The Family : The Spitfire Book 4 Read online

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  I’d made everything legal that I could and given poppy’s partners their cut, but the shit that I started on my own had nothing to do with them. I’m done. The next time they call me I’d know it meant war and there won’t be any congenial meets.

  Back at the house Mouth still wasn’t back and the twins were loitering around outside ma’s house looking like their asses were lost. I had Mikey pull into my parents’ driveway instead of mine and went to see what the hell she was up to now. “Where is she?”

  “In there.” Alec pointed towards the house where I could hear the women cackling. His face looked like he’d sucked on a lemon or some shit. “Fuck’s wrong with you two?” I looked from one to the other of them and saw that they’d both picked up her annoying ass habit of rolling their eyes. Zane looked at me like he wanted out; shit was funny as hell. What the hell could she get up to over here?

  “They’re planning the bachelorette party in there.”


  “Look, you hired us to ride herd on your woman you didn’t say nothing about stripping.” What the fuck! I looked towards the French doors that led into the kitchen where I could see ma, holding court.

  “What’re you talking about?” They mumbled some shit under their breath and I pulled the door to go see what my nut was cooking up to make my ass crazy this time.

  “What did you do to those two?” I kissed her before kissing ma’s cheek. They had all kinds of shit spread out on the kitchen island like they were having another one of ma’s planning parties.

  “Nothing, we just asked them if they wanted to take part in the party since they’re gonna be there on my ass anyway.” She gave me a look like her demented shit was my fault. “What’s this about strippers? You have strippers I’m having strippers too.” Like fuck! I’ll probably be staked out outside her party anyway.

  “I hope that bitch can duck quick whoever she is.” Yeah, that’s not a double standard or anything. “Where’s this party going to be anyway?” I don’t see why we couldn’t just tie the knot without all this extra shit mucking up the works.

  “We’re thinking of using the club but Pia wants to go check it out one more time to see if it fits.”

  Good, if it’s at my place I can control shit and make sure she doesn’t get into trouble.

  “How many people you inviting to this shit anyway?”

  “Shane, I’m not going to ask you to watch your language again.” I guess she didn’t hear Mouth lighting into me with her shit. Women! I left when they started trying to draw me into their party planning shit. I stopped at the door and turned back to them. “I have our first song picked out for the reception so don’t mess with that.”

  I felt like an ass saying that shit and the looks on their faces only made me feel like more of a bitch. At least Mouth had that dreamy look on her face and was no longer skewering imaginary strippers to the wall with her little toy in her head. Murdering fuck!

  “Shane, come back here.”

  “Gotta go ma.” My two shadows fell in line behind me after making kissy faces at their wives and the twins tried following. “The fuck you two going?”

  “Come on Shane, she’s not going anywhere. They keep giving us looks and giggling behind their hands and shit. Who knows what they’re planning in there.”

  “Not my problem she leaves here without you two on her ass again they’ll be fishing your asses outta the deep.” Damn, what the fuck am I getting myself into? If these two were running scared, the Mouth would have me on my toes for the rest of my fucking life.

  “Look, you two might as well get used to this shit because you’re not going anywhere no time soon.” I’d hired them on a temporary basis but even with her giving them the slip the day before I was thinking that shit might have to be more permanent. I can’t have eyes on her twenty-four seven so I was gonna need all the help I could get.

  They didn’t seem too put off by the idea for all their griping and I’m fucked if I’m gonna train another team to deal with her shit. I wouldn’t have time for anything else if I did. Tony and Mikey headed for the fridge and leftover pie while I contemplated the meeting I’d just left.

  I didn’t pick up the vibe that anyone there knew whom she was or that she was mine. If I can keep it that way, until after the wedding, that would be great. That got me to thinking about just exactly where poppy and his two cohorts were this very minute and what the hell they were up to.

  All this thinking shit was making me tired. I hope that’s not Mouth’s hormone shit affecting me. I’m already getting queasy some mornings when her morning sickness is especially bad. I rested my head back against the hair in my home office and closed my eyes.

  Since Mouth had taken care of the congressman I had nothing else on my murder wall. Unless something popped off from today, which I see no reason for it to, then once we come back from seeing this Tommy guy who’d murdered her mom, we should have some peace and quiet. That’s if some unsuspecting soul don’t cut Mouth off in traffic and she gets after them with her toy.

  With her out of the way I had time to get some things together for our trip to Chi-town. I had to make sure that nothing could be traced back to us to avoid any retaliation from the families there or we’d never get out of the life.

  I wasn’t planning on taking anyone but her team and mine and a few extras. The least amount of people who knew about this shit the better. Not that it’s ever a good idea to share this kinda shit around. I wasn’t telling poppy shit because he’d tell the other two and I didn’t need them making this shit harder than it needed to be.

  I understand her old man might feel it was his to do but I think at this point he knows just as I do that it means more to her. She needs to vanquish this asshole from her life, and for her, this is the only way.


  Prince of The City

  She was full of excitement when she came home a few hours later. “How did it go?”

  “How did what go?” I held an arm out for her and she plopped her ass down on my lap. “Your little play date. Did everyone play nice?” Anyone listening to her wouldn’t have a clue what was going through her mind, I did. Although her words were light and playful, there was tenseness in her body that belied them.

  “Yes, we’re fine. How about you? How was your little powwow with the others?” She started filling me in on wedding shit until my ears started to bleed. I decided to distract her when she started talking about all the ways I could contribute. I stood up and sat her back in the large overstuffed leather chair and went to the door to lock it.

  I could hear the guys in the game room a good distance away. I need that; I have a feeling little Arianna’s going to be screaming real soon. She gave me a crooked eyed look as I tugged at the buttons of my shirt on my way back to her. I dropped my pants on the floor next to the chair and stepped out of my boxers.

  Her eyes flew right to my dick, which was hard and leaking. She licked her lips and my cock twitched in her face. I took the back of her head in my hand and pulled her mouth onto my meat. She licked all around the head as I looked down at her before sucking just my crown into her mouth.

  I let her tease me with her teeth and tongue until she went after my cock slit and I was close to spilling in her mouth. I pulled out and rubbed my cock all around her lips and cheek until I had myself back under control. “Open.” She opened her mouth and sucked my cock back in, taking me deeper this time.

  I throat fucked her until her chin and my thighs were soaked with cock juice and spit. I eased my length from between her lips and lifted her onto the desk taking her place in the chair. “Hands behind your back.” I pulled off the buttons of the cute little dress she was wearing before stripping her naked.

  She leaned back on her hands and placed both her feet on the arms of the chair. I loved what that did to her body. Her breasts went into the air, her back arched, and her legs spread wide for me. I pulled her ass closer to the edge of the desk so I could get at her, and nuzzled her thigh befor
e nibbling my way up to her crotch.

  She started moaning before my tongue’s first touch. Her pussy was hot and wet for me as I clasped her cute little ass in my hands and held her in place for a tongue fuck. I licked deep between her walls, coating my tongue with her pussy nectar before pulling out to tease her clit with long swipes of my tongue.

  She rocked into my mouth and mewled because I was teasing her now, just giving her the tip of my tongue as I teased her clit from beneath its hood. Once free I sucked it into my mouth and lashed it with my tongue. I had to let go of her ass with one hand so I could finger her pussy while I chewed on her clit.

  “Shane, hurry!” One of her hands grabbed my hair and held me to her. I shook my head and carried on doing what I was doing. I left off tonguing her clit and used my thumb to press down on it while driving three thick fingers into her heat as I got to my feet and leaned over her.

  I shared her taste with her in a kiss before leaving her lips for her tits. They were already starting to grow from my kid in her womb and because I’m a red blooded male, I find the shits more than a little fascinating.

  I made love to her nipples while my fingers pleasured her and that thumb on her fat clit kept her juicing into my hand. “Fuck Mouth what were you doing over there?” No way her pussy got that wet from just sucking my cock.

  “I missed you.” She brought her arms up and around me and tried pulling me into her pussy with her legs wrapped around my ass. I pulled my fingers from her snatch and fed them to her as I eased my cock into her tight entrance. I had to bend my knees a little to get the right angle, but once there, I slid half my cock up inside her.

  Her pussy was too tight in this position for me to feed her any more of my fuck meat without hurting her, so I set about opening her up some more. Her pussy was wet enough that each time I stroked, I heard her juices swish around my cock and felt the cool liquid drip down to my balls.

  I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back. “What the fuck were you doing over there? Were you looking at pictures of naked men?” Her eyes had that unfocused look she gets when I fuck her, but once my words registered I saw the kill lights come on.

  “No you asshole.”

  “Then why the fuck were you so wet before I even touched you?” Somehow one of my hands ended up around her throat and I’d stopped all movement. This was something else I was learning to deal with, this insane fucking jealousy shit. Until her I never gave much of a fuck, but then again no one was ever dumb enough to cheat on me. I didn’t see her as the type; her loyalties run deep. But just the thought…

  “Are you insane Shane Flanagan?”

  “I asked you a fucking question, what the fuck were you doing?”

  “We were talking about you, and the baby, and the wedding, and…I don’t know. Get off me.” She tried pushing me away, and turning her face. It was the sheen of tears in her eyes that brought me back to reality.

  What the fuck just happened there? Fuck if I know. I didn’t even realize that the stripper shit had meant that much to me. But the thought of her around men, any men, didn’t seem to sit too well with me. She was still fighting me but my hand around her throat and my dick pinning her to the desk held her in place.

  “No!” And I’m not apologizing either. “I’m sorry, you’ve made me fuck stupid.” What the fuck! I took her tongue into my mouth before she could argue or question. No way was I feeding her mine; the damn nut might bite the shit off. I had to work hard to get her out of her mad even though her pussy stayed wet and had my dick locked off.

  “You forgive me?” I held her head back with the hand around her throat and looked down into her eyes as I tried to get more of my cock inside her. “Answer me.”


  “No you won’t answer or no you won’t forgive me? You do remember that you actually ended someone because we were once a ‘thing’ right.”

  She squinted up at me and opened her mouth to say who knows what in her defense. “Later.”

  This time I pulled her off the desk and onto my cock as I sat back on the chair. Her legs went over the arms as my cock stretched her pussy and plunged into her belly. She’ll get over her snit, but now she knows what’s in store for her if she ever tries that shit.

  She bit my chest hard once I released her mouth. “Ouch, fuck, nut job.” I rubbed the spot as she rode up and down on my cock with that look in her eye. Instead of making my nuts crawl up in their sac the shit made my dick harder and my thrusts faster, deeper.

  By the time I came inside her she was back to being sweet. I should’ve known not to trust that shit, but I always get stupid after I’ve emptied inside her.

  She left me with the claim that she was going upstairs to get cleaned up and I went back to what I was doing before she came. I must’ve been in there for less than an hour before going after her, but that was time enough for her to get her revenge.

  I came out of my office to find her damn uncle and old man sitting in my damn kitchen like they lived here. “What the fuck!” I glowered at the both of them and poppy who was sitting back grinning. I looked from her to her relatives trying to figure out what the hell they’d been up to before I came in, but they all had innocent looks on their faces.

  “What do you two want?”

  “I’ll thank you not to speak to my family like that Shane Flanagan. They’re here to see me. Why don’t you go back to being stupid and leave us alone while the adults talk?” Uncle Al grinned and shook his head at me. Had she told them what happened? That’s all the fuck I need. Like they don’t annoy my ass enough as it is.

  I guess she forgot, who the fuck she was talking to. I pulled her up from the chair and started out of the room. “Hey boy, be careful with my grandson.” I gave her old man the finger over my shoulder and kept moving towards the stairs. She threatened me in some very inventive ways but I knew her feelings were just hurt. If she was serious she wouldn’t say shit to me.

  I dropped her on the bed in our room and came down over her. “I said I was sorry stop sulking.”

  “You’re insulting and stupid I have nothing to say to you.” I nuzzled her neck and put my hands on her. “You’re making me crazy Arianna, it’s not my fault.”

  “It’s my fault that you’re stupid? I don’t think so, I think you were an idiot before I ever came along.” Now there was hurt in her voice. Now that; I will not abide.

  I leaned back and looked down at her. “Why does this upset you so much?”

  “What, the fact that you called me a whore?”

  “I didn’t, I would never…what the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Well that’s what you were implying wasn’t it?” Is that what I did? The fuck do I know about this jealousy shit? I’ve never had to deal with it before. So I told her.

  “Look, I don’t think you’re any of those things. The guys made a passing remark about you asking them to strip at your party and I guess the shit got stuck in my head.”

  “It was a joke. I was trying to get rid of them so we could have a normal day. Unless you want Pia to know what’s really going on. Don’t you think she’d start questioning things if those two are always hanging around?”

  Shit, she had a point. Why didn’t I think of that? It’s not like ma doesn’t know about the family business, but dad’s kept her shielded from the worst of it all these years. I’m not sure what exactly she believes and I never want to have that conversation. As far as she knows, she’d married into a very wealthy family with lots of ties to some very important people.

  “So you’re punishing me by inviting those two to my house.”

  “Those two, as you call them, are my dad and my uncle. If they’re not welcome here then, neither am I. I’ll pack my things and the three of us will be gone in an hour.”

  “I see you want me to choke the shit outta you for real this time. I’m sorry, you’re right. I shouldn’t have let jealousy cloud my judgment. It won’t happen again.” So much for not apologizing!

I ignored the asshole brigade while they were here and tried to get some shit done. I was a little distracted when she told me later that she and the girls were going to the club and trying to make up to her for my earlier fuck up I gave her the go ahead after trying to talk her out of it.

  She argued my ass to death until I caved. I figured the twins could hold it down since as she reminded me, it was my place. I also thought it might be a good time to get some rest. My ass felt like I’d been going forever without a break. I missed her as soon as she walked out the door.


  Prince of The City

  “Hey Anna, where's my girl?"

  "She's right here Shane, why?"

  “What’s wrong with her?” I could hear her shit in the background.

  “Some new chick at the club has her tits in a twist.”

  "Why isn't she answering her phone?"

  "Geez Shane, we've only been gone like two and a half hours, stalker much?"

  "Put her on the phone."

  "Later big brother."

  "An..." I can't believe she hung up on me. She knows that shit makes me crazy. And why the fuck wasn't Mouth answering her damn phone? I've been calling her for ten minutes already.

  You see this shit? If I didn't let her go hang with her girls I was controlling and overbearing, but when she went out with them this is the shit I had to put up with. Meanwhile I couldn't have a night out with the boys without at least three calls from her ass, fuck this noise.

  I pulled on some sweats and a long sleeved tee and headed for the door with my phone to my ear. The twins were on her but keeping out of the way per her instructions. She’d set ma on my ass to get her way and like a sap I’d agreed. As long as she didn’t leave the club without them we were fine, but I’d forgotten how big that place is and how sneaky her little ass can be.


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