Bad Boy Read online

Page 6

  My wife clung to me on the bike with a death grip and the closer we got to her old home the more I wanted to turn back. I didn’t want anything upsetting her like this ever again but I knew if she didn’t do this she’d regret it. I just wish it didn’t hurt her this much.

  We rode down the long driveway to the front door and I had to damn near carry her up the steps to ring the doorbell she was shaking so hard. Her father opened the door and went into automatic asshole mode. I don’t think he had any other. “What do you want? You’re not welcomed here.” I looked him in the eye and smirked. “Either you let her go see her mother or I will turn over every stone under which you’ve hidden your shit and be back in a couple hours with a warrant.” He swallowed audibly but still had to play the big man to save face. “Now.” That got him moving when he realized I wasn’t bullshitting. “Go on in baby and get whatever you want to take with you together, we’ll swing by and pick it up when we’re heading out.” She actually had to sidestep him to get through the door, his last power play I suppose but I wasn’t willing to give him even that. “Out of the way asshole before I knock you on your ass.”

  He turned to follow her inside but I pulled him up short. “You stay out here, go on and see your mom Jacqueline.”

  “I beg your pardon this is my home you have no rights here.”

  “Yeah but your track record isn’t so good where my Wife is concerned so you’ll stay your ass out here so I can keep an eye on you while she does what she came here for.”

  “You really think you’re something don’t you? I promise you that that badge of yours means nothing to me…”

  “You remember what I whispered in your ear last night that had you turning white as sheet? Well I lied; I already know everything there is to know. That’s why when she comes back out here you’re going to go into your safe and give her what’s hers.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He looked everywhere but at me, it was hell realizing your enemy had the goods on you.

  “Sure you do, you know her inheritance that her maternal grandfather left her? She’s twenty one now so you have no more rights over it.”

  “I knew it, I knew that’s why you came sniffing around my daughter.”

  “No asshole you’re wrong, I didn’t know shit about it until after I was here the last time. When I went back I did some research, I made it a mission to dig up every speck of dirt on you and I found plenty. Good luck getting out of that hole you dug yourself with that shoddy oil deal you fuck.” He stepped back and looked around to see if anyone else was listening in. “You can’t…it’ll ruin me.”

  “Give her her money, and before you try any of your underhanded tricks I know every dime down to the last penny that she’s due including interest, so if you’ve been dipping into that pot you’d better figure out how you’re gonna put it back in say, the next ten minutes. Now when she walks out that door you’re going to treat her like a daughter and you’re gonna go get what’s hers and bring it out here and put it in her hands respectfully or I’ll take great pleasure in breaking your fucking neck.”

  When she came out half an hour later I’d already threatened him with everything I had. He was not to stand in her way if she chose to call her mom in the future, which I’m sure she’d want to. I had to glare at him to get the ball rolling. “Uh Jacqueline I have something that belongs to you.” He said it like he was having his tooth pulled but at least he wasn’t yelling. “What is it dad?” Still so respectful, I knew that after all he’d done she still wished for even one small kernel of the love a man was supposed to show his daughter. Asshole, that’s okay, I’ll just have to spend the next sixty years making up for it. He went in and came back out with a packet. I could see how much it pained him to give it to her and I wasn’t ashamed to gloat over it. She opened it up and started reading. “What is this?” I looked at him when he took too long to answer her.

  “It’s what your grandfather left you when he died, you were supposed to get it on your twenty first birthday I’ve been keeping an eye on it for you over the years.” Yeah right.

  “But what does it mean?” I could understand her confusion. There was a fuck load of zeroes at the end of that number.

  “It means you’re rich let’s go we have to be on the road soon.” She turned to say bye to the asshole but he turned his back on her and went inside. Good riddance. I hugged and kissed her while she kept staring down at the paper in her hand before leading her to the bike.

  Chapter 13

  We were on the road a few hours later thankfully, after getting everything squared away. Mom was driving Jacqueline’s car while Mindy took hers, and they were following behind me. I’d thought to make it one straight shoot but it wasn’t looking like that was gonna happen. My wife was a little down because when we went back to the house to pick up the stuff she wanted to take with her the asshole wasn’t there. Plus she was sore so it was looking more and more like a two day deal. It was great to finally put space between me and that place for the last time. Now I could look forward to the rest of our lives. The next three months were going to be just her and I doing whatever the fuck she wanted to do while I did my best to get her pregnant. I’m obsessed with that shit for some strange reason. Maybe I was a little envious of my guys and their families who knows, I wasn’t going to lose any sleep over it.

  We stopped for a restroom break and to have lunch about four hours out. She was still sulking and I’d had enough. “Babe you’ve got to pull your shit together, your old man is never gonna change, the sooner you accept that the better off you’ll be.” She rested her head on my chest, her new favorite spot, and I kissed her hair. Mom and Mindy caught on and did their bit to draw her out of her shell and by the time we were ready to hit the road again she was stepping a little lighter.

  We made it another four hours miraculously before we stopped for the night at a chain hotel. As tired as I was from the events of the past few days all I could think about was getting her naked. “You two need anything before we call it a night?” Mindy grinned and wiggled her eyes at me while mom smiled. “No son you go on I’m tuckered out myself and that nice meal we just had will more than keep me until morning.”

  “Maybe I’ll go see what they’ve got going on around here.”

  “No you’re not or I’ll tan your ass brat now go to bed, mom keep an eye on your daughter.”

  “Come on Mindy and stop teasing your poor brother.”

  “Spoil sport, see you two lovebirds in the morning. Try to keep it down will ya.” I made a playful step towards her as she ran away laughing. Jacqueline as blushing but smiling, progress.

  We said our goodnights and I pulled her into the room that was blessedly across the hall from theirs. She could be as loud as she liked tonight and every other night after this come to think of it. “Strip.”

  “Jake I have to freshen up we’ve been on the road for hours.” She tried sidestepping me but she was laughing so I knew she wasn’t serious, not that that would’ve stopped me. “No deal I want you hot and sweaty come ‘ere.” She squealed and evaded by grab but I took her down in the bathroom door. “This is where you want it? Fine.” I pulled her jeans halfway down her thighs, released my cock and slammed into her from behind. “Fuck it feels like forever since I had you.” She pushed back onto my cock as she looked over her shoulder at me. “Fuck me harder Jake.” Her knees were close together because of the hindrance of her pants so her pussy was even tighter than usual. I watched my cock gliding in and out of her, wet with her pussy juice as I butted against her cervix. If I was hurting her she didn’t let on and her chants of more, more, more just made me crazy with lust. I used her hips to pull her on and off my cock as I battered her. She stayed with me through three loud as fuck orgasms before I emptied inside her.

  “Now you can take a bath.” It seems like she gets friskier in the bathroom. She loves to play with my cock until she has me seeing stars and I had no other recourse than to turn her to the wall and
nail her from behind again. When we were done this time I just lifted her out and took her to bed after drying us both off. “Time for bed we’ve got another long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

  “Goodnight husband.” She turned up her face for my kiss.

  “Goodnight wife.”

  “I like the sound of that, I can’t believe it’s real.” She looked at her ring in the moonlight coming through the window.

  “I like the way it sounds too sweetheart and I can believe it’s real, I always knew it would be.” There’s no way I would’ve accepted anything else. We fell asleep wrapped around each other once more.

  I turned to her in the middle of the night hard and needy. It’s like I was trying to make up for lost time or some shit. Or maybe it was just the very sexy thought that she was mine to love as often as I want. She’d been asleep but was only too happy to let me have her. I teased her until she was ready to brain me as she threatened to do if I didn’t get on with it.

  I put just the tip of my cock inside her, crowned it and held still. With her legs spread and clasping my hips I ran my hands over her body starting first with a light brush of my thumb over her clit. I rubbed her until she was slippery, her pussy clenching around the head of my cock.

  "Stretch your hands above your head, no not like that beauty, I want you to grab the bars."

  Her small hands wrapped around the bars in the bed which made her back arch slightly, thrusting her breasts up for my touch. Bending over her I took her pebbled nipple into my mouth and sucked. I felt the answering twitch inside her walls as she clenched and released around my cock. I teased her body to a fever pitch giving her just a taste of my cock before pulling back. On the next stroke I pulled out and climbed up her chest feeding her my length as far as it would go. She suckled me like a baby bird while I held her head in place. She loves having my cock in her mouth and I love putting it there. I got into her throat and held still while she worked the muscles in her throat around my swollen cock. “Enough.” I wanted to plant this load inside her, deep enough to do some good. Time to get started on some serious baby making.

  I pulled out of her throat and kissed my way down her middle until I had her pussy in my mouth again. The maid was in for a surprise tomorrow when she changed these sheets; my cock was leaking pre cum all over the place. When she filled my mouth with her sweet nectar I slid up her body and slipped inside her. “I love you Jacqueline Summers.” She reached up for my mouth then as the bed rocked beneath us. Her hands were still clutching the slats of the headboard leaving her nipples thrust upward for my mouth. I bit into one hard to see if she’d like that and she almost broke my cock in half. She started making those fuck awesome sounds again and I started pounding into her for all I was worth. “Oh yeah baby keep moving like that.” It was a race to the finish as I slammed into her over and over again, visions of me planting my son or daughter inside her taking over my head. I wanted that now more than anything. “I’m going to breed you sweet Jacqueline right fucking now.”

  She liked that too because she yelled out her pleasure and came, dragging me over with her. I was done after that, I barely had enough strength to drag her back into my arms and pull the sheet over us. “Sleep sweet girl. Tomorrow you reach your new home and start your new life.”

  Chapter 14

  My wife is a train wreck. She’s all elbows and knees while she sleeps. I guess the night before had been a fluke, because tonight she almost kicked me off the bed twice. I ended up having to sleep with her under me with one leg over both of hers and my arm holding her down. That’s the only way she would settle down. This for me though was not conducive to having a good night’s rest. My cock was in too close proximity and the feel of her breasts under my arm was a distraction. Out of concern for the long day she’d had on the back of the bike for the first time I didn’t want to be a pig and wake her up again to fuck. So I stayed awake half the night counting down the hours. About four in the morning I said fuck it and just took her. I think this might become my new favorite thing. Fucking my wife while she sleeps. She’s so malleable then, all I had to do was open her legs a little wider with my knee, bury my face in the sweet sleepy scent of her neck and slide into her warm heat.


  “Yeah baby go back to sleep.” By now she was catching onto the rhythm of my strokes and moving ever so slightly beneath me. Not quite awake yet, she just enjoyed the feel of my hard cock inside her. This just might work in my favor after all because it was coming to my attention that she likes to do her own thing when we fuck, meaning she likes to run the show. Sex is so new to her that she wants to try everything all at once. This way it’s like I’ve corralled her little ass and I’m at the controls. Shit, spoke too soon. Her hips started moving a little faster beneath me and her nails were in my back. She’s up. “Ooh that feels good feel bigger and harder. I like it.” She went after my neck because I think she’d pretty much figured out that if she wanted me to nail her hard that was the way to go. There goes my early morning slow ride.

  “I want to eat your pussy before I cum inside you, since you’re awake…” I shrugged my shoulders even as I pulled out and lifted her to my mouth. I held her open with my hands spreading her and licked deep inside her pink flesh. She fucked my tongue while her head twist and turned on the pillow beneath her. I love the way she moves, so sensual, she lets me know that she’s enjoying whatever I do to her. “Cum in my mouth baby I need to fuck.” I thumbed her clit while alternating between licking and sucking on her pussy, which was all it took to set her off. She came on a sweet sigh and relaxed back into the pillow.

  “Jake?” Shit she wanted to talk, I’m coming to know her and that was her I want to talk voice, hopefully whatever it was won’t take long or I could do it while we fucked. I laid next to her and stroked my cock while she got whatever it was she wanted to say straight in her head.

  “Did you mean it, what you said last night?” What the fuck had I said? I barely had two working brain cells at this point. She could ask me for the moon and my ass would try to get it for her if she’d just let me fuck; women.


  “Having a baby.”

  “Uh huh.” She got up on her elbow and her eyes followed my hand as I stroked up and down. “So is that like the only reason we’ve been doing it so much?”

  “Come again.”

  “Well after we you know, get pregnant, does that mean you’re gonna want to stop?” Wow my girl really was innocent.

  “When I fuck you baby it’s always gonna be with a purpose, when I’m not trying to breed you, I’ll be staking my claim, when it’s not that it’ll just be me showing you how much I love you now hop on up here.” She climbed over me her eyes still stuck to my cock. “But what if you…unghh…lose interest?” I took her ass in both hands and worked her up and down my length. “Lose interest?” She was trying to look at where we were joined as she seemed almost fascinated by this new position. “Yes, in me.” She finally figured out she could get more control by planting her hands on my shoulders and using her lower body to fuck me. “Why…the fuck…would I …do that?” She’s a fast learner fuck. She was testing out her new technique moving first one way and then the other. “Because…you’re you and I’m…me.” She slammed down on my cock on that last word and really put some heat in it. I’m rethinking my favorite position here this might be it. “Don’t follow babe.” Good I could still form a sentence. She stopped all movement and I wanted to howl, my cock was thumping away inside her begging for release. I finally looked at her face and she looked almost sad. What the fuck! “Because you’re so beautiful and I’m not.” She hung her head while I tried to make sense of what I’d just heard. I’m gonna kill that fuck, I’m gonna get on my bike and head back there and tear him limb from limb.

  “Baby who told you that you’re not beautiful?” She refused to look at me so I sat up brining our bodies closer together. Taking her head in my hands I brushed the hair back off her gorgeous a
s fuck face. “I’m just not that’s all, I have brown eyes and this.” She took the ends of her hair between her fingers and scowled at it. “I’ve never even been to the salon to get it done, never had clothes like the girls wear. Daddy wouldn’t even let me cut it.” Alright Jake she’s serious here, how the fuck that could be was beyond me but I had to handle it right before I did more damage than good. “I agree with him on that at least, you’re not cutting your hair I like it and if you want to go to a salon we’ll find one as soon as we get home.” Just please let me fuck. Bad husband Jake not cool; Okay. “As to the rest, have you never seen yourself baby? You’re fucking gorgeous, everything about you is. Why do you think I can’t keep my hands off you? It’s the middle of the fucking night and I’m ass tired but what are we doing? I get a whiff of you baby and my dick stands at attention. Let’s get this out of the way so we never have to have this conversation again okay? I love your hair, your lips baby, fuck. I used to kiss you for hours don’t you remember? It’s because you have the sexiest mouth I’ve ever seen and your ass.” I grabbed her ass for emphasis and pulled her up and down, kind of like a reminder of what we were in the middle of here. “I want to fuck you every minute of every day because I think you’re the sexiest, most gorgeous woman in my world.” Success she was smiling again, blushing, but smiling. “Now can we get back to fucking?” She nodded and went back to work. I guess our little talk loosened her up some because she gave my dick a work out. I’m sure she didn’t realize that I could see her magnificent ass in the mirror across from us, and boy what a sight it was.

  It curled in and out as she fucked me, I could see my cock as it went up inside her and came out again. Fucking gorgeous. I spread her ass in my hands making sure to tickle her rosebud with my fingertips. “Baby I want to take you here.” She looked down at me questioningly. “People do that?” Green, my wife is green as fuck and I love it. “Yes.” She was breathing hard as she moved a little faster and her body became flushed. “Will it feel as good as this.”


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