The Family : The Spitfire Book 4 Read online

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  “Good, that’s good. So, you’re going after him?”

  “That’s the plan. I’m taking her with me, it will be her last hit.”

  “I’m not sure about that, it’s in the blood. She’s got the taste for it now.” Uncle Al the fuck laughed like that shit was okay. Uncle or not I was ready to plug his ass.

  “No, and I don’t want you two filling her head with shit. Now is that all?” I turned to head back the way I came. One more second and I just might give in and off both their asses for what they’d done to her, or let her become more like.

  “Something on your mind, Rossi?” Her old man was looking kinda sketchy. In all the chaos I hadn’t given much thought to how he felt about the fact that I’d found Tommy the knife after he’d spent so many years looking for the guy and he was right under his nose the whole time.

  “I’m thinking maybe me and Al should go take care of him.”

  “I know you want to take care of this guy but he’s Mouth’s. He may have taken your wife and sister but he took her mother, and he did it in a way that still fucks with her to this day, anyone else touches him they’ll answer to me.” I glared at the three of them until they got the point and turned to leave again.

  “Hold your horses son. I got a call from Don Luigi. The other families wanna have a meet.”

  “Have a meet with who?” I looked at poppy like what the fuck did you do now?

  “You.” This old man is always up to some shit. If he weren’t my poppy I’d have ended his ass a long time ago too, just on principle. His answer registered and got my hackles up.

  “The fuck for? I already had a sit down with their asses a year ago.” It’s never a good thing when the heads of the ruling ‘families’ call for a meet. I could take a wild guess as to what they wanted though, and this shit was just one more headache I didn’t need.

  “Yeah, that was then but things kinda changed since then and now they wanna bend your ear a little.”

  “I ain’t got nothing for them poppy, the time for that shit has long passed.”

  “I hear you boy, but you know how we do things. Just hear what they have to say.”

  “Shit.” I knew what they wanted and I wasn’t interested. Like I said, I ain’t got fuck all for none of ‘em. But these are not the types to just go away and leave me to my shit peacefully.

  I knew this day would come, knew they’d try to muscle in on my shit after the fact, but that shit wasn’t about to happen. I was doing this shit for my son, my family with Mouth. I wasn’t about to let old ties fuck that shit up. I wasn’t interested in going to war either just when I’d settled all the old scores I had to, so it looks like I have no choice. Fuck my life!

  “When?” Might as well get the shit over and done because they weren’t gonna go away. When I first made moves to go legit, I told them I was pulling out. Poppy had started letting go of some of the more risky attachments before I took over. We hadn’t lost much of anything, because while he was doing that, I was building the foundation of our legitimate enterprise.

  It was easier than if he had tried to make the change himself. We’d used the contacts we had in government and other so called legal avenues, though some of those fucks were shadier than the fucking crime bosses. But at least on paper they were good for business. I’d offered on poppy’s say so to bring some of the others along, especially the ones that had done business with poppy, but they’d damn near laughed in my face.

  None of them had any real interest back then. They were too fat and happy with the way things were. Now that I’d set the groundwork and done all the dirty work they no doubt wanted in. Fuck that. I don’t even like half of them anyway and they had no uses for me in the past. Poppy had gained respect because of who he was and where he’d come from. But some of those fucks still thought an Irishman had no place in their Italian boy’s club. I’d shown all their asses though, now they want to ride on my coattails. My ass!

  “You know this is going to rub some people wrong.” Poppy kept his voice at the right level so as not to appear to be telling me what the hell to do. He knows that’s the surest way to get me to do the opposite. He should know, he’s the same way and he’d taught me everything I know about the life. He also knew where he had a diplomacy switch mine was fucked at birth. I’d rather die than let some other fucker tell me how to run my shit.

  “We knew that going in. I told you I have it covered. We’ve already eliminated most of the threat; we’re in the final stages now. I’m not about to let anything get in the way.” The shit was starting to piss me off. I thought I was done with them. I’d done my part and felt no way about leaving them in the dust.

  We’d severed all ties to the underground world and done it in a way that there would be no hard feelings, and no one coming out of the woodwork at some later date claiming we owed them shit. That shit hadn’t been a walk in the park, but it hadn’t been the impossible trek some of them had made it out to be when they were busy telling me that it would never work.

  “We’ve got your back.” It was the first time I’d seen that look on her dad’s face. I knew the strength and power behind that statement and accepted it as such. I nodded in acknowledgement and we went back to join the others. Mouth eyed me down when I took my seat and pulled her back down to sit on my lap.

  “What’s that about?” She asked out the side of her mouth so as not to alert ma who was in the middle of a dissertation on wedding etiquette or some fuck.

  “Nothing for you to worry about sweetheart.” She huffed but since we had a full house kept her shit to herself for once. She was still holding it together and ma had moved on from flowers to color schemes and silverware or some such shit.


  Prince of The City

  In the end, I was happy I’d let ma talk me into staying. It turned out to be just what Mouth needed. She was relaxed and happy throwing around barbs and making everybody nuts with her mobster trivia bullshit. Only her dad, uncle and poppy knew what or whom the hell she was talking about when she kept throwing out names of known mob heads some of them long dead. Thank fuck ma didn’t have a clue.

  By the time everyone left, I was ready to shoot myself in the fucking head. Poppy had set up the meet for the next day for which I was grateful even though I wasn’t looking forward to that shit. But at least this way I could get it over and done with. “Time for bed you, you’ve been going all day.” I hustled her ass into the shower. Maybe I can steal a fuck in there since my house seems to be constantly full of unwanted guests.

  She wasn’t giving me any shit so I knew she had to be tired. In the bathroom I made sure the water was perfect before stripping her and taking her in with me. “You plan on helping out here at all?” Her lazy ass just stood propped against my chest while I washed her. She just sighed and cuddled closer to me under the spray of water.

  I don’t know what this fucking nut did to me, but every once in a while I’d get hit with a feeling of the sappiest shit imaginable; like now. I wrapped my arms around her as the water sprayed down on us. My hands covered her still flat tummy and my face went into her neck.

  “Do you have any idea how much I love you baby?” Geez, what the fuck? No doubt she’ll have my balls for being an ass. To my surprise she turned in my arms and wrapped hers around my middle with her head on my chest. Fucking done!

  “I love you too mob boy.” Geez, talk about weak. It’s a good thing I’m getting out of the game. Fucking around with this one, I’ll be soft in two years tops. And if she has my daughter I know I’m fucked. I reached for the soap and her fancy sponge and rubbed the two together until a nice foam gathered.

  I washed her back and paid special attention to the crack of her ass. “Get outta there, Don Freaky.”

  “You calling me a freak? I’m just trying to get my woman clean here.” She smiled against my chest and my breath hitched when she looked up at me with those eyes that always get me in the gut.

  “Thank you Shane.”

�� I pushed the wet hair back on her head and kissed her cute little nose.

  ‘Taking care of me earlier.” Fuck, shit, she remembered. I held her tighter and tried to get as close as possible. “Always.”

  Her hand came down between us and went around my dick and my brows went up. She soaped my cock until I was hard as iron, taking her time, cleaning the tip and turning my shit this way and that like she’d never seen it before. She took even longer rinsing my shit off and I knew she was teasing me on purpose. I was ready to throw her ass against the wall and fuck the pink off her pussy, but she had other ideas.

  When she got to her knees and took me into her mouth I fell for her all over again. She looked up at me and licked my cock slit, leaving a string of pre-cum hanging from her lips to my cock. She laughed in her throat as she went back for more. That laugh was the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.

  I held her head between my hands as she took me deeper into her mouth. Then she started fucking her mouth on my cock and I planted my feet, grabbed her head tighter, threw mine back and face fucked my pregnant woman.

  She grabbed her wet hair in one hand and pushed it over her shoulder out of the way while sucking the shit outta my cock. I tried pulling her up so I could get at her but she seemed intent on sucking the veins out my nuts.

  “Baby you gotta stop. I don’t want my kid drinking that shit.” She pulled off my cock and looked up at me with such heat my toes curled into the hard marble floor. My hands trembled like a bitch when I reached for her. I locked off the water and stepped out of the stall with her in my arms.

  I did a quick dry off on both of us and took her to our bed. I laid her there before covering her naked body with mine. Even though we’d just left the shower, her body was already hot to my touch. Her heat seeped into me and her essence wrapped around my heart as I lowered my head to hers for a kiss. I forgot everything else and prepared to get lost in my woman.

  “How’d you get so special Arianna?” I think ma spiked the fucking marinara because sure as fuck I sound like a bitch on the rag. Thankfully she seemed to be suffering from some outta body shit too because she wasn’t calling me on none of my shit. Knowing her she was probably saving it up to fuck with me at some later date.

  She pulled my head back down to hers and deepened our kiss. I reached between us and felt her pussy teasingly while our tongues played in her mouth. When her wet slit opened around my fingers I left her mouth and slid down her body to her tits. I chewed on her flesh until her nipples hardened against my tongue and she dug her nails into me.

  “Shane!” She moved her legs restlessly beneath mine and I drove my fingers into her harder until she tightened and came in my hand. I licked my way down her middle until my head laid between her thighs. Pulling my fingers out of her, I licked them clean as I held her eyes with mine. I fed her my tongue so she could taste herself before heading back to paradise. I’m a fucking gangster poet.

  I rubbed my nose over her pussy and inhaled. My tongue came out and tasted her sweetness and her body jerked. I did it again until her juice escaped onto my tongue that kept teasing at her portal. I pulled out and opened her up with my fingers. She was so fucking small it was a wonder she could take me. She tugged on my hair as if to say ‘get to it’, and I gave her my mouth again.

  The more I licked the wilder she moved, her soft cries music to my ears. I ate her out until she filled my mouth and her body lifted off the bed. I licked her one last time and kissed her clit before sliding up her body and gliding my long thick length into her.

  I’d wanted to pound into her earlier, but now that I’ve got her spread out beneath me the need to show tenderness took precedence. I fucked into her nice and slow with her ass in my hands and her legs spread over my arms. We both looked down at where we were joined at the same time and the sight of my cock surging into her tight little pussy made my heart and gut seize.

  “What’re you doing to me Mouth?” She’s gonna make me weak. I kept seeing her crying and broken and it was fucking with my head and my heart. Add the fact that she’s got the sweetest pussy in the known world and I really never stood a chance.

  I took my time making love to her, feeling her smooth silk walls wrap tight around my cock that was still too big for her little pussy, but as with everything else she took that shit and owned it. Her body swallowed my cock and spit that shit out before sucking me back in; enough of this shit.

  “How’s the baby?” I placed my hand over her tummy while moving into her.

  “She’s fine.” She said that shit to fuck with me but I let it slide. I stroked her hard in retaliation though and she wrapped her legs around me and bit my lip. I laughed and rolled with her letting her take the lead. A deal’s a deal, even though ma had fucked up my shit.

  “Now that you’ve got me at your mercy what’re you gonna do to me?” Her eyes lit the fuck up and she showed me. Rocking her hips back and forth while holding my eyes with hers. She had that damn bottom lip caught between her teeth and I pulled it out with my thumb.

  “Kiss me.” There was some strange shit going on in my bed. She lowered her head and our lips met. I held her hips as our tongues mated and let her take me. I sucked on her nipples while she rode my cock to bring her off quick and she juiced all over my shit.

  I let her cum twice more before lifting her off of me and putting her on her hands and knees. I slammed my cock into her hard enough to shake her body and almost gave myself a heart attack when she cried out. She pushed her ass back hard and fucked herself on my cock so I knew I hadn’t hurt her like I’d feared.

  “Can you take me rough baby?” I held my shit back until she nodded her head and looked back over her shoulder at me with lust filled eyes. That was all the okay I needed to let my shit loose. I battered her tight pussy while tugging on her nipple with one hand and holding her hip in place with the other.

  I moved the hand from her hip to her tummy where I could feel the impression of my dick under her skin as I pulled her on and off my cock. That hand made its way down to her clit and that was all it took to have her squeezing my shit like a vise, which set me off. I pounded out what felt like a pint of jizz in her snatch while she screamed and shook on my cock.

  I dropped like a fucking stone on the bed next to her and dragged her into my arms. Lights out! She’d sapped all my damn energy again.


  I know mob boy is watching me like he expects me to flake out on him again. I don’t remember what happened before I woke up with a headache and him wrapped around me like a shield, but I remember my mother. At least it’s keeping him off my ass about the other thing.

  I snuggled in closer to his warmth and fought back the nausea at the memories going through my head. The blood, the horror, the screams… ‘Mommy’. My heart hurt and my breath caught in my lungs as I tried to stifle the tears and moans of remembered pain.

  I never let myself think about that night, it’s too hard. In fact I haven’t thought of it in years. It’s as if I’d had to put it out of my head to move on. I thought of the child in my womb and felt a different kind of fear. What if I mess this up? I got a sudden chill and fought hard not to wake him with the sudden shakes that overtook me. What the hell am I doing? I didn’t come here for this. Didn’t expect that I’d meet someone who could turn my life upside down with just one look.

  There was never any room in my life or heart for love and family, no one except the two men who’d always been there for me, and an aunt that I hadn’t seen in way too long. But this love I now felt for Shane was unlike anything I could’ve imagined. The way it just completely took me over, the way he was now a part of me as if he’d been there all along. And now there’s a baby. Fear crept into my heart and into my lungs, choking off my air.

  I fought back before the fear could take root and told myself that Shane would be there. He can do anything. He’ll see that I don’t damage the kid too much. I knew somehow that as long as he was with me, nothing would ever go wrong. The more time
we spent together, the more I was learning to let go.

  I no longer felt that I had to do everything on my own, that I had to protect myself, and my loved ones every second of every day. And though that in itself was a bit scary as well, it was getting easier to accept that he was the real deal. He’s the first person I’d ever trusted to keep me safe, me, and my heart.

  I kissed his chest and he hugged me closer in his sleep. Now here in the dark with no eyes on me I can let my guard down and acknowledge that other fear that had resurfaced with the memories. Something cold and hard that had lived inside me since I was a child opened up and I let myself remember her face, her scent as she hugged me to her warmth the way she used to.

  I don’t know how I’ve been able to block it for so long, because each time I look in the mirror I see her. Then I thought of dad and what that must’ve done to him all these years. I know Shane thinks that dad and uncle Al had let me run wild, he blames them for what I am. But I know they only did it because they knew it was the only way I could cope.

  Until him, I never had any other direction in life. My whole life was about eliminating any threat to me, or my family. Now he’s become part of mine and no matter what he says I’m going to protect him too. It helped in the beginning that we shared some of the same enemies, but now he’s on this going legit kick and whether he knows it or not, that shit is going to be trouble. Didn’t the other families put a hit out on dad for trying the same thing?

  Speaking of which, I hadn’t really had time to deal with the fact that my dad was back from the dead. Shane refuses to leave me alone with him or my uncle and we haven’t really had time to talk. I could sneak out and meet them somewhere but somehow I see that as a betrayal. I’ll bring him around eventually I have no doubt, but in the meantime I have to tread carefully lest I alienate them farther. He doesn’t even realize he’s jealous of them and our relationship. At least he no longer fears them spiriting me away from right under his nose.


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