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The Billionaire's Wife Page 2
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Page 2
“She’s there today, the four ‘til midnight shift.”
My heart was racing out of my chest. She was so close my baby. I pulled her picture from my pocket and studied her, hopefully for the last time. If I had anything to say about it, after tonight she and I will be having all our conversations up close and personal.
“Thanks, there’ll be something extra in your pay this week. Good job.” Greg was head of my security team for the past three years. I’ve used his PI services before but never for anything this important, not to me anyway. “No problem boss catch you later.” I hung up the phone and leaned back in my chair planning my next move.
I felt alive for the first time in a long time. For the past few years the only thing that got any kind of a rise outta me was work. Now, at this minute, I couldn’t give a fuck about mergers and acquisitions. The only thing I wanted to acquire was her; my future wife.
It’s funny, the thought of marrying Brittany, someone who was known to my family for a very long time, left me cold. But this girl, this Alana, a name as beautiful as its owner, made me feel giddy. At least I know that it isn’t the idea of marriage that I was averse to. Just my mother’s choice of bride.
That was something else I’ll have to take care of now. I wouldn’t call my mother a racist but I do know she had certain predilections. She was raised in a different era, a different time. A time when she was taught to fear what she doesn’t know. No matter, not even for her was I willing to let my princess slip through my fingers.
“Oh my gosh, did y’all see who just walked in?” Nancy, one of the other servers almost broke my damn arm off at the elbow with her shit. I had a tray full of martinis for a table full of rich bitches with hot pokers up their ass and this trick was about to make me drop them all.
“Look, I have a table full of Satan’s concubines waiting for this watered down shit. I don’t care if the Prince of Wales just walked in here, outta my way.”
That girl is crazy as hell. She’s one of those types who’s always on the lookout for celebrities or businessmen. I had better things to do with my time.
I dropped off my drinks and listened to the hyenas complain before walking back over to the server station and Nancy had a following.
They were all staring at the table with this guy who was sitting alone looking like he eat, sleep and shit money. Whatever. It wasn’t mine and I was here to make my own.
Of course he had to be sitting in my section, like I didn’t have enough of the rich and shameless to deal with tonight. “Alana do you know him?” Dina, the hostess asked with her eyes glued to Mr. more money than sense. “Nope who is he?”
“That’s Chance Winthrop, the Chance Winthrop.” I knew the name, who didn’t? Anyone who’d spent any amount of time in this city knew of him in some way or the other. His face was always in the damn paper. Mr. Goody Two Shoes. He was always giving away something to somebody or the other.
“He asked for you by name, said he wanted your section.” I just gave her a look before heading over to him.
She was probably lying out her ass, in fact I know she was. How would he know me? why would he know me? Those bitches probably knew he was one of those pain in the ass customers that ran your ass ragged and then stiffed you on the tip. The rich hate to part with their money.
“Hello, my name is Alana and I’ll be your server tonight.” What the hell? Did they change the sign outside and forget to tell me? Homeboy looked me up and down like he was waiting for a lap dance or some shit. Or maybe he thought my ass was on the menu.
He gave me a look that made me twitchy. First his head lifted slowly because he was taking his time looking at every inch of exposed leg. Then his beautiful dark blue eyes flashed at me, literally. He did this thing where he stared at me real hard and then his eyes just blinked real slow in the middle of that stare.
He wasn’t shy about staring at my attributes. But not one word did he say. Like he was letting his eyes do the talking. He was a cool one alright.
Like I’d told Nancy and Dina, I knew who he was, his picture had been on the front page more often than not and I’d heard more than enough about him, but this was the first time I’d seen him in here.
“Why don’t I come back and take your order after you’re done salivating over my ass?” If the boss heard me he’d fire me this time for sure, but he’s always threatening that shit so I’m not worried. I’m a badass server, I know it and they know it.
Not one of these freaks in here can keep up with me. If they’d stay the fuck off of mind altering shit maybe they would be able to. Most of the staff her acts like they legalized weed for their benefit.
Fuckers are always high, and they claim it’s the brothers who’re into that shit. I’m the only negro in this bitch and probably the only one who isn’t toking twenty-four seven.
Meanwhile, this rich freak was smirking at me after I insulted him. He gave me another one of those looks that had my horny ass girly bits playing peek-a-boo with my panty-liner but I wasn’t about to let him know that. I swallowed hard when those blue orbs finally met my eyes and wanted to run.
Have you ever been confronted by a predatory animal? You know there’s danger, but the fascination is strong, and even though the survival instinct kicks in you just can’t look away.
“I’ll have a glass of champagne, I’m celebrating.” I wonder why he thought I needed to know that. “Which one would you like sir?” Was I a damn mind reader? There’s like twenty to choose from.
“The best of course.” I wanted to mock him but thought better of it. I know his eyes were on my ass as I walked away but fought hard not to look back. The others were just hanging around with their nosy asses like they had nothing better to do.
“So?” That was Nancy who I don’t think had moved an inch since he walked in. “So what?” I put the order for his champagne in the computer and pretended like I wasn’t interested.
“I wonder where his fiancée is?” That’s right, I forgot about her. Then again I don’t pay as much attention to the society pages as she does.
Dog! Why the hell was he undressing me with his eyes when he had a fiancée? “I heard that that might not be real.” Dina need to take her ass back to the hostess stand, nosy ass. While they stood there whispering about His Hotness, I took his glass of champagne over to him.
Why does he look at me like that? He’s not just undressing me with his eyes. It’s more intimate than that somehow. My skin prickled and heated as I stood next to the table under that mesmerizing gaze.
Damn she’s gorgeous, even more so than the picture promised. I could see I was getting to her even though she hid it well. And what a mouth she had on her. I’m sure with this one I’ll never be left guessing.
I sat in the restaurant much longer than was needed, just soaking her in. I never took my eyes off of her even when she was off taking care of others.
It was at that table that I planned our lives. I’d asked Greg not to share too much about her with me, because I wanted to hear it all from her, now I couldn’t wait to get started.
I left a couple hours later after leaving her a hefty tip, dragging my feet because I didn’t want to leave her there. “Home.” I told the driver as he held the door open for me. I had something to do tonight but it was best I went on my own.
From the backseat of the car I looked at the passing scenery, my mind back there with her. Everything looked different, newer, shinier, and fresher somehow. The feeling in my chest, not to mention the constant throb behind my fly were all new.
Not that I’ve never lusted before, but this felt like so much more than that. I thought about how I’d first seen her that day and all that I had gone through to get her.
What if I’d gone on that trip, or worse yet what if I’d gone ahead and married Brittany? I shivered at the thought.
I knew though that I would’ve let nothing st
and in my way of having her. I was as sure of that as I was that she was going to be in my bed before long.
Once back at my apartment I didn’t take the time to do anything more than grab my keys head down to the garage for my car, after sending the driver on home for the night.
Now that I’d seen her it was easier for me to go do what I had to, what I should’ve done a long time ago.
I pulled up outside Brittany’s place not long after and was just about to turn the ignition off when I happened to look up and see her coming outside of the building.
I was about to step out and go to her when a man came out behind her. I smiled when I saw her turn to him and wrap her arms around his neck. I didn’t stay around to see how long the kiss would last. Whatever lingering doubts I had about hurt feelings were dashed.
Mom would be in bed this time of night so I’ll have to save that confrontation for another time, but I felt ten times lighter already. I was smiling like an ass by the time I made it back to my place in the city.
I looked around my bachelor pad for what I knew was one of the last times. I’ll let my new wife redecorate however she saw fit, but maybe she’d prefer the house in Buckhead. Then again she might prefer New York. Central Park West is beautiful in the winter which wasn’t too far off.
It had been a while since I’d been to the family estate. I always thought the place was too big for one person, but it was tradition for the home to be passed down to the eldest son.
Mom was more than welcome to stay there if she wished, but she’d chosen to live in the city where she was closer to her friends and the theater, shopping; all the things she enjoyed now that her husband of so many years was gone.
Now I can imagine taking Alana there, raising our children there together on the grounds where I’d once ran and played as a very carefree youth. I was getting way ahead of myself I knew, but I only seemed to have one speed when it came to her.
The following night I was back at the restaurant after spending a very miserable day. I couldn’t concentrate on anything. I’d called mom and told her the wedding was off because I didn’t want that standing in my way any longer and wasn’t willing to wait for her to fit me into her busy schedule.
Of course she’d made a fuss as I’d expected her to, but in the end I’d stood my ground which is something she was accustomed to anyway.
I didn’t tell her about Alana, or the fact that I’d seen Brittany with someone else, I didn’t care quite frankly. I left it to mom to tell her that the shit was off. I had nothing to say to her. I hate being played for a fool.
She was there as I knew she would be. My eyes searched her out as soon as I walked in the door. I asked the hostess to seat me in her station again tonight and waited for the fireworks.
I wonder what sassy thing she’d say to me tonight because I plan to look at her ass again. I’d dreamt about getting my hands and dick on her all night until I woke up this morning with wet sheets. That shit hasn’t happened since I was fourteen.
I had no choice but to rub one out in the shower since it would’ve been hard to get through the day any other way. Her face was behind my closed eyes as I moved my hand over my cock until I sprayed the bathroom wall.
Now I was back and she looked even better than I remembered. Did she do that for me? I could see that she’d added a little makeup to her face. Last night all she’d worn was gloss. I’ll have to tell her she didn’t need that mess on her face, she was perfection without it.
“Good evening lady Alana.” How is she so beautiful? I can already see our daughters with that same beautiful face, those bright eyes and that cute little nose. “You here to stare at my ass again?”
“Are you always this rude to the customers?”
“Only the ones who stare at my ass like it’s on the menu.” Must she be so adorable? We played tit for tat until I gave her my order and settled in to enjoy the evening.
I was in the middle of my Insalata Nona when I noticed her slipping out the door. I didn’t think, just dropped my napkin on the table and followed after her.
Why am I letting this guy get to me? Last night when I’d gone home I’d done the stupidest thing I could’ve. I looked him up online and binge read any and everything I could get my eyes on.
He was successful, handsome, and taken. And I was afraid I’d gone and let myself become attracted to him. There wasn’t much written about his engagement, but one write-up was enough to tell the story wasn’t it? And of course she was drop dead gorgeous.
Who else would a man like him be getting married to? She was probably loaded just like he is but I didn’t read enough to find out. Instead I’d spent most of the night staring at his face and wondering what it was about him that was making me so itchy.
It’s not like he was the first guy to stare at my ass. He hadn’t of course, but not a day goes by that I don’t get propositioned. So why was I so hung up on this guy?
I had to get out of the restaurant for some fresh air. There was a spot in the back where the others go to have a smoke break. Everyone else was inside so I was alone to lick my wounds.
I’d hoped and dreaded seeing him again tonight. I knew nothing would or could come of it, but I just wanted to see him one more time.
I felt like I’d lost something, something that I never had. “He can never be yours Alana girl so stop dreaming.” Men like him don’t marry girls like me outside of a Hollywood set.
I felt someone behind me and thought it was nosy ass Nancy coming to stick her nose in my shit. “Don’t you have tables to tend to chick? Take your meddling ass inside and leave me alone.”
I’d made the mistake of looking at him too long last night and she’d caught on. Today before the shift started she’d teased my ass no end about it. I shoulda knocked her lights out.
“I see I’m not the only one you use that waspish tongue on.” I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of his voice. I turned to see him standing behind me in the darkened corner.
“Oh it’s you.” I composed myself and hoped he couldn’t see me that well back there. I felt sad for some stupid ass reason, and since I always wore my feelings on my face I was sure it was there for all to see.
“So do you always act this snooty, like you’ve got a chip on your shoulder?”
“I don’t…I’m sorry, I have to go back in.” Why the hell did I feel like crying? Hearing him say the same thing everyone else has always accused me of left me feeling gutted as I turned to walk away.
Her shoulders drooped as she turned and walked away. But not before I saw the tears in her eyes. Shit, now I feel like a heel. I never want to see that look on her face again.
How was it possible to feel this much for someone I hardly knew? I’d heard the words she’d muttered to herself and they gave me hope, but seeing her looking this dejected made my heart burn.
It was so out of the norm of my sphere that I had a hard time believing. But she’d touched me since the first moment I laid eyes on her, and I knew in my gut, that what was between us went much deeper than a simple attraction.
“Princess I’m sorry, come back…STOP.” She’d kept walking when I first called out but stopped short when I yelled.
She still kept her head down as I walked over to her. I put my hand on her shoulder, gently. Her body shook, it wasn’t a flinch, or a cringe; it was more like….
“Are you shitting me? Is that why you’ve been giving me so much lip? Come here.” I took her hand and drew her back into the corner that was littered with cigarette butts.
It was a good thing it was dark back here because if she’d seen the predatory look on my face just then she would’ve bolted. That little telltale shiver had given so much away.
I didn’t think, didn’t hesitate, just took her face in my hands and kissed her. She melted into me. There was no other word for it. I wrapped my arms around her and licked her lips before pushing my tongue inside.
bsp; I think I stopped breathing when she opened and accepted me. She was sweet and soft and mine. I groaned into her mouth and ground my cock into her middle before I could help myself. Before I knew it I had picked her up in my arms and was holding her close.
Her scent was amazing, as if all that beauty wasn’t enough to make me crazy. Her breasts which were hidden in the double breasted jacket she wore were plump and firm against my chest and I wanted in her so bad I growled. “Fuck!”
I had to pull back before I went too far. Before I did all the things my head was begging me to and fucked her right here in this filthy little alleyway where anyone could catch us at any minute. For her this was only our second time meeting, for me it felt like I’d been waiting a lifetime.
I pulled my lips away from hers after giving them a few nibbles. I didn’t want to let her go, but it was too soon.
I knew I would be spending another restless night in my bed without her and as much as I wanted to beg her to come home with me, I wasn’t about to cheapen what I felt for her.
Have you ever been held tight against a rock solid unyielding body? You only know it’s a body because you can feel the cords and sinews, not to mention the strong beat of his heart because he’s holding you so tight that you’re almost one?
And if you have, was that body just the right warmth for you and made you think of cuddling on cold winter
nights? Well yeah, that’s what this one just did to me and I knew I was a goner. I couldn’t even feel my damn legs.
I must’ve spaced out for a second because the next thing I knew he was whispering in my ear that it was okay. I blinked him back into focus and tried to concentrate, but he’d just fucked me up and I knew it.