The Thug Read online

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"Don't be afraid little babydoll, I'm not gonna hurt you... too much." I forced her legs open with one of mine and sniffed my way down her body, from behind her ear, down to her pussy.

  I rubbed my nose over her lace underwear before sucking the crotch into my mouth. I could never get enough of her scent, pure fucking ambrosia. “Umm, I like.” She was green as fuck still I see, because she still wore her bush. I hadn’t seen a hairy pussy outside of a seventies magazine in my life. Maybe I’ll like all that soft hair tickling my lips, if not I could always shave her later.

  Chapter 5

  Her body jerked when I tore her panties from her small frame. "Easy, easy..." I used my thumb to play with her clit, before pushing it inside. Her hole was tight as fuck, and I wondered how I was gonna fit my cock head in there.

  Not for nothing but my shit is fat. I worked her pussy with just my thumb, until her juices started flowing. Then I put my mouth to her and sucked. Fuck me I'm a goner. Her taste was sweet as fuck; like fresh water from a spring that no one else had ever drunk from. I was gonna be a while.

  With her ass in my hands, I lifted her up to my mouth like an offering and feasted. She went fucking wild under my tongue. I had to hold her steady with a hand on her tummy, as I sucked her pussy lips into my mouth. My dick was making tracks in the bed, ready for action. I looked down and my boy was as hard as I'd ever seen him.

  "Looks like I lied, seems I'm gonna hurt you after all." She screamed as I forced half of my cock into her virgin pussy, but it couldn't be helped. I wish I felt remorse, but all I felt was euphoria as I watched her virgin blood run down on my cock as I entered her fully.


  My body went through some kind of tunnel shit; I went hot and cold at the same time. A fucking virgin! If she’d owned me before, that shit put the lock on my shit. It was almost surreal, looking down at your forever while she was impaled on your cock for the first time. It might not have been love at first sight, but at first fuck was just as good for me.

  “Look at your man babydoll.” I waited until she looked up at me with her eyes wide and shining, before pulling out until only two inches were left inside her. No words were exchanged between us, I guess I was giving her body time to adjust or some shit, another foreign endeavor for me.

  Though I’ve always taken pride in my stroking ability, I’d never really been one to care too much beyond nutting. But her, I wanted her to enjoy. What the fuck?

  I pulled her hands up above her head and held them there as I eased the rest of me back into her.

  “Stop crying Alexandra it’s over.” Her pussy was gripping the shit outta my cock, and she was still crying from the breeching. I’m sure it had been hard on her, my rod ain’t no toy and it was gonna take her virgin pussy a long time to get used to it; but days of overuse should take care of that.

  “Wrap your legs around me...good girl.” She was crying, but her pussy was enjoying the shit outta being fucked for the first time. After the initial pain I decided to go easy on her tight little cunt.

  I’m not a complete jerk after all, it was her first time, and since I planned on being the only man she ever had I had to make sure this part of our relationship was solid. No sense in scaring the poor girl any more than necessary is there?

  "You feel that? Get used to it, because you and my cock are gonna become very well acquainted in the next few months. Do you know why little Lexi?" I didn't stop fucking as I spoke. At the shake of her head I grinned, what I'd been told was the most sinister shit anyone had ever seen.

  "Because I'm planting my kid in you that's why...yeah squeeze my cock baby. I'm gonna keep you knocked the fuck up until I have as many little Bianchis running around this bitch as I can make, and then we'll start on my daughters."

  She must've liked the idea, because her pussy flooded my cock head with sweet juice and she screamed.

  I tried telling myself to go easy, she was new to this. But the feel of all that tightness wrapped around my dick was too much. I stroked in and out of her heat going deeper with each thrust.

  She was moaning and writhing like a bitch in heat, something I’m sure she had no control over, because my shit is that good. I couldn’t do all the things I’d imagined doing to her this first time, I didn’t want to hurt the poor girl more than I had to. But if she didn’t stop making those fuck me noises, all bets were off.

  “You feel that babydoll, all that steel in your little tummy?” I was still enjoying the sight of her virgin blood on my cock as I went in and out of her. I especially loved the way her body sung under mine; she had absolutely no control over her body’s reaction to me.

  I wasn’t going to last too long in the vise grip that was her pussy, so I made sure she got hers before busting off inside her. I made sure I planted my dick as firmly and deeply inside her as I possibly could, to give my boys the best possible opportunity to do their thing in there.

  Only then did I kiss her, while my cock was pumping my seed inside her. She almost took my tongue off in her greed. Oh yeah, whatever else happens between us in the next few weeks, or however long it took me to bend her, at least the fucking was going to be off the charts.

  That was good, because I wasn’t looing forward to cold pussy. I like my fucks hot and full of spice. Little Ms. Virgin pussy was a hot bitch, even with tears streaming down her face.

  I pulled out and laid next to her, pulling her roughly into my arms. I grinned down at my dick covered in her blood. If I didn’t know better I’d think I’d killed her ass. Never knew a pussy bled that much when giving up the cherry. It was fitting for us though; most of the shit I did was sealed in blood. It was a good omen.

  I held a cold washcloth against her bruised pussy; What? I’m not an animal, well maybe a little. It was good, that’s why I hit it three times before I stopped. Now she’s complaining that her little pussy hurts, guess I got a little rough there at the end, but who can blame me?

  After the first round, when I’d been holding her in my arms, she’d felt so small and fucking perfect there that I couldn’t resist rolling her over onto her back again and fucking into her. Plus my dick seemed to know what the fuck was going on because he kept going back for seconds, greedy fuck.

  "Does that feel better?" I pressed the cloth gently against her.

  She nodded her head slowly against the pillow, her lips swollen from my kisses, cheeks a little raw from my facial scruff.

  I ran my hand over my face. Looks like I’m gonna have to shave, my girl has sensitive skin, like a fucking baby all the way. Damn, if I’d known she was going to be this sweet I would’ve taken her weeks ago. Even now my cock was misbehaving, he wanted in again, but she’d had enough. Didn’t want to tear her or some shit, I wasn’t exactly into that type of pain.

  I removed the cloth that I'd been holding in place to ease the pain, my jaw tensed at the sight of the traces of blood that were evident against the white cloth.

  I felt a strong sense of possession as I turned to her. Those amethyst eyes of hers sparkling with not only tears, but the newfound lust she'd enjoyed under me, and enjoyed she had. For all her protesting in the beginning, my baby had been with me all the way from the third stroke. I have the scratches down my back, not to mention her heel prints in my ass to prove it.

  "Don't look at me like that babe, if I fuck you again right now your shit will be out of commission for a week."

  She blushed that pretty shade of pink that seemed a permanent thing for her. Fucking around with me, she'd soon get over that shit.

  "On the other hand..."

  Dropping the washcloth on the night table I climbed between her thighs and drew her legs up and open.

  Her pussy was red and puffy, damn. I guess I am an animal after all. Lifting her ass in both hands I brought her to my mouth and sank my tongue home.

  Chapter 6

  "Sal, tell them I'm ghost for the next few days at least." My brother went on about something or the other on the other end of the phone line. It was now three days since
I'd brought her home. I wouldn't say she was all settled in, but we'd made progress.

  "Gio you know we have to do this thing, we've been trying to get these guys pinned down for months, now we've finally got them on the line you can't bail."

  "Something better came up, if they can't wait tell them to get fucked."

  "Bro, you don't want to play hard ball with these guys, you know their rep."

  "Yeah? Do they know mine, or did you forget who the fuck you were talking to?"

  Sometimes my brother was a trial, he's all soft and shit. Everything must be done on time, in a correct manner and all that other old world bullshit. That's why he's out and I'm in. I give less than a fuck about any of that bullshit. If a motherfucker couldn't do shit my way, he could go fuck himself, I don't pander to others.

  I'd learned at my father's knee. People are weak, and the ones who weren't will try to overpower you at every turn, force their will on you. I'd be fucked if I was gonna play sheep.

  She was puttering around the library while I sat behind one of my many desks, my eyes following her every move. In three days I'd taught her how to please me, well the basics anyway. It would take her a lifetime to learn how to please my fucked up ass for real.

  "Come here baby doll."

  She turned that wide-eyed stare to me from her place in front of the bookshelves. She knew what me calling her that meant. It meant my cock was hungry, only question is what the fuck was I in the mood for?

  I hung up on my longwinded brother mid sentence, he knew the deal; I'd said all there was to say. If the other faction fucked with me, I'd just shoot out a couple kneecaps, that ought to get their heads out of their asses.


  She'd made her way over to where I'd pushed my chair back to give her room. Falling to her knees she looked up at me, still with that innocent look on her face. If she only knew what that little schoolgirl shit made me want to do to her; fuck.

  For now I just released the monster and led her head slowly down to my lap.

  A nice tongue bath would be nice before I fuck the ever-living shit out of her, which is my intention.

  Conti was trying to play hardball. Apparently he didn't think I would use what I had on him, or he thought I was bluffing; now how to put this fuck in his place? Decisions, decisions.

  Alexandra was coming along nicely, she still gave me a little attitude here and there, but in the week I'd had her, I'd conditioned her to fucking. She loved cock no matter how much she liked to pretend different, her pussy flowed like a fucking fountain whenever my mouth or cock got anywhere near it. Now her fucking father was trying to put a monkey wrench in my shit. Fair enough.

  "Tommy, the Conti residence; torch it." She swung around to me but I held my finger up for silence, I'm on the phone. I hung up after getting the yes boss.

  "You got something to say to me?"

  "You, you can't burn down my home, where am I supposed to live, what about my father?"

  "Which part of you're not going back, do you not get? As for your pain in the ass father he'll figure shit out."

  She ran for the door, but was soon running back in, screaming bloody murder.

  "Sit Cerberus."

  "You got a dog?" Oh her voice was scared as shit.

  "Yep, I got shit to do, I can't spend the next week here fucking you, so this will be your new companion. Not to worry he'll only eat your ass if you go anywhere near the windows or doors."

  The dog looked at her like she was his next meal. I expected her fear to keep her little ass quiet, but if he fucked with her I'd cut his fucking head clean off.

  "Now come here."

  "I'm not coming near that dog."

  "Alexandra get your ass over here, what the fuck?"

  She crept forward eyes glued to the dog.

  "Not for nothing babe, but of the two of us, I'm the most dangerous animal in the room. Go Cerberus." I sent the dog from the room and pulled her between my legs.

  "How's your little pussy this morning, Alexandra still sore?"

  She blushed bright red, probably at the memory of me bending her ass double and pounding the shit out of her no doubt. In the week she'd been here I'd pummeled the shit out of her tight pussy.

  Even when I told myself to go easy, I ended up plowing that shit. There was just something about this girl that brought out the true nature of my beast, but last night I'd gone above and beyond.

  Since she wasn't in the mood to answer I decided to check for myself. I put my hand under her skirt and went right to the source. Her bare, freshly shaved pussy, which I'd shaved last night after our bath, which is what led to her being jack hammered on my dick; felt nice and smooth under my fingers.

  I’d almost lost my shit in her pussy last night. Shit, who knew shaving a pussy could be such a fucking turn on? She was forbidden to wear underwear ever, except when she had her period, at which point I could give a fuck what she did with that nasty shit.

  But every other time, I wanted to look at her pussy whenever the need struck. I hadn’t minded the hair so much; the shit was baby fine and soft. But when it got in my teeth for the third time I was done.

  "What's it gonna be, you want the tongue or the cock?" Damn she's so fucking beautiful when she does that biting her lip thing. Made me want to buy flowers and shit, whatever.

  "Never mind we'll do both, hop on up here." I helped her up on the desk where I spread her legs out and sniffed her strawberry scented pussy.

  "Hmmmm, sweet." I like that little twitch she gets when my tongue first touches her, and the way she spreads wider automatically, without being told. She even grabs my hair now when I tongue fuck her. That's what I call well-trained pussy.

  Soon I'll have her talking while I fuck her, I'm into that shit. I can't wait to have the chief's innocent little girl begging me to fuck her pussy. It won’t be long now; I’ve already trained her to like everything else.

  I ate her pussy thoroughly. Pulling the lips back and holding them in place with my thumbs, I delved in, licking and nibbling until she was flowing into my mouth.

  My cock has no manners, he knows this girl's pussy has got to be torn all the fuck up after the shit he did to her last night, but he wanted in. I released him, every last inch of him, and stood up in order to line up with the pussy. She was red and puffy, but fuck, I wasn't messing with her pussy lips, it’s what was inside I was trying to get to.

  "Ow." She cringed when my boy forced his way in, what did I tell you? No fucking manners.

  "Ssh, it's okay baby I won't leave him in too long." He'll be in as long as it took for him to blast but she didn't need to know that.

  "Maybe if I raise your legs like this." I knew what having her legs stretched all the way up while I plowed her did to her tummy; she'll be bitching at me when I was done but whatever, it felt good on my dick.

  I stroked through her moans of slight pain. Fuck a pussy is a beautiful thing, a pussy, in fact this pussy stuffed with my cock! Gorgeous.

  I flattened my hands next to her and spread her open wide so I could fuck nice and deep. I felt the hot flesh of her pussy scrape along my length and her clit rubbed against my groin each time I bottomed out in her cunt.

  "If you talk to your fuck of a father while I'm gone...I'll kill him."

  I came in her pussy as she screamed in outrage.

  Chapter 7

  I had a meet downtown with the fucking Asians, they had something that belonged to me. Something that had been promised to me by the last owner, but apparently these fucks had stolen it before they sent that old boy to the hereafter.

  They were trying to fleece my ass, but I’m a businessman, I know how the game is played, as long as they didn’t take me for a fool. Besides the old building I had my eye on wasn’t a matter of life or death so we’ll see.

  I don’t fuck with these gangster types, these fuckers are vicious; me I’m a gentleman. I’d at least have a reason other than greed for killing a motherfucker.

  Why the fuck they had to
decide they wanted my building is a mystery. Granted it was in a strategic location, near the water, but there were others. Plus I owned the law around here so I don’t know what they were planning to do there. Personally, I think they were just trying to fuck with me, but if that turned out to be true, they’ll soon learn who was top dog.

  My brother Sal and my boys were already waiting for me. The meet was on neutral ground since neither one of us trusted the other. The patrons in the restaurant eyed us from the time we entered the door, till we were seated in the private room in back.

  These fucks looked like they were on a movie set, way too much overkill; that’s the first tip off that they were jokes. Who the fuck did that shit? I was understated in black slacks and a white Black label with the sleeves rolled to my elbows. I was relaxed cool personified. No one would ever know that I was carrying two concealed weapons, plus my trusty knife.

  “So lets get this shit rolling you have something that’s mine I want it back, now.”

  Mr. Cool tried staring me down like he thought I was new to this.

  “Six million.”


  “What do you suggest? We both know that property is worth more.”

  “I’m not too thrilled about you sitting here trying to sell me something that’s mine. I came here today to give you the opportunity to give me back what’s mine. It was promised to me before you came along and did what you did. Now I’m thinking that the fact that I let you live after you took him out should be enough of an incentive, you have until four today to bring me the papers.”

  I got up to leave because there was nothing left to say, these fucks were trying to make a name for themselves. They thought if they could best me that would give them props in the underworld. I don’t have time for that shit, this is real life, not the fucking movies. They started talking in their twang but I gave a fuck.


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