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The Billionaire's Wife Page 3
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Page 3
“Go on inside princess, I’ll be there in a minute.” I was pleased to see that she walked away on unsteady legs and even had to reach her hand out to the wall once before righting herself again.
I went back inside after getting my wayward dick under control and we both acted like nothing happened, like our lives hadn’t just changed in that dank little alleyway. I dug into my salad before she brought out my veal and I inhaled that too.
The headache I’d had for the past few weeks when that noose was tightening around my neck was gone and so was my lackluster attitude.
I knew what I had to do. I’ve never been one to let the grass grow under my feet and I wasn’t about to start now. Granted my attitude in business didn’t apply here, but then again why shouldn’t it?
For the next few days I straightened up my business affairs, before going to her each evening. There wasn’t a repeat of the kiss because I wasn’t too fond of blue balls. But since I knew the wait wouldn’t be for too long, I figured I could hold out.
We played our little game of flirtation while I asked her all about herself. I’m not sure if she knew what I was up to since I always made the questions seem so casual.
The more I got to know her, the harder I fell in love. Beneath that brazen attitude was a woman with a heart of gold, and a body made for sin. After that first morning I’d restrained myself from jerking off. Not that my dick wasn’t in constant need of attention. But I just preferred to wait for her.
By the morning of day five I’d finally put the finishing touches on the merger and cleared my calendar for the next month. Something that caused quite a stir since I’ve never been away from work longer than a few days here and there.
I walked into the restaurant that evening and went straight to her. I didn’t care that everyone’s eyes were on us when I reached for her hand. “Come with me.”
“What are you doing rich boy?” She tugged at her arm as I pulled her along behind me out to the sidewalk.
What am I doing? I wish like hell I knew. I haven’t done anything the conventional way since the day I saw her out the window.
Today once everything was squared away I’d made up my mind that I wasn’t going to wait to have her. I’m back to not sleeping, but for a whole other reason this time. That shit has got to end.
“I can’t stay long I’ve got customers.”
“No you don’t.” Not if I have my way you won’t. “Where are you taking me?”
“We’re going to get married.” She pulled up short stopping us both in our tracks.
“I don’t recall agreeing to marry you.
“I don’t recall asking, now get in the car.”
She looked back towards the restaurant where some of her coworkers were watching us through the glass window before I put her in the car and got in beside her.
I waited until we were closed in with the driver standing guard outside before turning to her.
“Alana, I’m going to ask you something that’s going to sound really crazy, but I’m asking you to trust me.” I can’t believe I’m about to say this shit. I feel like an ass but I need to hear her say it.
“Do you like me?” I had to lift her chin so I could see her eyes. I’ve come to realize that what she’s feeling is always there.
“Oh shit…you can’t ask me that, that’s so embarrassing.” She held her cheeks as though they’d grown hot. She wasn’t acting anything like my mouthy little brat and I knew it was because she was nervous.
“Your answer could mean the difference to the rest of your life. Sometimes in life, you’ve got to take a chance. I’m about to take the biggest one I’ve ever taken in my life. I’m asking you again. Do you like me?”
“Yes, but damn, you don’t go around asking people those kinda questions.” She still refused to look at me, but at least she had her sass back.
“Look at me baby. Why?” I turned her face towards me with a finger under her chin.
She squirmed around on the seat and I remembered the way she’d acted that night in the alley. Damn, she’s responsive. It was almost as if she’d been struck by the same lightning bolt as me.
“I guess I like the way you look, the way you talk. But don’t let it go to your head.” I couldn’t help grinning at her, something else I hadn’t done much of with a woman, not since my teen years anyway.
“Do you have any family?” I’d only asked her about herself so far, so consumed with wanting to know everything about her, that I’d neglected to ask about that.
Plus I hadn’t wanted to get into too much in the short amount of time we got to spend with each other in the restaurant.
“Just my mom and my little brother, my dad died when I was younger.”
“What about a boyfriend?” Greg said she wasn’t married but she was too fucking gorgeous not to have a man. I really didn’t give a fuck if she did or not. By the end of this night or the next she’s going to be mine completely. I had the ring in my pocket to prove it.
“I don’t have time for that, between work and school, I’ve got a full plate.”
“You said you were taking some time off from school, you plan to go back?”
“Yes…of course.” There was a story there but I didn’t push for now. There’ll be time enough to get to all of that later.
“Okay, here’s the big decision, don’t forget what I said about taking chances okay. I have a proposition for you.” She sat back like I’d slapped her.
“No not that.” I reached out to her. “Give me your hand baby.” She held her hand out and when I took it I felt the slight tremble there.
“We’re getting married princess. You may not understand it right this minute, but trust me neither one of us will have much of a life if I let you go.”
“Are you nuts? You don’t even know me. What the hell?” I reached out to touch her face. My little beauty was nervous as hell and trying to hide it behind her attitude. “Besides, I didn’t think you even liked me since you think I’m snooty.”
“Not true, I’ve been having the hardest fucking time keeping my hands off of you.” Plus the fact that you had more of a reaction from me touching your shoulder, than my fiancée had the one time I’d fucked her a million years ago. But that was better left unsaid for now.
“Wait a minute, aren’t you supposed to be engaged?” From the way she turned up her nose I got the impression she didn’t approve my choice of fiancée.
“That’s a very long story, but suffice it to say no. I wouldn’t be here telling you we’re getting married if I was engaged to someone else would I?”
“Who the hell knows. Is this some kind of joke? Seriously, I don’t have time for…” I stopped her by covering her lips with mine. She did that melting thing again and my heart leapt.
I couldn’t believe the affect I had on her. The shit made my dick hard as fuck and if I didn’t get her out of here fast our first time was going to be in the back of my damn car.
“We gotta get going princess.”
“Don’t you need a license to get married?” She was playing for time, trying to makes sense of what was going on.
“We’ll get everything we need, just say yes.” Not that I needed her to agree I just wanted to give her the illusion that she had a say.
That mouth of hers wasn’t for show. I had no doubt she was a fiery one, that she’d give me shit if I didn’t at least give her the appearance of a choice.
“I think you’re nuts.”
“Answer me.” What the hell was I supposed to do with this shit? Is this how the rich do things? This man has known me all of five days and he’s asking me to marry him. How does he know I’m not a money grubbing skank like that thing he was planning to marry?
After the first night he came into the restaurant tongues had been wagging. I’d never paid much attention before when the others were having gossip hour but that night I was all ears.
I learned all about his fiancée Brittany an
d the fact that she had hot crotch. It seemed inconceivable to me that a man like him, what I’d seen of him so far anyway, would fall for that shit. But then again, the rich played by different rules.
Now here he was asking me to marry him. “So if this isn’t a game, which I have to tell you if it is I’ll maim your ass; how do you know that this will work?” Was I seriously thinking of doing this?
Sure I was attracted to him, all he had to do was touch me and I was ready to give up the cooch. The last few nights after meeting him those dimples of his had given me some long overheated sessions with the cooch. My fingers had damn near broke off from all the extra action. But how did I know he wasn’t some crazy ass nut job?
He had my ass hooked sure. It got so bad that that after that night he kissed me I’ve been watching the door like Publisher’s Clearing House was in the neighborhood and there was a chance I might win.
When I realized that I would
much rather have him walk through the door than that, I hung it up. He’ d come that night and the next, never saying much, just asking me everything about myself like he was doing an interview for twenty-twenty.
“I know it will work, because I’ll make sure of it.” He seemed so sure of himself, and he wasn’t giving me much time to think.
“We’ve got a plane to catch Alana. I’m trying not to just snatch you and go so let’s pretend that you said yes and get the hell out of here.”
Oh yeah he’s nuts. “I’m going to make you very rich and very happy little Alana. You will never want for anything again as long as you live I promise.” My heart was beating so fast I thought I was gonna drop dead.
Until this point I kinda thought he was screwing around with me, but his ass was serious. Like seriously. But the question wasn’t how serious he was, but could I do it?
What were the chances that I would meet someone like him? I’m not vain, but I ain’t stupid either. I know my ass is fine. Sheeiit, it’s the reason I never wasted myself on any of the deadbeats I’ve run across. I knew I deserved better, more, but damn.
“I’ll be honest with you, I’m kinda sorta attracted to you, but marriage?”
“Yes, it’s what I want.” Ain’t he the arrogant one?
“Unless you want me to fuck you right here in the back of this car you’ll give me what I want. My dick’s about to break in half.”
She got the biggest grin on her face, and if I’d thought she was gorgeous before, nothing compared to what that smile did to her face.
“You’re absolutely gorgeous.” I couldn’t resist touching her again even though I knew how it was going to make her react, and how that was going to make me want to throw her to her back and fuck the shit out of her.
“Come on let’s go.”
“Hey what about work? Shit how long were we out here?” She actually looked spooked, like she didn’t yet grasp what all this meant.
“Princess by the end of the night you could buy this place ten times over. Tell them you quit, get one of the others to cover for you for the rest of this shift, but this was the last night you waited on anyone.” She gave me a look of disbelief before shaking her head and climbing out of the car.
I waited in the car while she went in and told them she was leaving. It wasn’t long before she came back and I could tell by her face that it was finally setting in.
I took her hand once she was seated next to me and told the driver to take us to the private airstrip where I kept my jet. “You own a jet?” I just looked at her. She’d find out soon enough how rich I was, or more to the point how rich she now is.
Funny, when I was thinking about marrying Brittany I had a team of lawyers working on an airtight prenuptial agreement. I wasn’t interested in keeping my assets from Alana, in fact I can’t wait to spoil her.
She looked around the inside the chauffer driven Bentley like she was on the space shuttle. Maybe I’ll get her one as a wedding gift when we get back home. That and so much more.
We landed in Vegas not long after and the first order of business was getting the license. At some point she can have the wedding of her dreams but I want my ring on her finger before the sun rises.
At the registrar’s the girl behind the desk looked at my bride to be like she was something she stepped in. Alana, was still in her work uniform which I hadn’t even given a second thought. Luckily for the idiot the princess was looking around at all the gaudy décor on the walls and didn’t notice the slight.
I pulled her under my arm and turned to deal with the ass behind the desk with a look that I was sure she understood.
“Is there someone else who can help us?”
“Why no sir, I’m more than happy to take care of this for you.” She was all smiles now.
“I don’t want you to, get me someone else please.” Before she could comply, a middle-aged gentleman came from an office in the back and approached us.
“What seems to be the problem here?”
“My fiancée and I are getting married soon and I don’t want anything upsetting her. This should be a time of celebration don’t you agree?”
“Well of course sir.”
“Well, your employee here seems to have a problem with my girl and I’d much rather not deal with her if you don’t mind.”
“Not at all sir I’d be happy to take care of this for you.” He gave the idiot a glare that sent her scurrying, before he took our information and turned to the computer to do his thing.
“Damn, what did she do give me the stink eye? You better get used to it, there’s going to be a lot of that in your future white boy.” She smirked and I pinched her side to get her to behave.
“Everything seems to be in order, you’re playing it pretty close but it can be done. How about picking it up tomorrow afternoon?”
“Can’t, we need it like in the next hour or so.” I gave him a look that all businessmen understood; he got it sure enough, and nodded his head. We headed for the door; there was no time to waste.
“We have to call my mom.” She was getting cold feet but I was prepared for that. All I have to do with this one is steam roll right over her and keep her moving until the deed is done. After that she could call the whole Eastern seaboard for all I care.
“No we don’t, we’re both adults, this is a decision we made together for you and me. I’m sure she wants what’s best for you right? Well that’s all you’re gonna have from now on sweetheart.”
I had no plans on telling my mother until after the fact, when the deed was done and there was no turning back. And no way for her to meddle in my life. If her mother took it too hard, I’ll make it up to her. After.
Less than an hour later, I was back, with a discreet little envelope for the gentleman who was handling our special license. We’d spent the time looking for a little white dress for her, because she insisted that she needed at least that. Even though I promised her she could have the wedding of her dreams whenever she wanted.
There was another payoff, and a nice older gentleman married us in one of those chapels off the strip. I didn’t breathe easy until the papers were signed and the rings were on our fingers.
She’d picked out a band that covered half my damn finger. “Just want everyone to see yours since you put half a mountain on mine.”
She was my wife. Until this very moment I don’t think I truly believed that I could pull it off so soon. Looking back on the last couple of weeks it all seemed so unreal. Like a dream or a movie.
I’d just promised to love and protect this woman for the rest of my life. Even more than my first merger, this was without a doubt the most significant thing I’d ever done in my life.
“Hello Mrs. Winthrop.” She was beginning to lose that hunted look from her eyes as we rode in the back of the car. She shook her head and looked down at the ring on her finger. “If this turns out to be one of those frat boy dares your ass is toast Vanilla Ice.”
I lifted her chin with my finger
and brought her mouth up to mine to shut her up. She was nervous. I noticed that she babbled and snarked when she was feeling unsure of herself.
Her lips were soft and sweet, and sun warmed. She kissed like a baby bird feeding from its mama, innocent and sweet as hell. I didn’t want to get too hot and heavy, because we had an audience, but as usual as soon as I touched her she went up in flames.
“Are you a virgin princess?” I whispered the question in her ear after another shared kiss. I don’t know why I believed so strongly that she was, she didn’t look like she would be. But somehow her reaction for all its fire had a tinge of innocence to it.
She buried her face in my chest and nodded her head yes and I felt pre-cum gather at the tip of my cock. “I can’t wait to teach you.”
I’d booked us the Mandarin suite at the Mandarin Oriental for two nights. Vegas isn’t one of my usual haunts, but it was the closest place to home for a quickie wedding. Her eyes were like a kid’s at the carnival when she got her first look at the room.
“You like it?” She walked over to the windows to get a bird’s eye view of the strip. I tipped the concierge and excused him before going to join her.
“Hungry?” I wanted to forget food and everything else and just throw her on the king sized bed and ravish her, but I needed to get myself under control first. If I touched her now I was afraid I might hurt her.
Now that we were standing here so close, the difference in our sizes was very pronounced. She had such a mouth on her it was easy to overlook her small stature.
“I couldn’t eat a thing and who’re you trying to fool? Like food’s on your mind ya freak.” She looked down at my dick that was pressing hard against my zipper.
I’d discarded my jacket and tie as soon as we got to the room so there was nothing hiding my very obvious need from her eyes. “Nervous are you? Not to worry, I promise you’ll like it.”
She took a deep breath and I pulled her into my arms to offer comfort. “I think I wanna take a bath, can I take a bath first?” I kissed her nose and turned with her hand in mine headed for the bathroom.