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Biker's Law
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Biker’s Law
Jordan Silver
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SEAL Team Series
The Lyon Series
Lyon’s Crew
Lyon’s Angel
Lyon’s Way
Lyon’s Heart
Lyon’s Family
The Pregnancy Series
His One Sweet Thing
The Sweetest Revenge
Sweet Redemption
The Spitfire Series
Lady Boss
Beautiful Assassin
The Protectors
The Guardian
The Hit Man
Season One
Season Two
Eden High
Season One
Season 2
What A Girl Wants
Sex And Marriage
My Best Friend’s Daughter
Loving My Best Friend’s Daughter
The Bad Boy Series
The Thug
The Killer
The Villain
The Champ
The Mancini Way
Catch Me if You Can
The Bad Girls Series
The Temptress
The Seductress
Titles by Jordan Silver
His Wants (A Prequel)
Taking What He Wants
The Brit
The Homecoming
The Soccer Mom’s Bad Boy
The Daughter In Law
Southern Heat
His Secret Child
Night Visits
The Soldier’s Lady
Billionaire’s Fetish
Rough Riders
Caleb’s Blessing
The Claiming
Man of Steel
My Little Book of Erotic Tales
His Xmas Surprise
Brett’s Little Headaches
Strangers in The Night
My Little Farm Girl
The Bad Boys of Capitol Hill
Bad Boy
The Billionaire and The Pop Star
Gabriel’s Promise
Kicking and Screaming
His Holiday Gift
Diary of a Pissed Off Wife
The Crush
The Gambler
Sassy Curves
Dangerously In Love
The Billionaire
The Third Wife
Talon’s Heart
Naughty Neighbors
Texas Hellion
Queen of My Heart
The Wives
Biker’s Baby Girl
The Good Girl
The Forever Girl
Jordan Silver Writing as Jasmine Starr
The Purrfect Pet Series
Training His Pet
His Submissive Pet
Breeding His Pet
Jordan Siler Writing as Tiffany Lordes
American Gangster
Double The Trouble
Kindle Edition, License Notes
All Rights Reserved. In accordance with the U.S Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher/author is unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
Copyright © 2016 Jordan Silver
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 1
I heard the noise outside just minutes after she came rushing through my door. I knew who she was, what I didn’t know is what the fuck she was doing in my air space. She looked spooked and without being told, I knew she was in trouble.
“Give me the quick version.”
“You know who I am?” I quirked my brow at her and she got pissy. “Something I can do for you?”
“Look, I need your help-please don’t let them take me-I’ll die if you do.” She rushed all of that out in one breath.
“And why should I care?” I could see by her reaction that she wasn’t expecting that answer. The noise outside was getting closer and I knew it was only a matter of seconds before they were here. I knew it wasn’t my boys because they had no need to be here without me calling them in.
“Because, maybe contrary to popular opinion you are human.” What the fuck? I should throw her ass out my house but she looked like about fifteen and I couldn’t see me throwing someone that young to the wolves. I was a bit confused because I was under the impression she was older but what the fuck I know? I try not to think about that family too much.
The noise had finally reached my front door. What the fuck? “Stay in here.” I gave her a look and retrieved my glock before stepping outside.
“You can’t go out there alone…” She tried pulling me back from opening the door.
“Kid, if you thought I was such a punk bitch, why did you come to me for protection?” I opened the door after pushing her out of sight. “Stay. You came to me now let me handle it.”
What the fuck? My enemies were lined off in my front yard. “Stone, I believe you got something that belongs to me.” That’s Sanchez, a gangster wannabe with more hair than brains.
“What the fuck would I be doing with something that belongs to you mutt?” I hate dealing with these fucks, anything that dumb should not be trusted with a firearm and I had no doubt they were all strapped.
“We know she came here. Now just hand her over and we’ll be on our way.” I heard the door behind me open and sighed. Fucking females don’t ever listen for shit. Shoulda tied her ass to a chair.
“You, get the hell back in the house.” She gave me one of her looks but took her ass in the house. I turned back to the men that were gathered in my driveway.
“What the fuck do you want?” I folded my arms and stared down Sanchez who was obviously the one who was in charge. Already, I could hear the engines of my guys’ rides two streets over. Nosy ass woman doesn’t waste any time. I tell her to stay out of shit she calls out the posse.
“We don’t want any trouble but we’ve got a problem here Stone.” I could see he was getting nervous. They all were, with good reason. I guess they hadn’t thought this shit through.
“Yeah, and what would that be?”
“The girl, you know who her dad was, we can’t let you have her.” I didn’t even bother answering his stupid ass on that score, but there was something I really wanted to know before I decided if to let his ass go on breathing.
“You be en craving the smell of pine Sanchez?” He squinted at me in confusion. “What?” Fucker was starting to sweat and my crew wasn’t even here yet.
“That’s the only reason I can figure for you having the balls to show up here. Is if you’re ready for a pine box. You must be ready to meet your leader in hell. You miss that fuck that much I can help you out there.”
I held my hand up to halt my boys when they pulled in behind the enemy and caged them in. I should’ve known that shit wasn’t gonna work. I’m their leader; I taught them everything they know yet they always think they have to protect my ass. Fuckers dismounted, weapons drawn.
“Danny, stand down.” He’s my right hand and the craziest one of the bunch. He’s also my biggest fucking headache. Or he used to be up until about ten minutes ago.
That’s when she showed up. Full of piss and vinegar and crazy as batshit. Now I have these assholes in my face with their shit. What the fuck?
I don’t know this pain in the ass from a hole in the ground, but she’s female, she’s in trouble and she came to me for help.
Her sperm donor, a bigger pain in the ass, had made my life a living hell for the past ten years, until someone ended his stupid ass a week ago. They knew it wasn’t me because it’s not my style to do shit in the dark. I’d have offed the motherfucker in the middle of his club on a bright sunny day. At least I’d worked hard over the years at getting people to believe that. I’d built my reputation for a reason and it was all coming to a head now.
My boys came to stand between me, and them no doubt glaring holes in the enemy. I was two seconds away from pulling my piece and putting this shit to rest, but lately I’ve been trying to be more reasonable. My mother was starting to bemoan the fact that she’d taken me to term. Her words. Another pain in my ass.
“You still here?” I looked at Sanchez’s dumb ass. This guy didn’t seem to know when his life was on the line.
“Look Stone…”
“No you look. Your leader couldn’t stand me and I hated his guts, now that he’s gone you’ve inherited that shit along with your new title. Be gone.”
“I’m not leaving without what’s mine.” Don’t shoot him. He’s dumber than a bag a hammers so his ass must be slow of hearing too.
“What’s yours? Is she your wife or some shit?”
“The old man promised her to me…”
“You’re a lying piece a shit, I wouldn’t let you touch me if it would save my life.” She tried getting around me to get to him. If she’s so tough why the fuck did she come running to me?
“You, back inside, what the fuck.” Danny helped her back in the house and the others came up to stand around behind me. I guess they figured she was the one who needed protecting.
“I don’t care who promised you that girl, this is the twenty-first century and she says no. Get the fuck out of my face, and boy, the next time you see me this close, one of us is going to die. And Uncle Sam paid a hell of a lot to train me not to miss.” I grinned at the jackass until he started to sweat for real. I didn’t move a muscle until he and the monkeys following him left my damn yard.
“Now you.” I looked around at my crew who were all there. “How did my enemy’s kid end up at my door?” None of this shit made any sense. Why would my enemy’s kid come to me the day of his funeral for help from his own crew? And how the fuck did she find me? Not many people know where I live.
“I gave her the number and the address. She was in trouble Stone.” Danny backed up with his hands raised after that little tidbit.
“I look like a fucking babysitter to you?” I could feel the tic in my cheek going wild. I don’t need this shit and that little girl had a mouth on her that was gonna get her ass in trouble. “You fucks don’t have anything better to do than pick up strays?” Not the one of them looked me in the eye.
“Why the fuck should I care what happens to this kid? What’s she to me?”
“I can hear you asshole.”
“What the fuck?” She came through the door and posed off in front of me like she was a badass.
“Didn’t I tell your ass to get back inside?” Where the fuck did that mutt get a daughter that looked like that? I looked away from her jailbait ass and went back to reaming my guys.
“Okay Danny, this is your deal, what the fuck do you expect me to do with that?” I kicked the door when she started her yelling shit through it. That shut her ass up. I can just imagine that her old man let her get away with shit. Spoiled, little pain in the nuts.
“What we always do, protect her.”
“Do you know what kinda shit storm you just unleashed with this stunt? Sanchez that fuck is a prison sentence waiting to happen. He comes back here he’s dead then what?”
“We’ll figure something out, just talk to the girl hear what she has to say, you’ll see.” Yeah that’s just what I want to do. Talk to a rabid ass female who had more lip than sense.
“Get back to the club and make sure those assholes don’t try anything with my place. You see any of those fucks hanging around shoot the fuck.”
They left and I went inside to tame the dragon. She was sitting on my damn couch flipping through channels on the tube. I walked over and took the remote from her and switched it off.
“Hey, I was watching that.”
“This isn’t the Motel Six, talk.” She’d barely shown up when her dad’s people came after her so she hadn’t had time to tell me what the hell she was doing in my face. I knew who she was because I have surveillance photos of everyone that had anything to do with Clyde Drexel.
She looked much better in person though, so I guess cameras do lie. Her hair was jet black, her skin a nice honey gold tan and those eyes. Where the fuck did she get eyes that turquoise color? Probably contacts.
She flounced herself into a corner of the couch and folded her arms. I have time for this shit. “Look talk or walk, your choice.”
“I thought Danny said you were cool.” What was she five?
“And how do you know Danny?”
“I went to school with his sister.” Why was this kid giving me attitude?
“So you still haven’t told me what it is that you want from me.”
“You saw them, I need to be protected from those goons.” ‘Those are your dad’s men you grew up around them didn’t you?”
“So, what does that mean? I need protection from them, something’s wrong. I think they had something to do with my dad’s death.”
“And what makes you think that I will help you?”
“Because my dad said you would.”
“Say what now?” What the fuck game was this?
“Yes.” She opened her purse and pulled out an envelope and handed it to me.
“Here, he left me this.” I watched her as I took it from her hand. I opened it up and took out the sheet of paper already regretting taking that shit. I moved away as I unfolded the paper all the while questioning why the fuck I hadn’t just sent her away as soon as she showed up here.
I knew who she was as soon as I let her in the door, but the shock of seeing her here had slowed my reflexes. Now it was too late, because sucker that I am, I can’t leave a female in distress. As much as I hate or hated her sperm donor, it wasn’t in my creed to just turn her away. And after seeing and hearing what Sanchez had to say, I knew there was something very shady at play here.
I hadn’t factored in any of this shit when I made my play. Why the fuck would I? The girl had never been anything to me, so she never even crossed my mind. What a fucking mess.
Chapter 2
I looked down at the paper in my hand and raw emotion hit me in the gut. There was anger, and disgust that he’d even think he had the right. Fucking asshole.
‘Stone, I know you’ll find this hard to believe, but I need your help. I need you to watch out for my daughter. If you’re reading this then that fuck Sanchez found a way to get rid of me. I’ve known for some time that he’s been afte r my spot in the MC.’
I found that shit funny as fuck. Someone had done to him what he’d done thirty years ago. Why the fuck he should think that I would care was a fucking mystery. I read on to see what the fuck was going on in his head when he wrote this shit, but a little wary of what he would reveal in his little note. There were things left unsaid between us, things that I had heard one side of my whole life but I had never been given the opportunity to get his side of what had gone down before I was even born. I read the rest of his words with trepidation.
‘He’s in bed with the MK’s. They wanna run drugs through the west and they needed me, but I said no fucking way. I don’t want that shit in my own backyard. Sanchez is a greedy fuck, he made a deal behind my back.
The only way he’ll hold onto the crew without a schism is if he marries my daughter, that can’t happen. I’m leaving everything to her, in care of you. I know we’ve always had our differences but I always knew you were an upstanding guy…
I stopped reading there because this was some afternoon special shit. Who the fuck…
“What does it say?”
“You didn’t read it?”
“Then how did you know he said you can trust me?”
She held out her phone with a text on the screen. It said ‘if anything happens to me, get to Gavin Stone.’ This shit was getting stranger by the second. I couldn’t think of one reason, why this should be happening. I hadn’t said two words to him my whole life other than ‘fuck off’ when I was a teenager and he’d found himself trying to talk to me.
Since then we’ve avoided each other even when he tried shaking me down, or using his men to do it. There was nothing in our history to justify what was going on here.
“I got that two days before he died, the envelope was in the secret place in my room. I found it today after the funeral. He always left little surprises for me in there. No one else knew about it. This one had your name on it.” She was back to being nervous and unsure of herself.
Huh! I always knew life was trying to fuck me and this is the proof. “Where were you when your dad was killed?”
“I was away at school until a few days ago. Sanchez came to get me.” She shivered like she got a cold chill.
“I refused to leave with him, he always gave me the creeps. I took a plane in by myself. Then tonight I heard them talking outside my window. They didn’t know I could hear them. That’s when I ran.” She rubbed her arms and looked miserable.