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The Billionaire's Wife Page 5
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Page 5
“Shit, I forgot I ordered room service.” I hopped off the bed after giving her a quick kiss to her cheek and grabbed the robe before going to answer the door.
She was fixing the pillows behind her when I rolled the tray in. Still naked, still gorgeous and I was glad I’d sent the server away. “What did you get me? I’m starving.”
“I love the way you speak your mind. It’s refreshing.”
“That would be a first. Even my mother complains about my mouth.” I put the trays on the bed with her instead of the side table.
She dug into the steak and asparagus I’d ordered and filched some of mine. “Uh, bro, I know them skinny little white girls that you’re accustomed to can survive on grass and ice chips, frankly I don’t know how the hell they pull that shit off. But you’re married to a sister and we eat. You see these curves, I didn’t get these eating asparagus. Where’s the damn potatoes, or rice or something.”
I couldn’t help it, I broke out laughing. Real laughter, not some pretend bullshit to fill the silence. “You’re fucking adorable.” I leaned over and gave her a kiss before picking up the phone to order her more food. It seems her appetite didn’t just extend to sex.
We had a food fight. Me Chance Winthrop the third, though I wouldn’t be caught dead calling myself that, was sitting on a silk sheeted bed throwing French fries at my new bride.
She laughed and threw her fair share of food at my head and it wasn’t long before we were rolling around on the bed again and I was inside her for the third time that night.
My virgin ass wasn’t ready for the likes of him. Damn freak! The man is a beast, a fiend; a pussy hound. Nasty freak. I’ve done things in the last few days that I’m pretty sure didn’t make it into the Kama Sutra. Where did his freaky ass learn that shit anyway? Probably OD’d on porn as a kid.
Every muscle, joint, and cell in my body hurt like a bitch. The cooch was pulverized. I would say she’s out of commission but that would mean she couldn’t take another pounding which is a damn lie, because my husband takes the pussy whenever he wants it.
I’ve woken up a time or two with him already way ahead of me. If I complain that I’m tired the jackass just whispers ‘go to sleep’ in my ear and carry on with what he’s doing, stealing pussy. My own little pussy bandit.
“I thought you said we were only going to be here for two days?” I rolled away after riding his dick like a wild bronco and made sure to keep the sheet around me up to my neck, and put some of the million and one pillows on the bed between us.
He was still huffing and puffing but I knew if he saw so much as a tit he’d be off and running again. He grabbed the pillows and tossed them, he knew what I was doing with those shits. I squinted my eyes at him. “Stay on your side Chance, what the hell day is it?”
I really didn’t know, we hadn’t left the room since we came in that first day. The ‘room’ was a two level two bedroom with living room dining room and kitchen. The only time I saw any of those other rooms was when he was doing me in one of ‘em.
The cleaning people came in discreetly and cleaned while we were in some other part of the place, per his arrangements I’m sure.
We ate, bathed and fucked. I made a comment a day or so ago that I’d always wanted to come to Vegas and now that I was here I hadn’t seen a damn thing. His answer, fuck me doggie style in front of the bank of windows so I could look out while he was doing me.
“You have something to get back to?”
“Uh life, plus I have to call my mom soon or she’d start to worry. I’ve never gone longer than a week without calling her.”
“Why did I get the impression that you lived with your mom?”
“I’d just met you I wasn’t going to tell you that I lived in a strange city all by my lonesome. You coulda been one of those serial killer types.”
“I look like a serial killer to you?”
“Have you seen Ted Bundy? I’d a done him and he was one crazy fuck.”
“You’d have done what with him?”
Seriously? I didn’t even bother answering him he’s a little cuckoo.
“I’ll do you one better, we’ll swing by your mom on our way home, where is she?”
“My mother still lives in New Jersey, but uh, I’m not sure it’s time to meet her yet.
“Too bad, we’re going.”
Well shit, this is going to be the shortest non celebrity wedding in creation. My mom is not what you might call sane. She’s as sweet as peach pie, but she doesn’t play with a full deck. She’s been in the country more than twenty years and still you can’t get the Caribbean out of her.
My dad had met her while vacationing in Barbados and brought her back to the states. Come to think of it, their story wasn’t much different to ours. Except dad wasn’t loaded. I love teasing him about his whiteness but half of my relatives look just like him. He was in for a surprise.
“Let’s get some breakfast and then we’ll leave I have to get back and take care of some things as well so we can leave on our honeymoon.”
“Say what now? what was this?”
“Our wedding night.” I just shook my head in wonder, the man has some crazy ass notions. In between his marathon fucks he likes to cuddle and talk and I’ve come to the conclusion that people with money, real money, see things a hell of a lot different to the rest of the world.
I was getting a bit nervous the closer it came time to leave. Not only because we were going to meet my mother, but because we were going back to the real world. “What’s the matter sweetheart? You got sad all of a sudden.”
We were on the jet on the way to Jersey. My husband owns a jet. I think it was only now setting in for me all that we’d done in the last week or so. This one doesn’t give me time to catch a thought so I’ve been caught up in his world of crazy all this time, but now…
“Tell me.” He squeezed my hand.
“Are you always going to be this attentive? Or are you going to turn into someone else once we get back to Georgia? And what about your friends and family, what are they going to think about you marrying me?” These were things we’d shied away from, or at least I had the last few days.
“Look at me. You didn’t marry them, you married me. I love you or we wouldn’t be here. And to answer your question, I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks. You’re my wife. I’m gonna give you some time to figure out what that means once we get back home, if I see you drowning I’ll rescue you.” What the hell did that mean?
We pulled up to a nice little cottage that seemed to be buried in flowers. She took my hand nervously, as we headed up the walk to the door. “Relax princess it’s going to be fine she’s going to love me.” I’ve never seen her this rattled but all the way here she’d talked a mile a minute trying to prepare me for the meet.
I don’t know what I was expecting after all that, but when she turned the key in the door and we walked in I got the feeling of warmth.
“Who’s that?” The woman who came from the back of the house drying her hands on a dishtowel was obviously her mom. She had the same natural beauty and those dimples in her cheeks. Her eyes lit up when she saw us and she rushed her daughter.
“Alana?” She looked from her daughter to me and back with a quizzical brow. I’m sure she didn’t miss the hand holding since my wife had a death grip on my hand.
“Mom, um, I’m…” She seemed scared all of a sudden, and I finally understood the enormity of what I’d asked her to do.
“Hello, I’m Chance, can we have a seat and talk for a minute?” She took the hand I offered before turning and heading for the couch.
I chose the loveseat and pulled Alana down beside me. “Now before you get upset, it was all my doing. I’m the one who rushed her into doing things this way.” Shit, now I was nervous.
I’ve sat in boardrooms with some of the nations leading CEOs and never had flop sweat. Sitting in that homey little living room
with all its warmth and color though, wow. Mother in laws really are scary.
“What things? What’s going on?”
“We’re married.”
“Excuse me?”
“Your daughter and I are married.”
“When did this happen? I spoke to you a week ago and you didn’t mention even seeing anyone.” She sounded more curious than angry and I relaxed a little.
“Well it sorta happened kinda fast momma.” Was that my ‘ride or die’? Her words not mine, who was sounding like a preschooler on the first day of class?
“Where did you two meet?”
“He came into the restaurant.”
“Alana didn’t I tell you about picking up stray men in restaurants?”
“Mom hush, you’ll give him the wrong idea.”
“What? Look what happened! So, you can afford to eat in that overpriced hole in the wall, okay Mr. Big-shot, what all are you planning to do with my daughter?” She smirked at us and I got the feeling she didn’t believe us.
“It’s like I said we’re married…”
“Wait, is this that thing where that boy jumps out with a camera and says ‘You’ve been fucked?’
“MOM, it’s Punk’d.” She buried her face in her hand and I was at a loss.
“Same thing, well is it? Personally I think y’all need to find something else for that boy to do with his time, that’s the dumbest show I’ve ever seen. I think it’s the old pussy that turned him stupid.”
“What’s she talking about?” I whispered out the side of my mouth because I was suddenly thinking I should’ve paid more attention to her angst earlier. We’d been talking for five minutes and I still didn’t know what the hell the conversation was about.
“Oh my goodness MOM quit acting up. Don’t pay her any mind Chance, she does this to get a rise outta people. She’s talking about that guy that does the prank show, because he used to be married to an older woman.”
“That old pussy done warped that boy’s brain.”
I wasn’t sure if to be mortified or laugh my ass off. All I kept thinking was this woman and my mother at the same dinner table would be a show I’d pay good money to see.
“Come here baby.” She held out her arms to her daughter.
“You’re married, for real?” My wife nodded her head yes and it was only then that the older woman got misty eyed.
“You know what you’re doing, you have a good head on your shoulders. I’ve always told you to grab life by the balls and hang on tight, but damn girl I didn’t mean marry the first dick you ever had, good grief. Anyway what about school? You’re still going to finish right?”
“Yes she is, I’ll see to it.”
“Okay then, I guess you’ll be staying in Georgia when that’s all done instead of coming back here.”
“You’re coming too.” I threw that out there spur of the moment like. But since I’ve been going with my gut since meeting my beauty, I figure what the hell.
She turned and looked at me. “What? Me, you wanna take me to live in Georgia?”
“Yes, if you’ll come, you and your son can live with us or get a place of your own.” She retook her seat.
“Son, you ever heard of mother in laws? We’re a whole other breed; you better be sure you know what you asking for. Besides, this might be my time to kick up my heels and have some fun, now that I won’t have Ms. Goody two shoes under foot, watching my every move.”
“Mom cut it out.”
“Why? It’s true. You know you married a stick in the mud son? I don’t know how you got the stick out her ass long enough for her to say I do.” These two were amazing. Anyone else looking in from the outside might see dysfunction. I saw the love and acceptance under every volley of words.
“Where you live in Georgia son?”
“The south, ain’t that where they lynch black people, boy is you crazy?”
“They don’t do that anymore.” I played along because I knew she was just being ornery.
“Says who? Just because they don’t broadcast it anymore? A leopard don’t and can’t change his spots, out a sight out a mind.”
“Well I’ve lived there all my life and I’ve never seen or heard of one.”
“You live in an all white neighborhood don’t you?”
“No, it’s mixed.” She cackled at that and slapped her knee.
“And you wanna take me down there? Lawd love a duck.” She hopped up from her chair while my new wife was watching her indulgently.
It was as though she’d long come to accept her mother and her…quirks, and made no excuses for them. I liked that.
“You two got married, did you have cake?”
“No mom, there wasn’t any time.”
“I’ll call Mabel right now and get a cake, you need the top layer to save for your first anniversary.”
Damn I guess that was some kind of tradition. At least she seemed to be taking the news well. I’d expected at least some yelling or even maybe suspicion on her part.
“Here I’ll pay.” I reached for my wallet.
“Boy put that away, it’s the bride’s parents supposed to pay for the wedding ain’t it? Hell if I know, I don’t think anyone in my family’s ever been married before. We’re not exactly hos but we like to keep our options open.”
“Mom quit right now. Don’t listen to her Chance she was married to my dad.”
“Oh hush the boy knows I’m playing.” Actually the boy didn’t know shit at this point.
“See what I told ya? She’s an old fuddy- duddy, maybe I ought to come down there with you after all; save you from this one beating you over the head with her moral yardstick. Mabel hey, it’s me Elise, listen I need a cake for a wedding. What I don’t need is your nose in my business old woman. You run your mouth more than St. Neggah backside.”
“MOM…” I couldn’t help it I started to laugh. I walked up to her mother while she was on the phone and kissed her temple. My wife may not see it, but if this whole deal wasn’t acceptance I don’t know what is.
It was obvious she trusted her daughter’s judgment and though I didn’t kid myself that there wasn’t going to be a question and answer quiz somewhere in the women’s near future, I got the sense that she was okay if not yet happy, with the situation.
We left not long after that with the promise to call her as soon as we landed. The two of them were going to make plans in the next week to move her mom out to Georgia.
Apparently the deal was that she was going to go back home after she graduated, but since that wasn’t going to happen, she wanted her mom near us. The cottage could either go on the market or become a rental. Since she said it was her childhood home I figured we’d keep it in the family.
“You know your mom could stay with us. We don’t have to find her a place right away.”
“Are you serious? After meeting that hot mess you really want her around twenty-four seven?”
“Why not? I think she’s adorable, just like her daughter. I see where you get your mouth.” I had to shake my head at some of the things her mom had said back there. The woman sure did speak her mind.
“Hah, that’s only because we weren’t there that long.”
“She’ll be fine. I told you she was gonna love me.” She’d asked me a million and one questions after she got off the phone with her friend and though she’d kept it light and fun, I knew she was serious as a judge.
She’d grilled me better than a detective until she was satisfied that her daughter was safe with me. I got the sense too that my money didn’t mean shit to her. All she cared about was her child’s happiness.
I couldn’t help thinking about my own mom and how she was going to handle the news. I wasn’t worried for the simple fact that it didn’t matter one way or the other. Of course I want her to love the woman I’d chosen to spend my life with, but if she wasn’t accepting it wasn’t going to change a thing.
I’ve always tried to please my mother,
which wasn’t hard once she got her own way in most things. But this was one place where she had no say even though she’d tried.
“My mom isn’t going to be as easy as yours princess, but you can handle it and I’ll be there.” She looked at me like ‘yeah whatever’ and I dropped it. Better to wait and see what happens instead of speculating. Who knows, mom just might surprise me and be happy for me.
If this old bitch don’t shut the fuck up about her ex daughter in law I’m going to throw up in my mouth, right before I sock her one.
I looked out the side of my eye at Chance who wasn’t saying a word to his insufferable ass of a mother. That’s what I get for marrying into the wealthiest family in the damn state.
Once we got back and I saw the big ass house we were going to be living in I knew there was going to be trouble. I knew he had money, I didn’t know he came from ‘old money’. I know damn good and well how these people think.
My friends all thought I’d fallen in the gravy. A nice little middle class girl from the wrong side of the tracks, who just happened to be the hottest thing on two feet for miles around.
I’d gone by the restaurant one day while he was at the office in my new chauffeur driven Bentley thank you very much, and everyone had gushed and carried on like I’d won the lottery. I guess in a sense I had.
Chance had had bank cards with my new name waiting for us once we got back. I’d shopped so much in those first few days that I’d even grown tired. I told him I had to pace myself because I didn’t want him to think I was in it for his money, and you know what that fool said? He knew I was after his dick. This boy is crazy as hell.
He’s been going out of his way to help me settle in, but it’s going to take me a coupla years to do that. It’s one thing to imagine what you would do if you had money. It’s a whole other ball game to go from waiting tables to make ends meet, to your husband telling you you’re a billionaire with access to all his cash.