Bad Boy Read online

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  “Some women like it just as much or more.” She stopped all movement and peered down at me.

  “How do you know?”

  “Babe, when we met I was twenty three years old and I know you’ve heard stories of my exploits when I was in high school so you know I wasn’t a monk.” What is it with women and this shit? Okay the fact that I would want to strangle every ex she’d ever had if there were any was neither here nor there. “I don’t like it.” Oh she could be mean, she gave me one of those looks that if she’d had a weapon handy I would’ve ran for cover. “All that’s in the past baby, now can we get back to this? All you need to care about is that I’m yours, all yours for the next sixty years you can take it out on my ass later but can we please get back to fucking? I’m dying here baby.” She pouted but started moving again. I decided to help her out of her funk.

  I wet the tip of my middle finger in her pussy juice and eased it into her ass up to the first joint. She almost broke my shit in half. “Yes Jake yes…” I guess that’s a yes to the ass fuck in her future. She rode my cock hard as I enjoyed the ride, watching her movements in the mirror. “Give me your tit baby.” She didn’t move fast enough, too caught up in her own pleasure, so I smacked her ass hard and that was it. She screeched and bucked and her whole body tightened. Her mouth was opened in an oh as I pounded up inside all that tight sweetness while she shook herself to one hell of an orgasm. I kept that finger in her ass even though she did everything to break it and my dick. “Fuck this.” I threw her to her back and pounded into her, pushing her legs back to her shoulders for deeper penetration. “So good, so fucking good Jacqueline.” She pulled my mouth down to hers and ate my face as her body tried to suck every last drop of cum from my balls. I was afraid I was hurting her with my hard thrusts but she stayed with me, her kisses wild and hot as she clenched her pussy around me and I lost it. The world ceased to exist; everything that I was was concentrated in that one moment as I spilled inside her with a roar.

  Chapter 15

  We got a few more hours sleep after that and then it was time to get on the road. Her ass was a little sore from sitting on the bike for so long so I had to work out the kinks, which led to a nice back shot with her lying flat on her stomach while I straddled her ass. I was too deep that way she said but she liked the little twinge of pain. This marriage shit just kept getting better and better.

  I rounded up mom and sis and took my three girls to breakfast. The town we’d stopped in was only five hours away from home so I was hoping we could make it in one fell swoop but I was going to need their cooperation. “Mom you slept okay?” we were sitting in a cute little diner with what looked like a mining crew taking up most of the tables. The place was lively and noisy with that air of hometown regulars who all knew each other and probably followed the same routine day in and out. I’m guessing my leathers and tats stood out among this bunch and that was the reason for all the stares. I preferred to think it was that and not my wife’s ass. I wouldn’t want to have to come back here later with my team and level the fuck.

  “I slept just fine son I don’t have to ask you, you look…alert.” Was mom zinging me? Jacqueline looked rather awake herself for someone who’d had my dick in her half the night. The waitress came over with a smile and was way too happy for fuck o’ clock in the morning but I guess it comes with the trade. “Good morning what I can I do for you folks this morning, start you off with some coffee?” We each ordered coffee and pancakes and eggs with turkey bacon. “Okay listen up, I’d like to get back home some time this year so there will be no restroom stops every hour on the hour…” You’d have thought I yelled fire or some shit with the amount of racket that one statement incited. I listened to their whining and bitching and then told them what was what. “Either keep up Mindy or I’ll leave your ass behind, we should’ve been there already. Mom you’re in a car so you’re comfortable, my wife’s on the back of my ride, which is not so much. I’m not making her do this three days in a row so everybody buckle down.”

  “She could always ride with me or your sister.”

  “Not gonna happen.”

  There was a lot of moaning and groaning, which only stopped when the waitress came back with three piping hot cups of coffee on a tray. I noticed Jacqueline sniffing hers and studying it like it was gonna bite. “What’s the matter baby, dirty cup?” She blushed and looked at the others before whispering in my ear. “I’ve never had any before.” I leaned away and studied her face to see if she was fucking with me. He couldn’t have been that much of a dick. Who the fuck never had coffee? “It’s okay baby if you don’t like it you don’t have to have it you can have some juice.” She bit into her lip and went back to studying her cup.

  “I like mine with cream and sugar, adds a nice flavor, he takes his black it’s disgusting.” Mom caught on and though she looked like she was about to cry for my girl she was very upbeat while she showed her how to doctor her coffee. Crisis over, she took her first sip and was hooked like the rest of the free world. I guess she was breaking down barriers one sip at a time.

  With breakfast squared away I laid down the law once more before heading out. Three hours later we were at a rest stop. I didn’t say shit just twiddled my thumbs until they did their thing and then got going.

  We reached home around midday. They left me to drag their suitcases in while they went to look at the house. There were squeals and hugs and kisses and a lot of running up and down the stairs on both sides of the house. Mom was a little more reserved but the two girls went wild. “You did good here son, and there too.” She looked over at Jacqueline who was standing with her head bent close to Mindy’s planning who knows what. “She needs you...I had no idea.” I pulled her in when she started to break down. “It’s okay mom she’s got us now to give her all the love she needs.” I could finally breathe now, I’d done all that I’d set out to do. She was here and she was whole, and whatever demons chased her I’ll fight the fucks myself. From here on out she was going to be as happy as it was possible for one person to be starting now.

  “Alright listen up.”

  “Grrrrr, not another lecture.”

  “Pipe down Mindy, so here’s the deal, mom after you’ve had a couple weeks to get settled in I’m sending you and Mindy to Hawaii for two weeks while Jacqueline and I go on our honeymoon.” I got smothered with hugs and kisses for that one but it was all good.

  Chapter 16


  It was quite an experience watching her over the next few weeks. It was almost like watching a trapped bird on its first flight out of the cage. She was cautious but curious about everything, and the simplest things brought her the most joy. A simple thing like walking through town holding hands while eating an ice cream cone was like giving her diamonds. My team had been sneaking me calls one after the other for the last few days, nosy fucks just wanted to get a look at my girl but they’ll have to wait. I wanted her all to myself for now. Mom and Mindy were pretty good at giving us our space, which I greatly appreciated. It was our bonding slash breeding period.

  Mindy spent so much time at the house I was beginning to wonder if she wouldn’t prefer just staying there instead of the condo, but I figured I’d let her make that call herself when she was ready. Their trip was set and all that was left was Jacqueline choosing where she wanted to go on our honeymoon. Everyday she’d choose some place she found on the computer but by nightfall she’d change her mind again. I gave up trying to help about the fifth time she did that and told her she was on her own.

  “I’ve got it Jake. The Grand Canyon, I’ve always wanted to go there, can we please, please, please?” It was the middle of the day and she was at it again.

  “Fine but if we’re staying stateside it’s gonna be on the bike.” She had to give that one a think but then she decided it was a nice trade off. “That’s it? That’s the only place you wanna see?” I knew it, she gave me her new make Jake stupid flirtatious look and climbed into my lap. This ought to be good; she
’s been trying out her wiles on me a lot lately. Who was I to tell her that I’d do whatever the fuck it was she wanted anyway? This way was much more fun.

  My hand gravitated right for her ass while she straddled my hips. It was hot as fuck so I only had on jeans. I’d been watching her for the last half hour or so flitting from place to place rearranging our room to her liking. I finally put my foot down the third time she had me move the chest of drawers. The movers had finally shown and she was putting her own personal touch on the place adding her shit. “Well there’re some other places I’ve read about that sounds interesting but can we just play it by ear since we’re taking the bike?” She was one of those was she? Good for her. “Whatever you want; you finished in here?” She looked back over her shoulder at the room before turning back to me. “Yes I think so, for now.” Thank fuck. “Where’s mom and Mindy?” I hadn’t seen them since breakfast, which seemed to be fast becoming a family tradition, having meals together. It was good that way because there will most likely be times in the future when I wouldn’t make it home for dinner. This way she’d have company and not feel so alone out here in the middle of nowhere.

  “They’re picking out fabric for the window seats next door.” She played with my chest and pressed her ass into my cock. Asking for trouble. I try not to fall on her like a starving beast every hour of every day but it didn’t take much to perk up my boy’s interest. “You didn’t want to do that?” I pushed her hair back off her face, it still amazes me that she actually thought she was plain. She has the most soulful eyes and like I said, her mouth is a thing of artistic mastery. “I wanted to stay with you.” So fucking sweet. I pulled her head down to mine and kissed her while feeling around between us to get my pants undone. “Hold up a minute babe.” She lifted long enough for me to release my raging hard on. I eased her panty leg to the side under the little flirty skirt she had on and sat her down hard on my cock.

  It was the slowest, dreamiest fuck we’d ever shared. Soft touches and whispers in between me working her up and down on my length. When I came it was long and drawn out with my lips fused to hers. “I think it’s gonna take me that whole sixty years to get my fill babe. Sweet.” She can still blush, even after all the freaky shit I’ve introduced her to she can still blush like a teenage virgin. “Love you, now go tell your girls we’re having dinner out tonight I feel like a big fat steak.” She wasn’t done with me yet, she has this thing where she likes to use my left over hardness to get in one last orgasm. I let her ride the storm until she’d had her fill. “Okay.” She pulled off my cock and went in the bathroom to clean up. My watch said it was still a few hours until dinner; good I can take a nap. I’m gonna need my strength for tonight because I’m sure she’s gonna need servicing again.

  I was out for a couple hours while I guess she was next door with the others. I’d had a very serious talk with mom about her relationship with my wife. Not that I expected her to mistreat her or anything but my girl needed a little more of what she’d been missing her whole life. Mom was mom and I love honor and respect her but Jacqueline was my wife, I cling to her. Mom and sis are tight they have a serious bond and I just wanted them to let my wife in there somewhere since she was still feeling her way and this was all still new to her.

  We hadn’t discussed her inheritance as yet, I think she was a little intimidated, but she was gonna have to get to it soon. I don’t trust Gary one fuck and the lawyer that was handling it after she’d turned twenty one was one of his cronies. I really didn’t want to end up killing the fuck but I would in a minute if he hurt her again. Asshole.

  We never talked about him which suited me just fine but she’d called her mom one day when he was sure to be at the office and they’d had a nice long chat. She told me it was the first time they’d ever talked like that. I don’t even want to know what the fuck had been going on in that house.

  Chapter 17


  Jake took us to this really nice steak house for dinner, after I’d changed like three times that is. Mindy had shared some of her clothes with me because I wasn’t quite ready to go shopping yet. I didn’t want to be away from Jake for even one second and he said being forced to go shopping with a female was grounds for divorce. I tried my tricks on him and everything but he wouldn’t budge. I guess that’s a male thing, like a lot of other things I’m learning about him. He lets me do anything whenever I want no matter how outlandish. Like sleeping out in the backyard under the stars just because I’d never done it before and had always wanted to. Of course I spent a good portion of the night worrying about his mom waking up and looking out her kitchen window and seeing me on my knees with Jake pounding away inside me.

  Sex is unlike anything I could’ve ever imagined, it’s ten times better than in the books. The books couldn’t describe that feeling you get when your husband looks into your eyes while he’s buried deep inside you and says ‘I love the fuck out of you’. Or the way he loses control and his body takes over and his nostrils flare as a red splash of color appears on his cheeks while he’s cumming inside you. “What’re you smiling at beautiful?” I reached up on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “I’m just happy that’s all.”

  We were waiting to be seated by the hostess and my mind had wandered for a minute. Was it any wonder? If not for the hour long baths he insisted I take everyday I would be too sore to walk. Sex had become my whole life and I wouldn’t have it any other way. We both approached it like we were making up for lost time. I think I’d always viewed marriage as what my parents had. Even when I knew all those years ago that I loved Jake I was quite willing to accept that fate if it meant I could have him for always. Imagine my shock that what we have was nothing like that. Daddy pretty much ignored mom unless he was berating her about something she’s done that was not to his liking. Jake meanwhile wanted to know everything I was doing every second. And he was such a mix of confusion, one minute he’d ask why I wasn’t with his mom and Mindy while they were doing something next door, only to call me home half an hour later. I think his job must be very tiring too because he slept a lot those first few days; the thing was I had to take naps too. I would lay there wide awake while he took his nap, then he’d wake up and pound me into the mattress before letting me go. When I asked him what that was about he said he couldn’t sleep without my weight under him, it didn’t feel right.

  We were finally seated and Jake ordered me that drink with the embarrassing name right in front of his mom, because his sister the troublemaker said I liked it. He kept his hand around the back of my chair and I wondered when that would end? When he’d start taking me for granted and not want me as much… “Whatever you’re thinking wife cut it out.” He whispered into my neck just below my ear. Did the man miss nothing? In the last few weeks he’s been on top of everything. If I even hinted that I might like to try something he made sure I got it. Except clothes, I wanted to try all the latest fashionable things in the magazines but Jake said he was just fine with what I’d always worn or as he’d put it. ‘I fell in love with you while you were wearing that shit why the fuck you’d think that should change is beyond me’. And he’d thrown out my nice halter-top after tearing it in half. ‘Too much of my shit on display in that thing Jacqueline, I don’t want to have to break a motherfucker in half for doing what comes naturally’. He has such a way with words my Jake.

  “I’m not thinking anything.”

  “Yeah you were, it’s written all over your face. You’re worrying about some fuckery again, what is it this time?”

  I played with my cloth napkin and peeked from beneath my lashes at Mindy and Joan to make sure they were busy talking to each other to pay any attention to our conversation. They were good about stuff like that. This way they wouldn’t witness another one of my embarrassing moments. I don’t know why I keep acting like a ninny, this was everything I’d ever wanted, ever dreamed of. And maybe that’s why I was so afraid that it would all end. “Sometimes it doesn’t seem real, that you could want
me or love me this much.” He looked over at his mom and sister before taking my hand that was laying on the table between us and putting it in his lap. My eyes flew open wide and I looked around to see if anyone else had noticed my husband putting my hand on his hard cock under the table.”

  “That answer your question? Now cut it out and enjoy your evening.”

  Just then we heard a child’s scream and something crashing to the floor. Everyone turned at once to see what was going on. There was a very red faced woman sitting a few tables over with a very annoyed little boy who’d apparently thrown his food on the floor. The waitress looked stunned, like she had no idea what to do as the mother apologized profusely.”

  “Lady why don’t you take that idiot and get the hell out of here? People are trying to enjoy a pleasant evening in a nice place nobody has time for your stupid brat.” A very large man at the table next to theirs yelled loud enough for everyone to hear. The woman cringed with every word as though they were slaps. People at the surrounding tables started murmuring amongst each other but no one came to her rescue. I felt bad for her as she looked around as if afraid or ashamed.

  “Son…” I looked up at Joan’s call to Jake. I’d been so distracted by the young mother’s turmoil that I hadn’t even realized he’d stood from the table. “I’m good mom.” My heart beat like a runaway train when he approached the beer gutted man who’d been accosting the mother. He looked like he could break poor Jake in half. Mindy was halfway out of her seat before her mom pulled her back down. “Your brother can take care of himself.”


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