The Family : The Spitfire Book 4 Read online

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  “Hi mob boy, fancy meeting you here.” I didn’t even acknowledge her shit, just grabbed her arm and booked it to the waiting car. The two dumb-fucks who were not long for this world were congratulating her as they jumped in the car, but I had yet to say a word. I was pissed, scared and a whole slew of other emotions. And my dick was hard as a fucking pike.

  Mikey raced through the streets while the others followed behind. “Is it done?” I addressed the two in front but Murder Inc. answered. “Oh yeah he’s gone.” She patted that damn bow on her lap. I’ma end up strangling her or she’s gonna send me to the loony bin.

  “Tony, how many did we get?”

  “Not sure who was left in the building but we got the lieutenants. The others if they’re not dead will scatter before the night is out. They’re done here.”

  For now at least!

  Mouth was quiet, just picking at her nails.

  “Oh shit, my car. Drop me off so I can get it.” Not even a hitch in her voice.

  “You parked all the way over here?”

  “My car yeah, I left the one I borrowed a few blocks from the hit.”

  “You… you stole somebody’s car, Mouth?”

  “Not stole, borrowed. I was gonna return it once I was done.” We followed her directions to her car and I had one of the boys in back drive it, while she proceeded to tell me why it wasn’t safe to take your own car on a hit. Like I was new to this shit.

  Once we arrived, I dragged her into the house past her surprised watchers and straight to our bed. No words were said. All that could be heard in the dark room was the staccato of our breathing as I pulled her clothes off her back before pulling my zipper and tossing her none too gently onto the bed. I slammed into her before she had time to settle. She screamed and her body bucked. “Shit, did I hurt my kid?”

  She shook her head wildly and dug her nails and heels into me as I proceeded to fuck the shit out of her. I had to stuff her mouth with my tongue to keep her screams locked inside. My cock had never been so hard in my life. Fear and lust; anger and admiration. There was a heady mix of madness streaming through my blood as I pounded into her.

  We both tore at each other with our teeth and nails as she fought me for control. “Not fucking here. Here, in my bed, you take what the fuck I give you.” She mewled and came on my cock as she lifted her hips up to mine. I bit into her flesh as I slammed into her. She threw her head back and screamed as her body shook beneath my powerful thrusts.

  I was able to calm down now and my thrusts became less forceful and more on the tender side. I must’ve said the words ‘what am I gonna do with you’ a thousand times while fucking into her sweetness.

  I guess offing a motherfucker makes her pussy hot because she rode my shit with her tight as fuck snatch until her juices and mine flowed. I lifted her off the bed and held her up with one arm down her spine and the other on her ass as I pulled her on and off my rod.

  I could hold her whole body on one arm, feel the slightness of her frame, the vulnerability of having me cover her, and still see that strength in her eyes. “So much strength.” I took her mouth and took her back down to the bed with her legs wrapped around my middle.

  “What the fuck!” I came awake half an hour later and she was gone. She knocked me on my ass again. I’m either very lucky, or very fucked. I have a woman who can climb buildings and off a motherfucker, come home and fuck me to sleep, and still bake pies and plan gardens. I felt like crying; I am so fucked.

  I found the whole crew in my kitchen again. Mouth was at the stove, poppy and his shadows were sitting at the table with a bottle of wine open between them, and the twins were back to looking at Mouth like she was an enigma.

  “What did she tell you two fucks this time?”

  “Said she was tired and feeling achy from yesterday. Needed to go lie down. We almost called you she sounded so hurt. Thought we might have to take her back to the emergency room.” Alec shook his head and downed whatever was in his glass.

  It was Italian night in my shit. Mouth was making what looked and smelled like Lasagna, there was the smell of garlic bread and somebody had stopped to grab a few boxes of cannoli from the best bakery in town. I guess these three had time after their hit to go shopping. Poppy has become a real degenerate since hooking up with his old pals.

  “How’d it go?”

  “It went.” I guess that was good enough. Luigi was gone and so would the rest before the sun came up and I hadn’t taken one shot. She’s fucking taking care of me. I see her game now. I squinted at her as she moved around the stove adding shit and muttering to herself. Fucking nut.

  I kept my eyes on her as I played it out in my head. She hadn’t taken the oath to go straight, but I had. I couldn’t go back on my word, couldn’t get blood on my hands because of the promise I’d made to my unborn son. So she was using my team to do my dirty work for me. If this love shit doesn’t kill me it’ll be a miracle. I got up from the table and walked over to her, wrapping my arms around her.

  “I love you immensely Arianna.” There was a wild cheer from the three reprobates and the others were smiling when I looked back at them with a scowl. I know they didn’t hear what I said to her, so they were applauding the hug, or the fact that she hadn’t gutted me for touching her. With this bunch who knows!

  We sat up all night even though tomorrow was her big day. We waited until the last hit was reported before everyone looked to their beds. I didn’t close my eyes but kept watch over my little family. You don’t off the heads of five families in one night and not stay alert. Mouth on the other hand was sleeping like a newborn. As it should be!


  Prince of The City

  Chicago isn't just windy, it's...something; there's an underlying tone of something very off about this place. Maybe it's the mobster in me or maybe it's because I know the history of the place so well, but I felt stifled here, couldn't wait to get the fuck out. "We're in and out, I have everything in place for us so it should be a clean run."

  "Flanagan, you've said the same thing like fifteen times since we got on the jet, I'm about ready to stuff a sock in your craw." She's a little nasty this morning. She had a very rough bout of morning sickness and what a delight that was.

  Somehow when a strong woman became ill it had more of an impact, of course it could also have to do with the fact that I tried to leave her ass behind after she'd been so sick. You'd think I'd slapped the shit out of her the way she reacted.

  "Hey yenta one and two you two think you could maybe keep up here; this is not a sightseeing expedition."

  "Sure bro, the girls gave us a list."

  "What the fuck Anthony, a list of what?" These fucks were trying to make me crazy. First I had to bring them because heaven forbid I should go anywhere on the map without their presence. Then I had to bring the twins because they were Mouth's shadow from now on heaven help them. I've never heard so much muttering and complaining from two grown men in my life.

  The six of us had taken my Lear jet to Chi town early this morning; we'd be holed up at a secret location chosen by her old man. Not their mansion of course, we didn't want the fuckers to know we were on their turf, not until it was too late anyway. Mouth was chomping at the bit to get shit done, there was no use cautioning her or telling her to take it easy. In one ear and out the other!

  "We're not fucking shopping you ass; are you kidding me what the fuck?" Okay I'm still a little raw after watching my girl be sick, I had no idea morning sickness was like that, so far she’d just thrown up a little and I put her back to bed and gave her tea and crackers per ma’s orders. This morning though, she was damn near rolling around on the floor in pain. Of course I got the blame for that as soon as she was coherent again.

  I had to calm her ass down after making the suggestion that she stay behind while I go take care of her nemesis for her seeing as how she’d been offing my enemies as fast as she could blink. That had started her shit again, but at least she wasn’t looking so green an
ymore and giving my ass palpitations.

  “Oh Shane, leave the boys alone. I told Anna and Sophia about this store that has all those girly things they like to wear and they had a few things they wanted us to pick up for them.”

  “Does Anna and Sophia know what you fucks are here to do?” I shut my damn mouth before she had me arguing with her in the middle of the tarmac in front of the whole of fucking Chicago.

  I could feel the excitement humming through her as I held her hand in the back of the car. I watched her out the side of my eye to make sure she was okay and fuck if she didn’t look serene. I don’t even want to guess what the fuck is going on in that head of hers.

  We pulled through the gates and I squinted at her. “This is the little getaway cottage?” She nodded her head and I looked back out the window at this fuckery. I could see why Alphonso had called my place a dump. If this was just a little get away spot then I'd hate to see where she'd lived before.

  Not that my place was anything to sneeze at, but the Rossis were into some serious shit. The place was like something out of an old Roman flick or some shit. Marble and gold everywhere, and her room, is fucking huge. "You spend a lotta time here Mouth?"

  "When I was younger yeah. Dad built it as sort of a getaway for me but I haven't been since I was like sixteen, why?" I looked at her. Fuck, I'm gonna have to up my game. Probably have to gut the house or some shit, or maybe level it and start from scratch. "What're you thinking mob boy?"

  "I might need to rebuild the house or some shit." I looked around the room that could fit three beds with room to spare. Her little getaway bedroom! She’s a fucking mafia princess. How the fuck did I forget that shit?

  "You're an ass." She just rolled her eyes and headed for the bathroom.

  "Please don't do that throwing up thing again Mouth, I can't deal with that shit twice in one day." She peeked around the door with a scowl. "Are you bent? You can't deal with it? I'm the one up chucking you moron, this was your bright idea remember?"

  Oh yeah, that had been her argument this morning after her first bout of torture; my manhood had come into question among other things. I was just happy that whatever the fuck breakdown she'd had was out of the way, though I still watch her to make sure she was okay. The closer we got to the hit the more worried I got about her head.

  She was looking forward to ending the fucker that had ended her mother. Somehow I didn't think shit would stop there, not with her murdering ass. I was afraid there was always gonna be someone else that got on her bad side and ended up on the wrong end of her bow and arrow. I'd had a hell of a time getting her to leave that shit home but then she'd given in. That capitulation had been a little too easy if you ask me but I'm not complaining.

  I heard a lot of rummaging around and it sounded like she was tearing down the walls or some fuck. "Mouth, what the fuck?" I stepped into the bathroom in time to see her closing up a portion of the wall. There was a large black bag sitting at her feet, the shit looked heavy. She bent to pick it up and I stopped her, taking it from her hand.

  "Fuck Mouth, what you got in here a body? And why the fuck you lifting this heavy shit? Ma said you're not supposed to remember?”

  "It's not that heavy; tell me don Barzini, you plan on being this annoying through this whole pregnancy thing? Because if you are I'm moving in with Pia when we get back."

  "Whatever." By this time we'd reached the bed where I deposited the bag; she opened it and my mouth fell open.

  "I thought you said you hadn't been here since you were sixteen?"

  "Yeah so, and?"

  "What the fuck Mouth, that's an arsenal in there, what sixteen year old girl stashes an arsenal?" Oh man I am so fucked. There’s no way I'm not gonna be cleaning up bodies for the rest of my life messing with this one.

  "You do remember who my father is right? What, you thought I should leave my safety up, to someone else? No way, I used to listen in on dad's conversations. I knew we could never really trust anyone except each other so I didn't trust anyone."

  "What do you mean listen in on his conversations?" Sneak.

  “Once I wire tapped him but then I thought if the Feds ever got ahold of my stash he'd be gone forever so I stopped. What the hell's wrong with you mob boy?"

  I had to sit down because my head had started pounding, fuck my life she's the female me.

  "Mouth, swear to me right here and now on our children that after this hit you're done."

  "Thou shalt not swear." I made a grab for her but she out ran me, which upset her stomach, which had her back on her knees in front of the bowl.

  I cleaned her up and took her to the lake- sized bed in the room. She might not have been here in a while but someone was keeping the place up. The sheets were fresh and clean and she sighed as she sunk into the soft pillows.

  I kicked off my shoes and lay with her in my arms. I knew it was more than the kid that was making her sick. Everything around her moves so fast that it’s hard to remember that it was just a few short days ago that she’d had a meltdown. She’d picked herself up and kept moving, never even mentioning that shit.

  I was already having second thoughts about bringing her here. This was no way for a man to protect his woman, but in the end it was best to keep her with me. I could keep an eye on her better if she was with me and I knew I could keep her safe. I should’ve made her talk to me more about the shit that happened in her head. There hadn’t been time in the last few days what with shit going to hell like it did.

  Now that we were here I didn’t want to spark off anything and set her back. But every time I think of that shit, of what could happen if this went south my gut hurt. I never want to see my woman that way again and if ending this fucker is the only way to bring her peace then I’ll give her that. Hopefully after this, she’d settle her little ass down and stay out of shit.

  “Stop worrying Shane, everything’s going to be okay.” Now she’s reassuring me? I squeezed her gently in answer.

  “Rest Mouth!” I guess she had other ideas when she straddled my legs and went after my zipper. I let her ride me until she’d exorcised the demons in her head and made sure she didn’t put my ass to sleep this time by turning her to her back and finishing her off.

  I stayed inside her until I was sure she was asleep before sliding out and settling her head back on the pillow. She sighed and got comfy and I climbed down off the bed and picked up her little arsenal. No wonder she hadn’t bitched about leaving her bow behind. She had another one here along with enough gun power to outfit my whole crew. There were swords and knives and some shit that I’d never seen before in there too and all I could do was shake my head as I looked at the pint size spitfire asleep on the bed.

  I went snooping but damn if I could find the seam in the wall. It took me a good five minutes to find that shit and once I did I was ready to turn right the fuck around and head back out.

  It was a whole separate room that I was sure wouldn’t be obvious from the outside. She had surveillance equipment, computers, and more weaponry stashed in there. She was also good enough to make that shit look innocent. Nothing here wasn’t anything you couldn’t find in any spy shop online, but if I knew her, the shit had been altered to suit her purposes.

  There was a fucking stuff toy on a rocking chair in the corner facing the window. I snickered at her show of softness until I picked the shit up and heard a slight whirring sound. The shit was recording. Uh-huh, so screwed. I gave her sleeping form the side eye as I walked back through the room to go have a talk with the guys.


  Prince of The City

  “I want you guys to be on your game here. That nut is sneaky as fuck and I don’t trust her for shit. Now you fuck-ups are oh for a fucking thousand so far, so try to keep the fuck up. Anything happens to her and my kid everybody’s shit is fucked.” I figured now was the only time I would get to have a briefing with the twins while Mouth took her nap.

  It was the only time I knew I was going to get any peace and qu
iet while we’re here and even then I have to be on alert because she might pull a fast one. For all I know she could have eyes and ears all over this bitch. Sneaky fuck!

  My two sisters in law were busy checking the weapons to make sure all was in working order. If they only knew! I wasn’t saying shit because the mouthy one might take offense to me sharing her secrets.

  “You have her tagged right and the two old guys told you enough about this place that we know the ins and outs. We have the perimeter secured. I don’t think she can slip by us that easily this time but who knows. Your woman seems quite innovative.” Innovative my ass; she’s a pain in the ass plain and simple.

  “It doesn’t matter what precautions you’ve taken you should know by now, that shit doesn’t work where she’s concerned. I want eyes on her at all times. And please, if she starts baking and shit again don’t let your greedy asses overtake your common sense.”

  It was going to be a long time before they got over her little escape while she was supposed to be in the bath and had them watching pies in the oven, or the one from last night. I’m tired of having to reassure two grown ass men that they weren’t shitty at their jobs. It had only taken Mouth a few days to have them questioning their sanity.

  “And don’t talk about that tag shit too loud.” Mouth doesn’t know that I tagged her ass and I was keeping it that way. If she tried to pull a fast one on me I’ll know where she is before she even got off the property. I hated to do it behind her back but it had to be done. Her ass isn’t good at listening and this was the only way I can be sure that she stays safe.

  “Any word on what he’s been up to today?”

  “Yeah, the guys called in a while ago. He seems to be going about his day as usual and they haven’t seen any strange faces visiting the place in the last few days.” Mikey gave me the report.

  “Yeah and the phone traffic has been light, no mention of anything that should worry us. Looks like we’re set to go whenever you’re ready.” Tony finished it off.


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