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It was amazing to me that no one else in this town seemed to know what the sister was, what it had taken me five minutes to discern.
I’ve been around stank all my life and it was coming off her in waves. Her old man had tried selling me some bullshit, that she was an ex beauty queen, sorority type whose shit don’t stink.
He might’ve believed that shit at some point, when she was like ten maybe. But after the shit that went down that night I knew he’d been trying to sell me a lemon.
He thought it was funny to pawn off his slut of a daughter on the thug. Two birds, one stone. Now his ass knows better. Dumb fuck!
He’d wept like a toddler when I took his ‘baby’ out of his house that night in front of his snobby ass friends and he couldn’t say shit about it. Not unless he wanted them all to know the slime that he really is.
How we came to be tangled up with each other is another long story. Let’s just say I used to be a not so nice guy, from a not so nice family who decided after watching one too many of my friends die that I wanted something more than the streets.
He was the upstanding businessman who used to leave his clean little town and come to my backyard to play. I have enough shit on him to send him away for eternity.
They, he and his wife, had shown up at my door hours later, pleading their case. They would’ve offered me the world and came damn close, but I slammed the door in their faces after telling them to meet us at the church the next day.
You damn straight I went ahead with the wedding. Different bride sure, but why let all that shit go to waste. Now I think at some point in the future I might have to throw her another one because she seems to feel a way about that shit. Women!
Okay so maybe she got caught in the middle through no fault of her own. I mean it’s not her fault her sister is the town slut and her pissy boy didn’t know a good thing when he had it.
But at the time I was leading with anger. Let’s just say the motherfuckers are lucky they still have a town. The way I felt that night I would’ve leveled the shit without blinking. They’re only like five thousand people in this bitch.
I could take out half the population in one fell swoop if I were so inclined. But see, I’m trying to get away from that shit, ergo my reason for moving here. Who the fuck in their right mind would give up the bright lights of the city for this hot mess?
Anyway, that night she was like a little lost lamb. I don’t think she said two words the whole time I paced and drank. She didn’t even cry, not then. Just sat in the corner where I’d put her, staring into space.
I didn’t come down from my mad until the next afternoon when the ceremony was over. Believe it or not all the guests had shown up.
That might have something to do with my father and his boys making the rounds and making sure they knew not to fuck up his boy’s big day.
I know the nosy fucks only showed up to see a show. But I hung around long enough to say my vows and then took her out of there, fuck the reception.
I have no plans on spending anymore time around these walking dead motherfuckers than I have to and I’m pretty sure they didn’t want no part of me. My old man tends to have that effect on people. And you know what they say, like father like son.
Chapter 4
I wasn’t crass enough to take her on the same honeymoon that I’d had planned for her sister. That would be taking shit too far. I borrowed my old man’s jet and headed in the opposite direction.
She was finally coming out of her shell by the time we landed on Corfu and I wish I could say I had it in me to give a damn about her feels, but I still hadn’t climbed down off my shit yet.
I didn’t want to take shit out on her so I was going easy, leaving her to herself. That’s why I didn’t fuck her until the second day.
It’s not like she was a stand-in for the basic bitch. By then I was pretty happy with the choice I’d made and her sweet shyness only sealed the deal.
I’m not used to that shit. In another time and place her sister would’ve been right up my alley. Well used and forgettable after a fuck or two. Thank fuck I never dipped my wick in that nasty shit.
But she wasn’t marriage material. I gave serious thought to capping their old man for trying to pull a fast one on me, but since I got her in the bargain, I let that shit slide.
Our first real conversation was ten kinds of fucked up. She was sitting out by the pool sipping on juice, the puritan, when I walked up on her.
I stood over the lounge, blocking the sun for a good two minutes before she got up enough nerve to look at me. “You okay?” She’d reacted like she didn’t know I could speak.
Her croaked ‘yes’ had been funny as hell. I was surprised that she wasn’t scared. After the shit I’d done to her, dragging her out of her childhood home, forcing her to marry me, and then bringing her here, I thought for sure she’d run screaming.
But once we got to talking, I realized that she wasn’t only sweet, but she was smart. And thank fuck she was a long way from her father and sister. In fact, even now it’s hard to believe that they’re part of the same family.
“I guess my father owes you a great deal.” Those were basically her first words to me. She’d said them so matter of fact that I’d been taken aback.
“What makes you say that?” I took the seat next to her and looked over at her. She swallowed hard around the lump in her throat and stared straight ahead.
“He never would’ve let you do all this otherwise.” There was a hint of sadness in her voice and I found myself wanting to comfort her. The fuck I know about that shit?
The only women I’ve ever been close to are my mother and sisters and they’re tougher than me. Still, as I sat there beside the beautiful garden pool I felt…something.
“Yes, I guess you can say he does. Look, I know you’re not at fault for any of this, but this is just the way this shit played out.”
“Is it real?”
“Is what real?” At first I thought she meant the diamond that my father had found from somewhere, and I don’t want to know where the fuck that is. Murdering fuck!
“The marriage, is it real or…”
“Oh it’s real alright and just so you know, in my family divorce is cause for murder.” I think I
actually saw an echo of a smile on her face then.
“And what do you want me to do?”
“What do you mean?” She has a weird fucking way of talking. That’s until you get her going and she climbs out of her shell, which I learned later.
“I mean do you expect…ahem. Do you expect me to sleep with you?”
“You’re my wife.” Enough said.
I’ve heard about women blushing, but like I said, the women in my life are tougher than me so I never really saw that shit up close and personal.
And the chicks I used to rock with don’t know the meaning of shy. This girl turned red all over from head to toe. If I didn’t already know that she was twenty-two I would’ve thought her younger.
She went back to staring at her drink and I dozed off in the sun. I’d told her sister that because of business we couldn’t go too far on our honeymoon, which was supposed to be in Miami. And there I was halfway around the damn world.
When I woke up she’d moved the umbrella over to shade me and for some reason I found that sweet. Not sweet enough to let her off the hook mind you,
but touching all the same.
It had been a while since I’d had a woman. Even though my arranged marriage wasn’t a love match by any stretch of the imagination, I take certain things seriously.
No way was I going to stand in front of a priest and take vows and fuck around with that shit. So by the time we got around to dinner that night I was ready to be a husband.
Again, I didn’t see her as a stand-in, I had all but forgotten her sister by then. She’d worn this cute little red dress with polka dots of all things.
One of those nineteen-fifties Donna Reed numbers that looked fuck hot against her tanne
d skin with her dark pixie hair cut.
Her ice blue eyes had stood out against the tan, making them sparkle in the moonlight, and her nervous reserve I’d found endearing.
She wasn’t flirtatious, wasn’t giving me any indication whatsoever that she knew what I had planned for her ass that night.
But somehow as we sat across the table from each other as the evening wore on, I found myself wanting her more and more.
Like I said, when I first met her, while I was still engaged to her sister, there’d been a spark. She’d been shy and sweet then too. So I can’t tell you what it was about her that drew me in.
She didn’t have the mammoth tits that I usually lose my mind over. Hers were about medium sized I guess. And she was skinny as hell bordering on anorexic, something I never found appealing.
But on her, everything looked good, everything worked. Either that or my anger had just taken its natural course.
There’s nothing better than a hard fast fuck to get me over my mad. So I sat there vacillating between taking pity on her and taking her back to the villa and putting her back out.
No doubt my snake was going to put a hurting on her tiny five foot two ass. I didn’t ask her if she was a virgin, what the fuck, I’m not. But the thought that she might have fucked that asshole pissed me way the fuck off.
Funny I wasn’t too torn up about her sister doing that shit. And that was the first and last time I thought of the woman that was supposed to be my wife on our honeymoon.
We hadn’t said much to each other at the table but I’m sure from the looks I’d been giving her she pretty much knew what was up when we got up to leave.
She was jumpy as fuck on the ride back and hugged the passenger side door the whole way. When we reached the villa she moved to open her door. “Stay!”
I turned off the engine and walked around to get her. It was the first time I touched her since the night I took her from her father’s house. Was that only four days ago?
I walked her inside with her hand trembling in mine, up the stairs and past the room she’d slept in the night before. She damn near tripped over her feet.
Chapter 5
I pushed open the door to the master suite, lifted her in my arms and carried her to the bed. I stood there looking down at her for a hot minute. If she’d shown fear I might have walked away, but all I saw was that cool reserve of hers. And nerves, definitely nerves.
I can work with that. I know for damn sure she’s gonna be screaming in about ten minutes when I get my tongue in her. It was my mission to break down that button up shit she had going on.
She can be Miss. Prim and proper any other time, but I draw the line at bringing that porcelain shit to my bed. I stripped standing there with her eyes on me. I think she was too freaked to look away.
She must’ve swallowed a gallon of spit in the time it took me to get naked and she damn near flew off the bed when I dropped down beside her.
“Calm down, he’s not going to hurt you.” I pulled her over to me by the waist and lifted the hem of her dress slowly up her thighs, wondering why the hell my heart was suddenly thundering in my chest.
That shit was knocking so hard I swore she could hear it. She was stiff as a board when I tried to run my finger between her tightly clenched thighs. “Open.” I thought I was going to have to pry her shit open with a crowbar. She took her sweet time but all it took was one look to have her jumping to obey.
She was biting the shit out of her lip as her eyes followed my hand. I kept my eyes on her face, gauging her reaction, damn near holding my breath in fear that she would balk.
When she didn’t pull away and didn’t offer any protest I took that to mean she wasn’t about to spaz out on me. “I like these.” I tapped the front of her sexy lace panties and kept the rest of what I wanted to say behind my teeth for now.
Her body twitched when I ran my finger along her slit to her clit and I thought she was going to draw blood from that lip she was biting it so hard.
I teased her with my finger until her scent reached my nose and the lace got wet. Her face did that flaming shit again when I lowered my head and sniffed her.
I pushed her legs open with my shoulders and rolled her panties down her thighs, having to tear them in the end. She had a cute little pussy mound, smooth to the touch and pink.
I looked up at her as I eased a finger inside. “Tight, fuck!” Her shit snapped at my finger like a sea animal and held me in.
And all I could think about was how that shit was going to feel around my cock that was now throbbing like a toothache. A tickle of her G-spot helped her ease up a little, but her pussy leaked on my fingertip, so that didn’t help.
I pressed my snake into the bed and stuck my tongue out already hungry for the taste of her and damn. If I’d known what that shit was gonna do to me I maybe would’ve prepared myself better.
She has a taste unlike any other, unique. It’s a mixture of sweet and tangy that makes you want to go back for seconds and then finish the whole damn thing.
I licked her with the flat of my tongue, making sure to catch her clit each go round until her pussy folds opened up like a flower and I stuck it in her. She couldn’t even take my tongue; my imagination went wild.
I had to tease her cunt open with my tongue, and between my slobber and her natural juices, she finally opened enough to let me in. Meanwhile her pussy never stopped flowing. Like I’d tapped into some wellspring inside her.
I had to hold her ass to keep her in place as I dove in like a man who’d found an oasis in the desert. That first night I ate her pussy until my jaw ached and my face and chin were covered in sweet pussy juice.
I didn’t realize that she hadn’t made a sound until I looked up and caught her biting into the back of her hand. I took it away without a word and went back to feasting.
Now I could hear her sweet wanton cries and that shit only made my dick leak faster. When she came down I went after her clit and sent her over the edge again.
Sliding up beside her, I took her hand in mine and led it to my cock. The warm softness of her palm almost made me jizz but I had more control than that so I gritted my teeth through that shit.
I had to show her how to stroke my meat. How to get her hand wet with my cock juice and use it to massage my shit up and down. Her hand didn’t quite reach around, and when my boy jumped, she reacted comically.
I was almost inclined to believe that she’d never held a dick before, but again, I didn’t ask. I wasn’t in the mood to hear the answer at that time anyway.
“Like this!” I covered her hand with mine and moved it up and down until she got the hang of it. When she got over being shy she became fascinated, jerking my shit for all she was worth until I had to pull out of her hand before she made me embarrass myself.
I mounted her with her legs high around my hips and eased into her. Not because I thought she was innocent, but because of her size.
I damn near came as soon as her heat touched my tip. And then getting anything more than the fat head in her tight cunt was a problem. I’m gonna rub my cock raw for sure fucking around with this shit.
I worked my cock in and out of her until she started to relax for me, but I gotta tell ya, that shit was torture. I wanted in her balls deep like ten minutes before her pussy decided it was okay to let me in.
It was only when I got the first five inches of steel hard cock inside her that I learned the truth. “Fuck, you’re a virgin?” I felt like I did when I learned to ride my first bike. Like I owned the fucking world.
Some weird shit happened in my chest and I stared down at her like she was an anomaly. It took me a minute to find my voice again and when I did I sounded like a fucking drill sergeant.
“How the fuck are you a virgin?” My gruff question seemed to give her the idea that I was displeased, but nothing could be farther from the truth.
And when she looked away in embarrassment and tried to apologize for her inexperience, I took her face between my
hands and looked into her eyes deep in my feels.
I didn’t say shit to her, I’m not the type to share my feelings and shit, but I tried to show her with my body what her innocence meant to me.
I gentled my touch and didn’t paw at her like I wanted to. I didn’t drill her into the mattress even though everything in me was dying to. Pussy has never been this fucking good.
Chapter 6
I had to pull my punches, fucking into her with shallow strokes while her tight as fuck pussy clung to my fuck meat every time I tried to slide back and forth.
I busted through that shit and she screamed bloody murder, her nails digging into my back as she strained beneath me. “Easy, easy!”
I held my cock still inside her and let her tight cunt adjust to being split open. At least that’s what it felt like I’d done to her. And the way she wasn’t acting said it wasn’t too far from the truth.
“Are you okay?” Interpretation, please tell me I
didn’t tear your shit because I really need to fuck. But if you’re hurt I’ll stop; maybe. I find it’s always best to be honest with myself.
She nodded her head and although I knew she was lying to me I took her at her word. Like I had a choice. My cock was about to revolt if I didn’t get it all the way inside his new favorite place.
I lifted her leg, essentially opening her up wider and tested the waters. One hard as fuck slide out where she flinched and my cock belched pre-cum. And back in again.
I did that shit until she stopped flinching and her body was no longer strung tight as if expecting a blow. Any second now I was going to break out in a sweat. I was out of my depth.
But miracle of miracles, I changed up my angle and that shit opened up like a Venus flytrap and my boy saw his opening. He showed his ass but good, looking around for the sweet spot.
Once I got in there it was hell behaving myself. I wanted to go buck wild. Like a stampede at the Rodeo, but I couldn’t do that to her. More truthfully, I didn’t want to.