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My Little Farm Girl Page 9
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Page 9
They were too close for it not to matter and who knows what lies Marion had been telling her if any? I needed to dispel any notions she might have that the brief fling I’d had with the other woman was anything more than that.
As I spoke I ran the thumb of one hand sensually back and forth across the soft inner skin of her wrist, right above her pulse. Her breathing became shallow and she fidgeted a bit on my lap before settling down again.
“I don’t know, I can’t think of any right now except…no never mind.” I let it go for now since her face had gone red as a cherry again.
We sat there for a while not saying anything, just enjoying being close. When my cock started his shit I thought it prudent to get her out of harm’s way.
“I think you should head on up to bed sweetheart, it’s getting late and you’ve got a long day tomorrow.”
“Are we still doing that?”
“Of course.” I wasn’t sure why she would think that we weren’t but I left it at that. I walked her to the door of her room, and instead of the kiss I wanted to give her, I settled for a kiss to her forehead and a squeeze of her hand before turning and heading for my office. It was going to be a long night.
Chapter 8
I didn’t breathe until the door closed behind me. My heart felt as though it had been in my throat all evening.
I looked around the room he’d given me. It was beautiful, with its green and gold color scheme and the wicker furniture that stood out amidst all the splashes of color.
Very grown up I thought, as I walked around the room touching the little knick knacks on the bureau before going over to the windows that looked out over the park.
It was a cool night coming onto the end of September, summer was gasping for its last breath and the scent of fall was in the air.
I went back over the day’s events as I gazed out of the window at nothing. I’d been so excited when I got back to the editing room. I couldn’t wait to share my good news with Robyn and some of the other girls that had befriended me in the past week.
As soon as I got back I knew something was wrong, everyone was acting as if they were on pins and needles and the usually bustling place seemed to be on a slower pace.
I’d been about to ask one of the girls what had happened, when aunt Marion came out of her office and saw me.
“You, get in here now.” I felt a little embarrassed about being spoken to like that in front of a roomful of strangers, but with my head down I went after her.
She was probably just having another one of her spells I thought. But I was too excited to let that bother me. Callan was back and he hadn’t forgotten me. I almost smiled as I remembered our time together.
“Where did you go?”
Like an idiot I told her, thinking she would be excited for me; I forgot to call him Mr. O’Rourke I think, and maybe that’s what set her off. “I told you not to call him that.”
“But he said it was okay.” For some reason I felt very resentful towards her attitude where Callan was concerned. She’d dropped hints to me before about their relationship, but I wasn’t sure what to believe any more.
Surely if he were in love with her as she implied he would’ve called her while he was away, and he hadn’t. I know because like a fool each evening before I was sent off to bed, I’d hover near the phone on the off chance that he did call and I would get to at least hear his voice.
I felt guilty for my feelings, but couldn’t seem to help them. He was so perfect, at least in my dreams he was. That wild burnish copper hair and those eyes that had seemed to look right into my deepest self.
No one had ever looked at me the way he had that night. Had ever made my heart beat out of control. I knew I had a stupid crush on him and that there was no way he’d ever return my feelings, but none of that stopped me from seeing his face in my dreams, or wishing…
When the calls never came I put it out of my mind. Maybe he called her on her cell phone, though I never saw her on it in the evenings or heard its shrill ringtone after she’d ordered me to bed while she paced the apartment back and forth until all hours of the night.
Her odd behavior had only worked to convince me more and more that she was like aunt Nettie, and I’d begun to feel sorry for her.
So it was easy to overlook her nasty remarks about my hair and my body or the clothes I wore. I promised myself that I would go shopping with my first paycheck and buy some things that wouldn’t as she said ‘shame her’.
But then today happened and I was back to being confused. I wasn’t expecting the slap across the face and was too stunned to react for the first few seconds.
“Don’t you sass me you little bitch, after everything I’ve done for you this is the thanks I get? Who told you you could sign a contract without my say-so? I’m in charge of you while you’re here, your parents are expecting me to look out for you.”
“But isn’t this a good thing? It’s not acting but they want me to be the new face of the company, isn’t that just as good for now?” Silly me was still trying to reason with her.
“I bet you went crying to him that night he picked you up at the train station didn’t you? How did you pull it off, did you suck his dick?”
My mouth had fallen open then at the harsh bitter words and it was all I could do to stand there and listen to her tirade.
Then she’d seen the phone in my hand with the cute sparkly butterfly on the case. I was clutching it in my hand and had all but forgotten that it was there.
Callan had taken it out of the box and programmed all his numbers in it before giving it back.
That gesture had made me feel so warm and special, like he really cared. And if it turned out he was just doing it for business reasons there was nothing wrong with me pretending that he’d done it because he liked me.
Even as green as I am, I knew there was no reason for him to give me all of his private numbers here and abroad just for work.
“Where did you get that?” She was breathing really hard at this point and I instinctively took a step back. It’s a good thing I did because she shoved the file cabinet towards me. Lucky for me, it’s one of those ones that have wheels so instead of toppling over on top of me it sailed out the door and crashed into the wall.
I was momentarily, distracted by that, and it gave her time to grab my new phone from my hand and throw it against the opposite wall in her office. I don’t know why that should upset me more than all the horrible things that she’d said, but it did.
“I don’t understand why you’re being so mean to me…” that seemed to send her over the edge. By now I knew the others were listening in, as there was a wall of silence coming from outside the door.
I was mortified to say the least and though it’s not my usual style, for once I wanted to lash out at her, but I didn’t. I looked down at the broken phone and turned to leave the room. I didn’t know where I was going but I had to get out of there. I’d barely made it one week in New York; that must be some kind of record.
“Where do you think you’re going you little bitch?”
“I’m going to tell Cal…” I’d started to say I was going to tell him that I couldn’t take the job because I was going home. It seemed silly to be giving up that easy but I couldn’t stay with her one more night knowing what she thought of me.
She flew at me then, her nails drawn into claws as she spewed more hate at me. In the midst of it I made out the words ‘he’s mine and all he wants you for is a cheap fuck’. That’s when the others got involved and tried to protect me from her.
Next thing I knew, Callan was there and I felt even worst. I would never see him again, never hear his voice or see that smile.
I felt the loss like a pain in my chest. But then he was holding me, and everything felt right again, even though I knew it wouldn’t last. I’d been nothing but trouble since I got here, at least that’s what aunt Marion had said, so it was probably best if I left.
Besides, I’m
sure he wouldn’t appreciate such behavior in the workplace and though I hadn’t started it, I had been the cause.
Aunt Marion was a valued employee while I was nothing more than the poor little farm girl that she’d reached out to help.
How was I going to face momma after this? what would I tell her? aunt Marion was her friend, my family will be so disappointed. All these things were running through my head as he led me away. So imagine my surprise and confusion at finding myself here now.
It was dark and she had finally gone to bed. I’d been secretly watching her from my place in the shadows on the balcony off my bedroom for the last half hour.
She looked so lost and alone, that it was a struggle not to go to her to offer comfort, but not yet. I closed my eyes against the need to go to her and called on all my strength to stay where I was.
I stood there for I don’t know how long, just watching her, my gaze never leaving her. Even in the scant glow of the moonlight she was an open book. So sad, and so beautiful it hurt. After she turned away from the window I went inside to my cold lonely bed.
I didn’t sleep for shit that night and was up before the dawn when she came padding into the kitchen not long after.
“What’re you doing up so early Kitten?” I’d stopped avoiding using the name, since I’d already slipped once and let the cat out of the bag.
“I always wake up early, it comes from growing up on a farm I guess.”
“I see. Well it’s early yet but are you ready for breakfast?” I stood to go to the refrigerator.
“Why don’t you sit and let me do it this time?”
I studied her for a bit with her sleep tousled hair in the little house on the prairie nightdress, her bare feet small and somehow very sexually arousing with their unpolished nails.
“No, I’ll cook for you, sit.” She’d had a rough week and needed tending to. I was going to take whatever time she wasn’t being prodded and primped in the next few days to see that she enjoyed herself. That she finally got to see the city the way I’m sure good old Marion hadn’t allowed her to.
She took a seat at the table as I poured her a glass of juice. Her eyes followed me around the room as I moved back and forth from the fridge to the stove so I could make her egg whites with turkey bacon and whole grain toast.
I’m sure sometime in the next few days she’d meet some food nazi who was going to tell her what she could and could not eat, but I wasn’t about to let that fly.
From now on, I’m the only one who will take charge of such things where she was concerned. I had no intentions on letting anyone turn her into a replica of herself.
In fact, the only reason I was even letting her do this is because she came here with a dream; but I have other plans for my little Kitten. Plans that do not involve her starving herself to fit into some societal mold!
In fact, if all goes my way, she’d be heading hard in the opposite direction from what any casting agent might prefer.
Again my thoughts were leading me down a path best left untouched for now. In my jaded way I knew that I could have her now if I wanted, she was vulnerable, sweet and she felt the pull. But not her, no way was I going to make a mockery of what we will eventually mean to each other.
So I ignored the seemingly ever-present hard-on as I bustled around the kitchen preparing the first of many breakfasts we’d share. “Did you sleep well baby?”
“Yes, the bed is so soft, like sleeping on a cloud.” She smiled bright when I turned back over my shoulder to look at her but I could see the slight sadness in her eyes.
“Eat up, you need your strength.” I let my hand brush innocently against the back of hers as I placed her plate in front of her. “So you had a good night then, that’s good.”
“Yes, thank you I did. I wasn’t sure I would after…after everything that happened, but as soon as I put my head down I fell asleep.”
I smiled at her with none of my inner thoughts showing. It must be the lavender I’d added to her bath and underneath her pillow the night before.
I didn’t want her fretting herself over the likes of Marion; she wasn’t worth it. I could see she was still a little raw from her ordeal, but I wasn’t about to bring it up again and spoil the morning.
We chatted easily as I tried to tell her some of what she might be facing today. It was good to see some of the excitement coming back to her.
“Do you really think I can do it Cal? I mean, I’ve never done anything like this before and Ms. Deveraux seems to want me to just jump right in. What if I mess up?”
I covered her hand with mine, “you’ll be perfect Kitten stop worrying.” She took a deep breath and chatted away about any and everything and with a jolt I remembered how young she was. Damn, I’m a cradle robber.
She talked about her best friend back home and how she couldn’t wait to give her the news. There wasn’t an ounce of malice or bragging in her voice, just a young girl who expected her friend to be happy for her. Thank heavens I’d been the one to find her. I think I’d keep saying that little prayer everyday for the rest of my days.
“Why don’t you call her later after we’ve finish here?”
“Really, but I don’t have a phone.”
“Use mine or the house line love.” She seemed a little hesitant at the offer. “What is it what’s wrong?”
“Nothing, it’s just; isn’t it a bit expensive for me to call home?”
“I don’t think so unless she lives on another planet.” I joked not quite sure why she would think that it would be.
“But aunt Marion said…”
“What did she say?”
She fiddled with the tail end of her sleeve and bit into her lip.
Down boy, it’s not an invitation, not with this one.
On any other woman that look, the affectation, would scream flirt; the fact that she did it so effortlessly, so naturally, only piqued my interest farther. As if it needed it. “Well?”
“She said I couldn’t call home because it cost too much.”
Bitch. What a cold unconscionable bitch.
“She lied baby, but that’s okay, she’s not here now and you can do anything you like. If there’s anything you need all you need do is ask. Do you understand?” She nodded her head and attacked that lip again.
“Good, have you had enough or would you like some more?” I had to get her out of there quick before my visions of spreading her out and feasting on her sweet pussy on the breakfast table became a reality.
“I’m good thanks may I look around the apartment or do we have to leave soon?”
“Feel free, we have a few hours yet.” The smile I gave her kept the predatory gleam in my eyes well hidden. Soon!
Chapter 9
I didn’t follow her out of the kitchen on her little exploration; instead I sat back and enjoyed my coffee waiting for the result. Would she question, even mention it or let it go?
It was her first real test of sorts, I wanted her curious of course, but I waited to see how she handled that curiosity. I knew which way I wanted it to go, and my body reacted to the idea that it had started.
My pulse beat with anticipation of what laid ahead. I had her training already mapped out in my head. Though she was well on her way already, that submissive streak was a mile wide.
But I didn’t want a puppet in my bed. I wanted a willing participant to the things I wanted to do to her. Depraved as some of them might be.
Her training would be more along the lines of teaching her the things I liked in and out of bed. Though ready to please as she was, when it came to fucking I have very specific needs.
Not only that, for the life I envisioned for us to work, she had to be trained in all things, not just sexually. I can’t wait to get started.
All in all I’d have to say that things were moving faster than I’d ever imagined them to. I thought for sure it would be at least another couple of weeks before I could bring her into my lair, but he
re it was just a little more than a week later, and she was already here.
Did that mean that I should speed up the rest of it? Nah, like a lion in the wild, now that I had brought down my prey so to speak, I could take my time and play with it; savor, enjoy.
She came back into the room and took her seat across from me. I could see the question in her eyes, but just as I’d expected and hoped, she said nothing. She cleared the table and stacked the dishes in the washer while I finished my coffee.
“Let’s go love.” She didn’t question, just took my proffered hand and followed me out of the room. I took her down to my workout room, and walking over to the built in closet, retrieved the workout clothes I’d stored there for her.
They were just some of the many other things that I had taken the liberty of ordering for her the day after we first met.
There was still a lot to come, but I’d made a good head start. It helps that I’d always had a good idea of what I wanted; all that was needed, all that had been missing was the right mate, so I could choose the size and coloring.
She studied the clothes in her hands, and noticing that the tags were still on, her shoulders relaxed. I guess that was evidence that no other woman had worn them before. I left her to change in the little changing room while I went to the bathroom to do the same.
I almost swallowed my tongue when she came out; I’d chosen well if I do say so myself. The coppery bronze color of the fitted top and matching bike style shorts blended well with her hair coloring and her skin.
The shape of her body, more pronounced in the form fitting clothing was even more spectacular than I’d first thought. I could see the sweet outward curve of her ass in the mirror behind her, and right away, visions of my large callused hands holding onto those globes as I watch my cock slide in and out of her from behind filled my head.
I started her off with light calisthenics, I wasn’t sure what if any exercise she’d done before, but I also wasn’t interested in her becoming muscular; just enough to keep her fit, and healthy.