The Family : The Spitfire Book 4 Read online

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  Prince of The City

  She hadn’t said anything about her mom and what she saw as a little girl since I mentioned the killer’s name, and I wasn’t about to push her. The memory of her earlier breakdown was still fresh in my mind. I knew we were gonna have to deal with it at some point, but we’ll go at her pace. If she takes too long I’ll just drag it out of her.

  I was worried for her and my unborn son or daughter. Worried about what all this stress would do to her. Maybe I shouldn’t have told her that I’d found him. Shit, that’s dick thinking. She needed this. And as much as I want to keep her away from this shit this one can’t be helped. I’ll just have to be extra careful and make sure she and the kid stays safe.

  Nothing can happen to them. If there is one thing I’m sure would pull me back in after coming this far, it would be if something were to happen to her or the baby. The thought broke me out in a cold sweat. Nothing’s going to happen, I won’t let it. I kissed her nose just to hear her giggle. She didn’t disappoint and my dick got harder.

  Sometimes I look at her, like now, trying to figure out just what it was about her that did it for me. She’s beautiful no doubt about that, but I never would’ve guessed I’d end up with someone like her. I usually went for the girly girl super model type. Mouth hasn’t been a girl since the second grade I’m guessing. But she pulls that shit off without even trying when she puts her mind to it.

  Right now she smelt like sugar and cinnamon and whatever the hell else she was cooking in the kitchen, and somehow it was the best thing I’d ever smelt on a woman. I nuzzled her neck and marked her with my teeth before moving onto her lips for a soft lingering kiss. My heart did that somersaulting shit in my chest again as I dove into her lips feeding her my tongue.

  She sighed and shifted beneath me and I forgot everything else but her for the time being. I’ll take care of everything else later; she’s mine to protect now and I had no doubt I’d move heaven and earth to keep her safe. I pushed all the worry aside and focused only on her, us, now.

  I sifted so that I could cup her heat in my hand while nibbling on her lips teasingly. She melted under me and opened her legs wider to give me room to fit. I moved in between her spread thighs and pressed my cock into her heat through her clothes, grinding my growing length into her hard. Fuck this shit.

  “Let me have you Mouth, my dick’s about to break the fuck off.” I wasn’t gonna tell her that her bow and arrow shit, when not scaring the fuck out of me, makes me hard as fucking steel. That’s the surest way to ensure that she never stops. As much as she likes to pretend, she likes to fuck almost as much as I do. Little freak. She huffed and pretended disinterest.

  “If you’re gonna do me make it quick, I have things to do in the kitchen.” I barely held back the snort. I guess she was practicing her domesticated shit for when we get married and she has to settle her ass down to being a wife and mother. One thing about my baby, whatever she’s doing she gives it her very best.

  I still had my doubts about her being able to pull it off though. Whether she knew it or not the life is in her blood. And something else that I wouldn’t be telling her ever, she was good at that shit, a fucking natural.

  If I weren’t looking to get out we would’ve made one hell of a team. But I want more for her, something better. I want to give her back the life she’d lost the night she watched someone take her mother’s head. The thought had me squeezing her as if I could somehow meld our bodies together and take all that shit into myself.

  She wrapped her legs around me while sucking on my tongue and I messed around with her clothes, trying to get to her. I was suddenly ravenous for a taste of her pussy, but I forgot this place was like fucking Grand Central. And just when she was starting to soften up too.

  I lifted my head but kept my hand between her thighs over her heat and rubbed her through her clothes. She lifted her legs higher around my waist and searched for my mouth with hers while making fuck me noises. Hopefully whoever had pulled up outside would go the fuck away.

  “Take me out baby.” She fought with my belt and shoved her hand down the front of my pants in search of my leaking cock. I closed my eyes in pleasure as soon as her warm hand wrapped around my dick. “Fuck me!” I pushed into her hand and tried to swallow her tongue.

  I heard voices outside just as my dick was getting ready to break out the gate, so the quickie I was planning to steal had to be put off for later, damn. Instead I took my life in my hands and touched her tummy. “How’s the little prince today?” She pushed my hand away and glared at me.

  “We’re not discussing it mob boy, now move, we’ve got company.” She rolled out from under me before I could stop her. She fluffed her hair and did some other girly shit in the mirror that made me snicker. What the fuck? Didn’t she just off some asshole in an alley?

  I got my face straight before she caught me, because I wasn’t in the mood to deal with her shit and a houseful of people. At least she wasn’t in her head any more and I didn’t have that fear in the pit of my stomach, or at least it had abated some. If she only knew that I was keeping a watchful eye on her though, there will be hell to pay.

  I patted my dick with a silent promise of ‘later’ and went after her. Even though I had to give up the skins for now, I couldn’t resist rubbing myself against her ass before we left the room. “I still owe you sneak.” The nut elbowed me in the gut and headed out the door.

  Her baking shit was like some kind of alarm it seems like, because we came back into the kitchen to find a house full of family. She elbowed me in the ribs when I opened my mouth to tell all of them to get the fuck gone. I pinched her ass and growled while glaring at the people gathered in my damn house.

  I was still giving her dad and uncle the cold shoulder, and the two demented fucks saw it as an excuse to fuck with me. I ignored them as best I could. “Any reason you lot are in my house? Not you ma.” Had to cut off her stink eye before she lit into my ass. These fucking women are always at the ready.

  “Boy how long you gonna pretend we not here? Say Ari, how was your morning stroll?” I didn’t even look at that fuck, if he wasn’t her uncle I’d cap his ass and save myself a lifetime of headaches. He tried to move in to hug her because he knew that shit would piss me off and I got in between them. She just rolled her eyes and headed for the fridge, cool as can be. Murdering fuck.

  Ma was beaming from ear to ear and that shit did not bode well for my ass. She had blinders on when it comes to family. “Everybody sit down. Since we’re all here and I very rarely have my whole family under the same roof at once, let’s make a day of it shall we?”

  What the hell is she talking about? Since we moved here permanently she’s always in my ass about something or other. I see her now more than I did as a teen. I grumbled under my breath as everyone made a beeline for the baked goods. The three murdering old crows were up to some fuck but I didn’t have time to figure out what that could be. I had my hands full with the Mouth and her murdering ass.

  Poppy had that cagey look on his face and he and his cohorts kept whispering shit to one another and looking in my direction. In the background the others were making noise about how good her baking shit was, not the one of them had enough sense to test that shit before stuffing their face.

  Not that I thought she would poison everyone, but if she had some shit to do on the sly, I didn’t put it past her to drug the shit so we’d be knocked the fuck out. I watched the others for any tell tale signs before I touched that shit. It did smell good as fuck though, and I wondered where she’d found the time to learn to cook so well in between taking motherfuckers’ heads off with her little murder machine.

  If they could be trusted this would look like a nice impromptu family gathering. I knew better and the shit was making me twitchy as fuck. I looked at poppy but he had his game face on so nothing there. And the other two were sneaky as fuck so I knew I wasn’t gonna get anything from that end. Everyone was talking at once with thei
r mouths full of cake and pie. Fuckers were asking for coffee.

  There was way too much noise in my damn house, and all these mob types looked like they were getting ready for a hit. What I didn’t know is what the fuck they wanted with me, or her, come to think of it. I don’t trust them one fuck so my job now is to keep them away from my woman while trying to keep them all, safe.

  I haven’t seen poppy this happy in forever. I’m expecting his shady ass to tell me any day now that he wants back in. No way I believe those three are done. Probably planning a shakedown or some fuck. They were watching me as hard as I was pretending to ignore them. They make one wrong move in her direction and I’ll drop the fucks. They start talking that Italian shit I won’t know what the fuck is going on but I know it won’t be good.

  I steered clear of them and tried not to lose my damn mind with all the bodies in my place. Mouth was pulling shit out the oven and beaming at ma’s praise and the twins were looking at her like they were trying to figure her ass out. Good luck with that.

  Ma started cooking pasta and somebody broke out the wine, never mind it was too damn early in the day. “Gimme that shit, you.” I took Mouth’s glass from her hand and downed it. “It was just a sip, a sip is totally acceptable.” Italian pain in the ass!

  “You don’t need any.” I made a point of looking at her stomach and she bristled before finding something else to do. She’s too fucking cute when she’s pissed. I could see the next seven or eight months were going to be a trial. My tomboy didn’t know the first thing about kids.

  Dad kept watching my girl like he thought she was going to lose her shit any minute and I had to drag him away to warn him off. “Dad you keep staring at Mouth, what, you think that shit’s gonna happen again while she’s wide awake?”

  “Not necessarily son, but the young lady is very independent not to mention secretive. I figured if we want to know what’s really going on with her, I should observe, you can learn a lot that way.”

  “Makes sense but don’t let her catch you at it okay. I don’t want to have to deal with her shit later.” He shook his head at me. “Never thought I’d see the day.”

  “What day old man?” He’s another one with the jokes since Mouth turned my life upside down.

  “The day one little girl has my boy shaking in his boots.” I gave him one of Mouth’s eye rolls and kept it moving.

  We went back to the others, but now he had that shit in my head again so I was on the lookout for anything hinky. She seemed fine enough, or as fine as she can be with her murdering ass. I’ve got to find a way to get that damn bow away from her pregnant ass without starting an all-out war. Just thinking about the shit was giving me a headache, so I benched it for now and tried to enjoy the fucked up party.


  Prince of The City

  I don’t recall the last time we were all here together like this except for family Sundays, which hadn’t happened in a while. Shit has been going haywire just lately, what with Mouth leaving bodies all over the city for me to clean up. But maybe this was good for her. She seemed more relaxed with ma and the girls and her laughter helped ease the knot in my gut.

  Just then the back door opened and trouble walked in. Like I need this shit now too on top of everything else. I took a deep breath and prayed for peace. Coulda saved my damn breath.

  “Hey Jimmy limp-limp how’s it sitting?” Shit, her and my kid brother, were still dancing around each other and the ass was sulking. He looked at her like he wanted to strangle her but one look at my face had him back pedalling quick.

  “Need a cushion for that hole in your…?”

  “Mouth!” I gave her a warning glare, which she ignored. I had to pull her down onto my lap to keep the two of them from going at each other. The fact that his ass was taking forever to heal didn’t help matters either.

  “So Arianna, we’ve narrowed it down to two florists.” Ma broke out the big ass scrapbook she was using to keep tabs on the wedding stuff. “That’s my cue, let’s go boys.”

  “Hold it Don Genovese, this was your idea. If I have to deal with it, so do you.”

  “Babe, all I have to do is show up in the monkey suit, say a few words, kiss the fuck outta you and we’re done.” Talk about steam coming out of ears. The other men were already shaking their heads and giving me looks. My sisters were bitching about me being a caveman and ma was telling me to watch my language.

  My two sisters in law were laughing their heads off and bemoaning the fact that I know nothing. Whipped fucks, of course for both their weddings my sisters had had their asses knee deep in tulle and whatever the fuck else Mouth was babbling on about when she was having her little episode. Fucking nut.

  “Mouth seriously, I love you, but I’m not choosing flowers, what the fuck? Don’t do that.” I pointed a finger at her when she gave me the sulky lip pout and the puppy eyes, what’s a guy to do? Now my dick, which I’d barely got back under control, was perking the fuck up again. But since I couldn’t have her with all these nosy fucks in my place I might as well go take care of some other shit.

  I put my hand over her tummy and nibbled on her ear. “I’ll let you ride tonight if you let me off the hook.” She likes being in charge when we fuck, it’s not always I give her the opportunity. I like fucking into her from behind or the missionary; all manly positions of power. It’s a sign of what our life together will be like when even the sexual positions are like battle play.

  She melted as much as it was possible for her to melt and let me off the hook. “Okay but you don’t get to mention the other thing.” That’s what she thinks. I’m gonna tan her ass for sneaking out when I specifically told her to stay put. Then if she doesn’t brain me, I’ll let her fuck me to sleep.

  I signalled Mikey and Tony to follow me before their wives found something for them to do, like laundry or some fuck. The twins gave me a pained look when they realized I was leaving them on guard duty again so soon after she’d given them the slip. Too fucking bad, that’s what I pay them for. Though I did sympathize with their plight. Mouth is a fucking handful on a good day.

  “Son, where are you going?”

  “Ma, I got things to do.” Like trying to make my shit legit while assholes are trying to get me at every turn. The three old fucks had cleaned up Mouth’s latest road kill, but there was still the fallout to deal with. The congressman she offed had friends. They’re gonna have questions.

  She sniffed and went back to her spaghetti, mumbling some shit under her breath and I snapped my fingers at the others to get a move on. “Why don’t we come with you boyo?” Poppy got up from his seat and his cronies followed. Poor ma. So much for her family gathering! I beat feet for the exit and started to tell them they weren’t invited but that shit got cut short quick.

  “Sit.” Well shit, I was almost out the door.

  “Ma, come on.” Four grown men tried to reason with her but the tyrant wasn’t having it. “I said sit. This family have not had a quiet moment together in weeks and now that I have you all here we’re gonna sit down together like civilized people and have a meal.”

  “Ma, I hate to burst your bubble, but the Rossis aren’t civilized, they’re barely human. And they ain’t no family of mine.” Mouth kicked me under the table when I took my seat again and I didn’t miss the sighs of relief from her team.

  “Shane Flanagan, I taught you better manners than that. Now behave yourself and let’s get this wedding stuff taken care of. It was your idea to speed things up after all, so it’s only fair.” If not for Mouth’s shit I’d move back to the city, too many fucking females around here and all the women in this family knows how to do is hand out orders.

  “Jimmy, why didn’t you bring your little pillow so you could sit son?” Oh shit. He’s still touchy about his wound and since ma still has no idea that Mouth had put one in his ass, I was trying to keep it that way. Mouth almost fell off my lap laughing and I had to squeeze her sides to quiet her down.

  His face heated up whe
n Mouth started her shit, and of course the sisters in law who knew the whole story had to laugh like the asses they are.

  He mumbled some shit and headed for the door. I feel bad for my brother. Since Mouth came along I’ve hardly had any time for him. Now with all the shit that has been going on my time was even more scarce. I’ll make it up to him but if he don’t stop letting Mouth get under his skin, I’ll let her have his bitch ass.

  I watched her while the women yakked away about floral arrangements and fuck all that I could give a fuck, to see if it would trigger anything, but she was still acting like business as usual. I still wasn’t sure if that was good or not, and the shit was making me more than a little antsy.

  Her pain in the ass old man came over and nudged me while she was preoccupied. I tapped my piece on my side under my shirt and the fucker grinned and inclined his head. “I’ll be right back baby.” I lifted her off my lap and sat her back on the chair before glaring at her old man. I followed him out of the room with poppy and the uncle bringing up the rear after assuring ma that we weren’t going too far.

  “What do you fuckers want?” I turned to glare at them as soon as we cleared the room.

  “We want an update. She looks fine but what do you think?” I’m not gonna go soft because of the real care in their eyes. They shoulda taken care of this shit long ago.

  “She’ll be fine because I’ll make sure of it. Once I deal with this asshole who killed your wife she should be good as new.”


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