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My Little Farm Girl Page 8
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Page 8
When her little hand came up and covered mine on her cheek, I felt my heart clench. How was it possible to feel this much for someone I’d only just met?
I fought hard to hide my inner rage from her; I didn’t want to traumatize her any more than she already had been. Kissing her forehead I pulled the cloth away to assess the damage.
The sight of the handprint in her cheek only served to enrage me further and I had to remind myself that it was better for me to be here taking care of her than for me to follow Marion and strangle her.
“What happened baby?”
She sucked in a deep breath and the tears started again. “I thought she was just having one of her spells.”
“Spells?” I turned her face to mine so I could see her eyes.
“Yeah, you know, like when she gets mad and screams out of nowhere, or when she throws and breaks things?” she looked at me as if I was supposed to know what she was talking about; at my blank look she carried on.
“When I got back she was already upset because I’d been gone so long. I told her everything that had happened, I thought she would be happy for me, but she got this look on her face, it was scary.” She trembled and swiped at her cheeks with trembling hands.
“Then she saw my new phone and asked where I’d gotten it and that’s when it happened. When I told her that you had gotten it for me she started screaming, calling me the most ugly names.
When I tried to tell her that it wasn’t anything like that she struck me and snatched the phone and threw it into the wall. Then she tried to push the cabinet over on me, so I ran.
By then the others were coming to see what all the fuss was about and someone called security because she was still coming after me.” Her poor little body shuddered and I drew her into me enveloping her in my arms. Screw moving too fast.
My mind raced with thoughts of the steps I had to take next. I knew Marion would never tell her parents the truth, but I also knew she could spin anything to suit herself, so I made the call myself. I was straightforward and as honest as the situation allowed before giving her the phone.
I listened as she told them of her visit so far with her so-called aunt. My blood heated up at some of the things she imparted; even though she tried to be as quiet as she could I still over heard it all.
Then again it would’ve been hard for me not to since I’d picked her up and sat her in my lap. Shit, I needed to get her stuff from that apartment. As much as I didn’t want to expose her to the other woman’s venom anymore for the day, I needed her there to make sure she got all of her belongings and we needed to get there before Marion destroyed it all.
“Feel better now?” I took the phone from her and hung it up. I knew that her parents were upset, not with her, but with themselves for trusting their daughter with someone they thought they could trust.
I never would’ve handed her the phone if I thought it would’ve gone the other way. She nodded her head and tried to put on a brave face. I wish I could give her time, but the sooner we got this over with the better. I wasn’t about to let Marion or anyone else for that matter upset her again.
“Come on sweetheart we need to go collect your stuff.”
“But where am I going to go?”
“I already told your dad that I’ll be taking you home with me.” Her eyes widened at my admission.
“There’s nothing for you to worry about kitten, everything’s going to be okay. Nothing will happen to you in my home that you don’t want.”
I’m not sure if she understood the meaning behind my words, but she seemed to be satisfied with my answer. I played around with the idea of taking security with me but nixed it in the end. Too many people had already had a ringside seat to this little drama as it was.
Chapter 7
I held her close as we made our way through the streets of the city, neither of us saying a word. When we reached the apartment I kept her behind me as we approached the door.
I didn’t bother ringing the bell just banged my fist on the door. A very disheveled and red-faced Marion answered the door.
“You…” she started as soon as she saw me standing there with Kitten hidden protectively behind me. I pushed past her and entered, closing the door behind me.
“Go get your stuff baby, make sure you get everything okay.”
“You can’t just waltz in here like this, I want you and your little bitch out of here…”
“QUIET! Don’t forget who owns this place.” I waited until Kitten was out of earshot before bending and glaring into her face, barely holding onto my famous temper.
“The only reason I’m not snapping your scrawny neck like a twig is because I know it would upset her. You ever go near her again I’ll forget that you’re a woman and end you.” She stepped back away from me clutching her throat.
“You think you’re so slick, playing it cool that night but I knew. Does she know that you just want to fuck her and discard her?” I smirked down at her and leaned in closer.
“That’s where you’re wrong, you see, she’s everything that you’re not and could never be. She’s young, beautiful and sweet. Everything I’m looking for in a wife.” I knew that would cut her deep, since she’d been scheming for that position herself.
“You’re going to marry that hayseed? Pull the other one, I know you I’ve had you.” She said the last loud enough that her voice would be sure to carry into the other room.
“No, I had you and found you more than lacking. I think I traded up, thanks for the intro by the way.” She came at me with her claws bared, spitting fire and some of the filthiest shit I’d ever heard from such a supposedly cultured and polished lady of society.
Her true colors were shining through loud and clear. Thank fuck Kitten came back with her bags just then or I might’ve gone back on my word and thrown the bitch out the nearest window instead of just brushing her aside. I had one last parting shot as we left.
“If you try anything to hurt her I will destroy you. You’re young yet; I’m sure some unsuspecting fool will give you a job. You do anything more to her and I will see that you never work in this business again. And don’t forget, I know you, even the things you’ve tried so hard to hide.”
I gave her my sinister smile before turning and walking away. I’m sure she thought the protective arm I threw around Kitten was for her benefit, but nothing could be farther from the truth. I’d stopped thinking about her two seconds after walking away.
“What’s going to happen to aunt Marion now?” my sweet girl; is it any wonder I’d fallen so hard and so fast?
I kissed her forehead and put her head back down on my shoulder. I sincerely didn’t give two fucks at this point, but she would, that soft heart of hers would have her caring for a woman who’d treated her so callously. Instead of sharing my true feelings however I took her gentle nature into account when I answered.
“She’ll be fine I’m sure. People like her always land on their feet.” I didn’t tell her that the woman she called her aunt would have to look for a job and a new home in the next two weeks.
The apartment came with the job and since she’s no longer employed by O’Rourke Industries, she would have to vacate the premises. Good riddance.
I watched the city go by out the window as I held her close to me, protecting her too late. I felt quite a bit of anger at myself for miscalculating that step.
After everything Robyn had reported to me in the last week I should’ve known that something like this could happen. It was done now, nothing I could do about it, except try to make it up to her.
When we got to my place in the city she seemed shy and uncertain as I led her inside. “Stop worrying Gabriella, nothing’s going to hurt you here, I told you.” Funny but now that I had her here I no longer felt that wild tenseness. I could relax now and enjoy what was to come.
I had the need to seduce her, slowly. To build up to the visions I had in my head. I showed her to the guest bedroom and dropped her
bags, reminding myself that we needed to go shopping as soon as possible.
Without asking I went to the guest bathroom and ran her a bath. Coming back out I saw that she was still standing in the same spot I’d left her.
“Why don’t you go have your bath while I make us some dinner?” I walked out of the room and closed the door. Downstairs in the kitchen I got out the vegetables for a salad and the makings for my famous Fettuccini Alfredo with homemade sauce.
I busied myself to take my mind off of the naked girl upstairs in the bathroom. I only had to adjust my cock twice as I imagined her tits poking through the bubbles of her bath. Or whether or not she had a thick bush of pussy hair the same color as the wild mop on her head. Animal!
I had to hold onto the counter with a tight grip and take deep breaths to keep myself from going up those stairs. I heard her moving around up there just as I was turning off the fire under the sauce.
She came down the stairs five minutes later looking like the teenager that she was and I had a sudden bout of conscience. What the fuck was I doing?
Was I really thinking of introducing this kid to my wildest fantasies? She looked so young and vulnerable standing there, with her hair wet, face bare of any hint of makeup. I noticed that her lips were a soft pink without the gloss she usually wore; I preferred it like that, natural and so fucking sexy.
She was wearing an old tee shirt over cut off shorts that showed off her long tanned legs. I guess working on a farm had its benefits, her legs were well toned and I could imagine them gripping me as I slid in and out of her wet heat. For fuck sake think about something else would ya.
“How do you feel?” I turned away under the pretense of checking the pasta that was boiling on the stove. If I’d looked at her much longer I’m afraid I would’ve spoiled my plans.
The next few weeks were going to be rough having her here, but I didn’t want her alone, and taking her to a hotel didn’t make much sense. Come on Callan, you’re a big boy you can control yourself surely.
I recited mathematical equations in my head until my cock went down and it was safe to turn back to her.
“A lot better thanks, what can I do to help?” Don’t come any closer baby I’m hanging on by a thread here. I could smell the soap from her bath and something else, something soft and sweet that made my senses tingle.
“You can set the table, the dishes and silverware are over there.” I pointed her in the right direction and watched her tight ass as she moved.
She was wearing a bra, but either it was the wrong size or it wasn’t made for support because I could see her tits bounce as she turned. Her nipples were hard and I wondered if it was from the AC or something else.
We sat down together and I tried to keep the conversation light, as she was still visibly upset.
“You know you didn’t do anything wrong right?” She hung her head and placed her fork down next to her plate.
“I feel like I have, aunt Marion was doing something nice for me and I cost her her job and…”
“You didn’t cost her anything, she did it all by herself,” I reached for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, “tell me, do you think that it was right for her to strike you, or any of the other things you told your parents that she’s done since you’ve been here?” Her face reddened with embarrassment that I’d overheard.
“No, but, she can’t help it. I don’t think she means to be like that it’s just her spells.” She actually seemed to believe that shit.
The only spells that viper had were the ones brought on by being a first class bitch. She was a spoilt, manipulative harpy who only cared about herself. I guess I was going to have to tell her some of the truth after all if only to relieve her from this unwarranted guilt.
“You’ve mentioned these spells before, I’m not sure what you mean by that, but if you’re under the impression that Marion has some sort of mental issue, she doesn’t, not in the sense that you mean anyway.” I let that sink in before going on. I hadn’t meant to open this conversation so early in the game, but it looks like Marion had helped me once again with her shit.
She seemed to be mulling over my words so I decided to forge on.
“Do you know why she reacted the way she did?”
She shook her head no and I pushed my half finished dinner aside so I could face her completely. Taking both her hands in mine I gave her a small tug. “Look at me Kitten.” I waited until I had her full attention before continuing.
“She was jealous.” Her eyes widened and she gave me a look of disbelief.
“Jealous… of me?”
“But why, she’s beautiful and smart and she has an amazing job, and she’s got that great apartment looking over the park and…”
“For women like Marion that’s not enough; besides, that’s not what I meant. She’s jealous of us.” I let it hang in the air, watching her closely for her reaction to my bold statement.
“But why? I don’t understand.” I saw the flash in her eyes, even as she told herself that I couldn’t mean what she thought I did.
I knew her so well already it was uncanny. Poor little Kitten, she wore her heart on her sleeve and her every emotion on her face.
“Because she knows I want you…and I no longer want her.”
She grew quiet for a bit, worrying her lip with her teeth, as she seemed to be pondering her next words carefully.
“She said you were…lovers, is that true?” Her voice had gone soft and uncertain and she withdrew her hands from mine. Fuck that!
“Look at me kitten.” She picked her head up right away and I reached for her hand. Rubbing my fingers slowly over hers I looked into her eyes. I had no intentions on lying to her ever and especially not about this, about us.
“Yes, we were, but that was a long time ago, and was over before you showed up here.” I saw the hurt in her eyes and wondered at the innocence of youth. She tried to pull her hand away from mine again but I held on tighter.
“It was a long time ago baby.” Well not that long in actual days, more like a few months, but in the sense that she was out of my system it could’ve been eons.
One look at my Kitten and I couldn’t even remember Marion or the others that came before her. But her reaction had served a purpose and now I know. Looks like I might be able to skip some of those steps I’d planned in my head.
“May I be excused please?”
“No.” Her head shot up and I saw fire in her for the first time. She was pissed that I’d fucked Marion, but didn’t know how to show it or what to say. I wanted to explore that, make her own her feelings, and maybe by doing so, get her to admit to some of her own where I was concerned.
She didn’t move an inch after my refusal, just fumed for a few minutes and my cock leaked pre-cum into my silk boxers.
Did she have any idea how much of a turn-on her capitulation to me was? I doubt it, that’s what made it so damn perfect; she was a natural. Thank fuck it was I who had picked her up from that train, fresh off the farm so to speak.
I know some who would exploit her, take her for granted and even hurt her. In my hands she would know only love and desire; how fucking awesome was it that I’d found her?
“I had a life before I met you Kitten, that can’t be erased, you can’t hold what I did before we met against me. I’m sorry that this hurts you, but there’s nothing in me for her any longer and never have been, we were just…” how do I explain to someone as innocent as her that Marion and I just scratched an itch? “ We were just spending time together but there was nothing serious about it.”
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore.” She was jealous and trying hard not to show it. She was also more than a little pissed. I’m sure it wasn’t because of the way she’d been treated at the other woman’s hands. I was pretty sure she would have this reaction no matter who it was. I squeezed her hand, leaving the rest for later.
“Finish your dinner love.” She pouted
but did as she was told, taking small bites of her food with one hand the best she could since I still had hold of the other.
When we were through I had her help me clean up the kitchen, taking every opportunity to touch her. Innocent touches of course, just enough to get her use to me. I invaded her space at every turn until the soft flush to her skin told me I was getting to her. “Let’s go into the study it’s too early for bed.”
Once in the study I pulled her over to the big stuffed chair to sit on my lap instead of taking the couch. It was a bold move yes, but I couldn’t resist. I needed her near at all times it seemed; needed to be touching her in some way.
She was a bit stiff at first, which was to be expected, but I sat in such a way that she couldn’t feel the evidence of my semi hard cock.
I placed my hands loosely around her middle in a way that she had no choice but to lean into me otherwise she would be in an odd position.
“Now tell me why it pisses you off that I had Marion.” Right away the hair came down to cover her face and she refused to look at me. I wasn’t having any of that though. I pushed the hair back behind her ear and turned her face with a finger under her chin.
She still wouldn’t look me in the eye but at least she was no longer hiding. When she didn’t answer me immediately I jiggled my legs under her to get her attention. “I’m waiting.”
“I’m not…”
“Yes you are, don’t lie to me.” She gave me a quick look before ducking her head again.
“I don’t know why, I…did you love her?”
Wow, I don’t think I’d expected her response to be that honest, that telling. “No Kitten, I’ve never been in love with anyone until recently.” Her brow knitted and she seemed to be searching for the meaning to my words, but I decided to let the answer come to her in its own time.
“Is there anything else you would like to know about my relationship with her?” Usually I wouldn’t do this, wouldn’t discuss one woman with another, but I think the situation called for it.