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I was having all kinds of tender feelings towards her and shit. That’s why I placed soft little kisses along her cheek. Why I palmed her tit and caressed it before lowering my head to take the aroused nipple into my mouth.
Her pussy liked that and did some kind of breathing shit around my cock that was sure to get her little ass in trouble. Another thing, I was super aware of her.
I never gave two fucks about what a female was feeling or doing while I was getting off. As long as I got to bust a nut and she got off, that was enough for me.
That night, I wanted more from her. Fuck if I didn’t want her to tell me it felt good. I found myself doing something I never have before. Paying attention.
I listened to her moans. To which ones sounded like more pleasure than pain. I concentrated on learning her body more than I did on my own satisfaction.
She likes having her nipples sucked, she likes when my cock rub against her clit. She likes when I squeeze her ass as I slide into her. And she loves sucking on my tongue while I fuck her.
I didn’t think I was gonna last long in all that goodness and I was right. But her pussy was so fucking good my cock didn’t even go down after I shot off, and I was able to stay in her long enough to jump back in the game.
I thought for sure since I’d off loaded that I would be able to take my time and fuck her into believing her life wasn’t fucked because of me; but alas, all good things must come to an end.
Now usually, I can stay in a pussy for an hour on a good day, with a long recuperation period in between. Let’s just say I have pussy ADHD.
I’ve never found one that I wanted to hang around for more than that hour. But this shit! My balls were already drawing up the second time around and it hadn’t been fifteen minutes.
It was the shit she was doing with her eyes. She was looking up at me like I’d hung the moon. There was a certain light in her eyes that told me more than words would’ve said.
Everything hit me all at once. The lead up to our wedding. The fact that she hadn’t complained once. The thought that maybe she deserved better.
For the first time in my life I found myself caring about someone else outside of immediate family. And it was all because of her eyes; doe eyes.
“Damn baby!” I shut the hell up and buried my face in her neck before I said some shit that I wasn’t ready to. I grazed her soft skin with my teeth and her pussy pulsed.
I did it again and she tried to strangle the fuck outta my shit. And then I bit her, marked her and she went wild. “I’m sorry” I had the presence of mind to get that out before lifting her ass in my hands and pulling her into my strokes.
Her moans changed up again and became pain mixed with pleasure. But the way she grabbed at me with her arms and legs told me she could take it.
“Fuck-fuck-fuck!” I kept telling myself not to tear her as I slammed my cock into her. Well as much as I could with her tight as fuck cunt trying its best to put the lockdown on my shit.
“Cum for me!” She’d just come down but I wanted her with me. I wanted to feel her pussy pulse and throb around my cock while I blast off inside her.
I went after the other side of her neck and she was my good girl again. She keep that shit up she’s gonna be covered in hickeys. As it is she’s gonna look like I tried to maul her ass.
My dick must’ve known we were on our
honeymoon and he had to give a good showing because he did not want to leave. I had the good sense to know that she couldn’t handle any more.
As for me, I didn’t want to leave. My boy was doing jumping jacks and shit. But those tender feelings interfered again and I slid his greedy ass out of her depths.
She bled like stink that first night and since all the shit she was making me feel confused my ass I let her off easy. My dick was covered in blood and so were the sheets.
“Fuck did I kill you?” She looked down between her thighs where my eyes were focused and almost had a conniption. But something else distracted her.
“Did you, you know…cum inside me?” Her green ass!
“Where else did you want me to cum?” She wasn’t the first I’d ridden raw, but she was the first since my misspent teens.
I’m fucked if I’m going backwards after getting a taste and feel of her shit. Besides, she’s my wife. I’ll never buy another condom again in my life.
She didn’t say a word but it was obvious that she was worried. At least it took her mind off of what I’d done to her cunt. That shit was torn the fuck up.
I ran her a nice warm bath in the sunken tub and got in with her, holding her in my lap while I washed her clean. Her pussy must be sore because she hissed each time I touched her with the cloth.
“You hurting?” She nodded and I could imagine her face going up in flames. I felt an odd mix of tenderness and pride. It was finally hitting home just what I’d gained by taking her.
Chapter 7
After cleaning her up and putting her back to bed, I laid awake long into the night with my arms around her wondering what the fuck turn my life had taken now.
It was the first time in my life I held something that I wasn’t willing to lose. In my life, my family being who the fuck they are, you learn early not to get attached to shit.
But as I laid there next to her I felt things I never knew I had in me. I’ve faced death before and laughed in that motherfucker’s face before turning the tables on his ass.
But that night I felt real fear; the fear of losing something special. I pulled her closer and felt warmth suffuse me as I pushed the fear aside. Me and that fuck don’t get along anyway.
But my mind refused to settle down. I felt almost like someone was gonna break in the joint and snatch her from me. Some weird shit.
I got over that shit quick because really, who the
fuck in their right mind would do some half wit shit like that? Not many. And I know her old man or any of the people in that jerkwater town would dare.
The thing is, I knew for a fact that I didn’t deserve her. That there’s no way in fuck that I’d done anything in my sordid past to warrant the last twenty year old virgin on earth.
I finally fell asleep sometime later, reassured that no one could take my girl away from me. Not unless they wanted to lose a fucking limb, or their life.
I woke sometime during the night when I felt heat on my chest. She was burning up. I didn’t know if it was the cause, but I suspected that losing her virginity had caused the fever.
I jumped out of bed like her life was gonna end and headed into the bathroom for the medicine cabinet. I got a glass of water and some pills and went back to her.
“Wake up baby.” She fretted like a two year old but I got her to sit up long enough to take the pills. Then I stayed up all night watching over her and worrying like a new mother with a child with croup.
In the morning she was fever free but her pussy was sore. One hot bath later, after breakfast in bed, I had her on her back, spread eagled like a virgin offering.
The staff had come in while we were in the bathroom and changed the sheets so they were nice and clean, something she seemed to appreciate.
She appreciated even more my tongue in her bruised cunt giving her comfort, and showed her appreciation by cumming for me over and over again.
I tried to be a gentleman, really I did. But since I didn’t know fuck all about that shit it was a losing battle. “Can you take me?”
I was already losing my robe and taking my rock hard cock in hand, leading it into her. She just looked up at me with those eyes and I was lost.
“I’ll go slow.” Lying ass. I started out slow sure enough. But it wasn’t long before the bed was knocking into the wall, the springs squeaking loud enough to alert the neighbors and her pussy taking the pounding of its life.
It wasn’t my fault that the shit was so good I forgot my manners. Or that all I wanted was to be inside her because it made me feel better than I ever had before.
Being inside her was li
ke my first trip to Disney at age five and my sixteenth birthday when dad gave me my first Benz rolled into one. Joy-joy-joy.
She came so I knew it couldn’t have been that bad and I wasn’t far behind. My cock did not want to leave his new home, so I left him inside and slow fucked her this time until she drained my balls.
The only reason I didn’t fuck her into the ether like I wanted to is because some asshole turned on a vacuum somewhere downstairs, reminding me that we weren’t alone.
That whole week I stayed inside her. From the time my eyes opened in the morning I was looking for ways to take her down and mount her.
Her pussy stayed sore, so after each round I had to give her my mouth which was no hardship since her pussy’s taste was my new go-to poison of choice.
When we weren’t fucking, we were eating or taking walks on the beach as she slowly came out of her shell. Not much, but enough for me to learn her middle name.
I never brought up her sister and she didn’t either, but I knew there was going to be a time. Fuck if I’m in any hurry to revisit that morbid shit. All in all I was happy with the way things turned out.
I could even imagine being with her for a while to come, something else I never allowed myself to ponder in the past. My future was usually limited to the next few hours, or that’s as far ahead as I ever allowed myself to think anyway.
With her in my life I started wanting shit, started believing that shit was possible. Dangerous fucking territory. Not one to dwell on that life shit, I stuck to fucking.
I may not have offered her words of comfort, or apology for the way I fucked up her life, but I’m pretty sure no one in that fucked up town she came from was fucking as often as her little ass was or would be in the future. You’re welcome cupcake.
The thing that fucked with my head is that she let me. She never turned me away, not that I would let her, not even when she was hurting.
I fucked around one night and fucked into her cervix and that shit hurt worst than busting her cherry if her screams were any indication.
But once she healed and wasn’t walking like there was a barrel between her legs, she became a fuck hound too. The girls loves to fuck. The deeper the better.
Chapter 8
We came back to the states and our lives fell into a routine. She went back to her lame ass job at a real estate agency in the next town over and I went back to what the fuck it is I do. Which is nobody’s business.
The luxury car dealership I’d opened to make the world think I was a legitimate businessman could run itself for all I gave a fuck, but I noticed a strange thing once we got back.
Being around her Pollyanna ass was having a strange affect on me. She made me want to be better and shit. I started to see the world through new eyes.
Now that I didn’t have the cover of my anger to hide behind I started looking at her, at us, and what the fuck it is that I had done.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t regret one fuck I did. But I don’t think I’d thought this shit through. For one I didn’t expect to feel shit for her, not like this.
A pussy is a pussy as far as I’ve always been concerned. I’ve never been attached to one of those shits or the legs they came attached to, so being married to some strange didn’t matter much to me. But I’m fucked if I wasn’t hooked on hers.
Those first few weeks it took some getting used to being back in the town where everyone knew what had gone down between me, and her sister.
Me being the colossal asshole I am I hadn’t given much thought to what that shit would be like for her. Until I started noticing her stooped shoulders and long face whenever she came home in the evenings.
“Hey, what the hell’s wrong with you?” I pulled her into my chest that Friday of the first week we’d been back. It was the first time outside of bed that I’d approached her like this.
It wasn’t because I didn’t have those annoying ass tender feelings towards her, but because every time she got close I ended up fucking balls deep into her.
But that look on her face was the first time in months that I felt like committing murder. Again, nobody’s fucking business how I live my life. You do you I’ma do me.
‘Talk to me. What’s with that look? Somebody fuck with you?” She shook her head against my chest but her arms got a little tighter around me.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you.” I heard the first sniffle and my mind was already going to the safe in the closet for my nine.
I pushed her head back and saw the red eyes and sad puppy dog look and my hackles rose. “What the fuck happened to you? And don’t tell me nothing because that’ll only make this shit worst.”
Interpretation. Tell me who the fuck put that look on your face or I’ll level the whole fucking town. The asshole’s bound to be among the bunch whoever he or she is.
“It’s nothing really. I just didn’t expect people to whisper about me all around town.”
“What people, what are they saying?” Tyler you fuck. You should’ve expected shit like this to happen.
“I’m a laughing stock. Everyone knows you only married me to get back at Tammy, that you don’t really have feelings for me.” Who the fuck is Tammy? Oh the sister.
“Who’s everyone?” I wanted to ask her if that’s what she thought as well, but why bother? Why the fuck wouldn’t she? I haven’t exactly had that conversation with her.
“Just…everyone.” She put her head back on my chest and I kissed her hair. Domesticated fuck! I didn’t press her because it didn’t seem like she wanted to talk. Something I was gonna have to work with her on. I’m not used to my orders being disobeyed.
But from that night on I made sure to show this damn town how wrong they were. I started by taking her shopping the next day. Where better to see and be seen than the town square on a Saturday morning?
After that, dinner out twice a week, some surprise drop-ins at her job to take her to lunch at least once a week and always having my hands on her wherever we happened to be, had shut them the fuck up.
Her sister was apparently being pissy, which I wouldn’t know about firsthand because I steer clear. It was a good bet the next time I see that bitch I just might end her.
At the beginning of our second month together is when things started to hit their stride. She was getting used to having me inside her every time I looked at her.
She’d gone from zero to sixty in the sex game and she handles that shit like a champ. As for me, I was getting used to this husband shit. I did it for her.
It’s one of my new deals where I’m learning to put her before myself. The shit isn’t as hard as I thought it would be, because it was her.
One rare night we were sitting watching some mind numbing shit on TV. She was sitting up under my arm like the couch had shrunk and I realized she liked being close to me.
In fact I’d noticed for someone whose life had basically been fucked on the head because of me she was damn accepting.
I looked down at her face, highlighted by the glow from the TV. She’s a pretty girl, in fact when she’s not doing her turtle in a shell bullshit she’s downright gorgeous.
“How’re you doing?” She looked at me like I’d grown another head. I wasn’t usually the talkative type and this is the longest time we’d spent awake in this house that I didn’t have her on her back or knees.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean how are you? Anyone still bothering you?” My trigger finger was itchy like a motherfucker. This going straight shit takes getting used to. If not for her I’d probably have headed back to Chi-town by now.
“No, everything’s fine.” She turned back to the TV and I turned her face back to me. I studied her face and eyes, making sure she wasn’t lying to me.
She started breathing like she was having an asthma attack and a quick glance down her chest revealed her hardening tits. I knew this shit wasn’t gonna last. I tried!
I pushed her back against the armrest and lifted her shirt, pushing
her bra up over her tits so I could put my mouth on her.
The shit looked uncomfortable so I just took it off along with the shirt and tossed them both to the floor. Her body was still slight and fragile, at least in my mind, but I was working on feeding her ass.
I held her waist and lowered my head back down to her nipple, sucking it into my mouth until it pebbled on my tongue.
Her legs started rubbing together against my chest and I grabbed her panties and tore them. “You don’t need to wear those around the house anymore.”
I pulled her legs over my shoulders and got down to doing what I love best. Her pussy is always ready whenever I approach her.
Wet, hot, with that scent that makes my dick hard enough to tear down her damn walls. I lifted her ass and looked into her pussy as it winked at me.
I teased a bead of cunt juice out of her with my finger and fed it to her, pushing her boundaries once again. I made her lick my finger clean before dipping it back into her again for more of the same.
Only when her eyes got that smoky hungry look did I give her my mouth. I’ll never get enough of shoving my tongue into her. Or the way she fucks herself on my mouth once she gets over being shy.
I like pushing her past her comfort zone. So when I was through eating her pussy into submission I climbed up over her and teased her lips with the wet head of my cock.
She’d barely learned how to suck cock in the last month and though she still had a ways to go, she wasn’t bad at making my boy happy.
“Lick it like I showed you.” She licked the pre-cum from the swollen head of my cock and the shit jumped on her tongue.
“Now suck my cock like a good girl.” She likes that good girl shit, it always makes her laugh. She sucked just the tip between her lips and teased me, but my growl had her getting to it.
Chapter 9
She hummed around my cock like she was enjoying it and my balls tingled. I haven’t given her a mouthful yet because for some fucked up reason I don’t like cumming anywhere but deep inside her. It’s almost a compulsion at this point.