting shit, added to the fear of her getting hurt had my dick loaded for bear.
I was going to take her right there on the couch but remembered just in the knick of time that she’d been through an ordeal and might be in need of some TLC.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” She nodded and put her head on my shoulder with her arms around my neck. I got to my feet with her in my arms and headed for the stairs.
I didn’t see anyone outside when I passed by the windows. I guess the sprinklers had done their job. I’ma buy me a dog and put up a sign since people wanna act like their memories are short or some fuck.
Upstairs in our bedroom I laid her back across the bed and started to take her clothes off. I took my time, moving slowly though I wanted to rush.
I don’t know what it is about danger that makes me randy as hell. But this time I also needed the comfort of her hot wet cunt around my cock to reassure me that she was fine.
I came down on top of her once I got naked and took her face in my hands. “Now where were we?” She had some color back in her face and the tears had all but dried up.
I studied her face for a long time, especially her eyes. I could tell a lot by looking into her eyes. I smiled down at her and lowered my head to take her mouth while rubbing my cock between her thigh.
Her hand came down between us and grabbed my dick without being told. And when she opened her legs wider and led my cock to her pussy I slid right in. “I love you Tyler.”
“I know.” I pushed my cock the rest of the way home and held her close. “I love you too.” I felt her smile against my cheek.
The End